Batman #12

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 7, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 95
7.6Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

+ Pull List

"I AM SUICIDE" part four! As Bane decimates Batman's team, the Dark Knight must decide how far he's willing to go-and who he's willing to sacrifice-for those he left in Gotham City.  

  • 10
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Dec 8, 2016

    Tom King knows how to put his mark on a series. Batman #12 is bold, daring, deep and emotional. Prepare yourselves, because this is one hell of a ride and King is just getting started. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Liu Dec 8, 2016

    Batman #12 is a triumphant display of Tom King’s incredible ability to dissect a character to its core and give us a yarn that can resonate both emotionally and intellectually. On display also is Mikel Janin’s immaculate artwork, which brings us Batman’s journey into the heart of Santa Prisca in an incredibly colorful and detailed manner. For fans of Batman stories that are just as mentally engaging as they are entertaining, Batman #12 is required reading! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Dec 7, 2016

    Batman #12 will give you a lot of things to process and may open doors for you that hide the same shadows Bruce tries his damnedest to keep at bay. To that end, I understand how this can be a difficult read for many people. In that same vein, I think this issue is immensely powerful because it questions not only Bruces motivations for his crusade against crime, but also why we do the things we do and what we hope to get out of them. There is a grand discussion to have about the content of this issue which I hope prompts people to think about their own trauma and how it manifests now. Kudos to the team for creating this brilliant piece of work, from word to image, and for doing so with a delicacy befitting its nature. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Dec 7, 2016

    ArtMikel Janin, Hugo Petrus and June Chung are simply destroying on this book. This is some of the best Batman art I have seen. It not only perfectly fits the somber, more serious mood of the story, it also is inventive as hell. The continuing use of single page backgrounds with multiple renditions of Batman moving throughoutthe page to convey action is simply stunning. The level of detail is incredible and begs for multiple readings and flipping through. And the panels where colorist Chung uses that shade of yellow to highlight moments of action are especially effective. They pop too, giving the feeling of a cinematic quick cut. And thats the key word for the art here: cinematic. This book reads like a serious Batman film. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 7, 2016

    This arc hasn't been especially consistent in quality, but it's clear that Tom King's Batman work is never stronger than when he's paired with Mikel Janin. This issue marks a new high point for the series, blending violent, brilliantly choreographed action scenes with a deep, disturbing look at the man underneath Batman's cowl. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Comicsverse - Aaron Berke Dec 11, 2016

    As Batman moves to confront both Bane and Catwoman, he lands on his knees, ready to confront death once again. Not for himself this time, but for Catwoman. The two are kindred spirits, perpetual vessels of suicide incarnate. They constantly exist in the purgatory between living and dying. Batman has chosen to resist death, but Catwoman has yet to make that choice. Now the time has come. As they circle each other, preparing to strike one final time, King suggests that this is the last stand for Batman and Catwoman. Physically, Batman makes his last stand against Bane, but emotionally and psychologically, it's all about Catwoman. Together, the Bat and the Cat will either fight death" or finally succumb. We'll see how it all ends next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Dec 7, 2016

    Batman #12 is a great follow up to the #11, which involved more stealth than combat! Batman's betrayal by a particular person has led to this drastic change of the plan, and now Batman is fighting to survive! I'm looking forward to seeing Batman's encounter with Bane in the tunnels beneath Santa Prisca! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Joe Ryan Dec 7, 2016

    While I wanted a conclusion and a final showdown between the Bat, the Cat, and Bane, this was still a great issue. It may feel like a filler or unnecessary issue to some, but either way, we learn more about Batman here, and Tom King is doing a great job at showing thehumanity, the flaws, and the heart of the Caped Crusader. He is doing this to help Gotham Girl. That is what being dead is to Batman, to give his life for the city and people he has sworn to protect. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Jon Arvedon Dec 7, 2016

    If nothing else, the “I am Suicide” arc thus far has made it abundantly clear that Tom King is a very distinctive Batman writer. With Batman #12, you aren’t getting your run of the mill superhero comic book - you’re getting something far deeper and incisive. The core concepts and values that make up what you know and love about Batman are still there, but King is definitely presenting us with an evolution of the character. The curb appeal, thanks Janin, Petrus and Chung’s breathtaking art, is reason enough to pick up this issue. Make no mistake, though - Batman #12 is a compelling statement about the character, making this book an essential part of every Bat-reader’s collection. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 12, 2016

    Far and away the best issue of this run yet. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Dec 12, 2016

    Batman #12 was another compelling chapter in the "I Am Suicide" storyline. Framing the entire issue around a letter Batman wrote to Catwoman before the events of this story gives us a better idea what they represent in each others lives. This made Catwoman's choice come over as a bigger twist to the story. It also made the issue-long fight sequence featuring Batman fighting his way through Bane's castle even more exciting. This all culminated with a strong ending as Batman now comes face-to-face with Bane and Catwoman. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Mark Delaney Dec 7, 2016

