Comicman's Profile

Joined: Oct 12, 2016

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Comicman reviewed Batman #50 Jul 4, 2018

Well, I'm not gonna deny, I am disappointed. I could have seen that this will happen. Because Tom is very good at manipulating emotions judging from previous stories, but I really wanted this marriage. I will somewhat keep up with the book because it seems to me like Dr. Manhattan is somewhat behind this judging from the end panel and the ending issue of Man of steel. But Tom pulled the rug at the more

Batman #50

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbea...

Comicman reviewed The Silencer #4 Apr 26, 2018

Well this was a step down,from the previous 3 issues.The new artist is very generic.The first half is alright,then in the second half it somewhat picks up,but not much.I am not saying that John Romita jr's art was perfect,I mean he has a tough time drawing feminine faces,but you can fell that he loved drawing this book,and he also draw a lot fenomenal action scenes.Here it's just "getting my pay a more

The Silencer #4

By: Dan Abnett, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Apr 25, 2018

"PAYBACK TIME" part one! The Silencer has been targeted by every hit man, meta-mobster and weapons-depot dropout that the Leviathan organization has to offer-now it's time for Honor Guest to take the fight back to them! Too bad Deathstroke has other plans. Silencer squares off against Slade Wilson as we kick off a brand-new epic! And this duo's dev...

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Comicman reviewed Damage #2 Feb 23, 2018

This series keeps being pretty interesting.We learn a bit more in this issue.Like how Strong Damage is,Ethan having parents,etc.The art is really.People still keep bashing the book,because he is a "Hulk rip-off.Even though:
1)He seems to be different like I said in my previous review.
2)Hulk himself is a rip-off.The most common example is Solomon Grundy.He is not that original of a conce more

Damage #2

By: Robert Venditti, Tony Daniel
Released: Feb 21, 2018

Damage can smash his way through a warzone, but can he smash his way through the Suicide Squad? Colonel Jonas takes on Amanda Waller in a race to see who can get to Damage first. And while Waller sends Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Parasite and Giganta to capture Damage by any means necessary, Colonel Jonas has her own wicked plan in play...

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Comicman reviewed Superman #41 Feb 22, 2018

Pretty good small story.It's good to see that James didn't lost fully his mojo.He is a really good writer (Batman: face the face,Starman),but he makes a lot of meh stuff.His Wonder Woman run isn't that good for instence,but this issue and the other is pretty though provoking.Even though I am a religious person myself,and I am surprised that I wasn't offended by this.The art is way better than the more

Superman #41

By: James Robinson, Ed Benes
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"SUICIDE PLANET" part two! Superman and Superboy battle the alien extremists of a world on the brink of disaster in the hope of saving them from themselves!

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It's a great tribute for both Len and Bernie who both ironicly,were born in the same year (1948) and pretty much both died last year.The story is great,basicly Swamp Thing and a kid walk though the snow,from a snow monster.That's the basic premise that the comic wants you to believe.The writing is great.It's always great to see Tom King honoring this old creators.You can tell that he loves them an more

Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

By: Tom King, Jason Fabok
Released: Feb 7, 2018

Tom King and Jason Fabok pay tribute to the legendary creators of Swamp Thing, writer Len Wein and artist Bernie Wrightson, as they join forces for an earth-shattering Swamp Thing passion project!
In this new, squarebound one-shot, Swamp Thing is out of his element as he shepherds a lost boy through a blinding blizzard and other hazards of a st...

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Comicman reviewed Batman #40 Feb 7, 2018

Yup people seems to fall for this again.I give credit for Tom King for being a good emotional manipulator.It's pretty funny seeing people falling for this again and again.First Catwoman being a murderer and a traitor,Batman siding with a child murderer,and now Wonderbat kiss.It's fun reading some of those reviews.Now the comic itself it's pretty good.Seeing Batman,being loyal to Catwoman and tryin more

Batman #40

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 7, 2018

"SUPERFRIENDS" part four! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does, the universe itself begins to crumble. The conclusion of Batman's team-up with Wonder Woman. (This story was previously slated to run in BATMAN #39.)

