Batman #50

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 4, 2018 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 46 User Reviews: 139
7.7Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

+ Pull List

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbeat nuptials, joined by an all-star lineup of guest classic Bat-artists doffing their hats to the lucky couple in a series of pre-wedding flashback scenes sure to set the romantic mood.

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Jul 4, 2018

    While its a bit of a late arrival to start at issue 50 of a two year run, it doesnt necessarily matter in this case. King, Janin and everyone involved in this comic are celebrating a romance thats gone on decades now, and it kicks off a story that seems likely to be memorable in the Batman canon. But more importantly, its one that pays tribute to Batman and Catwoman. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Jul 4, 2018

    A hauntingly beautiful ballad to the everlasting love that is Batman and Catwoman! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Jul 4, 2018

    Bravo to all involved. You executed an issue beyond my wildest expectations. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Sam Graven Jul 4, 2018

    Now go buy the book. No excuses, just do it. Because it's beautiful and brilliant, and above all, it's Batman. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Jimmy Montoya Jul 4, 2018

    The art for this issue is right on par with its story, it's simply beautiful. There is one panel in particular that I love so, so much, that I ended up making it my phone wallpaper. In this issue you will fall in love from Catwoman's wedding dress to the pages where Bruce and Selina are sharing intimate moments. Everything about the art is superb. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Londyn Jackson Jul 4, 2018

    While Batman #50 was a rollercoaster of emotions within the DC Universe and for readers all over the world, the art and the dialogue absolutely did not disappoint. The love story between Bruce and Selina, like it has been proven time and time again, will continually evolve like the beloved characters themselves. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Jul 4, 2018

    Batman #50 is a one of those books that is going to divide opinion; some will hate it, some will love it. There may well be ramifications for the industry, not helped by DC pulling the carpet from underneath retailers and fans with their actions last weekend. Hopefully, when the smoke settles, people will realise that this book is a classic take on two classic characters, both of whom make decisions based on their love for each other. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Jul 4, 2018

    'Batman' #50 is certainly a milestone issue in terms of writing and art. The emotional and story revelations resonate and the art, on all fronts, packs a visual punch. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jul 4, 2018

    Controversy aside, Batman #50 is a very well-written and well-illustrated work that honors Batman & Catwoman's past while also looking to the future with bright eyes. Aside from the great story that Tom King has crafted (and has been crafting for that matter) the artwork in this book is stunning. Batman #50 is a must-read comics for fans of the Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jul 4, 2018

    I did feel a little cheated at the end but maybe that's a good thing. It ended different than I thought it would for sure. Maybe King has a bigger plan in mind than we might have been expecting this whole time. Let's see where it goes. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Gregory Paul Silber Jul 4, 2018

    Read this for King's lyrical dialogue, his emotional honesty, his willingness to show us recognizable humanity through the lens of colorful superheroes even as that sounds like the stupidest endeavor on the planet. Read it for Mikel Janin, Becky Cloonan, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Tim Sale, Neal Adams, and a host of other exceptional artists proving once again that superhero comic book art is still art, goddamn it. Read it because you believe that corporate-owned superhero comics can mean more than an endless sea of profit driven by movies, video games, and toys. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 4, 2018

    Batman #50 may underwhelm new readers, but it serves as a strong culmination of many ongoing storylines. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Jul 4, 2018

    Sidenote: Huge shoutout to all of the additional art from the dozens of artists who also contributed to this story. It was a nice way to pay homage to the many different ways we've seen these characters and gave us an idea of how we could in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jul 4, 2018

    A great salute to both the character and relationship of Batman and Catwoman while honoring who they are as people and personas. Great read that opens the door to something interesting on the horizon. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 7, 2018

    Since I haven't been reading the book, it was difficult to sort out what was going on here - and itcertainly moves in unexpected directions - but it's an outstanding package and a unique chapter in the Dark Knight's life. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jonathan O'Neal Jul 5, 2018

    Tom King and Company have delivered an event-style "Batman" issue that transcends the hype by counterintuitively focusing on tiny kernels of monumental truth. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jul 6, 2018

    In Batman #50, Tom King, Mikel Janin, June Chung, and a talent group of guest artists craft the ultimate, tragic Batman love story and show the chemistry between Bat and Cat while also showing how their marriage ultimately wouldn't work out. This definitely isn't a big, guest star heavy special, but an intimate story of a man, who decides to work out his pain and sorrow dressed as a bat instead of finding love and peace with an enigmatic woman, who dresses like a cat. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jul 4, 2018

    Part lead-up to the wedding, part retrospective of Batman and Catwoman's wedding, this is a surprisingly tense and moody issue with a lot of complications. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geekery Magazine - Shawn A. Warner Jul 4, 2018