    Did Selina really turn on him? You still won't be able to say after this issue is over, as where we finish is only a few moments after where the last issue finishes. This issue is great because of that fact, as surprising as that might sound. It moves the current story almost not at all, but delivers some great characterization from King as he navigates Bruce and Selina's relationship for the first time in his Bat-career. After a rough first half of 2016, the new scribe has found a great rhythm with the last few issues and I look forward to more in a few weeks. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 10, 2016

    My subscription to this series is still teetering as I've canceled and restarted it a couple of times between issues for a few issues now. At this stage I'm finishing out this storyline and am curious as to what the next will be like but I'm waiting for things to really click and feel like we've got some strong concept story material to work with. I still find a lot to like with what King writes and how but the main draw at this point for this series is the artwork. And Batman can survive on that but it cannot excel on that. It needs an engaging story, character interactions, and the solid motivation material that's explored here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 6, 2016

    While this issue doesn't contain many (if any) answers to the larger mysteries of the I am Suicide arc, Tom King gives us a look at Batman that is harsh and real.  Mikel Janin's art is top notch and I felt fully satisfied even as I wanted more and more. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comic Crusaders - 13th Crusader Dec 11, 2016

    Batman's life is suffering personified. His mission is to save lives. Batman has become a legend, inspiring many; he's larger than life"even though he is still, only human. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The DC Bros - Dillyn Chadwick Dec 9, 2016

    Final thoughts:In the end, Batman #12 is not a perfect issue. It was almost a waste of an issue but the revelation in Bruce's psyche makes this a very important issue for the character. It's that revelation that makes it worth it because not a whole lot happens. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 7, 2016

    The big question is if the terrific art can carry the issue. This installment is one that barely progresses the story, but Janin's art at least makes this treading in water issue worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Dec 8, 2016

    The latest issue of Batman is a mixed bag of genuine shock that puts Batman in a fresh new perspective, but also one that is frustratingly insular from the ongoing story arc. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Matthew Mahar Dec 7, 2016

    My issue with the story continues to be the disjointed feel between each installment. The narrative doesnt seem to flow as well as I would hope it would. Were nearing the end, so my final opinion will probably come down to how well they stick the landing. In two weeks, Im hoping they bring their A-game for the beginning of the end. These characters deserve it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Dec 22, 2016

    Annoyingly though,Batman #12 is most definitely a filler issue. It doesn't really further the main plot in any way, apart from making Catwoman's betrayal that little bit harder hitting. Overall, this is the one dropped beat in the series so far, which has been consistently quite entertaining. And we're still intrigued as to where the rest of the story will lead. This particular issue might read better in a collected edition, to give the reader a break from the non-stop action in the previous issues. Unfortunately as a single issue, it becomes a little disappointing. Whilst the action and art is still brilliant, we won't blame you if you skipBatman #12, and wait for the next instalment. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Patrick Hellen Dec 7, 2016

    Overall, this issue was a disappointment. I assume the Ventriloquist, still waiting in a pipe somewhere, will swoop in and save the day next issue – or Catwoman will pull the rare quadruple cross, but a good premise in this issue has killed some of the momentum for that battle royale, by being just a little too simplistic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Dec 7, 2016

    As much as I've been enjoying the I Am Suicide story arc,this issue threw me off in a couple of ways. (One) Why did Batman put togethera team to get into this prison when, in the end, he just ends up storming thegates? (Unless this is all part of his master plan which, in that case, welldone??) (Two) This letter we are reading that Batman is writing to Selina/Catwomanjust doesn't seem like Batman. Then there is the art, which was the best partof this issue. The attention to detail is fantastic and the color fit the toneof the issue very well. The panels where Batman is going through the prisonhave more grey tones and when he gets to Bane's throne room it's more of ablood red tone with this grittiness to it that, to me, looks perfect. Hopefullythe story wins me back next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Sep 8, 2021

    Batman #112 like so much of everything in recent arcs just feels like a reheated version of things we've seen before. At least this time Tynion is recycling his own homework. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Dec 8, 2016

    For months now I've defended King's run, calling for patience and saying it's a slow-burner. Well, I can no longer do this. When you look at books like The Flash, Nightwing and Titans, they've been consistently good. Even the so-called filler issues, such as Nightwing #9, are well written and aren't stretched out to buy a few more months until the next story arc. Batman, though, has become too hit-and-miss and it needs fixing. And fast. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Dec 8, 2016

    The main selling point to this issue is Mikel Janin's art. Other than that, I had a really hard time finding additional material that was worth the price of admission. King is just including so many face-palm inducing moments, I just don't know what to do anymore. People who are enjoying this arc often cite it's unpredictable nature and thought provoking plot as key factors in their support for it. While I can't argue that it does in fact have these, I don't understand why we have to abandon reason and character solidarity to attain them. Is it too much to request a healthy balance of all four? Read Full Review

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