Sav's Profile

Joined: Dec 23, 2016

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Sav rated Avengers #16 Mar 28, 2019

Avengers #16

By: Jason Aaron, David Marquez
Released: Mar 6, 2019

Welcome to the Avengers, Blade - hope you survive the experience! Though there are plenty of vampires out there that definitely won't, as the civil war tearing apart the worldwide undead community rages on.
Rated T+

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Sav reviewed X-Men: Red #11 Mar 22, 2019

Just fucking dumb

X-Men: Red #11

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonia
Released: Dec 12, 2018

The X-Men have battled valiantly against their powerful psychic foe, Cassandra Nova, since the moment she framed Jean Grey for murder on the world stage. They have been hunted. They have been hated. And now...they can fight no more.
Rated T+

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Sav reviewed X-Men: Red #8 Mar 22, 2019

Fucking dumb

X-Men: Red #8

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Sep 26, 2018

In the wake of an unprecedented assault on Atlantis, the X-Men must react and recover...while at the mercy of a world that grows more hostile to mutants every day, and a foe who is determined to keep it that way!
Rated T+

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Sav rated X-Men: Red #7 Mar 22, 2019

X-Men: Red #7

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Aug 22, 2018

• To escape his present, Magneto travels to the future!
•  But even 20 years later, there will always be X-Men...
Rated T+

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myconius posted on Sav's profile Dec 24, 2018

Happy Holidays! 🎄

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I'm giving a 10 to all these mashups. The main stories are ok. They're very well-written. They're just boring. However, the second stories have been great. Absolutely nostalgic. Fun and funny. Definitely not written for the kiddies as Harley's issue demonstrates.

This one in particular. They went classic Daffy character. And the reference to Neon Noodle was wonderful.

DC / Looney Tunes: The Joker/Daffy Duck #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Aug 29, 2018

When Daffy Duck pays a call to the Acme corporate headquarters in Gotham City, he finds the company long gone and their abandoned building now occupied by The Joker. With a hit in progress, Daffy tries to sneak away, only to find himself in the clutches of the Clown Prince of Crime. But Joker decides that there's some potential in this manic bird a...

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Sav reviewed Wonder Woman #53 Aug 25, 2018

I stopped reading after: HOLA!

Wonder Woman #53

By: Steve Orlando, Aco
Released: Aug 22, 2018

At the behest of Aztek, Diana and Artemis join her for a trip to Mexico, but there's no sightseeing on the agenda. Instead, they must rescue a long-lost Amazon who's being held captive by rogue deity Tezcatlipoca, who's trying to break into our world. Can our three heroes save the missing Amazon, stop a raging god and not kill one another in the pr...

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Sav added Wonder Woman (2016) to their pull list Aug 25, 2018

Wonder Woman (2016)

"THE LIES" chapter one
Why has the lasso of truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman's past unravel her present!
THEY SAID IT: "Drawing Wonder Woman isn't just drawing a comic, it's drawing an icon-the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world," exclaims art...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Wonder Woman #53 Aug 25, 2018

This is a mess. Woeful dialogue. Takes a lot of work to follow the continuity and then sadly you find it's not worth it in the end. This title has plummeted dramatically since Chiang and Azzarello.

Wonder Woman #53

By: Steve Orlando, Aco
Released: Aug 22, 2018

At the behest of Aztek, Diana and Artemis join her for a trip to Mexico, but there's no sightseeing on the agenda. Instead, they must rescue a long-lost Amazon who's being held captive by rogue deity Tezcatlipoca, who's trying to break into our world. Can our three heroes save the missing Amazon, stop a raging god and not kill one another in the pr...

Sav rated Mr. and Mrs. X #2 Aug 24, 2018

Mr. and Mrs. X #2

By: Kelly Thompson, Oscar Bazaldua
Released: Aug 22, 2018

ROGUE and GAMBIT find themselves tasked with protecting a mysterious package that everyone in the galaxy suddenly seems to want. Why does everyone want this thing and WHAT exactly is it? Perhaps more importantly, is there anything worse than Deadpool crashing your honeymoon? Yes! There is something worse! TECHNET...

