Cyborg #2

Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier, Sandra Hope Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 5, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
7.3Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

"THE IMITATION OF LIFE" part three! Vic Stone's quest to save his soul is threatened by an attack from Kilg%re, an artificial alien life form that wishes to purge Cyborg of any remnants of his humanity.

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 5, 2016

    Cyborg continues to be incredible at capturing the character within. The creative team has him going down a road that is testing him in a way you don't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Oct 5, 2016

    Cyborg #2 is a great read if you're a Cyborg fan and a great read if you're not. You don't have to know what's happened in the previous issue to dive in and enjoy, but you will want to read the next with the cliffhanger they leave at the end. Not to spoil it for you, but even in Killgore's defeat Victor still has no closure although he thinks he does — and that's dangerous. I can't wait to see how Victor responds when the truth is revealed! Check out Cyborg#2! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Terrence Sage Oct 5, 2016

    Cyborg #2 knocks aside asking the bigger questions in favor of a battle of the tech brothers and soon to be family trouble. The creative team create a grounded approach to Cyborg and his team, capturing otherworldly visuals with bright colors and emotional beats to match the rising territory Semper is creating in the inaugural “rebirth” of Cyborg. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Oct 5, 2016

    The issue's cliffhanger was cleverly done and should have lasting repercussions on the title. I don't see Cyborg becoming a top tier title, but it's enjoyable enough in this early stretch that it's sustaining my interest. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Outright Geekery - Leroy Dee Oct 9, 2016

    As I suspected, two steps forward, two steps back. After a really thought provoking last issue, this issue goes back to robot fight #1743764547. The moral dilemma that Cyborg's opponent tries to put him through was also resolved last issue, so there isn't even a hint of dilemma in this one. The selling point of this book, just like the last, is Cyborg's interaction with his father and Sarah. The artwork makes it impossible to not fall in love with Sarah, plus Victor and Silas Stone may have one of the most complex father/son relationships in comics. I'll keep reading because those relationships seemed to get even more intriguing, but hopefully action-wise they can shake up the formula a bit. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 5, 2016

    I was really disappointed with this issue of Cyborg because of all the needless ramblings of our villain, that were just thrown over the one-sided fight scene that took up the majority of the issue.  Even with that though, you'd expect some awesome action, but the fight just wasn't great to look at because the colors were just muddy as hell and the only real positive thing I can say is that from the cliffhanger we got, I find myself still interested in where this series is going.  Read Full Review

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