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Joined: Apr 13, 2018

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Mark rated Death Of The Inhumans #2 Aug 3, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #2

By: Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Aug 1, 2018

Attilan died screaming without its king. Now Black Bolt sets out for vengeance against the Kree - and leads the last of his people to their deaths. For the Kree have a weapon of their that will teach the Silent King what it truly means to be voiceless. The massacre continues as Donny Cates and Ariel Olivetti bring the Inh...

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Mark rated Batman #50 Jul 3, 2018

Batman #50

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbea...

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Mark rated Batman #49 Jul 3, 2018

Batman #49

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 20, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part two! Now it's up to Catwoman to rescue her one true love. It's the Cat vs. the Clown in one exciting showdown that sets the stage for our giant anniversary issue-and the biggest union in comics!

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egonnn244 reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

Another filler. Not a bad read with some nice art, but a filler nonetheless that barely propels the story forward. I feel like there is more story in Prelude to the Wedding issues than in this one.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Dani reviewed Batman #48 Jun 8, 2018

This was a very complex issue for me, which is a good thing. On the one hand, it was very interesting to see Joker losing it over the possibility of Batman getting married. Their relationship is very twisted and he is spiraling out of control. On the other hand, I'm starting to question Batman's effectiveness with his criminals. Joker was out of control and there was nothing Batman could do ab more

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Charles reviewed Batman #48 Jun 9, 2018

This is proof that Tom King haters have made a hobby of it.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Batman Jones reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

King's Batman continues to be the most intrepid run on the character in all these 80 years. There is no comic book I look forward to more each couple weeks. Even his lesser stories are told in boldly interesting ways. And when he's great, he's really freaking great.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

I like Janin's art but King is again writing Batman as sort of an apathetic idiot. Throwing a batarang at Joker's face was supposed to do what?? Kill him? I thought he was against killing. Maim him? What's the point of that. Also I found it most shocking that Batman didn't figure out a way to save the bride in the church from getting killed. Very out of character for the world's greatest detective more

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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DDJamesB reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

Probably the best King issue since I am Gotham. Although some of the ways Batman gets caught is kind of whack considering with prep time, this is the guy who could beat anyone. Anyway, the art is good as always, but the story for me was way better than that Booster garbage we got.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Dispatchdcu reviewed Batman #48 Jun 6, 2018

Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.

Well, so Joker wants to be the best man. Is he really deserving of the title? I mean really? Come on man. They have had their bromance for a while now.... since Jokes and Riddles... but is that long enough to be Ba more

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Nihilist reviewed Batman #48 Jun 6, 2018

Finally, proper action begins, and Joker reaches Batman, the only way he knew how. It's a tense issue, focusing on psychotic and unpredictable nature of him - and I love it. Dialogues, or to be more precise, Joker's monologues, are always in the center of attention, but they don't feel heavy - most panels reads very quickly.
Don't miss two little easter eggs - one related to particular cathed more

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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mrDovydas reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

Incredibly well-written, especially the Joker himself. I can see why some may not particularly enjoy this issue - all the events in this issue happened in a span of no more than 10 minutes, which may not be what some may want from a Batman book. Unpopular (?) opinion: King writes the Joker a lot better than Snyder does. Janin's art was very enjoyable here.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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bucswin611 reviewed Batman #48 Jun 6, 2018

I loved it! This is the most Joker-heavy issue King has delivered, and it was hilarious. Janin's overly rendered style continues to simultaneously pull me in and push me away.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Joker kind of carries the whole issue and acts like a total maniac. I am okay with this.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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SomeDummy reviewed Batman #48 Jun 8, 2018

Not surprised the typical humorless horde of King critics cant appreciate this issue.

I loved it, actual laughter from a Joker story, unheard of. Shouldnt he be cutting off faces BECUASE OMG ITS CRAWLING IN MY SKIN THESE WOUNDS CAN NOT HEAL.

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Commiebooks - Jun 10, 2018

had to go to my phone so I made one just for you <3

Herushalaim - Jun 10, 2018

I feel so special <3

Mark liked this:

Man I missed this goofy JLI-like Booster so much! He was so much more entertaining than his recent appearance in Action Comics. I was so confused by a lot of what was going on but slowly put together the big picture. My only complaint would be that I can't imagine Dick Grayson ever becoming what he was in this issue.

Batman #45

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part one! Booster Gold has come to Gotham City, and he's enlisting Batman and Catwoman to go on a time-traveling mission to rescue...Booster Gold! It seems a younger Booster Gold has gone back in time to kidnap an even younger version of himself, and to rescue his own past, Booster must pursue both of his previous incarnations throu...

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Dispatchdcu reviewed Batman #45 Apr 18, 2018

Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.

We open with Hal Jordan uncharacteristically grinning, breaking ring protocol, and shooting himself in the head with his ring. We aren’t sure but it does look like he killed himself and the “grin” points us t more

Batman #45

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part one! Booster Gold has come to Gotham City, and he's enlisting Batman and Catwoman to go on a time-traveling mission to rescue...Booster Gold! It seems a younger Booster Gold has gone back in time to kidnap an even younger version of himself, and to rescue his own past, Booster must pursue both of his previous incarnations throu...

