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Joined: Jul 19, 2017

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TSwan98 reviewed Batman #74 Jul 9, 2019

I would like to give this a 1 just to even out all the King Cult members wbo will give it a 10 but I wont do that. This issue is the epitome of what we have gotten the whole series which is nothing. You get Tom King using the majority of the issue just using a folk tale for dialogue (which he does more than write his own anymore) a story that goes nowhere, and a zero questions answered. I can not more

Batman #74

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 10, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" concludes with a father-and-son showdown. Flashpoint Batman reveals his fiendish reasoning for dragging Batman into the desert, and who is in the coffin they've been dragging along with them. But is this a step too far? It's Bruce Wayne versus Thomas Wayne for the right to wear the cowl, and all of Gotham City hangs in the...

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Batman Jones - Jul 17, 2019

I do give King's Batman 10's but I'm genuine in doing that. And I don't give him 10's across the board. Maniax posts a 1 star review to every issue of King's Batman at midnight each Tuesday night. I'm not like that. I don't have an agenda to drag anything up or down. I just love this run. Reasonable people can/will disagree about pretty much anything. That's what makes the world go 'round.

myconius - Aug 14, 2019

TSwan98 - are you serious?? people actually told you to kill yourself for not liking a dang silly comic book??!!! what a bunch of mentally unstable, fart huffing A-holes!!!

TSwan98 reviewed Batman #75 Jul 17, 2019

I do not understand how people are giving this (and other books) 10/10. That is a perfect score. You are saying this book is perfect and there were no faults. Yet these people give 10s almost every book they review. It is a joke!!

This book was the usual Tom King nonsense. No build up, big wow moments that are supposed to make you think its good, pretentious dialogue, the usual random, more

Batman #75

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Jul 17, 2019

"City of Bane" begins! Bane's minions have moved into Gotham City, taken control and are ruling with an iron fist-including rounding up any villain who refuses to sign onto Bane's program-and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least not the Batman anyone knows. It's like someone has replaced the real Gotham City with a twisted funhouse-mirror versio...

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myconius reviewed Batman #75 Jul 17, 2019

more random, all-over-the-place, decompressed, pseudo intellectual gibberish.

nothing was properly set up. we are just thrust into Gotham being run by villains with Flashpoint Batman in charge of Wayne Manor and the Bat-cave.

meanwhile Bruce is marching out in a snow blizzard in some undefined mountains. where? why? who knows? Bruce is asking for someone called 'The Memory o more

Batman #75

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Jul 17, 2019

"City of Bane" begins! Bane's minions have moved into Gotham City, taken control and are ruling with an iron fist-including rounding up any villain who refuses to sign onto Bane's program-and Batman is nowhere to be found. At least not the Batman anyone knows. It's like someone has replaced the real Gotham City with a twisted funhouse-mirror versio...

TSwan98 reviewed Batman #51 Jul 18, 2018

Tom King rips off 12 Angry Men and somehow makes it more boring. At some point in this runit would be cool to get you know....Batman

Batman #51

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Jul 18, 2018

The honeymoon's over for Bruce Wayne as Gotham City's most prominent citizen gets selected for jury duty in a chilling court case involving Mr. Freeze! Freeze claims the charges should be dismissed because Batman used excessive force; cue the outrage and media circus. While doing his civic duty, Wayne's forced to take a hard look at the Dark Knight...

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myconius reviewed Batman #50 Jul 3, 2018

i should have known to stay away the first time i left this series. but i allowed myself to be lured back with false hope. what's worse is so many stories leading up to this issue have been nothing more than useless filler!!

there is a poor excuse of a twist at the end that’s supposed to set up what’s to come.
but WHO CARES???
they think after this gargantuan betrayal, weâ more

Batman #50

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbea...

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Talon1load - Jul 8, 2018

Hey now, I really liked BvS. Don’t try to tarnish that by associating it with Tom King. Lol

myconius - Jul 8, 2018

Talon1load - you're right! to be fair, i really enjoyed BvS when i saw it in the theater. i even bought the blu ray as well. but it definitely is a guilty pleasure. i can admittedly see it for all it's flaws. but as you said, it DOES NOT deserve to be lumped in with the filthy mess that is Tom King's Batman. lol

TSwan98 reviewed Batman #48 Jun 9, 2018

Tom King is the worst thing that has happened to Batman. I would rather read All Star Batman and Robin. At least Batman talks in that crap

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

TSwan98 reviewed New Superman #23 May 17, 2018

One of the best books of the Rebirth era. Its sad so few people gave this book a chance.