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Sav added Mr. and Mrs. X to their pull list Aug 24, 2018

Mr. and Mrs. X

LOVE & MARRIAGE PART 1! Straight from the pages of X-MEN the surprise of everyone, the Marvel Universe's hottest couple has finally tied the knot! In their extraordinary lives, they've faced nearly every challenge imaginable, but how will they fare against former flames making trouble? An entire galaxy in jeopardy? You want it? We ...

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Still awesome

Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #2

By: Tim Seeley, Freddie Williams II
Released: Aug 15, 2018

He-Man has come to his mother's home-world to save it from a despotic ruler: Superman! As Batman plans an invasion of the Oracle to stop their suicide squads from terrorizing the populace, He-Man wanders an Earth city (in disguise) hoping to understand more of the difficulty they'll face. Meanwhile, back on Eternia, Zatanna and Swamp Thing are horr...

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Sav added Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe to their pull list Aug 20, 2018

Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe

Believing He-man and the Masters of the Universe defeated, a robotic impostor has seized control of Eternia-but not for long! After freeing his kingdom from this strongman's rule, Prince Adam learns not everyone is pleased to see the pretender deposed-but Adam knows the value of freedom. So when heroes from another dimension ask his aid in deposing...

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Sav reviewed Justice League #6 Aug 20, 2018

Horrible writing

Justice League #6

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 15, 2018

Did you read the write-up on issue #5? Do you really think anything's gotten better for the Justice League in the past two weeks? Still Force? Still a thing! Ultraviolet Galaxy Lantern? Keeps attacking! Sinestro? Total garbage! Lex Luthor and Joker? Beating everyone to the Source Wall piece. If that happens? You don't wanna know.

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KFuqua reviewed Justice League #6 Aug 16, 2018

One of the most over-rated writers at DC strikes again.

Justice League #6

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 15, 2018

Did you read the write-up on issue #5? Do you really think anything's gotten better for the Justice League in the past two weeks? Still Force? Still a thing! Ultraviolet Galaxy Lantern? Keeps attacking! Sinestro? Total garbage! Lex Luthor and Joker? Beating everyone to the Source Wall piece. If that happens? You don't wanna know.

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Sav reviewed Edge of Spider-Geddon #1 Aug 15, 2018

Hobie needs his own series

Edge of Spider-Geddon #1

By: Jed MacKay, Gerardo Sandoval
Released: Aug 15, 2018

Spider-Punk is back and better than ever. After SPIDER-VERSE, Hobie Brown was a Web Warrior, but that didn't mean things back in his universe were solved. The writer of the SPIDER-PUNK story in SPIDER-VERSE is back and joined by VENOM'S Gerardo Sandoval! Spider-Punk's Earth is under attack both on the ground and from sp...

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Sav reviewed Wonder Woman #52 Aug 13, 2018


Wonder Woman #52

By: Steve Orlando, Aco
Released: Aug 8, 2018

At the behest of Aztek, Diana and Artemis join her for a trip to Mexico, but there's no sightseeing on the agenda. Instead, they must rescue a long-lost Amazon who's being held captive by rogue deity Tezcatlipoca, who's trying to break into our world. Can our three heroes save the missing Amazon, stop a raging god and not kill one another in the pr...

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SloboSOY reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Aug 9, 2018

I had the need to laugh. All that for this. So not enough that this spit on Marvel Two in one (Who will read the title now they know this will lead nowhere ?) but that play with the fan too. Gladly I start it with no expectation. I even take it more for feed my curiosity than because I missed the team. For me the only time this team was good was with Robinson. So I don't have the expectation other more

Fantastic Four #1

By: Dan Slott, Skottie Young
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

+ LikeComments (1)
MKW69 - Aug 9, 2018

Robinson run sucked ass.

Sav reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Aug 9, 2018

It's nice and all, but it's all feels and nothing else. Plus, what a way to write off that two-in-one series, huh?

