Peacefulzealot's Profile

Joined: Feb 23, 2017

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RustonLF reviewed Ms. Marvel #23 Oct 12, 2017

The premise behind this issue made me smile. The idea that a returning Red Dagger and Ms Marvel were helping a runaway train going twenty-five miles per hour is amusing to me. There was also some other humor that worked for me. Tying in the city to Kamala's story the city gets excited when a new hero arrives. She begins to believe that she is being forgotten. It is that Toy Story like theme of fea more

Ms. Marvel #23

By: G. Willow Wilson, Diego Olortegui
Released: Oct 11, 2017

• Don't miss Jersey's newest crimefighter in this all-new arc!
•  Shouldering the burden of saving Jersey City has felt especially heavy for Kamala Khan since her falling out with her lifelong best friend and pseudo sidekick, Bruno...
•  Still, J.C. has always been her turf...
•  So when a new hero moves into J.C., Kamala...

Peacefulzealot reviewed Mister Miracle #3 Oct 11, 2017

In what really doesn't surprise me at all this is easily the best book I read this week. Some major developments happen here, I believe, and there's a "Christmas Story" that really sticks with you. If you're not following this series right now I really don't know what to tell you!

Mister Miracle #3

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Oct 11, 2017

The groundbreaking new series from the creators of The Sherriff of Babylon and BATMAN #14-15 continues. The insanity of war is the insanity of Mister Miracle. Darkseid and Orion's forces clash violently on the battlefields of New Genesis. Stained with blood and glory, the New Gods fight on. As they move closer to victory, Scott and Barda begin to s...

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Peacefulzealot - Oct 12, 2017

*That's* what stuck with you?

Peacefulzealot reviewed Ms. Marvel #22 Sep 16, 2017

All in all this was a pretty solid issue. I'm glad that Kamala is now (hopefully) going back to a more uplifting life after the events of this arc are finally done!

Ms. Marvel #22

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marco Failla
Released: Sep 13, 2017

• Something sinister has turned every citizen of Jersey City against Ms. Marvel.
•  Worse still, Becky St. Jude a.k.a. Lockdown, has made it her personal mission to take end J.C.'s great defender.
•  With Becky's new sidekick's intimate knowledge of Ms. Marvel's moves, it's Kamala Khan's life that han...

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bucswin611 reviewed Mister Miracle #2 Sep 13, 2017

Tom King is the master of time manipulation. Ex: the kneeling scene is paced just carefully enough so that we feel what it's like to be in that exact moment. Mister Miracle is King/Gerads in total control.

Mister Miracle #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 13, 2017

What do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. Things are a little off, however, and Mister Miracle starts to do...

Peacefulzealot liked this:
thecomiccookebook reviewed Mister Miracle #2 Sep 13, 2017

I'm certain this is going to be something special. The plot is progressing nicely and the paranoia Scott feels is what the readers feel. Gerads is still fantastic on art so there is nothing really to complain about.

Mister Miracle #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 13, 2017

What do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. Things are a little off, however, and Mister Miracle starts to do...

Peacefulzealot reviewed Mister Miracle #2 Sep 15, 2017

Wow, another slam dunk of an issue. I'm super intrigued as to where this story is going and can't wait for the next one to drop! And dang, the art in this issue is pretty freaking stellar to boot, looking really alien but also grimy at the same time. Can't recommend this series enough so far!

Mister Miracle #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 13, 2017

What do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. Things are a little off, however, and Mister Miracle starts to do...

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Peacefulzealot liked this:
TheImageIsStrong reviewed Redneck #5 Aug 25, 2017

Simple anything from Donny Cates is amazing! From God Country, BabyTeeth, and the amazing Redneck. Issue 5 is easily a 10! Grab Redneck asap!

Redneck #5

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Aug 23, 2017

What started as an innocent night on the town has led to this moment. With Sulpher Springs in flames, will the Bowman family withstand its destruction?

