Batgirl #11

Writer: Hope Larson Artist: Chris Wildgoose Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 24, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 7
7.6Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

"Son of Penguin" finale! Batgirl races to free Burnside from Ethan's plot...but has Burnside already changed too much to be saved? Even if she manages to save the day, will Barbara ever be able to truly go home again?
Includes a code for a free digital download of this issue.

  • 10
    AIPT - Daniel Levine May 24, 2017

    Son of Penguin wraps up with a climax that makes Batgirl use all of her tech know-how to save Burnside in a fun way younger readers will love. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Tracy Sayers Jun 2, 2017

    I enjoyed reading this series and look forward to seeing what other adventures Batgirl gets up to. My Niece is going to love this. 5 out of 5 Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Kara Leavitt May 24, 2017

    Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. It was a great conclusion to the Ethan Cobblepot/Blacksun arc, and left the possibility of seeing him return at a later point. Barbara uses her memory and knowledge to outsmart Blacksun, and I really appreciate that Barbaras intelligence is constantly emphasized as her greatest strength. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine May 24, 2017

    This is a really solid issue and a fun conclusion to this story. The art is great with some really cool chase scenes. I like Ethan's villainous scheme and how Babs stops it. It's a fun read; I recommend checking this issue out. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Calhoun May 26, 2017

    Overall, Wildgoose's art deserves a lot of the credit for making this finale a fun one, along with Larson's handle on the integrity and charm that make Babs so likable. Batgirl #11 is satisfying as an issue that concludes an unsatisfying arc, one that brings together all the pieces in an arc that simply reads several grade levels down from where you would hope it to be. Regardless, this series is a series worth your time, if only for the character-driven parts between Babs, the people around her, and Batgirl swinging from a grappling hook and chasing down a motorcycle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo May 24, 2017

    This book still has work to do, but I think Hope Larson is doing it and doing it well. While this storyline took a stumble with the crowbarred romance, most everything else about it works out pretty well"the sillier bits are acknowledged as silly, the over-the-top roommate drama seems to be put to rest, and Babs saves the day without needing the help of twelve other supporting characters"which is something we honestly haven't really seen her do up until Larson took over the pages and started reminding us that Batgirl is the star of the book! For that alone, I boosted this rating half a star. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison May 26, 2017

    Despite some spotty science this month, Batgirlremains one of the best books to come out of the DC Universe Rebirth. Hope Larson has brought Barbara Gordon back to her former glory and Chris Wildgoose has given the book a truly unique look. If you like good books with smart, strong heroines, you should be reading Batgirl. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Paul Mason May 25, 2017

    The conclusion of the Penguin's son story begins with the son hosting a surprise and unwelcome retirement party for the Penguin. His suit has the tech to control groups of people and he uses it to try to make the retirement permanent. The remainder of the issue is basically a chase through Burnside and confrontation with Batgirl. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Noah O'Toole May 24, 2017

    This story arc ended stronger than it began. At first, I found it out of place for Batgirlto date the son of the Penguin, but as the story unfolded things fell intoplace. Batgirl is a fun book withpositive role models and gives Barbara Gordon a chance to be her own characterin her new city of Burnside. The book isfun, but also silly in parts, and isn't necessarily geared towards everyreader. If some of the over-the-topviolence seen in many comic books doesn't appeal to you, give Batgirl a try fora more light-hearted take on the bat family. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    GWW - Christopher Rodriguez May 24, 2017

    By now, if you're still reading this series then you know exactly what to expect: Fun little stories that explore Barbara's relationships. Though it's not my favorite series, I feel like the Batgirl creative team always accomplishes what it sets out to do. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway May 24, 2017

    Batgirl bumbles through another fine mess and comes out fine and sippin' wine at the end. This concludes a low stakes arc that ultimately has few consequences. I sure wish Batgirl would be smart again. Anyway, it looks pretty cool, though the art is uneven in places. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller May 25, 2017

    Batgirl handles the conclusion of her second Rebirth arc well, if unmemorably. Read Full Review

  • 4.4
    IGN - Blair Marnell May 25, 2017

    It's weird how a comic that came out this week can read like it escaped from the '70s. But that pretty much sums up the new issue of Batgirl. Read Full Review

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