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Joined: Aug 14, 2018

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It's the occasionally great stories that have me still loving comics even after 65 years of collecting

Batman: The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween #3

By: Jeph Loeb, Mark Chiarello
Released: Nov 27, 2024

In 1996, writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale teamed up for Batman: The Long Halloween, an award-winning 13-chapter saga that spawned multiple sequels and stands as the most influential Batman story of its era. Now, Loeb returns to the world of The Long Halloween for its long-anticipated final act--Batman The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween, an ...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Daredevil #16 Dec 31, 2024

This used to be one of the titles that helped make Marvel the most widely read comic book company. Sadly the current run does not reach those heights, in fact it is so poor that for the first time in decades I may cancel my monthly order.

Daredevil #16

By: Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Kuder
Released: Dec 18, 2024

After literally tearing himself apart to escape from Hell, Matt Murdock's soul has been FRACTURED! Each portion corrupted and twisted into the image of one of the seven deadly sins! One by one, Matt has begun to conquer his demons and save his friends, but some demons aren't so easily exorcised - as Matt and one of his young wards are about to disc...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Jenny Sparks #2 Sep 27, 2024

Tom King always starts his stories very well. This is often followed by long periods where he meanders and the story direction becomes unclear. The mark of a great writer is to tie it all together at the end. In the past King has not always nailed his landings. Hopefully he will for this story arc. So far the first two issues are detailed and thought provoking. Kudos to Jeff Spokes for the art.

Jenny Sparks #2

By: Tom King, Jeff Spokes
Released: Sep 18, 2024

The Spirit of the 20th century returns for the 21st! Thinking her time on this world has finally ended, Jenny lays down to rest only to be woken by the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. Humanity still needs her, especially four seemingly random strangers in a bar. Will Captain Atom spare them from his murderous wrath? Or is Jenny in over her...

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Aussie Dad reviewed X-Factor #1 Aug 16, 2024

If D-listers ran our entertainment industries! Characters are killed off because they can be and will readers actually care? This needs to improve dramatically

X-Factor #1

By: Mark Russell, Bob Quinn
Released: Aug 14, 2024

From the ashes of Krakoa, a new mutant arms race sweeps the globe! International governments are building their own mutant armies. But only America's X-Factor has the most powerful, most patriotic, most marketable mutant heroes to stem the tide and make the world safe for democracy! Join Angel, Havok, Frenzy, Feral, Pyr...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Wonder Woman #8 Jun 1, 2024

If Tom King writes a comic the trolls come out of the woodwork. This is a very well written and beautifully drawn comic. The cover and the full page bondage panel (page 3) would have been banned under the Comics Code thanks to Dr Wertham, thankfully those restrictions no loner are enforced.

Wonder Woman #8

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Apr 17, 2024

WONDER WOMAN VS. THE SOVEREIGN! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! ...

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Aussie Dad rated The Penguin #8 May 11, 2024

The Penguin #8

By: Tom King, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Mar 27, 2024

The Penguin gathered his muscle, his advisor, and his it's time to reclaim his throne in Gotham City! Phase One--a family reunion!

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Aussie Dad reviewed Invincible Iron Man #16 May 10, 2024

With respect to the tribute to Simonson & Buscema on the opening page. I would have preferred that the art team went more with Kirby who would have told this tale in fewer pages without losing the dynamic art. I did not want to buy a book just of poster art and I feel I have been short changed.

Invincible Iron Man #16

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Mar 20, 2024

D-Day is here and there is absolutely a main event: Iron Man vs. Feilong! Get ready for the biggest clash of armor you've ever seen! Plus: Tony gets some new suits!
Rated T+

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Great art and gripping story. Interesting how relevant the story is today some 85 years later

The Bat-Man: First Knight #1

By: Dan Jurgens, Mike Perkins
Released: Mar 6, 2024

The year is 1939. The world, still reeling from the horrors of the First World War, is on the brink of tipping into an even more gruesome conflict, as fascism is on the march--and gathering strength in America's darkest corners. Against this backdrop, a series of violent murders has begun in Gotham, and the recent emergence of the mysterious vigila...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Shazam! #8 Mar 10, 2024

Absolutely nails the whimsical fun that makes Shazam (Captain Marvel in the old Fawcett days) such an enduring character and concept.

Shazam! #8

By: Mark Waid, Goran Sudzuka
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The Captain's side deal with Solomon is proving to be more curse than blessing! Will even his newfound levels of wisdom help him stop the alien dinosaur invaders called The Auditors from unleashing planetary chaos?

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Aussie Dad reviewed Shazam! #7 Mar 10, 2024

Felt Sudzuka art is ideal for Shazam

Shazam! #7

By: Mark Waid, Goran Sudzuka
Released: Jan 3, 2024

The match you've been waiting for: the Captain versus Black Adam! Who will wield the thunder...and who will ultimately be crowned the Champion of Shazam?!

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Thankfully they went the public vote and this story should have never seen the light of day!