Peacefulzealot reviewed Redneck #5 Aug 28, 2017

Another really great issue this week! Really liked how the story didn't go the way I thought it would (and I quite like the direction it took instead). Can't wait for the next issue!

Redneck #5

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Aug 23, 2017

What started as an innocent night on the town has led to this moment. With Sulpher Springs in flames, will the Bowman family withstand its destruction?

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Peacefulzealot added Mister Miracle (2017) to their pull list Aug 10, 2017

Mister Miracle (2017)

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Ms. Marvel #20 Jul 21, 2017

A really solid, standard Ms. Marvel issue (and I definitely mean that as a compliment)! While I'm starting to brace myself as I have a feeling I really am not going to like who the new villain is when they are finally unmasked, I am rather pleased with how this story is going so far. Definitely check it out!

Ms. Marvel #20

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marco Failla
Released: Jul 19, 2017

• Kamala Khan's older brother is in danger and she's determined to help him at all costs - but to rescue him she'll need help.
•  But who can she trust when Jersey City is more divided than ever?
•  It's becoming clear that this unrest in J.C. might be more personal than Kamala ever considered...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Superman #27 Jul 19, 2017

No action at all in this issue, but I really liked this one. It's extremely Schoolhouse Rock-ish, but I don't mean that in a bad way. If you like American history lessons or watching more parenting from the Kents, well, this one is right up your alley.

Superman #27

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jul 19, 2017

This issue now features "ROAD TRIP" part one! It's been an emotional and physical rollercoaster for Superman, Lois, and Jon: the Eradicator, Dinosaur Island, Frankenstein and the Bride, Multiversity, Reborn and Black Dawn-a barrage of terror and horror! What does the family need right now? Yep, you got it...a vacation!

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Super Sons #5 Jun 25, 2017

This was a rather enjoyable read. There isn't a lot of action, so if that's not your thing you should take that into consideration, but the writing is pretty nice. It delves more into the relationship between Batman and Superman to give us a basis for how Damian and Jon are acting. All in all a fine read and I'm excited to see how the meetup with the Titans goes!

Super Sons #5

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"Battle in the Batcave"! The battle with Kid Amazo leaves Jon and Damian's friendship in ruins as the boys decide their partnership isn't working out! It's a rumble between Superboy and Robin like you've never seen as the boys rage through the house Batman built!  

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Superman #25 Jun 25, 2017

So the finale to Black Dawn has come and gone... and to be honest this is EXACTLY what I want in my Superman stories! There was a lot of heart to this comic and, without spoiling anything, everything worked out pretty much exactly how I'd like it to in the end as well. There were plenty of payoffs to stuff set up in the past 24 issues, something I was rather happy to see. Finally, that last sho more

Superman #25

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"BLACK DAWN" part six! The extra-sized finale to "Black Dawn" reveals the villain tearing the Super-Family apart and destroying everything the Man of Steel holds dear!

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Peacefulzealot reviewed God Country #6 Jun 25, 2017

God Country is the best comic book I have ever read. That may sound like hyperbole, but this is the first time a comic has ever actually brought me to tears. I cannot recommend this issue or miniseries enough. If you haven't given it a shot yet, well, I've got nothing else for ya.

God Country #6

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Jun 21, 2017

Our story comes to an earth-shattering conclusion as Valofax meets its maker, Roy learns what it means to be a father, and Emmett Quinlan confronts God in the dying Kingdom of Always...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Redneck #2 May 31, 2017

For an issue that's mostly entirely set up for the next, I was completely on board with this issue. It had me on the edge of my seat more than once just from the family interactions alone. Can't wait until the next issue!

