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Joined: May 10, 2018

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Dani reviewed Batman: Gotham Nights #11 Jun 30, 2020

I really enjoyed both of these stories; the first giving us a glimpse at Jason's time living at Ma Gunn's, and the second a detective story featuring Red Hood and Nightwing. Both showcased Jason's strengths and we got some bonding moments between Jason and Dick. For $.99 you can't beat the value.

Batman: Gotham Nights #11

By: Marc Guggenheim, Robert Gill
Released: Jul 1, 2020

Story 1 - A face from Red Hood's past needs his help when he's targeted by Codename: Assassin--he just doesn't know it yet!
Story 2 - The clock counts down as a prisoner on death row awaits his sentence...but Nightwing and Red Hood believe there's more to his case than meets the eye, and now they have one night to prove it!

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Dani reviewed Batman and the Outsiders #1 May 14, 2019

I am so excited this comic is finally out. First the artwork was great. I enjoyed Dexter's work on Red Hood and The Outlaws and he didn't disappoint here. My only criticism is Bruce looks EXACTLY like Jason. If you did a side-by-side you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Other than that, everything else is fantastic.

I love character development and I can tell from this issue we more

Batman and the Outsiders #1

By: Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy
Released: May 8, 2019

When the quest for justice drives Batman into some morally ambiguous areas, he calls in the most moral man he knows: Jefferson Pierce, a.k.a. Black Lightning, and his team of operatives known as the Outsiders!
Several years ago Batman personally put the Barrera family into hiding after they suffered through terrible experiments at the hands of ...

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Dani reviewed Batman Annual #3 Dec 18, 2018

Where would Bruce be without Alfred?

This was a very heartfelt issue narrated from Alfred’s point of view. The murder of Bruce’s parents not only changed the trajectory of Bruce's life, but it also changed Alfred’s. This issue does a great job highlighting all the sacrifices that Alfred makes to support Bruce. Alfred doesn't rest until Bruce is done with patrol. He makes sur more

Batman Annual #3

By: Tom Taylor, Otto Schmidt
Released: Dec 12, 2018

"THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PENNY!" Alfred Pennyworth has been Batman's most trusted ally and confidant since the Dark Knight first hit the streets of Gotham City. Now, witness Batman's battle for justice from Alfred's perspective and learn how harrowing that journey has been as Batman experiences one of the worst nights Gotham City has ever seen-a nigh...

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Dani reviewed Batman #60 Dec 5, 2018

I really liked the last two issues of Batman. It feels like the issues are finally picking up steam. Bane is becoming more dangerous with each passing issue and Batman is on the cusp of a complete mental breakdown. It legitimately feels like Batman is going to kill someone if one more thing happens in his life. In the words of the Joker "All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive more

Batman #60

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Batman takes on a new partner, and it's...the Penguin? After rejecting Bane's crime-boss co-op, Cobblepot finds himself in the crosshairs of some very teed-off villains. The feathered felon turns to his old foe to snitch on Bane's scheme, but has to prove his intentions to avoid a Bat-beatdown. Along the way, this Gotham odd couple begins to bond-c...

Dani reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #29 Dec 5, 2018

I really enjoyed this issue a lot more than the previous one. There was more substance and Lobdell did a great job addressing Kate & Jason's issues. Their vibes really complement each other and I wouldn't mind seeing Kate sticking around and becoming a genuine ally for Jason. With the cancellation of her title, it would give her something substantial and she plays well off Jason. Even if he doesn more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #29

By: Scott Lobdell, Pete Woods
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Batwoman joins the fight! Both Kate and Jason find themselves exiled from Gotham for taking the law into their own hands. But just because they both angered Batman doesn't make them allies...does it? Maybe not, but both are on the trail of a rogue player in the Underlife-the secret cabal of criminal conspirators who play by a shared set of rules-an...