Batman #428: Robin Lives! #428

Released: Dec 13, 2023

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Aussie Dad reviewed Batman: Off-World #1 Dec 2, 2023

Always felt that casting Batman in a Space Opera is like casting Aquaman in a sequal to Dune. Clearly a case of a fish out of water. Back in the 1950s there was a run of Batman and Robin fighting aliens either on Earth or being transported to the ends of the cosmos. Those stories were cute but rather peurile. My feeling this story arc is similar

Batman: Off-World #1

By: Jason Aaron, Doug Mahnke
Released: Nov 22, 2023

A routine night in Gotham City for a young Batman proves to be anything but routine when the crime-fighter is confronted with a sort of foe he's never faced before--one from beyond the stars! A universe of possible alien threats leads Batman to make a daring decision--to venture alone into the far reaches of the cosmos for the very first time, wher...

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KiryuMajima28t - Dec 21, 2023

It's been quite a well written book as of now with batman saying and doing batman things. Plot is fairly decent aswell.


This has the feel that it had been lying around in the Marvel vaults for decades waiting to see the light of day

Silver Surfer: Rebirth: Legacy #1

By: Ron Marz, Ron Lim
Released: Sep 6, 2023

The Sentinel of the Spaceways has taken the son of Captain Mar-Vell, Genis, under his wing, but even the Power Cosmic can't replace the love of a father! The Surfer knows something that might just be able to soothe a broken heart, but is it worth a clash with THE INFINITY WATCH? Beloved creators Ron Marz and Ron Lim return to a story from their cel...

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Aussie Dad rated Daredevil #1 Nov 5, 2023

Daredevil #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Kuder
Released: Sep 13, 2023

The new era of Daredevil starts here! Industry stars SALADIN AHMED and AARON KUDER have laced up and entered the ring, ready to take Matt Murdock on a knockout of an adventure! Where does Elektra fit into all of this? What is the future of Hell's Kitchen? Romance! Intrigue! And, of course, ACTION! All delivered in the Mighty Marvel...

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There have been some very interesting storylines previously in the One Bad Day series. Sadly this is not one of them.

Batman: One Bad Day: Bane #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jan 18, 2023

A PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE DESTROYED BY VENOM! Bane broke the Bat--he's one of the only villains to ever truly vanquish the Dark Knight--but is that all he's ever accomplished? Decades from now, Bane is a washed-up wrestler reliving his glory days in the ring, defeating someone dressed like Batman every day. But when he discovers that there's a ne...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Rogues #4 Dec 27, 2022

Eventually the villains become more interesting than the hero. This series sums up a complex relationship between all of the Flash's best adversaries. For someone who started reading Flash starting with Showcase 4 I thought this was a worthy finale for all the Rogues.

Rogues #4

By: Joshua Williamson, Leomacs
Released: Oct 19, 2022

Gorilla City blues! All the Rogues wanted was a better life for themselves. But that's all over thanks to all their greed and backstabbing. Those still left alive are busted up with their backs against the wall, and Grodd's forces are closing in. With no heroes racing to save them, they must make a deadly deal with Gorilla Grodd to survive. &n...

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Aussie Dad reviewed All-Out Avengers #1 Oct 23, 2022

A comic that is neither necessary nor particularly good.

All-Out Avengers #1

By: Derek Landy, Greg Land
Released: Sep 7, 2022

An alien attack. A missing piece of wormhole tech. A city warped, its citizens transformed into hideous creatures loyal to an Empress from the far side of the universe. And a certain Captain Marvel, looking to her fellow Av...

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Just another title spewing out first appearance characters for future collectors to waste their money on

The United States of Captain America #2

By: Mohale Mashigo, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are hot on the trail of the shield thief, but their adversary remains one step ahead, and he has friends in low places. Some of Captain America's oldest enemies are behind this scheme, but can Sam and Steve figure out who these enemies are and what they want, in time to stop them?
And in a story by Mohale Mashigo (MA...

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Five stories and the only challenge is which is more forgettable than the others. Charging $5.99 for this is shameful.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, Scot Eaton
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The DC Multiverse is a collection of alternate-reality worlds where anything is possible. Each world tells the tale of a possible split in reality, or shows how lives vary depending on a single, solitary decision. But now that the Multiverse has been destroyed, the Batman Who Laughs has used his god like power to create a new Dark Multiverse…a co...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Shang-Chi #1 Oct 25, 2020

Especially loved the Philip Tan flashback sequence.

Shang-Chi #1

By: Gene Luen Yang, Dike Ruan
Released: Sep 30, 2020

THE MASTER RETURNS! An ancient and evil secret society has stayed in hiding since the death of their leader, Zheng Zhu. But now his successor has been chosen to shift the balance of power in the world...Zheng Zhu's son, Shang-Chi! Witness the Marvel Universe's greatest fighter return to a world of death and destruction he thought he left behind lon...

