Joe Ryan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 67
8.7Avg. Review Rating

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3

Dec 24, 2016

I cannot tell you enough to find this comic. It may be tough, as it sells out a lot, so at least look for it in trade if that is the case. I collect the single issues, because I love the covers, and I am a collector, but more importantly is that more people read this story. Ask your local comic shop if they can get it for you if you want the singles, and support awesome creators and publishers like these folks because I want more stories like this, and I think we need to remind the industry of that every so often.

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A.D.: After Death #1

Nov 23, 2016

I would absolutely recommend AD: After Death Book One to anyone looking for something a little deeper, a little longer, and a little different. Snyder and Lemire have created a tale that feels raw, real, and beautiful. As surreal as something like curing death may seem, this book tells a very believable story. I connected to Jonah as a boy, and am very interested to learn more about who he is as a man.

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A.D.: After Death #2

Dec 28, 2016

I hope we get all or most of the answers that we have not received in the final book, as that is the last one in the series. This series is something special, and the second book continues that trend. I am very confident that the third book will give us a great payoff, and I am curious to see what kind of ending we get. Will it be happy? Will it be sad? I suppose it could be both, depending on perspective. The story so far has us seeing this world through the eyes of one man, Jonah, but there is a much bigger picture here. This is humanity as we know it, but what is humanity now? As one character says in the book, there is no more children, and while people live forever, they can only hold so many memories. It seems to be a constant rebirth for everyone, and while that may sound tempting, it obviously can hold consequences. What will Jonah do? Is it the right thing? I do not know that answer, but I know I cannot wait to find out.

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Action Comics (2016) #969

Dec 14, 2016

Action Comics is one of my favorite DC Rebirth titles and the great issues just keep coming. I highly recommend this series to anyone, even if you aren't a huge Superman fan. This book provides a ton of mystery, and great storytelling. I really like how while there are smaller arcs, they all tie into the bigger story and what is going on with Mr. Oz, Doomsday, Lex, Superman, and more. This series has the biggest legacy of any comic book. These creators are doing a great job living up to it.

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Animosity #6

Mar 29, 2017

This comic is a lot of fun, while still keeping the tone serious enough for you to feel dread, and like something horrible is always looming on the horizon.

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Avengers (2016) #1.1

Nov 9, 2016

This was an okay book, and it could get interesting if it truly ties into the current team, or it could be a fun little break from everything else Marvel is doing. I plan to keep my eye on this title, and I want to see where Waid is taking all of our Avengers, both new and old.

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Avengers (2018) #1

May 2, 2018

I would recommend this book to anyone who is a classic Marvel fan, a new Marvel fan from the movies, or really anyone who enjoys superhero comics or movies. Its a great jumping on point for fans of the old and the new. It gives us the heroes we missed, while giving us some other members that I cannot wait to see shine in their new larger roles. Its been a while since She-Hulk has had big moments, Captain Marvel deserves more of the spotlight and is getting even more popular, especially with her upcoming film, and Robbie Reyes has always been a great character, and also gives us Ghost Rider while also giving us someone new under the hood. Not since Jonathan Hickmans last run on the book have I been so excited about The Avengers title. Avengers Assemble!

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Batman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

There are some things that happen in this book, especially one, where I had to question the logic. That isn't a bad thing because it happened in a comic book. A Batman comic book to be exact, where I find the book to be at its best when it is just a little over the top in its action and violence, and this issue certainly exceeds at both. Once I read Vision, I knew that Tom King had earned the right to make me be patient and wait to see where a story goes. I trust him on this book, and I am just along for the ride.

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Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

While I wanted a conclusion and a final showdown between the Bat, the Cat, and Bane, this was still a great issue. It may feel like a filler or unnecessary issue to some, but either way, we learn more about Batman here, and Tom King is doing a great job at showing thehumanity, the flaws, and the heart of the Caped Crusader. He is doing this to help Gotham Girl. That is what being dead is to Batman, to give his life for the city and people he has sworn to protect.

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Batman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

I do see that this run so far has been a little polarizing, but I really have enjoyed it so far. Tom King has done a great job on giving us something different for Batman, and that is what I want. Sure, I want familiar things and tone to this book, but I also want a new take on the character, and that is exactly what we are getting. A lot of this issue, and this story overall had some over the top moments, but that is what makes it fun for me. We see him take on hundreds of guards and survive, we see him seemingly have his back broken and snap it back into place, and we see Punch and Jewlee blow bubbles into a raft they all escape on. I think that is what Tom King is doing best on this series, marrying the ridiculousness of a being a superhero, with the flaws of being a human being.

