ffunS's Profile

Joined: Feb 06, 2019

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ffunS rated Hulkverines #1 Feb 26, 2019

Hulkverines #1

By: Greg Pak, Ario Anindito
Released: Feb 20, 2019

At last! It's Weapon H versus his predecessors-Wolverine and the Hulk! Once, the Weapon X program sought to recreate the world's two greatest hunters. They ended up with Weapon H, a man of Adamantium claws and gamma-juiced blood. Now, Wolverine and the Hulk are back in action - and coming after the dangerous c...

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ffunS rated Return of Wolverine #5 Feb 26, 2019

Return of Wolverine #5

By: Charles Soule, Steve McNiven
Released: Feb 20, 2019

Now that Logan has risen...how far can he fall?
Parental Advisory

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ffunS rated The Batman Who Laughs #3 Feb 26, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs #3

By: Scott Snyder, Jock
Released: Feb 13, 2019

All the pieces are starting to fit together as the Batman Who Laughs acquires another key element in his plan-one that is linked to the founding fathers of Gotham City and to a legacy started by the Wayne family and protected by none other than Oswald Cobblepot. While the Penguin goes head-to-head with the darkest version of his mortal enemy, Batma...

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ffunS commented on this:
Freden posted on Bepis's profile Feb 13, 2019

Why all the 1s?

+ LikeComments (2)
ffunS - Feb 15, 2019

To answer your question, this is likely Snuff's original account, as they went back to counter my counter ratings. I hope someone notices these troll ratings (along with my counter ratings) and removes them.

Freden - Feb 15, 2019

He doesnt have a very interesting life

FT Metler posted on ffunS's profile Feb 10, 2019

Use the ratings properly. Stop being a clown.

+ LikeComments (1)
ffunS - Feb 15, 2019

Hey if there's a way to get rid of my scores, along with my opposite (read my name backwards), I would be more than happy for that to happen.

ffunS rated Immortal Hulk #12 Feb 7, 2019

Immortal Hulk #12

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Jan 23, 2019

•  It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate.
•  It wears human souls like masks on a stage to work its will on the world - but in the lowest hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off...
•  ...and THE ONE BELOW ALL...

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ffunS rated Man and Superman #1 Feb 6, 2019

Man and Superman #1

By: Marv Wolfman, Claudio Castellini
Released: Feb 6, 2019

"This is the best Superman story I've ever written." So says living legend Marv Wolfman, and when you've written hundreds of Superman stories as he has, it means a great deal. This gem of a tale - written and drawn from 2006-2009 for the SUPERMAN CONFIDENTIAL series - explodes from the DC archives as a triumphant tale of Clark Kent's fateful first ...

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ffunS rated Batman #62 Feb 6, 2019

Batman #62

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Now features the Story solicited for #61 written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerads. The Eisner-winning creative team behind MISTER MIRACLE is back together as artist Mitch Gerads rejoins the Bat team for a special issue! Professor Pyg is loose in Gotham, and you know that means things are going to get weird... and bloody!

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Adventures of the Super Sons #6

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 9, 2019

The Super Sons are lost in time and space! On the run from the Gang and trapped on the Planet of Secrets and Mystery, Superboy and Robin have lost everything and gotten a glimpse of how their tomorrows may end. When the planet's mysterious creator returns for his broken creation, the boys find out that tomorrow sucks as much as yesterday!

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ffunS rated Batman: Kings of Fear #6 Feb 6, 2019

Batman: Kings of Fear #6

By: Scott Peterson, Kelley Jones
Released: Jan 9, 2019

The epic finale! Batman must battle Scarecrow and his own mind to save Gotham City. If he doesn't, Scarecrow will turn Gotham and everything else Batman believes in into a nightmarish hellscape!

+ LikeComments (1)
Khamul - Mar 28, 2019

I'm sorry but you are a bot.

ffunS rated Deathstroke #39 Feb 6, 2019

Deathstroke #39

By: Christopher Priest, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Slade is back in Arkham after his Zeta Beam jaunt to the planet Pulor...but did he ever actually leave? Is the alien invasion just a delusion? And who is this faux Deathstroke running around? A deep dive into Slade's psyche, just in time to watch him lose his mind!

