FT Metler's Profile

Joined: May 18, 2016

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FT Metler posted on ooo 's profile Apr 19, 2019

Giving ones is not helpful. Give a real rating or don't bother. Thanks.

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FT Metler - Jul 23, 2019


ooo - Aug 6, 2019

1.0 for your taste king of low scores

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Phantoms reviewed Superman: Year One #1 Jun 19, 2019

60 pages of annoying narration, awkward dialogue, gigantic heads, derivative tropes and plot points, and next to nothing happening. What waste of a Year One and DC Black Label title. And Toolsters? Really?

Superman: Year One #1

By: Frank Miller, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 19, 2019

From the burning world of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, the first chapter of SUPERMAN YEAR ONE tracks Clark Kent's youth in Kansas, as he comes to terms with his strange powers and struggles to find his place in our world. DC BLACK LABEL is proud to present the definitive origin of Superman as rendered by the legendary comics creators Fr...

FT Metler reviewed Superman: Year One #1 Jun 21, 2019

Ooof. This was bad. The parents are actual idiots, Clark is a jerk, Lana gets to be a victim. Wahoo. Won't be going back for the second. Miller was not a good choice. At least not old, cranky Miller.

Superman: Year One #1

By: Frank Miller, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 19, 2019

From the burning world of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, the first chapter of SUPERMAN YEAR ONE tracks Clark Kent's youth in Kansas, as he comes to terms with his strange powers and struggles to find his place in our world. DC BLACK LABEL is proud to present the definitive origin of Superman as rendered by the legendary comics creators Fr...

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bstoi reviewed Tony Stark: Iron Man #10 Apr 18, 2019

I've been following TS:IM since issue 1, which was my first Iron Man comic. It feels like a lot of issues, including this one, rely heavily on previous Iron Man lore, and don't do a great job explaining it as they go (as opposed to, say, Nick Spencer's current run on Spider-Man, which almost over-explains its own lore). That being said, if I just sit back and except the things I don't understand, more

Tony Stark: Iron Man #10

By: Dan Slott, Valerio Schiti
Released: Apr 17, 2019

Iron Man isn't a suit. It's an idea born from the mind of Tony Stark. And in a place where thought and reality are one and the same, a place where Tony's imagination is unchecked, what kind of terrifying, all-powerful Iron Man armor will be born?!
Rated T+

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FT Metler posted on ffunS's profile Feb 10, 2019

Use the ratings properly. Stop being a clown.

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ffunS - Feb 15, 2019

Hey if there's a way to get rid of my scores, along with my opposite (read my name backwards), I would be more than happy for that to happen.

FT Metler commented on this:
ffunS rated Green Lantern #4 Feb 6, 2019

Green Lantern #4

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Feb 6, 2019

In a bar on Rann, two shrouded strangers recount two blood-chilling narratives-one in which a Blackstar heavyweight demands access to a secret vault on planet Weirwimm, threatening its gruesome annihilation with Sun-Eaters; and the other about maverick Hal Jordan and his small cadre of GLs struggling to destroy those same Sun-Eaters. And the cliffh...

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FT Metler - Feb 10, 2019

Dude get lost with your 1 for dc 10 for marvel ratings. Idiots like you screw it up for the rest of us who actually care.

FT Metler liked this:
Samuel Almeida reviewed Green Lantern #4 Feb 6, 2019

Even though i love Grant Morrison, the star of this book is Liam Sharp! He keeps outperforming himself every month! Theres no stoping him!
As for the story, Grants approach is fantastic to me. This is the most "space cop" Green Lantern book i could wish for.

Green Lantern #4

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Feb 6, 2019

In a bar on Rann, two shrouded strangers recount two blood-chilling narratives-one in which a Blackstar heavyweight demands access to a secret vault on planet Weirwimm, threatening its gruesome annihilation with Sun-Eaters; and the other about maverick Hal Jordan and his small cadre of GLs struggling to destroy those same Sun-Eaters. And the cliffh...