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Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

The ending of this issue leaves us with a jaw dropping panel that made me both smile and cringe. It looks like we are going to wait awhile to see what the outcome and fallout of this moment is, as The War of Jokes and Riddles begins next.

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Batman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

So far, The War of Jokes and Riddles is a lot of sadistic fun, and while it is another dark and brooding Batman story, sometimes those are the best ones. There's just enough intrigue and mystery just around the shadowy corner of this arc to be excited to see where it goes, even if it does seem a bit disturbing at times. King has proven he can deliver an ending before, and I am hopeful that this story cements his run as another iconic tale in the bat-history. I recommend this book, as well as Batman #25, which started this arc.

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Briggs Land #3

Oct 12, 2016

The feds are investigating Briggs Land and trying to figure out if Grace's husband, Jim Briggs is running it from prison, and what is really happening there. Only time will tell what will happen in Briggs Land, and this is just the end of the first arc, State Of Grace. This story is far from done with us, and I cannot wait to spend more time in my anti-government Upstate NY back yard that is Briggs Land.

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Briggs Land #6

Jan 27, 2017

This is a great series, and it feels like it has it's pulse to the real world right now. We are six issues in, and a few into the second arc, and Julianne Moore (she looks just like her!), I mean Grace Briggs has been seen meddling with ATF agents, her own sons, and more. What is her full plan? What will happen after the conversation she has with her lawyer on the final page? As she says, this has to work, swear to god because there will be repercussions. Sorry Grace, but I cannot wait to see what those repercussions are!

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Civil War II: Kingpin #4

Oct 19, 2016

Matthew Rosenberg will be writing the ongoing Kingpin series coming to Marvel in 2017, and while I was excited for it before, now I feel like I need it. Right now. Rosenberg is quickly becoming a rising star, and I have a feeling we will be singing his praises for a long time.

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Curse Words #1

Jan 18, 2017

Curse Words is a comic I would absolutely recommend without any hesitation. We have seen some really great magic comics lately, and not just Doctor Strange, but titles like Ether, Seven to Eternity, and The Wicked + The Divine. Curse Words so far, even with this one issue seems to belong in that great company. This issue does enough to set up a premise that is both fun, and refreshing. Wizord is just plain awesome, and his past leaves enough shadiness for us to question him, but for now, he does seem to be the wizard we need. Also, this comic has a centaur in it, and that gives it an extra point for that alone. I think we have a great series in the making. To be blunt, this comic casts a spell of @$#& awesome!

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Daredevil (2015) #601

Apr 18, 2018

If you have never read a Daredevil comic before, but are a fan of the Netflix show, grab this and issue #600 and you will be fine with the story going forward. You may need to figure some things out along the way, but this is a solid jumping on point. If you love Daredevil comics, and arent reading this run, or even this arc, do yourself a favor and buy these comics, or wait for the trade. Either way this story and this run will go down as a classic run in my opinion.

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Death of X #2

Oct 19, 2016

I have high hopes for the remaining issues, and this issue sets up something pretty big on its final page. It is becoming obvious it is not going to end well for everyone, and we already knew some of that by what is going on in the current X-Books. I am sticking around for the remaining issues, and I recommend that you do too.

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Dept. H #7

Oct 17, 2016

I highly recommend this book, and it is only getting better. If you have been reading the series, I probably don't have to tell you to keep going. If you haven't been, get caught up on the issues or get it in trade when the first volume drops in January. This is one of the best comics coming out this week, and one of the best comics coming out period.

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Despicable Deadpool #298

Apr 11, 2018

If you like Deadpool comics, you will be right at home with this issue. Its silly comfort food, much like cartoons. Sometimes this book makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me surprised, but it always makes me smile. I dont need to think of multiverses, or timelines, or anything deep, and while those things are wonderful in other titles, I love that Deadpool is simply unapologetic. You know what youre getting most of the time in this series, and thats okay.

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Despicable Deadpool #299

Apr 25, 2018

I recommend this title for anyone who wants not only a light, fun read that is adult in nature, but also anyone who wants to see how this great run by Duggan and company will come to a close. The next issue is super sized, and this one mostly dealt with a lot of set up. Theres a bunch of pieces in play from throughout Duggans plots that are all going to come to what I imagine will be a ridiculous, and awesome head in Deadpool #300. This is going to be a blast, especially with Deadpool 2 hitting theaters soon.