New Superman #23

By: Gene Luen Yang, Brent Peeples
Released: May 9, 2018

"SEAS OF CHANGE" part four! As a tidal wave threatens to engulf all of Pyongyang, the Justice League of China must save the North Korean capital from destruction whether they like it or not! The Dragonson has risen to ascend to his throne as the Aqua-Man of North Korea, and he'll make his countrymen pay for what they did to him, come hell or high w...

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TSwan98 reviewed Batman #47 May 16, 2018

Tom King continously proves he doesnt give a shit about what other characters are supposed to be. He writes them how he wants them. This whole series is a joke and I can nit wait to drop this after 50

Batman #47

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 16, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part three! As Booster Gold, Batman and Catwoman zero in on the time anomaly, what they find and their actions to correct it will have ramifications on all of the DC Universe. Tom King and Master Class artist Tony S. Daniel end their first story with a bang that will tee up the next big development in the Batman/Catwoman romance.

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TSwan98 rated Batman #28 Aug 10, 2017

Batman #28

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 2, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four! War is hell. Unless it's in Gotham City, where it's so much worse. The clash between The Joker and the Riddler continues to escalate, with the rest of the city's villains picking sides and joining in. In the midst of the battle, Batman must try to save whoever he can while knowing he will forever be haunted...

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TSwan98 reviewed Batman #27 Jul 24, 2017

Pretty sad that a Kite Man origin is by far the best story in this arc.

Batman #27

By: Tom King, Davide Gianfelice
Released: Jul 19, 2017

"THE WAR OF THE JOKES AND RIDDLES" part three! The war has spread to every corner of Gotham City, and while Batman battles back the forces of Joker and Riddler, an unlikely criminal becomes the pivotal key to its potential resolution... but it could cost him everything.

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TSwan98 reviewed Batwoman #5 Jul 24, 2017

The art is beautiful. I love Batwoman but this might be the most boring book in Rebirth.

Batwoman #5

By: Marguerite Bennett, Stephanie Hans
Released: Jul 19, 2017

"THE MANY ARMS OF DEATH" epilogue! In this special one-off issue with art by Stephanie Hans (Angela), learn the truth of what went down between Kate and Safiyah, which led to the future Batwoman having to leave Coryana for what she was sure would be forever!

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TSwan98 reviewed Wonder Woman #26 Jul 20, 2017

An average book. I am just happy to have Rucka off this book and I am excited to see where this story goes.

Wonder Woman #26

By: Shea Fontana, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part one! Writer Shea Fontana (DC SUPER HERO GIRLS) steps in for a new story! Wonder Woman finally takes a moment to catch her breath and attend a friend's wedding... but unfortunately, horror's followed her even there!

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TSwan98 rated Titans #13 Jul 20, 2017

Titans #13

By: Dan Abnett, V Kenneth Marion
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"JUDAS AMONG US"! As Omen begins her investigation into the identity of the team's traitor, the Titans launch a full assault on H.I.V.E., who they believe hold the key to restoring Bumblebee's broken mind. Meanwhile, tensions rise when Roy discovers Wally and Donna's blossoming romance - which threatens to tear the Titans apart!

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TSwan98 rated Supergirl #11 Jul 20, 2017

Supergirl #11

By: Steve Orlando, Brian Ching
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"ESCAPE FROM THE PHANTOM ZONE" part three! Supergirl must quell the maelstrom tearing apart the Phantom Zone, as Batgirl faces down the Phantom King one-on-one. If they fail, they'll be lost in the Phantom Zone forever!

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TSwan98 rated Suicide Squad #21 Jul 20, 2017

Suicide Squad #21

By: Rob Williams, Gus Vazquez
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"KILL YOUR DARLINGS" part one! Devastated by Rustam and his Burning World, the international conspiracy known as the People reveal themselves to Amanda Waller in a desperate move to secure their mysterious endgame for Planet Earth! Meanwhile, the walls tighten for Boomerang as Harley Quinn gets closer to discovering the traitorous murderer within T...