FT Metler rated Ms. Marvel #37 Jan 31, 2019

Ms. Marvel #37

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Jan 30, 2019

•  MS. MARVEL's past collides with her future!
•  And as Kamala reacclimates to her powers, new revelations change everything!
•  Don't miss this key issue in the history of MS. MARVEL!
Rated T+

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bucswin611 reviewed Ms. Marvel #37 Jan 30, 2019

To me, this was a perfect standalone issue. Reminiscent of the early Ms. Marvel issues, this one was hilarious, heartfelt, and immersive. I'm sad to see Wilson go!

Ms. Marvel #37

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Jan 30, 2019

•  MS. MARVEL's past collides with her future!
•  And as Kamala reacclimates to her powers, new revelations change everything!
•  Don't miss this key issue in the history of MS. MARVEL!
Rated T+

FT Metler rated Batman #62 Jan 12, 2019

Batman #62

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Now features the Story solicited for #61 written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerads. The Eisner-winning creative team behind MISTER MIRACLE is back together as artist Mitch Gerads rejoins the Bat team for a special issue! Professor Pyg is loose in Gotham, and you know that means things are going to get weird... and bloody!

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FT Metler reviewed Middlewest #1 Nov 25, 2018

One of the best looking comics I have ever laid hands on. Good set up for what's to come...

Middlewest #1

By: Skottie Young, Jorge Corona
Released: Nov 21, 2018

The lands between the coasts are vast, slow to change, and full of hidden magics. Mistakes have been made, and in this NEW ONGOING SERIES, an unwitting adventurer searches for answers to quell a coming storm that knows his name.

From author SKOTTIE YOUNG (I HATE FAIRYLAND, Deadpool) and artist JORGE CORONA (NO. 1 WITH A BULLET, Feathers, ...

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FT Metler reviewed Death Of The Inhumans #5 Nov 10, 2018

Series had promise, but the end shows that as usual, Marvel has no idea what to do with the Inhumans. Pretty sure we won't see them for a while - as another commenter wrote the X-Men are back so no need for the Inhumans now...

Death Of The Inhumans #5

By: Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Nov 7, 2018

The Royal Family has been broken. Now, something new and terrible rises from its ashes. Who is Vox? Where are the Inhumans he's killed? And what lies ahead for a king without a kingdom?
Rated T+

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Afre reviewed Venom Annual #1 Oct 18, 2018

The art is great and the writing is too.


What makes this annual bad for me is the inconsistencies. Felicia worked with Venom in Venom Inc. and he earned her respect. So her view is very odd. Shocker has fought Venom in Venom #164, they act like that never happened.

And the worst of all, Gargan. "Venom doesn't eat people, he is not scary..." GARGAN YOU WERE A H more

Venom Annual #1

By: Donny Cates, Ron Lim
Released: Oct 17, 2018

For the first time in Marvel history, the Wicked Webslinger called VENOM gets his very own Annual! This one features a few walks down memory lane from some of the best creators in comics today -- and even a few surprise guests from Venom's past! Serving as a great jumping on point for readers new and old, this is one issue of VENOM you can't afford...

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Psycamorean - Oct 18, 2018

I think he was referring to Eddie's Venom. Not his.

FT Metler reviewed West Coast Avengers #2 Sep 21, 2018

High end writing, story and art. Really good! Happy to Have Kate Bishop, Gwenpool and America Chavez in good hands!

West Coast Avengers #2

By: Kelly Thompson, Stefano Caselli
Released: Sep 19, 2018

• You thought giant land sharks were bad? How about former West Coast Avenger Tigra transformed into an extremely grouchy, extremely ENORMOUS Woman?!
•  But Tigra isn't the half of it. Who's the insanely handsome man behind the curtain pulling her strings?
•  Hawkeye, Hawkeye, America Chavez, Fuse, Gwenpool and Kid Omega are her...

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FT Metler reviewed Fantastic Four #2 Sep 15, 2018

Looked a bit busy when I did a quick flip through, but when I read it I was really drawn in. Fantastic sci fi with a full dose of FF throughout. Nails it. Love the new series.