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Despicable Deadpool #300

May 9, 2018

I would recommend this book to Deadpool fans old and new, and theres really something special for you if youve followed this run. But even if you havent, and you want something so dumb, but in a good way, this is the comic for you. Deadpool is about taking your brain off and having a blast, and every once in awhile it gives you a touching moment, but after that, it may give you a fart joke, and I love it for that. Congratulations to all of the talented writers and artists that worked on this run and helped make it so fun and interesting. Now lets see what the next run brings us for the Merc with the Mouth!

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Detective Comics (2016) #946

Dec 14, 2016

I have enjoyed every issue of the post-DC Rebirth Detective Comics run (not that I did not enjoy the pre-Rebirth book), and I dont think that will stop anytime soon. I loved the ending of this book, and what it could set up. Batman has never liked working as a team like Red Robin told him in the early page flashback in this issue, and sometimes you can see why. He is afraid of getting other people hurt, but he is learning that sometimes, not even he can avoid that. I am starting to wonder why The Victim Syndicate chose Spoiler to visit and ask her why she helps Batman. I think the end game is a lot bigger than simply being civilians who turned villains because Batman got them hurt. I cannot wait to see where this book goes, and I would recommend it to anyone.

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Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 8, 2017

There is a reason Detective Comics is one of DC's best books, it simply delivers.

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Dissonance #1

Jan 24, 2018

I would say that this series could improve in the next issue or two, especially with needing so much set up on a complicated story like this, but as of right now, it left me wanting a little more coherent and perhaps slower sci-fi story. Youre mileage may vary, and you may very well enjoy this comic more than I did, I just was expecting a different kind of book.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #5

Mar 22, 2017

I would recommend Doom Patrol to anyone looking for something off the beaten path. Have superhero fatigue? Looking for something to make you laugh or smile? Do you want a comic that captures the heart of the wacky old comics, while bringing something new to the table? Then this book is for you. I pull Doom Patrol every month, so I put my money where my mouth is on this review. I love this weird little book, and it is just getting more fun, and wonderfully silly with each issue.

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Ether #1

Nov 16, 2016

Buy Ether #1. In my opinion, it's got everything I'd ever want in a comic. Great writing, beautiful art, fun characters, mystery, magic, suspense, screaming birds, and a talking primate. If you like any of those things, then do yourself a favor and read this book.

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Ether #3

Jan 25, 2017

Kindt is really proving he can write almost anything at this point. Ether #3 is just more proof that there is a reason his name is attached to books from different publishers, and the list keeps growing. The comedy in Ether is sharp, and the mystery is interesting. The world is so much fun, and while we haven't gone that far into the lore or species, it feels like there is something very deep there. I would absolutely recommend this book in single issue or trade form when the issues are collected. If you do not want to wait, see if your local comic shop has the first two issues, grab this, and then the final two as they come out. As I have said before, if you like Dr. Strange, or a fun lighthearted book with a charming and sometimes goofy hero, then this is the book for you. It's about magic and science, but it never takes itself too seriously.

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Extremity (2017) #1

Mar 1, 2017

I would highly recommend Extremity to anyone who loves action, adventure, samurai, westerns, dystopian, science fiction, and so many more categories because it is a relatable story.

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Flash (2016) #9

Oct 26, 2016

I did enjoy this issue, and it feels like it was made as a buffer for the next arc. This is very much about the two versions of Wally West, and them meeting and learning a bit about each other. It is obvious that Williamson is trying to stay faithful to the rich history of The Flash, while also trying to move the series forward. I am very optimistic with him on this book so far, and I look forward to seeing where we will be with the fastest man alive in a year from now. This book didn't feel like it was going as fast as the other issues, no pun intended. That is a good thing. Every now and then, it's good to get an issue that slows down everything a little, and yes that pun is intended.

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God Country #1

Jan 11, 2017

There is no calm before the storm. Not in this book. We get the storm, but no calm. I am very excited to see where this series goes, and will be reading this going forward. I would recommend that everyone give this book a try, and I hope you feel as intrigued as I do to find out more about this man, his sword, and more of this awesome mystery. This was a good first issue, and I have a feeling it is going to get crazier from here. It isn't easy to be original, especially with so many good stories out there, but God Country #1 does a good job showing us a few things we've seen before, a few things we haven't, and it does it with some beautiful art.

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God Country #2

Feb 15, 2017

This is a story about a man with a sword who will face gods and demons alike. It is also a story about a man who is reconnecting with his family again. Those two things work well together because it is apparent that they will come to a head at some point. Emmett is the only one with these powers that Valofax gives, so will these gods and demons come for his kin? What sacrifices will he have to do to keep Valofax, and how far is he willing to go before he gives it up? I cannot wait to find out those answers. Grab this comic now while it is early in the series. God Country #2is fresh, and original, and Emmett is simply awesome.

