Peacefulzealot's Profile

Joined: Feb 23, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 8, 2017

This issue was fantastic. The reveal of who Creepy!Kent was totally caught me off guard but made a lot of sense in retrospect. I honestly felt for 'em by the end of this issue, something I wouldn't have thought possible with the revealed character. So far this crossover has me extremely hyped through two issues. Can't recommend enough!

Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 26, 2017

This was a satisfying end to the crossover, I would say. I wish there had been a little more dealing with Myx, but honestly the incredibly hopeful and charming ending more than brightened my day!

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #5

Mar 26, 2017

Another very quality issue for RYV! The best part is at the beginning, with the family interactions being the highlight of the book. The question of why Sandman is a villain again after the original RYV mini for secret wars wasn't answered, but really that was just a minor thing. All in all I definitely recommend this issue!

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #6

Apr 12, 2017

This book always brings a smile to my face. There was a lot to like here, from the old school X-Men being, well, heroes, to the interactions between Annie and the X-Men. I appreciate how Conway is managing to show how things have gone slightly differently in this universe, what with the old Logan-Jean-Scott love triangle actually wrapped up pretty definitively here. Easily one of the best comics Marvel is putting out right now.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #7

May 12, 2017

Renew Your Vows keeps up the great writing with this issue. Oddly enough I'd say the X-Men steal the thunder this issue, with the Spectacluar Spider-Family feeling a bit like guest stars in an Old-school X-title (and I'm not ever sure that's a detriment). The only real criticism I can give this issue is that it should be a bit more difficult to take down these specific villains and it could have benefited from a third issue in the arc. All in all though a very fun issue and I would highly recommend it!

Extremity (2017) #1

Mar 26, 2017

I can honestly say I've not read a book quite like this one before, and that is certainly a compliment to Daniel Johnson. The revenge angle is unlike any other I've seen and I'm incredibly interested in what the arc will be for our main character. Can't wait to see where this one goes!

Extremity (2017) #2

Apr 5, 2017

I'm really liking where this issue is taking the series. I'm not quite sure of the nature of their new "ally", but I'm rather interested in learning more about 'em. I'd definitely recommend this book!

God Country #2

Feb 23, 2017

This issue has everything sans action, and in all honesty it proves it doesn't need it to hold your interest. Absolutely sublime.

God Country #3

Mar 15, 2017

Easily my book of the week. The art, the writing, the family drama, the knives... there wasn't a damn thing about this book I didn't love. The hook at the end already has me extremely hyped for what comes next. Definitely give this one a read.

God Country #4

Apr 19, 2017

Book of the week, right here. I really like how much the story keeps progressing and the strong characterizations. Really, if you're not reading God Country by this point I don't know what to tell you. Easily one of the strongest titles on the market!

God Country #6

Jun 25, 2017

God Country is the best comic book I have ever read. That may sound like hyperbole, but this is the first time a comic has ever actually brought me to tears. I cannot recommend this issue or miniseries enough. If you haven't given it a shot yet, well, I've got nothing else for ya.

Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 15, 2017

Wow, another slam dunk of an issue. I'm super intrigued as to where this story is going and can't wait for the next one to drop! And dang, the art in this issue is pretty freaking stellar to boot, looking really alien but also grimy at the same time. Can't recommend this series enough so far!

Mister Miracle (2017) #3

Oct 11, 2017

In what really doesn't surprise me at all this is easily the best book I read this week. Some major developments happen here, I believe, and there's a "Christmas Story" that really sticks with you. If you're not following this series right now I really don't know what to tell you!

Monstress #11

Apr 19, 2017

Really liked this issue. Thought that finally getting some backstory (and some actual camaraderie between a girl and her arm) was exactly what was needed at this point. I'm also quite interested in seeing what they do with this new character for the team. Can't wait for the next one!

Monstress #12

May 31, 2017

Hmm... I don't know quite what to think about this one. The art is amazing and my interest continues to grow in discovering the backstory of the great old one that inhabits her... but I will admit to being a bit confused by the story at the moment. Still though I'd definitely recommend this book and I'm anxious to see where they'll be going for the third arc!