Fantastic Four #2

By: Dan Slott, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 12, 2018

What have Reed, Sue and the kids been up to all this time? What adventures have they been on? What strange new friends have they found along the way? What deadly new enemies have they made? And what are Franklin and Valeria's new codenames? All these questions will be answered... just in time for ENTIRE UNIVERSES TO DIE!

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FT Metler commented on this:
V for Venganza rated X-23 #3 Aug 29, 2018

X-23 #3

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Aug 29, 2018

Laura has faced plenty of threats in her day... And when those threats take aim at Gabby, all bets are off. But the stakes are even higher - and the consequences more dire - when Laura comes up against a psychic superthreat: the Cuckoos!
Rated T+

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FT Metler - Sep 2, 2018

Pick a number between 1 and 10 for your next review, please. I know you can do it.

FT Metler liked this:
Wolf Warner reviewed Champions #22 Jul 11, 2018

Keeps getting better

Champions #22

By: Jim Zub, Kevin Libranda
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The Champions' mission in space (in INFINITY COUNTDOWN!) has left its mark, and the team tries to move on. A chance to bring life back to a desolate village might be just what they need - or push them even farther apart...
Rated T+

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SloboSOY reviewed Champions #22 Jul 12, 2018

Seems like a transitional issue, but in the good way. Zub seems to care about what was done in Avengers No Surrender (Frankly he's the only one) and give us a explanation for Vision appearance in Amazing Spider-Man (Even if he seems in better shape in Amazing). He add the dog to the party and I kind of love that. I would a comics with this dog & Dr strange dog (And Maybe Jonathan the wolverine ^^ more

Champions #22

By: Jim Zub, Kevin Libranda
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The Champions' mission in space (in INFINITY COUNTDOWN!) has left its mark, and the team tries to move on. A chance to bring life back to a desolate village might be just what they need - or push them even farther apart...
Rated T+

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FT Metler rated Champions #22 Jul 15, 2018

Champions #22

By: Jim Zub, Kevin Libranda
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The Champions' mission in space (in INFINITY COUNTDOWN!) has left its mark, and the team tries to move on. A chance to bring life back to a desolate village might be just what they need - or push them even farther apart...
Rated T+

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FT Metler reviewed Farmhand #1 Jul 15, 2018

Yes! It's like a 90s kids cartoon, Plant vs. Zombies and Little Shop of Horrors all squished into one!

Farmhand #1

By: Rob Guillory
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Jedidiah Jenkins is a farmer-but his cash crop isn't corn or soy. Jed grows fast-healing, plug-and-play human organs. Lose a finger? Need a new liver? He's got you covered. Unfortunately, strange produce isn't the only thing Jed's got buried. Deep in the soil of the Jenkins Family Farm, something dark has taken root, and it's beginning to bloom.

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SloboSOY reviewed Ms. Marvel #32 Jul 12, 2018

A damn good issue. Well I cannot said I'm disappointed to see Shocker as a vilain (After what Zub tried to do with him in Uncanny Avengers). But That was a hell of good issue. That start as a transitional one, but in the middle give the action we needed. And that come slowly with Kamala & Bruno far away of there surrounding.

Cover - Nice & in link 2/2
Writing - I love when Wilow Wi more

Ms. Marvel #32

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Jul 11, 2018

•  KAMALA and BRUNO are learning how to be friends again, and what better a bonding experience than geeking out over a little science?
•  And what better scientific pursuit than trying to discover how MS. MARVEL's powers work?
•  And what better time for absolute calamit...

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FT Metler liked this:

I really hope Darkhawk will be a bigger part of the Marvel universe after this event.

Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #3

By: Chris Sims, Lim
Released: Jun 27, 2018

Darkhawk takes to the spaceways, determined to take down the Fraternity of Raptors and save the brother of his good friend Nova, A.K.A. Richard Rider, but the Raptors have a few new tricks up their sleeves that he might not be ready for...
Rated T+

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FT Metler reviewed Avengers #2 May 17, 2018

Weak art, weak story. Disappointing.