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Dani reviewed Teen Titans #23 Oct 19, 2018

This issue was narrated by Djinn. I'm enjoying this title more and more as the issues move forward. While the team still has some problems to work out, they are gelling more; and Robin is asserting his leadership

At the end of Teen Titans # 22, Robin received their next mission from Red Hood. Issue # 23 starts with the team executing their mission. This was actually a very huge miss more

Teen Titans #23

By: Adam Glass, Bernard Chang
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The Teen Titans head to Gotham City, where they must thwart a plot to assassinate Commissioner Gordon! So who is the mysterious figure giving Robin his intel, and how does he know so much? Speaking of Robin, is he developing real feelings for the magical Djinn, or is he falling under the spell of her mystical ring? Meanwhile, more secrets come to l...

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Dani reviewed Batman #57 Oct 19, 2018

This issue was very lackluster. While the fight scenes were brutal, it moved very slow. There was no excitement until Batman hit that devastating blow in the end. To make matters worse, there was no dialog between Batman and KGBeast until page 21. Unless the folktale was being read, the issue consisted of action sounds as dialog.

The folktale was the best part of this issue. "The more

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

Dani reviewed Nightwing #51 Oct 19, 2018

I decided to start following Nightwing # 50, since it begins a new arc for the character. While there were some inconsistencies in issue 51 (Dick's appearance starting on page 14), this arc is opening up endless possibilities for the character.

Richard is trying desperately to forget his life as Dick and forge a new path as Ric; however his subconscious and body will not let him forget more

Nightwing #51

By: Scott Lobdell, Garry Brown
Released: Oct 17, 2018

Don't forget, this issue features an enhanced foil cover by Mike Perkins!
After the cataclysmic events of BATMAN #55, our hero doesn't remember training to fight, being a member of the Bat family, or being a superhero...and he could not be more content. It's his life, and he's happy to just live it with new friends and a roof over his head (wh...

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Dani reviewed Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 26, 2018

After a lot of hype and anticipation, Heroes in Crisis finally arrives. This issue lives up to the hype with beautiful artwork and some powerful messages. Going into this issue, I knew who the two major deaths were because of spoilers. While the predictability of the deaths was frustrating, the storytelling was so compelling that it’s a non-issue.

Right from the start the issue i more

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Dani reviewed Teen Titans #22 Sep 19, 2018

This was a really good issue.  The team is starting to learn that it takes more than powers to be effective in the field. Although Kid Flash went off course again, he is taking the mission more seriously.  We also got a sweet moment between Robin and Djinn; and an awesome reveal for Robin’s new mentor; who is definitely going to rub Batman the wrong way.

Teen Titans #22

By: Adam Glass, Bernard Chang
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The team's dealing with an unexpected loss, but there's little time to grieve. They must travel to Keystone City, where Golden Glider and Swerve plan to pull a heist at a children's hospital. (That's a new low, even for some Rogues!) There's also plenty of drama to go around, as Kid Flash mulls quitting after his clash with Red Arrow, and Damian's ...

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Dani reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 Sep 16, 2018

The Red Hood is back and fiercer than ever. While Red Hood has had some decent fight scenes in the Outlaws title, he really let loose in this one. He was brutal and over the top and it was glorious to see. This issue showed the true potential of Red Hood when he lets go. I could see the training from Batman and the League of Assassins; something that has been missing in this title. He was a o more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #26

By: Scott Lobdell, Pete Woods
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Jason Todd's about to take this vigilante game to a whole new level. His partners, Bizarro and Artemis? Gone! His mentor, Batman? Out! His base of operations, Gotham City? Abandoned. Cast out and alone, Red Hood embarks on a bold, brutal new mission, with a new costume, new weapons and a new plan to punish evildoers across the DCU. Plus, Pete Woods...