Ms. Marvel (2015) #15

Feb 23, 2017

Ms. Marvel (2015) #16

Mar 15, 2017

This issue was interesting. Definitely low on the action, but it actually really didn't need it at all. I like that Kamala didn't do a very silly thing and stayed heroic throughout the book. Honestly I'd say the issue really shines when it focuses on her supporting cast. All in all it's another solid entry in a quality series.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #17

Apr 19, 2017

Hmm... Ms. Marvel is usually one my favorite books from Marvel, but I thought the resolution was a little weak here. Doc.x' defeat didn't make too much sense to me, personally. The beginning with everyone coming together in the hallway was pretty great, however, and easily the highlight of the book for me.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #20

Jul 21, 2017

A really solid, standard Ms. Marvel issue (and I definitely mean that as a compliment)! While I'm starting to brace myself as I have a feeling I really am not going to like who the new villain is when they are finally unmasked, I am rather pleased with how this story is going so far. Definitely check it out!

Ms. Marvel (2015) #22

Sep 16, 2017

All in all this was a pretty solid issue. I'm glad that Kamala is now (hopefully) going back to a more uplifting life after the events of this arc are finally done!

Old Guard #1

Feb 23, 2017

Good start, interested to learn more about our main cast.

Redneck #1

Apr 19, 2017

I bought this solely based on the writer, and man did Donny Cates not disappoint. Really enjoyed this first issue, with the characterization being done extremely well and introducing us to our flawed (but still fairly likeable) protagonist. Can't wait to see where this one leads!

Redneck #2

May 31, 2017

For an issue that's mostly entirely set up for the next, I was completely on board with this issue. It had me on the edge of my seat more than once just from the family interactions alone. Can't wait until the next issue!

Redneck #5

Aug 28, 2017

Another really great issue this week! Really liked how the story didn't go the way I thought it would (and I quite like the direction it took instead). Can't wait for the next issue!

Rough Riders: Riders on the Storm #1

Feb 23, 2017

Rough Riders: Riders on the Storm #2

Apr 3, 2017

I enjoyed this issue a fair bit, especially the characterization given to Edison. It does end on a cliffhanger but if you know your American history at all you'll know how this ends.

Saga #43

May 31, 2017

After reading all 7 volumes this spring, I had really high hopes for Saga 43... and man, did it not disappoint. Costing 25 cents was amazing for the quality of the issue! We've already seen some fun story hooks being presented and I'm rather curious to see what will happen to a certain someone who seemingly won't be getting a ride home. All in all I can't recommend this book enough at 25 cents. Great place to hop aboard!

Super Sons (2017) #1

Feb 24, 2017

Great issue! Quite an interesting hook at the end and I'm excited to see where this series goes from here.

Super Sons (2017) #2

Mar 15, 2017

The dynamic between Damian and Jon basically writes itself. The banter with Lex was fun and I can't wait to see more of their teamwork.

Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 19, 2017

Goodness, the dialogue between Robin and Jon really does just write itself. This pairing continues to be fantastic and I'm actually pretty intrigued in what's going to happen with their Kid Amazo storyline. All in all I'd definitely recommend checking this book out.

Super Sons (2017) #5

Jun 25, 2017

This was a rather enjoyable read. There isn't a lot of action, so if that's not your thing you should take that into consideration, but the writing is pretty nice. It delves more into the relationship between Batman and Superman to give us a basis for how Damian and Jon are acting. All in all a fine read and I'm excited to see how the meetup with the Titans goes!

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 2, 2017

Great issue. Worried about that gut punch, but then again it really makes me want to read the next issue!

Superman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

Excellent issue! I'm still loving Myx as the antagonist and I'm interested to see how this is going to wrap up!

Superman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

Have to say, this is definitely my book of the week. It's incredibly strong from start to finish, with a comforting/hopeful beginning, a wonderful bunch of interactions with Batman and Robin, and a hook at the end that confirms that the earlier foreshadowing *was* leading up to something. Definitely don't want to miss this one!

Superman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

I *really* am impressed with how good this issue was. From the reveals made in the last few pages (which really cannot be said without spoilers) to the continued excellent dialogue between Jon, Clark, and Damian, I am definitely looking forward to what happens next!

Superman (2016) #25

Jun 25, 2017

So the finale to Black Dawn has come and gone... and to be honest this is EXACTLY what I want in my Superman stories! There was a lot of heart to this comic and, without spoiling anything, everything worked out pretty much exactly how I'd like it to in the end as well. There were plenty of payoffs to stuff set up in the past 24 issues, something I was rather happy to see. Finally, that last shot in the epilogue put a massive smile on my face. Kudos to Tomasi and Gleason, because at 25 issues I can happily say this will be the recommended run from me for anyone wanting to get into Big Blue!

Superman (2016) #27

Jul 19, 2017

No action at all in this issue, but I really liked this one. It's extremely Schoolhouse Rock-ish, but I don't mean that in a bad way. If you like American history lessons or watching more parenting from the Kents, well, this one is right up your alley.

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