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Grass Kings #1

Mar 8, 2017

By the end of the book, we realize there is a reason the outsider from Cargill came to Grass Kingdom, he's looking for a missing girl. We see King Robert, and then a quick chain of events that was confusing, but very intriguing that I won't spoil. I cannot wait to read more Grass Kings. I want to see why the girl has come to the Grass Kingdom, or what brought her there. I would recommend this series to fans of Twin Peaks, Briggs Land, and any fans of stories with small towns filled with wild characters, mystery, and chaos. This story seems like it will be packed with characters that shoot first and ask questions later characters, and I will be right there grabbing each issue to read more of it.

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Green Valley #1

Oct 5, 2016

This book went from something I was thinking of picking up eventually simply because of the mention of knights, dragons, and the fantasy setting to an absolute must read. Do yourself a favor, and enter the Green Valley, it is beautiful.

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Head Lopper #5

Mar 15, 2017

I won't lie, Head Lopper is a violent book. Yes, it's in a fun cartoon style, and in the vein of shows like Samurai Jack and Adventure Time as I mentioned before, but there is well, obviously, head lopping, and quite a bit of blood. Somehow, the book is still one of the prettiest things I have ever seen. That's a testament to how good Maclean and Bellaire are. I loved the first four issues, and I loved this as well. This issue showed there is no sign of stopping with Head Lopper, and I cannot wait for the next three issues of this arc. The first chapter as Maclean calls it of “The Crimson Tower” is fantastic, original, and so much damn fun.

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Justice League / Power Rangers #2

Feb 8, 2017

With two issues in, this series is a lot of fun, and I especially enjoyed the light hearted way it poked fun at Batman and how he would come off as a villain to the Power Rangers. The writing by Tom Taylor is sharp and witty, and the art by Stephen Byrne gives a cartoon style with bright colors that fits the book perfectly. I would recommend this to anyone just looking for a fun good time. This reminds me of the days of Saturday morning or after school cartoons. It's the perfect way to do a miniseries like this.

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Kill Or Be Killed #3

Oct 12, 2016

I think this series begs to ask the question, is this what a real life vigilante would look like? Most people love seeing The Punisher take down a gang of bad guys. Is Dylan so different? He doesn't look as cool, or have the skull shirt, but does that matter? Is it okay to justify killing someone simply because they are bad? How would you be so certain that they are? I cannot wait to find out what Dylan discovers as he goes through these questions in his own head, and we get a front row seat.

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Kill Or Be Killed #4

Nov 16, 2016

At this point is Dylan doing what the demon wants him to do? Or what he wants? In the end we get a massive cliffhanger with Kira going through illustrations from Dylan's father. It is creepy, and awesome, and it makes me want the next issue right now.

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Kill Or Be Killed #5

Jan 18, 2017

Kill or Be Killed is a series that you should check out. If you like crime dramas, thrillers, and gritty street justice, then this book is for you. You are following the story of a man who is figuring everything out as he goes along, and you feel like you are on the journey with him. He makes mistakes, especially in this issue, and the reader can vicariously live through him. How long can he keep this up? And if he stops, will he truly die like the demon told him? If that last question makes no sense to you, then you should buy the first volume that releases the same day as this issue and catch up.

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Kill Or Be Killed #6

Feb 15, 2017

Sean Phillips and Elizabeth Breitweiser do such a good job to make a modern story feel classic. Like the rest of this series, the all-star pair give this issue the pulp noir treatment, but with a bigger color palette. They have both worked with Brubaker on his other books, and it shows. They are a fantastic team that only continue to get better.

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Kill Or Be Killed #7

Mar 15, 2017

You should read Kill or Be Killed. I think it's a book that anyone can appreciate. You don't have to just like crime books, or detective books, this is about real people in real situations, and in real trouble real soon. Dylan is on a crash course for a bad ending, but the book keeps me guessing, and I love it for that. It is continuously one of my favorite comics every month, and I highly recommend to everyone.

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Kill Or Be Killed #8

Apr 26, 2017

As I have pointed out in my previous reviews of this series, Kill or Be Killed is something everyone should be reading. It is one of my favorite comics every month, and I don't expect this to change anytime soon. I have the highest expectations for this story going forward, and the ending we will someday get to. I don't expect it to be a happy ending, but I do expect it to be brilliantly written, and beautifully drawn.