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Dani liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Detective Comics #988 Sep 12, 2018

The first thing I've noticed while reading this issue is its different tone, compared to Bryan Hill's take on the series. This Batman seems more talkative and personal, which even Jim Gordon sees. And while it's not a bad change by any means, I wonder if it'll affect other representations of the Bat appearing in other series, whether it's Scott Snyder's Justice League or Tom King's Batman. Especia more

Detective Comics #988

By: James Robinson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Kicking off an arc guest-written by James Robinson (writer of the Batman classics "Blades" and "Face the Face") with art by rising star Stephen Segovia! It looks like the kind of murder case too ordinary to draw the attention of Batman...but once the World's Greatest Detective gets involved, the identity of the victim completely unravels-and leads ...

Dani reviewed Detective Comics #988 Sep 15, 2018

Detective 988 sees Batman working solo to solve a murder mystery (aside from witty commentary from Alfred). This seems like a simple case that has Jim questioning why Batman is involving himself; but with all the chaos currently in Batman’s life, he needed to reset. As Batman stated, “Bottom Line This is a Mystery and I’m a Detective”. Of course, no murder is simple as Batman so eloquen more

Detective Comics #988

By: James Robinson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Kicking off an arc guest-written by James Robinson (writer of the Batman classics "Blades" and "Face the Face") with art by rising star Stephen Segovia! It looks like the kind of murder case too ordinary to draw the attention of Batman...but once the World's Greatest Detective gets involved, the identity of the victim completely unravels-and leads ...

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Dani reviewed Batman #53 Aug 27, 2018

This was the issue I have been waiting for. I have been saying since Batman 48 that I wanted Bruce to really do some self-reflection; and we got that in this issue . This issue was very emotional as Bruce spoke honestly with 11 citizens of Gotham about Batman. Bruce has finally come to the realization that Batman alone cannot fill the voids in his life. Batman cannot bring him peace. Batman ca more

Batman #53

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 15, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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Dani reviewed Detective Comics #987 Aug 24, 2018

We have finally reached the conclusion of Hill's 5 issue story line. I have really enjoyed the arc in it's entirety and I can't wait for The Outsiders in December.

The 1st half of this comic was a 9 but the 2nd half dropped to a 7; which is a shame. The 1st half had a lot of interaction with the newly formed Outsiders team, which was nice to see. They work well together and Black L more

Detective Comics #987

By: Bryan Hill, Miguel Mendonca
Released: Aug 22, 2018

Then, the pulse-pounding "On the Outside" storyline hurtles toward its cataclysmic conclusion! Batman has tasked Katana, Black Lightning, the Signal and Orphan (a.k.a. Cassandra Cain) with stopping a rogue operator using alien technology that can crack into any mind on Earth! What does this case have to do with the Brainiac Files seen in JUSTICE LE...

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Dani added Amazing Spider-Man (2018) to their pull list Aug 20, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018)

An alien invasion hits New York City and the only one who can stop it is...Spider-Man?! But that's far from all you'll find here -  a revelation from the past puts Peter Parker's job, relationships, and whole life in jeopardy! And if even that's not enough, you'll see a new roommate, new love interests - and a new villain! Spider-Man goes back to...

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Dani reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #3 Aug 20, 2018

This was my first time reading a Spider-man comic and I really enjoyed it. It was a fun issue with a nice twist in the middle that will probably cause some serious issues in the future.

The only downside was the first page in the comic. The panels seemed out of place and didn't have a connection with the current story line. I don't know if it was addressed in the prior issue but it more

Amazing Spider-Man #3

By: Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley
Released: Aug 8, 2018

•  Things are crazy for Spider-Man. His personal life in turmoil, the giant TRI-SENTINEL returning to attack NYC...
•  ...and someone is out there impersonating Peter Parker!
•  Is it the Chamele...

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Dani reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Aug 13, 2018

This was my first time reading a Fantastic Four comic and it was a fun issue. This issue had a little bit of comedy, romance and drama; but don’t expect any action-packed scenes. This issue mainly served as a reintroduction into the characters; and showed how important the Fantastic Four is to the city and superhero community. Based on the ending, the action should pick up in the next couple more

Fantastic Four #1

By: Dan Slott, Skottie Young
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Since the end of SECRET WARS, there's been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call...