    Issue after issue this Batman feels less like Batman, it could be that I was spoiled by the legendary Snyder/ Capullo run that rarely missed a beat, but I am more inclined to think that Tom King is a brilliant writer who has taken a few wrong turns on his journey to put his mark indelibly upon a hero bigger than any one writer. I am excited to see what shakes out in Gotham after the events of this arc have cooled, I believe King will land on his feet and go on to craft more and better tales of the Dark Knight Detective. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    411Mania - John Pumpernickel Jul 5, 2018

    Without spoiling anything, Batman #50 isn't the finale but a chapter in Catwoman and Batman's life together. In the world they live in it makes sense and is a nice reminder of what's at stake and how well they know one another. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Jul 5, 2018

    Batman #50 is an intriguing way to present a wedding issue, especially one that's an 'anniversary' issue of a title. The emotion is solidly felt throughout the story and all the artists, from Janin to the various guests, gave great renditions of the couple. The ending is an abrupt one and more time could have been better spent on the day itself, but King gave a fairly solid issue with a very tantalizing hook for what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We Got This Covered - Eric Joseph Jul 4, 2018

    Tom King's latest contribution to the Batman mythos is worth every penny, spoilers be damned. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Nicole Drum Jul 4, 2018

    Overall, Batman #50 may not live up to the overwhelming hype that led up to it, but it doesn't need to. It's an issue that redefines and fundamentally changes Batman -- and Catwoman -- forever in a way that has been far too long in coming. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 6, 2018

    This, of course, leaves Batman solo and brooding once more and spins off Catwoman into her own series. I'll be curious to see if the wedding that never happened remains in continuity or eventually fades and is forgotten by all but fans. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Jul 4, 2018

    There are some great material in this issue. Amazing artists, nice emotional beats, and an awesome twist ending. It is not a perfect wedding comic, but it is pretty darn good. Despite the spoilers leaking, some off characterizations, and redundant narratives, it would be a shame to not read the build-up to the ending. Check it out and form your own opinions on the resolution. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jul 4, 2018

    It's the final page that left me most excited about this wedding arc conclusion. King sets things up in a manner that warrants another look at his entire run for clues. I bet there's been several breadcrumbs he's left along the way, which would make his run even more impressive in retrospect. Without that final page I doubt this wedding arc would have been nearly as effective, but the future of Batman looks very bright going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 7, 2018

    The story is fun, the additional artists are great to look at and the ending is powerful on several levels. Quality wedding issue all around! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Jul 4, 2018

    The hype and excitement has been building for this for awhile and I'm guessing with Bane's arrival there's a long endgame that we're gonna be seeing, but personally as a Batman fan I was looking forward into some more character development for Bruce, as well as Batman. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Jul 4, 2018

    For me Batman #50 was okay; having all the different artists was awesome. The story was interesting and I liked the actual ending, though I can't talk about one thing without spoiling it. I can see why people are upset that this was spoiled, but like I said earlier, that spoiler is not the biggest reveal. I do like what the ending sets up and it actually has me very interested in the stories to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Comicsverse - Maite Molina Jul 4, 2018

    BATMAN #50 doesn't necessarily live up to the hype, but it does have its moments, particularly through its exceptional collection of artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Sequential Planet - Quinn Morris Jul 4, 2018

    I liked a lot of it, and it's much better than I expected it to be, but its many flaws are very difficult to overlook. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jul 5, 2018

    With Batman #50 Tom King builds the foundation for what the future of his run on this series will be built on. Throughout this issue King does a very good job getting over why the events that occurred took place, especially with who was behind it all at the end. Now the actual effectiveness of Batman #50 will hinder on if you have been reading King's run from the beginning. If you haven't it is tough to recommend Batman #50 being your starting point. You will get much more out of the events of Batman #50 if you go back and read King's run in its entirety up to this point. It will be well worth it and get you excited for Batman's future. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 4, 2018

    This is a chapter in King's larger story. There's much more to come as things weave together and that final panel indicates we've got a hell of a lot of excitement to come. As a single issue, this one has its good and its bad but as a piece of the larger puzzle it fits like a perfectly crafted piece of the larger picture. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Jul 5, 2018

    Yet where Batman #50 falls a bit short is in execution, not in consequences. The reader would be much more engaged with a straight forward story with some artist changes as opposed to lengthy text and many single-artist pages. Not every single in DC History needs to be an overview of the events that led up to this event. Catwoman and Batman may work together as a couple for now, but exploring their past only serves to make the reader feel more disjointed with their present. The actual plot and story contained in Batman #50 has all the emotional weight needed to keep audiences on edge, if only there was more of it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Watch - Justin Cooper Jul 13, 2018