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Silly me I thought it was a Spider-Man story. This was more about Chaykin than Spider-man

Marvels Snapshot: Spider-Man #1

By: Howard Chaykin
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Let's say you're a lowlife criminal in Manhattan, just trying to get by in a world that's recently gotten full of spider-men, daredevils, power men and more, and you just want to make a decent illegal living. Plenty of henchman work available, if you don't mind ending up in traction. And oh yeah, there's a brewing super villain gang war building. W...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Black Widow #2 Oct 24, 2020

The creative team have melded beautifully for a tile like the Black Widow. Great art and a great sense of mystery in the writing.

Black Widow #2

By: Kelly Thompson, Elena Casagrande
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Something is very wrong with Natasha Romanoff: she's...happy?! Retirement definitely agrees with the world's deadliest woman as she revels in the perfect life she never even dreamed she could have. But scratch the surface of that perfect life and you'll find something very wrong...and a woman like Nat just can't help but scratch...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Avengers #36 Oct 24, 2020

This title has been unreadable for too long

Avengers #36

By: Jason Aaron, Javi Garron
Released: Sep 30, 2020

Moon Knight versus the Black Panther-for the fate of reality.
Rated T+

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Aussie Dad reviewed Avengers #35 Sep 6, 2020

Mediocre at best. Does not appear that the art and story are truly in synch.

Avengers #35

By: Jason Aaron, Javi Garron
Released: Aug 19, 2020

THE AGE OF KHONSHU! An empowered, godlike Moon Knight has just saved the world from fiery ruin. Now an army of mummies and moon priests begins to reshape the world in the image of ancient Egypt. But where does that leave the Avengers? Broken, imprisoned - or on the run in the moonlit streets of New Thebes City.

Rated T+

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When Morrison is on song there is no one better. This was a fascinating issue with so much going on. Other than Batman no other title comes close.

Green Lantern: Season Two #6

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 12, 2020

The Anti-Matter Lantern Corps has invaded our universe! And as we saw in The Green Lantern Season One, just one Anti-Matter Lantern tore through several Green Lanterns-so imagine what a horde of them will do! It’s an all-out “Assault on Sector General”-but how will the Corps survive?

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Aussie Dad reviewed Justice League Dark #24 Jul 31, 2020

Easily the best issue in the run. Loved the art which I felt complemented the story beautifully.

Justice League Dark #24

By: Ram V, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 22, 2020

At last, Justice League Dark’s mission reaches the moment fans have been waiting for: their descent into the Other Place, as a reborn Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, and Zatanna sharpen their swords and spells to battle the Upside Down Man. But Zatanna has more than just cards up her sleeve. The team discovers her burning secret, while Detective Chimp...

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My lowish score was not because the concept was not great. I, in fact, found the contents interesting and the art superb. My problem lies with the DC's Black Label notion that readers should shell out a premium for the material. In many cases it is justified e.g. Batman: Dammed but for a supplement issue like this one I just don't think it's value for money.

Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity: Secret Files #1

Released: Jul 22, 2020

Harley Quinn is hunting two serial killers: The Joker, a brutal psychopath who murdered her roommate and disappeared years ago, and the unidentified killer currently terrorizing Gotham City. In this one-shot, see pieces of the puzzle on Harley's investigation board and steal a glimpse into John Kelly's high school notebook - a book he still carries...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Superman #23 Jul 11, 2020

Cannot believe the disparity between the critics reviews and those of the average comic buyer. I certainly don't believe this comic reaches the stellar heights that some critics assigned to it but it is not the worst offering DC has released during Covid.

Superman #23

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin Maguire
Released: Jul 8, 2020

With Superman’s secret identity suddenly revealed to the world, many in his life are worried that he has been tricked or duped into destroying his own privacy! All the more worrisome is Superman has been very susceptible to mysticism. Could all this madness be magic related? It’s time to call the doctor…Dr. Fate!

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Comics Code Authorities - Aug 14, 2020

Bendis is a big name in comics. The critics praise anything writers like him or Geoff Johns do, no matter how good or crappy.

Aussie Dad reviewed Justice League #48 Jul 11, 2020

Don't know if this is some kind of filler that was lying in a dusty corner of the office that was never supposed to see the light of day or is this what we are stuck with for the foreseeable future?

Justice League #48

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Lopresti
Released: Jul 8, 2020

As writer Simon Spurrier jumps on board for the start of the three-part tale “The Rule of War,” it’s close encounters…of a Justice League kind! After answering a distress signal from distant space, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern discover an abandoned cargo ship full of young aliens! When the League attempts to ...

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Aussie Dad reviewed Far Sector #6 Jul 4, 2020

great art

Far Sector #6

By: N.K. Jemisin, Jamal Campbell
Released: Jun 3, 2020

DC's Young Animal
Tensions in the City Enduring are high as the Emotion Exploit-the mandatory genetic tech that strips citizens of their emotions in the name of peace-is up for referendum. But Jo's attentions are divided when Councilor Marth makes a surprising and distinctly emotional overture...

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