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Dispatchdcu - Apr 18, 2018

If you’ve loved his Batman run so far, Pick it up! You won’t be disappointed. If you like what you heard, love talking all types of comics, and are interested in joining a comic chat group, hit me up at or @dispatchdcu on twitter. Catch you all later! Peace

Dispatchdcu - Apr 19, 2018

Thanks for sharing Jim. Oh and if you don’t want to read Mister Miracle for your WS comic site anymore just copy and paste my review each week if that helps... then you won’t have to review it anymore.

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Steve C reviewed Batman #45 Apr 19, 2018

Maybe this review is biased by my love of all things Tom King, but I thought this issue was fantastic! The two-man (er, one-man and one machine) comedy team of Booster and Skeets made me LOL several times. The story’s concept is fun, and the actual words are terrific, as always. Tony Daniel’s art was awesome as well.

Not sure I understand the low marks this issue is getting.

Batman #45

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part one! Booster Gold has come to Gotham City, and he's enlisting Batman and Catwoman to go on a time-traveling mission to rescue...Booster Gold! It seems a younger Booster Gold has gone back in time to kidnap an even younger version of himself, and to rescue his own past, Booster must pursue both of his previous incarnations throu...

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Steve C - May 5, 2018

Thanks for clearing that up for me and giving me the definitive opinion here. I forget, but I thought I was reading a comic book, not an eyewitness report of something that actually happened in real life. :) That’s what I llike be about comic books... they can be whatever the writer and artist want. I don’t like this Booster as much as the Jurgens Booster that appeared in recent Action Comics issues, but I think he’s funny. I like it.

Steve C - May 5, 2018

Dude, I was kidding around. No insult intended. I apologize. I was being overprotective of my own opinion. I guess I took the time of your comment wrong.

Mark rated Batman #47 Jun 9, 2018

Batman #47

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 16, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part three! As Booster Gold, Batman and Catwoman zero in on the time anomaly, what they find and their actions to correct it will have ramifications on all of the DC Universe. Tom King and Master Class artist Tony S. Daniel end their first story with a bang that will tee up the next big development in the Batman/Catwoman romance.

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Mark rated Batman #48 Jun 9, 2018

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #57 Jun 9, 2018

Injustice 2 #57

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: May 9, 2018

The Titans are looking for new recruits and Blue Beetle gets the call. But Jaime may find himself a little tied up with an alien visitor.

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #58 Jun 9, 2018

Injustice 2 #58

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: May 16, 2018

Booster Gold and the Titans hot-wire a spaceship to pursue Lobo, who has kinapped Blue Beetle. Beetle finds out who paid Lobo to take him. 

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #59 Jun 9, 2018

Injustice 2 #59

By: Tom Taylor, Xermanico
Released: May 23, 2018

Metron tells Blue Beetle it's up to him to save the universe, Oa is under siege, and Hal Jordan makes a big sacrifice.

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #60 Jun 9, 2018

Injustice 2 #60

By: Tom Taylor, Xermanico
Released: May 30, 2018

The Titans and Booster Gold encounter Lobo. The Green Lantern Corps, under great duress, consider an unlikely recruit.

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #61 Jun 9, 2018

Injustice 2 #61

By: Tom Taylor, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jun 6, 2018

With Oa under seige and hordes of Green Lanterns falling under Starro's control, the Titans, Booster, Blue Beetle and Lobo enter the battle.

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Mark rated DC Nation #0 May 8, 2018

DC Nation #0

By: Tom King, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 2, 2018

These stories will appear only in this comic book and will not be reprinted in another comic book before each series' collected editions. Only the first printing of this issue will have a cover price of $0.25. This issue will ship with four covers. Please see the order form for details.
Just in time for Free Comic Book Day, this special comic ...

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #1 May 8, 2018

Injustice 2 #1

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Apr 12, 2017

The all-new prequel to the highly anticipated Injustice 2 video game begins here! Original INJUSTICE writer Tom Taylor continues the story from the hit series INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US. Superman is imprisoned, and it’s up to Batman to put the world back together. But with Superman’s iron-fisted regime eliminated, other forces rise up to fill the...

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Mark added Injustice 2 to their pull list May 8, 2018

Injustice 2

The all-new prequel to the highly anticipated Injustice 2 video game begins here! Original INJUSTICE writer Tom Taylor continues the story from the hit series INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US. Superman is imprisoned, and it’s up to Batman to put the world back together. But with Superman’s iron-fisted regime eliminated, other forces rise up to fill the...

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #2 May 8, 2018

Injustice 2 #2

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Apr 19, 2017

Dr. Fate visits two old friends, while Harley Quinn finds herself a prisoner of Amanda Waller, who's recruiting a new Suicide Squad.

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Mark rated Injustice 2 #3 May 8, 2018

Injustice 2 #3

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Apr 26, 2017

Things don't go quite as planned for the new Suicide Squad, which finds itself having to break out of the Pentagon. All of which leads to a battle between Batman…and Batman?

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