Avengers #2

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 16, 2018

• Black Panther and Dr. Strange battle for their lives deep within the earth...
•  Captain Marvel battles death and destruction raining down from the skies...
•  ...while Thor, Iron Man and Captain America lead the valiant (yet hopeless) fight against the Final Host of Dark Celestials.
•  And Ghost Rider and the Savage Hu...

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FT Metler rated Domino #2 May 13, 2018

Domino #2

By: Gail Simone, David Baldeon
Released: May 9, 2018

•  Marvel's #1 soldier of fortune's luck has finally gone south... turning her life as a mercenary upside down!
•  Plus: Who is Domino's evil counterpart?
•  Guest-starring AMADEUS CHO!
Parental Advisory

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FT Metler rated Isola #2 May 13, 2018

Isola #2

By: Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl
Released: May 9, 2018

With the hunting clans closing in, Captain Rook leads the Queen to a city in ruins on a desperate mission to resupply. Unbeknownst to them, however, a new danger awaits within the broken walls - someone with a connection to Rook's past!

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FT Metler reviewed Venom #1 May 10, 2018

Cates is killing it at Marvel! Home run.

Venom #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: May 9, 2018

In the wake of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, an ancient and primordial evil has been awakened beneath the streets of New York, and with it, something equally evil has awakened in that most Wicked of Webslingers - VENOM! Still a Lethal Protector of the innocents in New York, this never-before-seen threat co...

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mrDovydas reviewed Venom #1 May 9, 2018

I never cared about Venom that much to pick up the main book. I've tried the Remender's and Bunn's runs in TPBs after they were done, I've tried the Costa's run to no avail , as it was awful at times. But seeing that this time it's going to be run by Cates and Stegman, it was a no brainer to try at least the first couple issues, as these two are some of my favourites in the industry. And what a sh more

Venom #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: May 9, 2018

In the wake of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, an ancient and primordial evil has been awakened beneath the streets of New York, and with it, something equally evil has awakened in that most Wicked of Webslingers - VENOM! Still a Lethal Protector of the innocents in New York, this never-before-seen threat co...

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Face Puller - May 9, 2018

Cates and Aaron are the future.

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TheImageIsStrong reviewed You Are Deadpool #1 May 6, 2018

I barely grab any Deadpool books, but I had to check this out and glad I did. Ewing's writing is great, and Espin's art is on point as usual. Great team, fun book and look forward to the next issue. Make sure you take the right path or doom lol. Also for being a six page tutorial it was fun and went smoothly. 9 out of 10..

You Are Deadpool #1

By: Al Ewing, Salva Espin
Released: May 2, 2018

DID YOU EVER WANT TO BE DEADPOOL??? Now's your chance! This weekly series is not JUST the most amazing comic book you've ever read...it's also a role-playing adventure! YOU decide what choices Deadpool makes! YOU keep track of your scores issue by issue! YOU roll dice to combat various foes! Travel through Marvel history as Deadpool to meet Hulk in...

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ComicRelief reviewed Death or Glory #1 May 2, 2018

Pick this book up asap and give it a read. Remender and Bengal knocked it out of the park. Can't wait to read the next issue.

Death or Glory #1

By: Rick Remender, Bengal
Released: May 2, 2018

Meet Glory, raised off the grid in a convoy amid truckers-the last men and women fighting for true freedom on the American open road. Now, in order to pay for her beloved dying Father's surgery, Glory has three days to pull off four dangerous cross-country heists with mob killers, crooked cops, and a psycho ex-husband all out to...

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Bill Blaze reviewed Death or Glory #1 May 2, 2018

This issue is pretty damn good. There is a lot going on right from the start. The story and lettering flows so well with the awesome artwork. It was such a joy to read. Check it out, pull it.

Death or Glory #1

By: Rick Remender, Bengal
Released: May 2, 2018

Meet Glory, raised off the grid in a convoy amid truckers-the last men and women fighting for true freedom on the American open road. Now, in order to pay for her beloved dying Father's surgery, Glory has three days to pull off four dangerous cross-country heists with mob killers, crooked cops, and a psycho ex-husband all out to...

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