Redneck #2

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: May 24, 2017

Death and destruction have come to Sulphur Springs! With the murder of one of their own, the vampiric Bowmans are ready to wage war on anyone in their path. But will Bartlett be able to get to the bottom of things before the whole town explodes?
DONNY CATES and LISANDRO ESTHERREN bring you the next chapter in this blood-soaked, ...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Monstress #12 May 31, 2017

Hmm... I don't know quite what to think about this one. The art is amazing and my interest continues to grow in discovering the backstory of the great old one that inhabits her... but I will admit to being a bit confused by the story at the moment. Still though I'd definitely recommend this book and I'm anxious to see where they'll be going for the third arc!

Monstress #12

By: Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
Released: May 31, 2017

The final issue of the second arc!  Will Maika return with her soul intact?

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Pants24 - Jun 2, 2017

I agree with your review. There was one piece of extremely cringeworthy dialogue this issue for me that I just can't get over, so I'm gonna give it an 8.

Peacefulzealot reviewed Saga #43 May 31, 2017

After reading all 7 volumes this spring, I had really high hopes for Saga 43... and man, did it not disappoint. Costing 25 cents was amazing for the quality of the issue! We've already seen some fun story hooks being presented and I'm rather curious to see what will happen to a certain someone who seemingly won't be getting a ride home.

All in all I can't recommend this book enough a more

Saga #43

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: May 31, 2017

SAGA returns monthly with a brave new direction, and to celebrate Image's 25th Anniversary, this full-sized issue costs just 25 cents! In a perfect jumping-on point for first-time readers, Hazel and her star-crossed parents embark on a thrilling new adventure at the westernmost edge of the universe.

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Peacefulzealot liked this:

This so much better than the main book currently is. I loved everything with the X-Men, and cannot be more excited about the MJ-Venom.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #7

By: Gerry Conway, Ryan Stegman
Released: May 10, 2017

• Magneto strikes!
•  The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has defeated the X-Men...
•  ...and now it's up to the Spider-Family to stop them!
Rated T


Renew Your Vows keeps up the great writing with this issue. Oddly enough I'd say the X-Men steal the thunder this issue, with the Spectacluar Spider-Family feeling a bit like guest stars in an Old-school X-title (and I'm not ever sure that's a detriment). The only real criticism I can give this issue is that it should be a bit more difficult to take down these specific villains and it could have more

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #7

By: Gerry Conway, Ryan Stegman
Released: May 10, 2017

• Magneto strikes!
•  The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has defeated the X-Men...
•  ...and now it's up to the Spider-Family to stop them!
Rated T

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Peacefulzealot liked this:
Kitaru reviewed God Country #4 Apr 23, 2017

I am hoping that this series has a happy conclusion, but everything up until now has been very well written and planned out. I feel that his may become a regular series based on the amount of success and praise it has been met with. The Hell landscape and anger from Emmett Quinlan were great additions to a already great story.

God Country #4

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Apr 19, 2017

Emmett Quinlan goes to Hell.

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Peacefulzealot liked this:
bucswin611 reviewed Ms. Marvel #17 Apr 22, 2017

Very nice opening half focused on Kamala - the big battle toward the end was a little rushed.

Ms. Marvel #17

By: C. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyagawa
Released: Apr 19, 2017

• Kamala's life has been a bit of disaster ever since the evil sentient computer virus known as Doc.X learned that she's also Ms. Marvel and threatened to expose her.
•  Luckily, Kamala's got a plan to take down her digital enemy...She's just got to convince an estranged ally to lend her a hand.
•  Ca...

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supercoolyeah - Apr 23, 2017

Yeah I agree. The first few pages were really sweet but that last fight was just lousy.

bucswin611 - Apr 24, 2017

I always wonder if that is a writer or artist thing - how do you tie it up quickly but make it resonate. This book has a long enough track record that hopefully it's just a one-time thing!

Peacefulzealot dropped Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 from their pull list Apr 19, 2017

Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

What mysteries are hidden in the book Ra’s al Ghul just hired Catwoman to steal? And why does this caper lead Batman down memory lane-to his childhood fight against actual Nazis?!