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Dani reviewed Detective Comics #986 Aug 10, 2018

This issue wasn't as good as the last one but it was decent and hit all the right notes. It seems like we are shaping up for an Outsiders spinoff; with the final member making their appearance. If this arc is a segue into an Outsiders title, then it has done a good job introducing the key players and their future roles on the team.

The artwork in this issue was good.

Alt more

Detective Comics #986

By: Bryan Hill, Philippe Briones
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Black Lightning, the Signal and Cassandra Cain are working very well together...but now they're up against a foe who can tap directly into their worst emotions and play them like music! When you've seen the kinds of horrors these poor souls have, there's plenty of trauma to work with...and with that, you can turn these heroes into deadly weapons! M...

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Dani reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #25 Aug 9, 2018

The issue everyone was waiting for is finally here. I have not been looking forward to this showdown between Jason and Bruce. Lobdell did a great job rebuilding their relationship; and it was something I enjoyed seeing in other titles like Batman and Detective Comics. That said, this issue was very well done. It hit on so many different emotions; you're angry, sad, happy, surprised, frustrated more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #25

By: Scott Lobdell, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Batman versus Red Hood for the right to fight in Gotham-grab your ringside seat for the battle 25 years in the making! Jason Todd broke a promise to his mentor, and must now confront an angry and betrayed Batman. That means a good time for readers, but probably not so much for Jason: it's likely going to take more than the Outlaws' help in order fo...

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Dani reviewed Deathstroke #34 Aug 6, 2018

This was the best issue in the arc so far. This issue had family drama, amazing fight scenes and some great detective work. Batman and Deathstroke have used all of their skills to get the drop on each other. The similarities between the two has never been as noticeable than in this issue. I imagine that the conclusion to this arc will be epic.

The artwork in this comic was excellent. more

Deathstroke #34

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Aug 1, 2018

It's part five of "Batman vs. Deathstroke," and "The Stormy Present" finds our two marquee combatants locked in the Batcave, forced to resolve their differences-or die trying! The showdown only turns saltier when the feds seize Bruce Wayne's assets, including Wayne Manor, after Slade drops a dime. And Deathstroke shows Batman he's not the only dete...

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Dani reviewed Batman #52 Aug 3, 2018

I found a quote on tumblr from @tterrymcginnis that said Bruce would fight his own reflection if you caught him in the right mood. He was definitely in the mood in this issue. Bruce gave a compelling argument against Batman to the jurors; arguing in defense of Mr. Freeze. It's almost ridiculous at this point. This makes you wonder what is next for Batman; because his mind is definitely not into more

Batman #52

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 1, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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Dani reviewed Batman #51 Aug 2, 2018

This issue takes place after Catwoman leaves Batman at the alter and he is not handling it well (understandably). He has become extremely aggressive in the field. In my Batman 48 review I said that Batman needed to evaluate how effective he was with his villains. The time for self-reflection has finally arrived as Bruce was in favor of Mr Freeze after Batman turned him over to the police. It'll more

Batman #51

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Jul 18, 2018

The honeymoon's over for Bruce Wayne as Gotham City's most prominent citizen gets selected for jury duty in a chilling court case involving Mr. Freeze! Freeze claims the charges should be dismissed because Batman used excessive force; cue the outrage and media circus. While doing his civic duty, Wayne's forced to take a hard look at the Dark Knight...

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Dani reviewed Teen Titans #20 Aug 1, 2018

Robin has assembled a new Teen Titans crew and they are certainly different from past teams. For one, this team is off the books so anything goes. Robin is walking a dangerous path in this comic. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. While his reasoning is sound, things are not going to end well when Batman finds out about his activities.