    To be completely candid I had a hard time understanding the ending on this one. It was a small plot that built up to a climax that did not truly deliver. As for the artwork in the issue itself, I get the chance to cram as many artists in a milestone issue as possible; however, I do not think that you can count this since nothing eventually happened. I was actually disappointed with the lack of exposition, and can only say a bit bewildered by the ending. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Cat Wyatt Jul 4, 2018

    For an issue that they've been building up to for the better part of a year...this was only okay. If they hadn't been pushing out so many issues focused on it things might have felt differently, but in truth this really ends up feeling like a copout. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Jul 4, 2018

    Torn by external and internal factors, Batman #50 is nonetheless a powerful experience, pulled through by the strength of Kings ability to evoke emotion and connection. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Corps - Jeff Jul 4, 2018

    It's clear to me that Tom King has a strong vision for his tale of Batman. I'm not sure his execution is always landing, or if I'll ever connect with his thesis on Batman for that matter, but at least - with annuals and specials like this issue - the art of Bats has never been so good, and at least we're all still talking about Batman. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jul 5, 2018

    With a more compelling artist onboard and a more singular vision, I think it's possible that King could have communicated what he wanted to communicate to readers a little bit better. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 6, 2018

    The story is milked and expanded by unnecessary slash pages that interrupt this predictable tale. This issue confirms that I shouldn't be reading Batman by King. Jann's art is wonderful, but the splash pages are hit and miss. This was a disappointing story with good to average art. A disappointing anniversary issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Jul 4, 2018

    Whether by directive or on his own steam, Tom King drops the trap under the feet of the collective fans caught in the gallows of this long slog of an event. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Heroic Hollywood - Louis Otero Jul 4, 2018

    At the center of this storyline has been one question: Will Batman finally get to be happy? He is one of the most tragic characters in literature, and one that his fans are deeply connected to. So, it shouldn't be surprising that we do want him to be happy. Instead, this issue just assures us that the next 50 issues of King'sBatman will be more of the same. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Roy Buckingham Jul 4, 2018

    Batman #50 is modern day snake oil in the form of a comic book. All the beauty in the preceding pages was sullied and rendered emotionally worthless by the ending. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    We Have A Hulk - Louie Fecou Jul 4, 2018

    Inconsequential and disappointing, this is a low point in what should have been a better story and to be honest, I'm not sure I even want to bother with issue 51. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Jul 3, 2018

    Batman #50 is a massive letdown of a comic. It shoots for meaning and deep emotional resonance but trips itself up on its own perception of what the Batman should be. It's a visually gorgeous book, and some of the writing is genuinely eloquent and beautiful. However, the whole is far less than the sum of its parts, and I can't recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jul 4, 2018

    This is the culmination, recap and reiteration of Tom King's Batman run so far and since I haven't been a fan of that...Well, I'm not a fan of this either.  All that and the ending doesn't make any sense at all.  At least at the end of the day I can say that the pictures looked pretty. Read Full Review

  • 10
    gustave154 Jul 10, 2018

    lovely issue

  • 10
    Martin Jul 6, 2018

    One of the best issues which I've read. Good writing, full of emotions and beutifull art.

  • 10
    Dorival Jul 5, 2018

    I love everything in this issue! Thanks Tom King! The future looks great!

  • 10
    BBCConstantine Jul 4, 2018

    Tom King has become politics. Oh my gosh.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 10
    Æther Jul 4, 2018


    Wow great issue, King pays Homage to the Bat and Cat history with pin-up art, while continuing his fresh and original work on the Bat/Cat romance. Its charming, introspective, intriguing, and quite sad. It's a heartbreaker, and the ending truly had me surprised.

    Cant wait to see what this is leading up to... if anything it seems like its gonna get pretty dark, but this is a batman comic after all. Still hoping it's just the darkness before dawn, but I have a feeling it's only just now struck midnight.

  • 9.5
    EvilPenguin543 Jul 4, 2018

    Yes, it was wrong of DC to hype up the wedding and then it not happen. Yes, I'm pissed that it didn't. However, this is still a great issue of Batman.

    Most of King's run has been hit or miss, but everything came together in this one. The duel narratives, the art reflective of Batman's history, and the emotion it contains. Most of the complaints seem to be about the wedding not actually happening, instead of the issue itself, which is a disservice to all who contributed, including those who laid the foundation for King to come and spin his tale.

    Given that we're halfway into his run on Batman, and a huge part of it has been over whether or not Batman can truly be happy, I think it's safe to say that this is not the las more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 9.5
    Batman Jones Jul 4, 2018

    WOW. That was NOT the comic book I wanted to read. After 4+ years of build up I really wanted to see Batman and Catwoman embark on a happy life together. But that would have been too easy. 50 issues, it turns out, is genuinely not enough time to earn that enormous sea change.