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Peacefulzealot liked this:
HOSHWE reviewed Superman #21 Apr 19, 2017

HOLY SH#^...Just buy superman #21 right now! It doesn't pick off from batman, but the reveals in this issue will literally make you hate waiting 2 weeks for superman #22.

Superman #21

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"Superman black" part two! A "Superman Reborn Aftermath" tie-in! The Man of Steel is challenged to break his code against killing in front of his son as the mystery surrounding Hamilton deepens.

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Superman #21 Apr 19, 2017

I *really* am impressed with how good this issue was. From the reveals made in the last few pages (which really cannot be said without spoilers) to the continued excellent dialogue between Jon, Clark, and Damian, I am definitely looking forward to what happens next!

Superman #21

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"Superman black" part two! A "Superman Reborn Aftermath" tie-in! The Man of Steel is challenged to break his code against killing in front of his son as the mystery surrounding Hamilton deepens.

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Super Sons #3 Apr 19, 2017

Goodness, the dialogue between Robin and Jon really does just write itself. This pairing continues to be fantastic and I'm actually pretty intrigued in what's going to happen with their Kid Amazo storyline. All in all I'd definitely recommend checking this book out.

Super Sons #3

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"When I Grow Up" part three! It's Super-Son vs Bat-Son as the exciting new series continues! Kid Amazo is ready to rip the hearts out of the world's not-so-finest super duo. Face to face with their newest-and first-villain, Jonathan and Damian strike out the only way they know each other!

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Redneck #1 Apr 19, 2017

I bought this solely based on the writer, and man did Donny Cates not disappoint. Really enjoyed this first issue, with the characterization being done extremely well and introducing us to our flawed (but still fairly likeable) protagonist. Can't wait to see where this one leads!

Redneck #1

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Apr 19, 2017

The Bowmans are VAMPIRES who have quietly run the local barbecue joint in their small town for years, living off cow's blood. Their peaceful coexistence ends as generations of hate, fear, and bad blood bubble to the surface--making it impossible to separate man from monster!
Critically acclaimed writer DONNY ...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Monstress #11 Apr 19, 2017

Really liked this issue. Thought that finally getting some backstory (and some actual camaraderie between a girl and her arm) was exactly what was needed at this point. I'm also quite interested in seeing what they do with this new character for the team. Can't wait for the next one!

Monstress #11

By: Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
Released: Apr 19, 2017

Maika finally begins to learn her mother's secrets... but the truth may be too terrible to bear...

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Peacefulzealot reviewed Ms. Marvel #17 Apr 19, 2017

Hmm... Ms. Marvel is usually one my favorite books from Marvel, but I thought the resolution was a little weak here. Doc.x' defeat didn't make too much sense to me, personally. The beginning with everyone coming together in the hallway was pretty great, however, and easily the highlight of the book for me.

Ms. Marvel #17

By: C. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyagawa
Released: Apr 19, 2017

• Kamala's life has been a bit of disaster ever since the evil sentient computer virus known as Doc.X learned that she's also Ms. Marvel and threatened to expose her.
•  Luckily, Kamala's got a plan to take down her digital enemy...She's just got to convince an estranged ally to lend her a hand.
•  Ca...

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supercoolyeah - Apr 23, 2017

Agreed it could have used a little bit more of drama.

Peacefulzealot reviewed God Country #4 Apr 19, 2017

Book of the week, right here. I really like how much the story keeps progressing and the strong characterizations. Really, if you're not reading God Country by this point I don't know what to tell you. Easily one of the strongest titles on the market!

God Country #4

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Apr 19, 2017

Emmett Quinlan goes to Hell.

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Peacefulzealot added Redneck to their pull list Apr 19, 2017


The Bowmans are VAMPIRES who have quietly run the local barbecue joint in their small town for years, living off cow's blood. Their peaceful coexistence ends as generations of hate, fear, and bad blood bubble to the surface--making it impossible to separate man from monster!
Critically acclaimed writer DONNY ...

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