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Red Hood and the Outlaws #12

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"THE LIFE OF BIZARRO" part one! Bizarro's final days are upon us! As Red Hood and the Outlaws rush home to Gotham City in an effort to save Bizarro's life, a new threat is unleashed in the form of Solomon Grundy! Can the Outlaws stop Grundy's rampage without their most powerful member? Who unleashed the monster in the first place? And can Grundy de...

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TSwan98 reviewed New Superman #13 Jul 20, 2017

One of the best books of Rebirth.

New Superman #13

By: Gene Luen Yang, Billy Tan
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"THE ZERO ULTIMATUM" part three! Shanghai falls - and Emperor Super-Man rules the ashes! With an army of super villains on the streets, The Justice League of China leads the movement to take the city back. New Super-Man's head isn't in the game upon discovering the shocking secret of his mother's true identity, Wonder-Woman has been transformed and...

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TSwan98 rated Flash #26 Jul 20, 2017

Flash #26

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"RUNNING SCARED" part two! Barry Allen and Iris West witness a chilling vision of the future courtesy of the Reverse-Flash, who reveals the couple's legendary romance will yield only darkness for the world of tomorrow. Now, Thawne forces The Flash to make a choice: spend forever alone or doom the future?

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TSwan98 rated Detective Comics #960 Jul 20, 2017

Detective Comics #960

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"INTELLIGENCE" part three! With Zatanna joining the ranks of Batman's allies, there shouldn't be any foe the team can't take on... but does that include their teammate Azrael himself, who just might be cracking up?

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"FRACTURES" part three! Secrets are out and battle lines are drawn. The partnership of the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps begins to crumble before it explodes!

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TSwan98 added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Jul 19, 2017

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #12

By: Julie Benson, Roge Antonia
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"SOURCE CODE" part two! Oracle crossed half the criminal underworld in his early years - and now, he's caused a black cat to cross the Birds of Prey's path! Catwoman's been waiting for a chance to get her claws on this guy for a while... but at this point, do the Birds even want to stand in her way?

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TSwan98 reviewed Justice League #24 Jul 19, 2017

Finally an issue of Justice League worth reading. Crazy how this book can be good when a certain writer isnt the one writing...

Justice League #24

By: Dan Abnett, Ian Churchill
Released: Jul 5, 2017

Continuing the ocean-shattering events of AQUAMAN #25, the League confronts Mera, who is desperate, reckless and emotionally exhausted by what's happened to Arthur Curry. And when she shows Arthur's teammates exactly how powerful she is she does not hold back! This special tale is written by AQUAMAN writer Dan Abnett!

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TSwan98 rated Batman #26 Jul 19, 2017

Batman #26

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 5, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part two! The Riddler and The Joker escalate their bloody feud, and the villains of Gotham City are forced to choose sides or be caught in the crossfire! It's up to Batman to push himself to the limit and keep innocent citizens out of harm's way.

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TSwan98 rated Aquaman #25 Jul 19, 2017

Aquaman #25

By: Dan Abnett, Stjepan Sejic
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"UNDERWORLD" part one! In this extra-sized anniversary issue, former terrorists have replaced the Atlantean police. Crime lords control huge swaths of the kingdom. And a deadly undersea arsenal is trained on the surface-dwellers. All is as King Rath commands-and yet whispers persist of a rebel in the slums of Atlantis: A hero with the potential to ...

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TSwan98 rated Batgirl #11 Jul 19, 2017

Batgirl #11

By: Hope Larson, Chris Wildgoose
Released: May 24, 2017

"Son of Penguin" finale! Batgirl races to free Burnside from Ethan's plot...but has Burnside already changed too much to be saved? Even if she manages to save the day, will Barbara ever be able to truly go home again?
Includes a code for a free digital download of this issue.

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TSwan98 rated Batgirl #12 Jul 19, 2017

Batgirl #12

By: Hope Larson, Eleonora Carlini
Released: Jun 28, 2017

"Troubled Waters"! A terrifying creature is threatening members of the Burnside YMCA-but no one can catch it! It's up to Batgirl to plunge into the unknown depths and risk being zapped out of existence to put an end to the danger!

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