    I gotta say I had a sinking feeling ever since spoilers were posted though I did manage to avoid ALL of them. The book was a total surprise to me. I found the pinups that made up so much of the book to be a letdown and it was hard to see Selina leave Bruce at the 'altar' as in it hurt. This book often hurts and I give it extra marks for that.

    The pinups were extra and any fat on what was an otherwise brilliant issue felt extra but so I'm docking more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 9.0
    cincyfan Oct 11, 2020

    I’m a bit disappointed with what happened however I understand the thinking behind it. The way this book was put together was fantastic! I love the two perspectives and two artists idea I found it very clever and well written

  • 9.0
    Steve C Jul 9, 2018

    Tom King and Mikel Janin are awesome, and this issue reaffirms that. Though I was let down a bit by the ending, it was beautifully written and illustrated.

  • 9.0
    mrDovydas Jul 6, 2018

    I've absolutely loved this issue. The emotions of the two main characters are portrayed exceptionally well, as well as greatly enhanced by all the incredible art spreads. While I do definitely understand why the majority may find this issue bad and even offensive, I've got exactly what I have expected and it did not disappoint at all. This theme has been a recurring thing in King's run since the first issue and I love it. Here's to another 50 issues.

  • 9.0
    Pallaki Jul 4, 2018

    The run is planned for 100 issues, I guess we could expect something like this, the art in perfect in all the pages with thousand invited artist. It is true that DC play with us, the marketing killing machine...

  • 8.5
    Dani Jul 8, 2018

    I'm not going to lie, I wanted to hate this issue. I was very disappointed in the spoiler 4 days before the event and the false promises. If I was giving a biased review, I would have given this comic a 1. Honestly, spoiling the comic 4 days early may have saved this comic from the 1 rating because by the time the issue was released I was fine and ready to read the issue with an open mind.

    This was a beautiful issue that showcased the love between Batman and Catwoman. The love they have is so genuine that I am hopeful that they will be married by the end of this 100 issue arc. Even if they do not invite the entire superhero community, I would like the Batfamily to be present. For that reason alone, I'm glad the wedding didn't more

  • 8.5
    axdn Jul 4, 2018

    Oh my god I didn't really expect this :O

  • 8.0
    Veldin Jul 13, 2018

    Beautiful array of art, contributed by some of DC's finest. A pretentious ending that was barred down in controversy, but with some intrigue to characters like Bane, Psycho Pirate & Flashpoint Batman (!?). Impressive Jim Lee variant and fantastic splash pages by Frank Miller, Greg Capullo, Weeks, Fabok, Tim Sale, and a cute Tony s Daniel image. King's dichotomous prose is in full force and most of the writing is beautiful and compelling, revealing great moments throughout the issue. Staying optimistic for the next two years of King's run.

  • 8.0
    Superheroes for Hire Jul 5, 2018

    I had to know. I was spoiled. I wanted to know how this issue turned out, so I sought out spoilers. Then I had to read it for myself. I won't spoil anything in my review, but to say that it's great. It's Tom King. It's Batman and Catwoman. It's some of the most beautiful Bat-Cat art you'll ever see. And then there is intrigue aplenty! If you love what Tom King has been doing with the Batman series since Rebirth, you will love issue 50 and the narratives he continues to spin for the Bat Family in Gotham. Side note: the little nods to past creators and continuity make for an enjoyable experience on top of the story being told. Now let's see where the next 50 issues of this run take us.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 8.0
    Spock's Brain Jul 5, 2018

    Wow, this issue is receiving a violent reaction from the fans here...I thought it was pretty good. First--yeah, it's a bit of a sham that the wedding doesn't even happen. Yeah, it was a bit of a letdown, and the idea that Catwoman steps away because Batman needs his misery to be who he is kind of shitty. But maybe that's true? Anyway, the art was absolutely great, with several pages that could be framed on the wall. The page where Bruce asks Alfred to be his best man (or whatever) was great...I don't really think people want to read the adventures of married Batman, if it would have gone down that way...I was entertained, loved a lot of the pin-up pics, and am gonna keep reading so...yup, I pretty much liked it.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 8.0
    egonnn244 Jul 4, 2018

    The road to this issue was a bumpy one, with a few ups and downs and some spoilers just days before the release (good thing I don't follow comic book news). But the wedding is finally here and they will live happily ever after... right?

    I was afraid that Tom King may try to overdo it in this issue, by trying to be deep and profound which does not always work, indicated by the last two issues starring The Joker. But in issue 50 he controlled himself, or someone controlled him, either way, this is a good read.

    Bat and Cat decide to marry at dawn and as they prepare we get a parade of various artists, like Clay Mann, Greg Capullo, Joelle Jones and many many more, showing their rendition of bride and groom. All those page more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 7.5
    Ken b Jul 4, 2018

    Had good promise but Tom king really missed the mark.

