Leto.rai's Profile

Joined: Jun 08, 2018

Recent Activity

Leto.rai dropped Tom King from their creator watch list Aug 8, 2020
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Leto.rai dropped Scott Snyder from their creator watch list Aug 8, 2020
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Leto.rai dropped Geoff Johns from their creator watch list Aug 8, 2020
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Leto.rai dropped Justice League: No Justice from their pull list Aug 8, 2020

Justice League: No Justice

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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Leto.rai dropped The Man of Steel (2018) from their pull list Aug 8, 2020

The Man of Steel (2018)

A new era begins for Superman as a threat from his earliest origins reemerges to destroy the Last Son of Krypton. As Superman struggles to come to grips with what has happened to his wife and son, he must also face a new threat that's determined to burn down Metropolis!

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Leto.rai dropped Justice League (2018) from their pull list Aug 8, 2020

Justice League (2018)

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Leto.rai dropped Batman (2016) from their pull list Aug 8, 2020

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Leto.rai rated New Teen Titans #33 Aug 8, 2020

New Teen Titans #33

By: Marv Wolfman, George Perez
Released: Jun 29, 1983

When a super-villain ends up dead, it's up to the Titans to solve the murder mystery--one they may very well be the source of--and all without the help of their resident detective, Robin!

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Leto.rai added The Man of Steel (2018) to their pull list Jul 4, 2018

The Man of Steel (2018)

A new era begins for Superman as a threat from his earliest origins reemerges to destroy the Last Son of Krypton. As Superman struggles to come to grips with what has happened to his wife and son, he must also face a new threat that's determined to burn down Metropolis!

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Leto.rai added Batman (2016) to their pull list Jul 4, 2018

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Leto.rai rated Batman #50 Jul 4, 2018

Batman #50

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbea...

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I really liked this volume. It starts with a story between Two Face, Batman and a figure of Dent's past. The way this story is narrated is the thing that I liked most. It centers in Dent's past, and at some point he is the protagonist in the story, in every issue we see a glimpse in the past of this character, and instead of going foreward, it goes backwards, similar to the movie Memento, and it f more

Batman and Robin Vol. 5: The Big Burn

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Various

The origin of Two-Face begins as Batman finds himself in the crossfire of a vengeful war between Two-Face and mobster Erin McKillen! Both are hellbent on killing each other and anyone else who dares to step between them. Dont miss these explosive tales from BATMAN AND TWO-FACE #24-28 and BATMAN AND ROBIN ANNUAL #2.

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Leto.rai added Tom King to their creator watch list Jun 15, 2018
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Leto.rai added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Jun 11, 2018
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This volume is divided in 3 parts. On the first ine we have the Zero Year tie-in, followed up by the ending of the Man Bat storyline from some previous issues. This two issues are so out of place in this TPB. If the tie in is collected in a Zero Year collection, why puting it here too? Then the Man Bat issue should be alongside the other side story issues in another TPB, so it is a whole volume to more

Detective Comics Vol. 5: Gothtopia

By: John Layman, Jason Fabok

Who or what has created this twisted vision of the Dark Knights hometown? As far as anyone knows, Gotham City is and always has been a crime-free utopia, patrolled by the white-clad Batman and his sidekick, Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catbird. Dont miss the strange adventure from DETECTIVE COMICS #25-29, including the amazing DETECTIVE COMICS #27!

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Leto.rai reviewed Justice League #1 Jun 8, 2018

After a crazy event like Dark Nights: Metal and the dissapointing No Justice, the League brings a fresh, promising new series with a new line-up. This issue is narrated in a way that kept me wondering what's going to happen next. I liked that it's not the beginning of the "next big story" of the Justice League. It hints toward a big story, yes, but it takes it's time in presenting the new members more

Justice League #1

By: Scott Snyder, Jim Cheung
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Leto.rai added Justice League (2018) to their pull list Jun 8, 2018

Justice League (2018)

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Leto.rai added Justice League: No Justice to their pull list Jun 8, 2018

Justice League: No Justice

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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Leto.rai added Scott Snyder to their creator watch list Jun 8, 2018
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