Comicman reviewed Detective Comics Annual #1 Feb 2, 2018

This new origin,changes Clayface from a henchman that has powers to a guy you feel sorry for and you can sympathize with him.And Barrows and Ferreira art is still one of my favorites.The passing is a little fast at the end.But other than that,this is a great book.

Detective Comics Annual #1

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jan 31, 2018

"Clay"! Here it is: the shocking, heartbreaking origin of Clayface, including his first conflict with Batman! Actor Basil Karlo was on the cusp of fame and fortune...the kind he had dreamed of through his painful childhood...until a accident robbed him of the good looks that took him to the top. But scars don't make you a monster-only the darkness ...

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Comicman reviewed The Silencer #1 Jan 31, 2018

Really great issue.For one the writing reminds me a lot of Chuck Dixon's Robin,Nightwing and Detective comics runs,were the main character monologs,while fighting making the fight more engaging if you ask me.The characters seem pretty likeable.Honor seems like an interesting character and we learn a lot,about her,like how his powers work,how experienced she is in his old job.Just to name a few,alt more

The Silencer #1

By: Dan Abnett, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 31, 2018

"CODE OF HONOR" part one! She's one of the DC Universe's deadliest assassins...and you've never heard of her. Super-strong, highly trained, armed with devastating and stealthy meta-human abilities, the Silencer is virtually invincible. Or at least she was. After decades as Leviathan's chief assassin, Honor Guest put in her time and managed to get o...

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Supershamu - Feb 5, 2018

Totally on the "faces" part. One of the reasons I rated it a little down from a 9 was the art.

Comicman reviewed Damage #1 Jan 18, 2018

Great book I see a lot of potential.I don't think this is a Hulk rip-off as many people say.Turning into a strong big monster isn't the most original idea.Plus it seems different.Ethan is a soldier not a genius.He can talk to Damage,it's not the other is unconcious and other is awake,which I think it can make some really good moments.So can't wait for the next one.

Damage #1

By: Robert Venditti, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 17, 2018

Tasked as the government's own living, breathing, ticking time bomb, Ethan retains no control when the monster takes over. Cheaper than a nuclear warhead and twice as effective, Ethan fights to rein in the damage he unleashes when the beast inside him springs free for one hour a day. With everyone around him in danger, Ethan struggles to contain th...

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed America #6 Aug 30, 2017

"give her some of this brown fist"

Quality writing right there! Seriously, this comic continues to be hilariously bad! Like a bunch of the Spanish is grammatically and/or spelled wrong. The last time I saw spanish that bad in a Marvel comic was in the Edmonson run of Punisher, and that's because he wanted to write authentic spanish and he sucked at it -- but at least he had the more

America #6

By: Gabby Rivera, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Aug 30, 2017

•  America reconnects with a childhood crush - but kissing is not what Magdalena has in mind!
•  Can Kate Bishop pull America out of the ring before Magdalena's mysterious employers spring their trap?
•  Probably not, with one of the Marvel Universe's heaviest-hitting villains making a surprise appearance! Sin C...

Comicman commented on this:
thecomiccookebook reviewed Flash #21 Apr 26, 2017

Not as strong as the opener but still very satisfying. The ending felt a little ruined by the cover solicitations but the story getting there was still well done. Art was a step down from Fabok but got the job done sufficiently. Overall, still enjoying this crossover and can't wait for Batman #22.

Flash #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part two! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

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Comicman - Apr 26, 2017

Sorry buddy,but the current art is done by Howard Porter who made some of art for Geoff Johns's Flash run,but don't worry Jason Fabok is doing the art for Batman #22.

thecomiccookebook - Apr 26, 2017

I know, I still liked the art quite a bit but it wasn't as great as Fabok. I know that Batman #22 has Fabok back however the change in art did affect my grade slightly.

Comicman rated Batman #21 Apr 19, 2017

Batman #21

By: Tom King, Jason Fabok
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part one! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed America #2 Apr 5, 2017

David Gabriel is a moron for saying Diversity is at fault for the Marvel Sales slump; that's not the case, that has never been the case -- I blame bad writing and events, and this comic is a perfect example of bad writing.