  • 7.5

    I loved all the different artists from Batman history and all the references to writers and others involved in past Batman runs. I avoided spoilers after all the outrage tipped me off, but I could guess there was a reason for it. Kind of what I expected, really.

    + LikeComments (6)
  • 7.0
    DDJamesB Jul 5, 2018

    I thought the book was really well written and could have gone down as a classic if they just would have went through with the wedding. Kind of irritates me. There are some fantastic looking pages in this book, but overall a weird way to end it. Especially the last page.

  • 7.0
    Gabriel Valões Jul 5, 2018

    what the hell just happened? The art of comic is fantastic with all those artists work on it, but Tom King failed miserably.

  • 7.0
    bucswin611 Jul 4, 2018

    While it's not the ending I wanted, it was a testament to the characters' histories and seemingly looks to tie together all of King's run. I don't think it'll help bring in new and excited readers.

  • 7.0
    Linkush Jul 4, 2018


  • 6.0
    Shodan Jul 18, 2018

    "Huh?" is usually not a good reaction to such an anticipated event. I literally flipped back to make sure I understood what had just happened. I don't think the lead up was all that bad, the Joker story in DC Nation #0 where he's waiting for his invitation to the wedding at some random person's house was genuinely creepy and had me excited for how Joker would disrupt the wedding. The problem is the whole idea that a big event has to happen at exactly a milestone issue - and here it fell flat. I mentioned it before but go read Saga #50, no earth shattering moments (not till #53!!). I still enjoy Tom King and Lee Weeks and Mr. Freeze will be awesome, but man this was a letdown.

  • 6.0
    DcComicGoddess Jul 4, 2018

    The only thing that made this book a 6 was the artwork. Come read the rest of my review and find out why I yelled at my husband for getting me into comic books at

  • 6.0
    gusresm Jul 4, 2018

    The art is amazing, as usual. Sometimes, you can catch a glimpse of the writer of vision and mr miracle, but most of the time the writing is subpar. Like most, I am very disappointed with the twist.

  • 5.0
    DarePool53 Jul 7, 2018

    Mawkish. Plodding. Illogical. Occasionally intriguing. Frustrating.

    Beyond reeling off individual adjectives, I am having difficulty in summarising my thoughts in prose.

    My only advice is to pick it up and read it for yourself.

    Folks who buy what Tom King is selling will no doubt agree with a lot of the higher-scoring reviews that have been posted here.

    However, if King's run continues in this vein, Batman will officially be off my pull list for the first time since it was put on with Batman #13 of the New 52 back in October 2012 (first issue of 'Death in the Family', as I recall).

  • 5.0
    Nihilist Jul 4, 2018

    We've all waited for... this. Where to begin? Maybe with Prelude comics, I considered to be pretty bad, Nightwing/Hush issue aside. I was hoping, truly, we can just leave them all behind, forget them, and finally proceed, get the main dish that was hyped for months.

    Long story short, the issue is a hot mess, mostly because it happens to be a wasted opportunity. Seeing so many pages drawn by legendary artists, including Jim Lee, Tim Sale and Frank Miller, was a nice concept, however in practice I was doing my best to read every single one of them as quickly as possible, since they don't offer anything interestin story-wise. Yeah, eyes, I get it, they're important, let's move on, we've met on a ship, no, we've met on a street - eit more

  • 4.5
    Gizmo Jul 15, 2018

    I could have been just as disappointed in less time for a lower cover price without all of the extra pages of pillow talk. Fake-outs are always lame, but I'll respect that this is the direction that King wants to take this... But don't artificially inflate the price like that. At least we got a nice little moment with Alfred out of it.

  • 4.0

    I've read comics with disappointing endings before, but this is likely the biggest of the decade. Sure, I knew it wouldn't go through. Batman's one of the only major superheroes neither to marry or go public with their identity. Not to mention Marvel pulled the same stunt at the same time with their own "Wedding of the year," but at least they had a surprise unexpected couple to marry in the end.
    I'll admit the end sequence with Bane and a horde of other villains seemed interesting, it turned out over time to be the big boring letdown that would be called "City of Bane." But let's face it. All this really was was one of Dan DiDio's half baked schemes to print up a ton of variants, sell them at a ludicrous cost, make money, then let eve more

  • 4.0
    Sav Jul 5, 2018

    i liked a lot of it. until the ending made me wanna jump off a roof.

    i find i write too many negative reviews and i apologize for that. but when you cut my batman drug with this laxative garbage, im going to shit on you. not tom king, hes just another asshole trying to make a buck.