**Spoiler** Why even finish it when this series skips past the whole event. They get home safe. Nothing was gained. And Doom is back to his depressed and ugly self.

I'm not a fan of the sjw movement in comics (nor in life). But at least it gave us new heros. Un more

Fantastic Four #1

By: Dan Slott, Skottie Young
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

+ LikeComments (2)
MKW69 - Aug 9, 2018

Dude you're and Idiot just by Saying SJW.

Sav - Aug 9, 2018

Dude, you're an idiot for saying SJW, too... :O

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Luminous reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Aug 7, 2018

Not much happened to be honest. While reading this, i was confused on the continuity between this book and Two-In-One. How are Ben and Johnny on earth here when they're elseworld in the other book? The events don't line up and Slott's characterization on Johnny is questionable right now.

Zdarsky's Two-In-One had the better debut issue.

Fantastic Four #1

By: Dan Slott, Skottie Young
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

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Muldoon452 reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Aug 8, 2018

I remember a time when you could by an FF comic book and 1) the FF actually appeared in it...and 2) stuff actually happened in it...and 3) it was fun with high adventure.

This has none of that...for $5.99.


Fantastic Four #1

By: Dan Slott, Skottie Young
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

+ LikeComments (2)
MKW69 - Aug 9, 2018

Ben Grimm engaged to Alicia! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?

Muldoon452 - Aug 9, 2018

Less soy...that’s what.

Sav added Fantastic Four (2018) to their pull list Aug 9, 2018

Fantastic Four (2018)

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

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Sav reviewed Mister Miracle #10 Aug 2, 2018

Really good series. But this issue was just boring and dumb. The writing was subpar.

Why would some random store clerk be so chatty and "insightful" about sacrificing a child? And Barda is pissed about the topic involving giving up their son for the whole issue, then when he plans a ruse with his son as the distraction, she's all chill and lovey?

Maybe I'm just sick of King more

Mister Miracle #10

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 1, 2018

Darkseid has put an offer on the table- something that can end the war between New Genesis and Apokolips once and for all. The stakes are high, but peace is important. Mister Miracle finds himself caught having to make a decision that won't just change the new life he's been building, but potentially the entirety of the universe.

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Sav added Mister Miracle (2017) to their pull list Aug 2, 2018

Mister Miracle (2017)

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

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Sav reviewed New Challengers #3 Jul 28, 2018

Weird and all over the place. But I like it!

New Challengers #3

By: Scott Snyder, Andy Kubert
Released: Jul 18, 2018

It's the New Challengers versus the Old Challengers! The original Challengers infiltrate Challengers Mountain to uncover the identity of the professor who's been manipulating both teams! As dark matter leaks from the Dark Multiverse, the New Challengers travel to the prehistoric underworld of Skartaris, stomping grounds of Travis Morgan, the Warlor...

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Sav reviewed Detective Comics #985 Jul 27, 2018

I want to like it...

Detective Comics #985

By: Bryan Hill, Philippe Briones
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Batman called Black Lightning to Gotham City for help with a specific case-but what is Batman hiding from Jefferson Pierce? It looks like he's in touch with somebody from their mutual past, and he doesn't want Black Lightning to know about it -and that operative might be in over their head!

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Sav added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Jul 27, 2018

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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Sav rated Justice League Dark #1 Jul 25, 2018

Justice League Dark #1

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo
Released: Jul 25, 2018

From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE! Earth's magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It's up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing,...

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Sav added Justice League Dark (2018) to their pull list Jul 25, 2018

Justice League Dark (2018)

From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE! Earth's magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It's up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing,...

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Sav added Infinity Wars (2018) to their pull list Jul 25, 2018

Infinity Wars (2018)

As the Infinity Stones come to Earth, so too comes the war for control over them. But none who wield the stones know the truth about the power they contain...or what it would take to bring them to their END. The nature of the universe itself hangs in the balance as we learn the answer to the question on everyone's lips since "Infinity Wars Prime": ...

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