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ffunS rated Green Arrow #48 Feb 6, 2019

Green Arrow #48

By: Collin Kelly, Javi Fernandez
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Count Vertigo stages a jailbreak and turns Seattle into a surrealist maelstrom that threatens to consume the entire city. But when Ollie learns Vertigo's true motivations, the Emerald Archer's fragile psyche will be ripped to shreds. Is Ollie throwing himself into the hero game because of a death wish? Not if Black Canary has anything to sing about...

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ffunS rated Green Lantern #3 Feb 6, 2019

Green Lantern #3

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Jan 9, 2019

When the Earth goes up for sale on the alien black market, it's up to the Green Lantern Corps to bust up "The Slave Lords of the Stars" in the latest space saga from Grant Morrison (MULTIVERSITY) and Liam Sharp (WONDER WOMAN)! With the Justice League frozen by Gamma Gong tech, Earth ends up on the auction block, and Volgar Zo hosts a menagerie of t...

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ffunS rated Harley Quinn #57 Feb 6, 2019

Harley Quinn #57

By: Sam Humphries, John Timms
Released: Jan 9, 2019

There's been a murder in Gotham City, and all evidence points to just one suspect: Harley Quinn! Batman hunts Harley down on Coney Island, where they come to blows...but did she actually do the crime? Meanwhile, the Trials of Harley Quinn begin! The Lords of Order and Chaos send their harbinger Mirand'r-the ghost of a young, Earth-obsessed Tamarane...

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ffunS rated Justice League #15 Feb 6, 2019

Justice League #15

By: James Tynion IV, Jim Cheung
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Hawk fight! Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl clash with Shayera Hol (also a Hawkgirl) when the League trio tries to break into a secret vault deep within Thanagar Prime-and the feathers are gonna fly! Speaking of secrets, M.M. learns one about himself and Lex Luthor, as related to him by the Martian Keep, guardian of all Martian wisdom...

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ffunS rated Martian Manhunter #2 Feb 6, 2019

Martian Manhunter #2

By: Steve Orlando, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Return to Mars in the days before its doom to see the love affair of J'onn and M'yri'ah...and a Martian coming-of-age ritual you'll NEVER forget! All of these painful memories J'onn carries with him to his new life on Earth...but first he's gotta survive the pain of a car crash, being set on fire and accidentally revealing his true form to his dete...

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ffunS rated Nightwing #56 Feb 6, 2019

Nightwing #56

By: Scott Lobdell, Garry Brown
Released: Jan 9, 2019

The Nightwings have been picking up the slack Dick Grayson left behind, making a dent in petty crime and cleaning up the streets of Blüdhaven. But as Scarecrow's plan comes to fruition, it looks like they may have bitten off more than they can chew...putting Grayson in a position he was not prepared for. One where he may be forced to become a hero...

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #3

By: Mike W. Barr, Philippe Briones
Released: Jan 9, 2019

"KATANA: REVENGE OF KOBRA" part three! Trapped in the mystic dimension within the Soultaker sword, Katana and her husband, Maseo, fight the forces of the mad swordsmith Muramasa, who has amassed an army to invade the world outside-our world!
"SUICIDE SQUAD BLACK" part three! Suicide Squad Black comes face to face with Sebastian Faust, who natu...

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ffunS rated The Curse of Brimstone #10 Feb 6, 2019

The Curse of Brimstone #10

By: Justin Jordan, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Jan 9, 2019

With Joe completely taken over by Brimstone, will Annie be the next person to land in his line of fire? Reeling from her brother Joe's loss, Annie finds herself in a dark place, which only gets darker when her serial killer suitor, Wandering Jack, crosses her path once more. Trapped in Jack's mind games, Annie comes close to going over a fateful ed...