    however, DC, you dumb fuck, when your product is crap, people are not going to buy it. you seem to think quantity over quality is the way into the black, but just like every other corporate dipshit raised on outdated and repugnant schooling, you will soon find that no one buys into that bullshit anymore. there are astounding writers/artists/dreamers creating and inventing wares that are being sold for the amazingly low price of fucking fre more

  • 4.0
    Comicman Jul 4, 2018

    Well, I'm not gonna deny, I am disappointed. I could have seen that this will happen. Because Tom is very good at manipulating emotions judging from previous stories, but I really wanted this marriage. I will somewhat keep up with the book because it seems to me like Dr. Manhattan is somewhat behind this judging from the end panel and the ending issue of Man of steel. But Tom pulled the rug at the worst moment possible. Guess every Batman writer has to make a really really bad idea. Grant Morrison made Damian almost kill Tim, even though Tim save him from becoming dino food. Scott Snyder retconning Mr.freeze origin. And also, both of them making Batman into some sort of prep time BatGod. And now King will be remembered as the one who pulled more

  • 3.5
    DizzyG Jul 5, 2018

    I’m not going to pretend that I don’t feel duped here. The art highlighting the Bat/Cat stories throughout the years was splendid, BUT we all expected a freakin’ wedding!! Hopefully King can clean this up somehow.

  • 3.5
    Odisseia Cultural Jul 4, 2018

    A lot of tie ins and nothing happened. A ultra boring comic.

    Please TK, you can do more.

  • 3.0
    TrooperHuge Jul 7, 2018

    What the hell is going on?!

  • 3.0
    RaisingBlack Jul 4, 2018

    I really didn't like it. Tom King since I am Bane ended has been let down after let down after filler. DC made a major mistep in the NY Times spoil, but honestly the real mistake is that all of this story changed absolutely nothing. Why have all this build up to do nothing? The book is a master class in art. The artists coming together to pay homage to Batman and Catwoman did a great job showing the spirit and history of the couple, but that is all you get. We could have done an art book and gotten the same level of joy because the story is week. Detective comics is the Batman book to follow and I don't see myself reading Batman until Tomorrow King is off the book.

    I also reject the only a sad unloved Batman can defend Gotham. I more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 3.0
    Afre Jul 4, 2018

    Well, that hype was a waste of time. And so was the synopsis for this issue. And all the build up.

    I guess the cliffhanger is okay-ish? But after all that hype and build-up, why end it just there?

  • 3.0
    superstan52 Jul 4, 2018

    Boy, am I tired of reading "epic" comic-book stories that crumble from lack of internal logic. SPOILER ALERTS:
    So now we're supposed to believe that Bane somehow masterminded this entire event since...when? Causing Batman to propose? Having Selina accept, knowing she and Joker would have a near-death colloquy in which he'd plant the idea in her head that Batman can't be happy, that would make her change her mind? Was that Bane's idea, or Joker's? Was Joker following Bane's instructions then? (Not bloody likely). How could all these criminals, who Batman has put away, assemble together without The World's Greatest Detective having a clue? All my "points" are awarded for the art.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 3.0
    Anakin Jul 4, 2018

    Lol, this was so bullshit. What a disappointment. DC built this up to be such a huge event only for them to backtrack because Batman NEEDS to be F%@CKING SAD!!!!

    Hell yeah, sure!!! Not like 80 years of history and more than 20 issues of this run didn't hype this up to be the holy grail of events.

    What a letdown, I hope the Batfamily hunts down Cat because of her poorly thought out reason.

    And what's up with that last panel? Gotham girl? Flashpoint Batman? When did they care about wanting to make Batman suffer?

    Tom King is high and I actually loved this run upto this total betrayal.

  • 2.5
    Gavan Jun 22, 2021

    I have never been more disappointed in a comic in my life. I’m just now reading it in 2021, so I can’t imagine what fans felt when it actually came out. They spend like 30 issues setting up this wedding… just for (SPOILER!) there to be no wedding! They teased it to be a huge event throughout the DC Universe and instead it was just some lame repeat of the same ole cliche of “I love you too much to put you in harms way” type of bs. Worst Batman comic I’ve ever read.

  • 2.5
    Hobgoblin Jul 5, 2018

    Loved the great artists. But c'mon the story was terrible. Very sad I bought variant covers for this, I guess a sad Batman is the only effective batman :-)

  • 2.0
    Bigbooty Jul 13, 2018

    WTF did I just read. Did BMB start writing Batman too or has TK sucked this bad all along. It takes a straight up jackass to have written that story. TK, you suck.

  • 2.0
    Briton Jul 4, 2018

    I don't know why I keep expecting anything significant to ever change for Marvel/DC characters. It's pathetic.