Do you want to buy a comic that is basically 22 pages of "How do you do, fellow kids" and "YASSS QUEEEN"? Then this comic is perfect for you -- it's also perf more

America #2

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Apr 5, 2017

•  America Chavez's first semester of college is off to an epic start. That's right...homework on the first day! The assignment? A field trip to the frontlines of World War II!
•  Most freshman would be intimidated - but most freshman aren't dimension-hoping heroes with Captain America as t...


Amazing issue.The humor is spot on and there is even a little message about revenge.My only problem is the art and the flintstones role.The art kinda tries to be cartoony,but it doesn't work.And The Flintstones don't do much.This issue is focusing mostly on Booster Gold,but I still think it's great,because I loved the back-up issue and it focuses on Booster gold soooooo well.I can't wait for the J more

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Booster Gold/The Flinstones #1

By: Mark Russell, Rick Leonardi
Released: Mar 29, 2017

Welcome to the 25th century, where the Earth is a polluted post-industrial nightmare, most animals are extinct, and reptilian aliens are invading cities across the planet! In their time of need, the world's citizens turn to the time-traveling Booster Gold to save the day. To learn why these aliens are seeking revenge, Booster dives deep into the pr...

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Comicman reviewed Action Comics #976 Mar 22, 2017

Great book!Dan Jurgens planned all this perfectly.

Action Comics #976

By: Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke
Released: Mar 22, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" finale! As this epic tale wraps up, Superman's life is drastically changed...and that's all we are saying for now-except that you won't want to miss it! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.

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Comicman added Doom Patrol (2016) to their pull list Mar 22, 2017

Doom Patrol (2016)

  The atoms are buzzing. The daydreams crowd sentient streets, and the creative team has been warned, "Turn back now or suffer the mighty consequence of sheer, psycho-maniacal mayhem." Generation-arsonists unite-this is DOOM PATROL, and the God of the Super Heroes is bleeding on the floor.
A blenderized reimagining of the ultimate series of t...

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Comicman rated Batman #19 Mar 17, 2017

Batman #19

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"I AM BANE" part four! Batman is losing...Bane is going to break him for good this time. The Dark Knight must turn to a very unlikely weapon to beat Bane once and for all!

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Comicman reviewed Superman #19 Mar 15, 2017

Great issue,but it's not as good as the previous issue.First the twist is pretty much gived away in the Superwoman tie-in.It's not saying it literally the twist,but you can figure out the twist.Plus like the previous issue why don't get any clues or answers to other questions and here we don't even know how is that possible that they are ***CENSORED***.I still think this issue is great,because it' more

Superman #19

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part three! In the penultimate chapter of this tale the life of Superman's son hangs in the balance-and the Man of Steel faces the truth about his life! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.

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Comicman added Super Sons (2017) to their pull list Mar 15, 2017

Super Sons (2017)

"When I grow up" part one! The sons of Batman and Superman have graduated to their own monthly comic-but if they want to survive, they're going to have to share it! Writer Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAN & ROBIN, SUPERMAN) teams with rising-star artist Jorge Jimenez (EARTH 2) to bring you the adventures of the World's Smallest. This debut issue looks at th...

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Phantom Stranger reviewed IvX #6 Mar 8, 2017

Fans: I don't think Marvel can do another shitty event with a shitty ending after Civil War.
Marvel: Hold my beer.

IvX #6

By: Charles Soule, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Mar 8, 2017

• The war between the Inhumans and the X-Men takes a dark turn leaving Inhumans hopelessly outmatched.
•  Emma Frost, the White Queen, faces off against Medusa, queen of the Inhumans, as both fight for the future of their people.
•  It all ends here. Don't miss the epic oversized conclusion of INHUMAN...

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Jeff Andrew reviewed Action Comics #975 Mar 8, 2017

Creepy Clark Kent all of a sudden makes sense. Well played mr.mxylptlk

Action Comics #975

By: Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part two! Celebrating our 975th issue with a supersize special as another layer of the Superman/Clark Kent mystery is exposed! And in a backup story written by  Paul Dini with art by Ian Churchill, learn what it all means for the Son of Superman, who is the prize in a deadly game! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and ...

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Peacefulzealot - Mar 8, 2017

Dude, spoilers?

Jeff Andrew - Mar 9, 2017

My bad!