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ffunS rated The Unexpected #8 Feb 6, 2019

The Unexpected #8

By: Steve Orlando, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jan 9, 2019

In defusing the Nth metal isotope, the Unexpected have accidentally given the Bad Samaritan what he's always wanted: a doorway to the Dark Multiverse and Mandrakk! But Monitor World isn't just a doorway, it's a trapdoor. With the Multiverse on life support, opening it might just be the kill-shot everyone's feared.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #5

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Well that happened! The world has been ripped apart by mob enforcer Jagger Rose's actions last issue, and the fallout is like nothing anyone has ever seen! In a world where the mob's influence is both huge and public, the battle between organized crime and the United States government has reached its tipping point. It's another barn-burning issue b...

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ffunS rated Young Justice #1 Feb 6, 2019

Young Justice #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Superboy! Wonder Girl! Robin! Impulse! Amethyst! They're all united in YOUNG JUSTICE #1, the debut issue of a brand-new series that also introduces new heroes Teen Lantern and Jinny Hex! When the nightmare dimension known as Gemworld invades Metropolis, these teen heroes reunite to deal with the situation-but they're shocked to discover the battle ...

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ffunS rated Avengers #12 Feb 6, 2019

Avengers #12

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jan 9, 2019

It's hard to run the Avengers without a support staff. And for a team as wild, weird and insanely powerful as this new Avengers squad, just one Jarvis would never do. Luckily, Black Panther has assembled the wildest and weirdest support staff you've ever seen. Meet Gorilla Man, Ka-Zar and the rest of the Agents of W...

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ffunS rated Captain Marvel #1 Feb 6, 2019

Captain Marvel #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Jan 9, 2019

As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has spent months in space protecting Earth from alien threats big and small, but now it's time for Earth's mightiest hero to come home. New York City has never looked so good. But every re-entry comes with the un...

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ffunS rated Domino #10 Feb 6, 2019

Domino #10

By: Gail Simone, David Baldeon
Released: Jan 9, 2019

•  You saw her on the silver screen, now Domino's live and direct from the Mojoverse!
•  Can you guess which special guest is along for the ride?
•  The answer's a real long shot...
Parental Advisory

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Spider-Man is the worst neighbor EVER! There are always crazy villains and property damage and drama and...and he CATCHES the villains. And he tries to fix the damage and he helps carry your groceries and actually that property damage keeps the rents down. You know what? Spider-Man is the best neighbor ever and this book will give you a closer look...

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ffunS rated Ice Man #5 Feb 6, 2019

Ice Man #5

By: Sina Grace, Nathan Stockman
Released: Jan 9, 2019

• Iceman vs. Mr. Sinister, winner takes all!
•  Mr. Sinister finally has Iceman where he wants him.
•  But Iceman isn't out for the count yet, as everything Bobby has learned has led up to this moment!
Rated T+

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ffunS rated Man Without Fear #2 Feb 6, 2019

Man Without Fear #2

By: Jed MacKay, Stefano Landini
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Daredevil is gone, but Hell's Kitchen is still a place of heroes and villains.  Foggy Nelson (issue #1), the Defenders (issue #2), the many loves of Matt Murdock (issue #3), the Kingpin (issue #4) and a mysterious Guardian Devil (issue #5) will all learn what it means to live in a world without a Daredevil.  And without a Darede...

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2

By: Saladin Ahmed, Javi Garron
Released: Jan 9, 2019

• Miles is getting closer to solving the mystery of the thievery ring plaguing Brooklyn, but the Rhino has complicated matters quite a lot.
•  Rhino doesn't usually have minions preferring to charge alone. What's behind this change of methodology?
•  Plus, meet a new antagonist who may just become Mil...

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ffunS rated Punisher #6 Feb 6, 2019

Punisher #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Jan 9, 2019

•  The Punisher is extradited to the worst place imaginable...Bagalia! Hydra Nation itself!
•  Frank's been in prison before, but he's about to enter a prison on an island full of bad guys...
•  As Frank enters the lion's den, Zemo makes his move.
Parental Advisory

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