  • 2.0
    daddyT Jul 4, 2018

    to make the issue super special they decided to let anyone who knew how to eat crayons do the art, and actually put their names right there on most pages within the panels.

    and... we get the stupidest possible ending... granted they've been teasing it already - that "Batman can't BE Batman unless he's unhappy" so, to save the world, they won't get married.

    and somehow Bane is behind all of it, sitting there like a gang leader with Joker, Riddler and other enemies gloating. yeah.

  • 2.0
    Big Brother Jul 4, 2018

    Hot garbage. I would score it 0 without the pin-up art.

  • 2.0
    GhostlyL Jul 4, 2018

    To disappointed fans:

    Just look at the issue this way--
    Do you really want Batman and Catwoman's wedding to be presided over by a slobby judge too drunk to know what he's doing?

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 2.0
    M1sf1r3 Jul 4, 2018

    SPOILER WARNING!!! (But the New York Times already did so...)

    Can I just ask a question? Why the hell did we just sit through 26 or so issues of books (And those preludes) about Catwoman and why Batman deserves her to NOT get married? I'm someone who trade waits usually and I'm annoyed at how much money people have lost on this trip to nowhere. There's some nice art in the book, but there's also some nice art on the internet somewhere so it doesn't redeem the book for me.

    Selina's reasoning is stupid (There's a reason why Robin exists DC. Hint: To sure that Bruce can be happy and isn't all doom and gloom) and in the final page King ignores his own continuity along with some characters that shouldn't be there. All in a more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 2.0
    SomeDummy Jul 2, 2018

    Wow, I would like to apologize to any and every person I ever defended Kings's Batman run to, and apologize to the general public for potentially misleading people.

    Now I live in fear for the ending of Mister Miracle.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.5
    TheGeekWonder Jul 4, 2018

    Absolute trash. We have all these preludes and specials for something that doesn't happen. This was a marketing stunt, plain and simple. Tom King says his arc is 100 issues. So what? That gives you a free pass not to be criticized? I was never a fan of King's run, but was actually thinking this could be somewhat good, to see Batman in a different light than ever before. But no. Bruce is too damaged. WE'VE SEEN THAT A MILLION TIMES. And I get that Bane has somehow done all of this to him, but still. Bane did all of this just to ruin a wedding? Yeah, okay King. I think one of the worst things about this was that I learned about this Sunday night. Not looking for spoilers, just looking through me feed and I saw a HEADLINE. King is going to see more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 1.5
    EDiakota Jul 4, 2018

    Screw this séries, screw Tom Kings to ruin Batman. You build up this wedding for months & that's the pay off that we gets to wait that BS that make Selina & Bruce even worst then before, if that make you exicted 4 new Catwoman séries i sorry but you failed to do that

  • 1.0
    daspidaboy Jul 3, 2021

    Selina Kyle: Batman cant be happy because if he's happy, then he wont be a good Batman.

    Every fucking Robin and Batgirl: Am I a joke to you?

    Seriously, this was a huge let down. This was suppose to be where Batman can grow and be a better person and evolve as a character. But no, lets just go back to the status quo. And seriously Cat and Bat dialogue is so god damn annoying.

    This was basically the cock-block of the entire decade. Terrible story all around.

  • 1.0
    BatQuinn Aug 3, 2020

    If I could rate this 0, I would, this doesn't even read clearly and it feels like such a waste of time and money

  • 1.0
    Jung BBoab Feb 17, 2019

    좆같은새끼 씨발 미친새끼. 백번 양보해서 배트맨이랑 캣우먼이랑 결혼 취소된거는 그렇다고 치자, 사실 결혼하는게 더 배트맨의 생활에 지장이 갈거 같으니깐, 근데 씨발아 토마스 배트맨은 왜 건드리는데 진짜로 버튼에서 그렇게 잘 마무리 해놓고 어후 씨발;;;;

  • 1.0
    Jon Comics Jul 29, 2018

    The only good thing about Batman 50 is that it finally would seem to show that the Emperor Has No Clothes when it comes to Tom King’s run.
    Tom King was brilliant in The Vision saga, brilliant. However, he doesn’t seem to have a connection to Batman. His Batman run has been more cerebral than passionate. He seems to be wanting to deconstruct Batman and the genre, in a skow and uninspired way. Yes, he comes up with good gimmicks and good scenarios, but he forces these things and privileges them over character.
    His Batman/Bruce Wayne is unrecognizable, he comes across as a teenager of the 90s. His moral conflicts and ethical dilemmas are those of a teenager, and would make more sense in a teenage Superman.
    Bruce Wayne is a more

  • 1.0
    HAZOREM Jul 5, 2018

    let me get started with this,

    i have never been compelled to create an account and to impulsively give a feedback to one of the aspiring writers of this generation about one of my favorite character that has been part of our pop culture. case-on-point, this issue Batman #50, is an absolute disappointment. it is redundant to say that it is anticlimactic, having to have readers be subjugated to the hype of a new phase for the life of the caped crusader and just left us there hanging to a very unsatisfying ending. sad to say i wasted my money with this.

    the poetic writing, amazing guest's arts is not enough to pay tribute to fans who has been waiting for this character to find a new stage in his life, instead we are deliv more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    I-Zick Jul 5, 2018

    All this lead up & tie-ins for Batman & Catwoman to ditch the wedding is complete GARBAGE

  • 1.0
    KFuqua Jul 5, 2018

    This issue was pure garbage.