Comicman reviewed Action Comics #975 Mar 8, 2017

Damn I feel relief and I am excited as well.We finally learn who is Creepy Kent.It's a really great twist most people won't expect who he is.My only problem is that we got only the twist and the answer we didn't get any clues or answers to other questions.But we got a great cliffhanger.I am so excited about this story like a kid waiting for his vacation to begin.

Action Comics #975

By: Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part two! Celebrating our 975th issue with a supersize special as another layer of the Superman/Clark Kent mystery is exposed! And in a backup story written by  Paul Dini with art by Ian Churchill, learn what it all means for the Son of Superman, who is the prize in a deadly game! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and ...

Comicman rated Super Sons #1 Feb 16, 2017

Super Sons #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"When I grow up" part one! The sons of Batman and Superman have graduated to their own monthly comic-but if they want to survive, they're going to have to share it! Writer Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAN & ROBIN, SUPERMAN) teams with rising-star artist Jorge Jimenez (EARTH 2) to bring you the adventures of the World's Smallest. This debut issue looks at th...

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Comicman reviewed Detective Comics #950 Feb 11, 2017

For some this would come across as a filler issue.But the structure is understandable because it's an anniversary special.Still is an amazing issue this book really gives more development for Orphan.Who was mostly in the background in previous issues.Introduces Azrael into the team.And both Azrael and Batwing have a great conversation about religion.And the last story is about Red Robin and Batman more

Detective Comics #950

By: James Tynion IV, Marcio Takara
Released: Feb 8, 2017

"League of Shadows" prologue! Celebrate 950 issues of the original Batman series with this extra-sized extravaganza! Cassandra Cain has stayed out of the spotlight on Batman's team as she slowly comes to terms with the civilized world she was kept away from all her life...but the time for her to step up is fast approaching! Will she ever learn how ...

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Comicman rated Suicide Squad #11 Feb 9, 2017

Suicide Squad #11

By: Rob Williams, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 8, 2017

"BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE" part one! Spinning directly out of the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD! Hidden somewhere deep within, the world is a burning flame. Its light is blinding. Its heat is deadly. It's a fire fueled by hatred, by rage and by vengeance. Used, abused and left for dead, the greatest foe the Suicide Squad has ever faced r...

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Comicman reviewed Batman #16 Feb 1, 2017

Ok.This is definitely is one of my favorite Batman issues.And is the most unpredictable comic issue in this Batman run so far.

Batman #16

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Feb 1, 2017

"I Am Bane" part one! Bane is coming for Batman. Bruce must keep those he loves safe for five days in order to save Gotham Girl once and for all. But Bane will stop at nothing, and no one is safe.

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Comicman added Justice League vs. Suicide Squad to their pull list Jan 27, 2017

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

The first major event storyline of DC's Rebirth era begins with a day Amanda Waller always knew would come: the Justice League discovers the existence of the Suicide Squad! This government-sponsored black-ops team of super-villains with bombs implanted in their brains is obviously a deal-breaker for Earth's paragons of truth and justice! But you ca...

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A really great conclusion.For a pretty good event.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jan 25, 2017

Legendary JLA artist Howard Porter returns for the ultimate showdown between the Suicide Squad, the Justice League and the forces of [REDACTED]. Unlikely heroes emerge from the rubble of DC's first major event since DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH, leaving both teams in a place they've never been before...and setting the stage for the all-new JUSTICE LEAGUE O...

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Comicman rated Batman #14 Jan 4, 2017

Batman #14

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Jan 4, 2017

How do you solve a problem like Selina Kyle? Is she a hero? Is she a villain? Can Batman and Catwoman ever really work things out? The award-winning team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads of Babylon (SHERIFF OF BABYLON) bring you "Rooftops," a story in which Batman must decide once and for all what to do about Catwoman.  

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Comicman added DC Rebirth Holiday Special to their pull list Dec 14, 2016

DC Rebirth Holiday Special

DCs biggest and brightest heroes celebrate the holidays in this new special! Dont miss a Chanukah crisis for Huntress, a Flash family Christmas, Wonder Woman interrupting John Constantines hellblazing pagan party and moreincluding the return of Detective Chimp! Todays top talents bring you a very special holiday gift thatll keep on giving through t...

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