This comic was more

Teen Titans #20

By: Adam Glass, Bernard Chang
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Batman has no idea what he's doing. Superman? Not a clue. Wonder Woman? Whatever. Damian Wayne is Robin, and he's done with the bleeding-heart approach favored by the heroes of the senior circuit. New plan of action: recruit a new Teen Titans. Kid Flash, Red Arrow and newbies Roundhouse, D'jinn and...wait, Lobo has a daughter? That'll end well. And...

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Dani reviewed Detective Comics #985 Aug 1, 2018

I really enjoyed this comic a lot. This arc gets better with each issue. Bruce's characterization was on point and his dialog with Alfred was A+. I have nothing to complain about on those fronts.

We finally find out who Karma is and his motivation for targeting Batman. The twist adds an extra layer to the story and asks the age old question; are Gotham's villains a direct result of B more

Detective Comics #985

By: Bryan Hill, Philippe Briones
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Batman called Black Lightning to Gotham City for help with a specific case-but what is Batman hiding from Jefferson Pierce? It looks like he's in touch with somebody from their mutual past, and he doesn't want Black Lightning to know about it -and that operative might be in over their head!

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Dani reviewed Domino #3 Jul 30, 2018

As a first time reader of Domino, I was happy with how easy this comic was to follow. I jumped right in and didn't feel lost at all.

This issue gave us a glimpse into Domino's past as she tries to figure out what is happening to her powers and whose behind everything. Her origin story is very generic; however I liked how the past scenes were black and white and the present scenes we more

Domino #3

By: Gail Simone, David Baldeon
Released: Jun 13, 2018

•  DOMINO's luck is running out, and not just figuratively: Her powers are fading away! What good is our favorite soldier of fortune without the good fortune?
•  She's got her back against the wall, but that doesn't mean nobody's got her back: OUTLAW, DIAMONDBACK and a VERY SPECIAL (VERY SE...

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Dani added Domino (2018) to their pull list Jul 22, 2018

Domino (2018)

Impossible curves. Impossible shots. Impossible targets. Marvel's #1 soldier of fortune is back in an explosive new ongoing series! The product of a failed super-soldier program, Neena Thurman always made her own luck as the sharpshooting mercenary known as Domino... but what happens when her own powers betray he...

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Dani reviewed Detective Comics #984 Jul 14, 2018

We are on the 2nd issue of Bryan Hill's run and things are developing nicely. Black Lightnings incorporation into this comic is very well done. At this point, Bruce knows he does not have the skills required to guide Duke and Cassandra properly. This may be a reason why Cassandra is staying with Dr Leslie Thompkins and being mentored by Barbara (It was Cassandra's idea but she realized she need more

Detective Comics #984

By: Bryan Hill, Miguel Mendonca
Released: Jul 11, 2018

"On the Outside" Part two.  Batman wanted Black Lightning involved in the lives of his protégés-but how involved was the Dark Knight thinking? What kind of missions will Jefferson Pierce take them on? And what, exactly, is he whispering in their ears about Batman himself?

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Dani reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #24 Jul 14, 2018

The beginning of this issue gives the readers a preview of what the Outlaws can become if they reach their full potential. I never knew how much I needed this lineup until now. It's an amazing scene and something I hope comes to fruition one day.

We finally learn the fate of Bizarro and as expected it was emotional. Lobdell has done a great job developing Bizarro's character regard more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #24

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Bizarro is getting... worse. Worser? Worsest. The backward Superman's diminishing cognitive state is causing problems for the rest of the Outlaws. Complicating things is the Red Hood's vendetta against the Penguin-can the Outlaws stop Jason Todd from crossing a line he can't return from?

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Dani added Catwoman (2018) to their pull list Jul 10, 2018

Catwoman (2018)

The wedding night's barely over, but Catwoman's back on the streets, this time to expose a copycat who's pulling heists around Gotham City. As Selina cracks the whip on her former criminal cohorts, she's attracting unwanted attention from one of Gotham's most dangerous groups. The mob? Nope. Try the GCPD. And as if the Bat-Bride didn't have enough ...

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