    I am a HUGE Batman fan and I will be happy when Tom King is off this book. I don't really understand how DC handed him Batman to begin with. His issue have been okay up to now (nothing great, nothing horrible), but this issue was awful.

  • 1.0
    Mister Bungle Jul 4, 2018

    I can swim Mommy. I’m a very good swimmer.

  • 1.0
    Bloodraven Jul 4, 2018

    What a waste. DC comics shit the bed hard with this one. Dear god it was bad. Batman needs a writer change ASAP. Tom King has to go. This was a slap in the face to the fans. I’m officially done wasting my money on this brutal,boring and cucked run of Batman.

  • 1.0
    DMan123 Jul 4, 2018

    2 years of investment, months of hype and advertisement, tie-ins, multiple covers, midnight releases, even a friggen Spotify wedding playlist and now we’re left with a vague tweet hinting that things MIGHT work out for them in the next 50 issues

    As another reviewer put it, this is comics snake oil at its prime. DC Comics should be ashamed of themselves for the marketing campaign alone. King is a brilliant writer, but the fan outrage is justifiable. Instead of an amazing issue filled with character growth, happiness and an interesting paradigm shift, we get massive swerve and more of the same old “Batman can’t be Batman if he’s happy” trope. I’ve already read dozens of comics where the Bat and Cat don’t get together. more

  • 1.0
    Harker06 Jul 4, 2018

    Completely lied to and misled. Dropped.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 1.0
    GL Mike Jul 4, 2018

    Tom King blue balls the readers!

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.0
    FBCH32 Jul 4, 2018

    ALL THAT BUILD UP FOR THIS?!?!?!?!?! The only reason I'm not dropping this is because I'm too much of a curios/nosey person and I want to see where the last part goes.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0

    Bwaa ha ha! Who really expected anything different? King wants to be sooo cool. I hate Tom King’s run on this series. I’m done w/ it. Thank goodness for Detective Comics.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    Talon1load Jul 4, 2018

    What a poorly thought out waste of time.

  • 1.0

    This needs to be returnable. DC lied to us and betrayed our trust. The same goes to King. No story can change that.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    MKW69 Jul 4, 2018

    Dissapointment. Story Has Been building up for 20 issues, and we have very childish reason, well spoken and written, but still childish.

    Edit. My copy got glued, and I didn't realised how little content is here. There is about only 19 real pages. Most of it are pin, up which are really boring.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    KesheR Jul 3, 2018

    DC has made a terrible mistake and Tom King has signed his death as "the next Alan Moore". "He is suicide".

  • 1.0
    Maniax Jul 3, 2018

    I’ve never felt this betrayed by a comic book before.

  • 1.0
    myconius Jul 3, 2018

    i should have known to stay away the first time i left this series. but i allowed myself to be lured back with false hope. what's worse is so many stories leading up to this issue have been nothing more than useless filler!!

    there is a poor excuse of a twist at the end that’s supposed to set up what’s to come.
    but WHO CARES???
    they think after this gargantuan betrayal, we’re just supposed to trust them again???? F@&% THAT!!!

    F@&% YOU DC !!!
    and F@&% YOU Tom King !!!
    you just DO NOT understand the character!!!
    take this pathetic Emo excuse for Batman and stick it right up your greedy cash grabbing @&$ !!!
    and no amount of bonus pin-up art can possibly make up for this GIANT cluster F more

    + LikeComments (106)
  • 1.0
    ryaleus Jul 2, 2018

    I have to say that I'm frusturated.I know the issue hasn't been released but
    I read the article NY Times published.


    I don't care if there is another twist besides Catwoman leaving and Bane being behind all this.This was a terrible conclusion.It's time for a new writer for Batman series.

    Edit:I read the issue and my opinion is still same.

  • 1.0
    JohnMar Jul 2, 2018

    DC and Tom King should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Federico Liguori Feb 14, 2023

    I won't rate this. What were you expecting? Just like Marvel won't make Peter happy, DC will never make Bruce happy. Of course, the monologues are touching and I love the different artworks throughout the issue... But it's a joke, honestly. Hyping this up for a philosophical mess that leaves nobody really satisfied.

  • 10
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  • 9.5
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  • 8.5
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Reviews for the Week of...