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Low (2014) #16

Mar 8, 2017

I am positive once the next few issues hit, we will know more about why this narrative choice was made, and what IO means to the overall story. Remender says this right off the bat in the letters section. But for the time being, it was nice to see a character from the stories past, and from another perspective. If you have been reading Low, this is a great issue, but remember, you aren't getting any answers from where we were left from issue #15, and that is okay. If you are not reading Low, you should give it a whirl. Like most Remender stories, it's original, refreshing, action packed, and moves at a breakneck speed. No other writer gives the industry more twists and turns, and I suspect some more major ones coming very soon.

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Maestros #1

Oct 18, 2017

I recommend this book, as long as you do not mind a little swearing, a little violence, a little nudity, and a lot of craziness. If you like books like Head Lopper, or other out there original stories that are trying to do their own thing, and incredible art, then give Maestros a shot. Its insane, in all the right ways.

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Marvel Super Heroes Adventures: Spider-Man and the Stolen Vibranium #1

Apr 18, 2018

If you are a parent or a kid at heart, this book will have something for you. The story by Jim McCann is a quick action filled tale of Spidey working with Black Panther in Wakanda fighting Doctor Octopus. It doesn't really feature too many words that show slow young children down, and if it does, well then it will be fun to read with their parents or have it read to them.

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Moon Knight (2016) #11

Feb 1, 2017

I cannot tell you that you will love this book, but I can tell you that I love this book. I know that lot of this story hinges on the ending delivering. I will continue to read it and appreciate these few final issues and hope we get something concrete to what is really going on, but either way I have enjoyed the ride. It isn't often creators get to end a book on a certain number with a complete enclosed story, so I tip my hat to Lemire, Smallwood, and Bellaire that they will be able to do that with this series. Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Steven Grant, whoever you are, I hope you find peace at the end of this tale because it has been quite a fun journey losing my mind with Moon Knight.

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Murder Falcon #1

Oct 8, 2018

In conclusion, I highly recommend Murder Falcon #1. Especially if you love heavy metal, or were born in the 1980s or lived through them. Now that doesn't mean that everyone can't find something to love about this book. It is a ton of fun, and I only imagine it getting better from here.

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Reborn #1

Oct 12, 2016

In closing I would like to say go buy Reborn #1, and as soon as you can. It is going to sell out, and if you miss it, get it at the second printing. You need to read this book, because I think it is going to be something really special.

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Reborn #2

Nov 16, 2016

If you love fantasy, then this book is absolutely perfect for you. I love that we aren't just getting another by the numbers genre book, but something where there is a larger mystery going on with a ton of unanswered questions. What are Bonnie's powers? Who was Lord Golgotha in a past life or was he always here? Are people who they say they are? Why do people come into this world at different ages, and not at the age when they die? I plan to find out by continuing to read this excellent series, and you should too.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #2

Oct 26, 2016

If you are a fan of Rick Remender, buy this book. If you are a fan of fantasy stories, buy this book. Who am I kidding? You should probably just buy this book. In usual Remender fashion, I have no idea where this story is going, and it's wonderful.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #3

Nov 30, 2016

Seven to Eternity is only three issues in, and I feel like while some big things have happened, the best is yet to come. I truly have no idea where this story is going, and I love that. Remender once again keeps the reader guessing and on edge with this book, and like his other comics, you cannot wait to see where it goes next.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #4

Dec 28, 2016

This book does an excellent job of giving us a fantasy story in a real original way. We don't get the same old elves, dragons, dwarves, or the other clich things, but we still get an adventure, rich characters, and a world of wonder we've yet to discover. At the end of the book we find out that we won't see what happens in the next chapter until April 2017, and that makes me sad. We are left witha big cliffhanger that makes me want more, but it's a good thing to leave them wanting more, and these creators have certainly done their job here.

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Southern Bastards #15

Nov 2, 2016

I love this series, and like Roberta Tubbs, I am gritting my teeth and trying to stay patient. I want to know what happens. I want to know the final score. Will a man who's not used to losing continue to do so? Will he have to cheat to win? Is he paying too much attention to football and not enough to his other opponents? You have to wonder if Coach Boss finally has some things that he can't beat, both on and off the field.

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Southern Bastards #16

Jan 11, 2017

If you are not reading this book, you should be. Even if you are not a football fan, this book is so much more than that. It is a book about standing up for what is right, or putting your head down, when there is corruption that is right in front of everyone. This book does a great job at showing you people who make both of those choices, as people do in real life do. So far, anyone who gets in Coach Boss's way, usually does not again. Is the tide starting to turn? It's 4th down and inches to go for Coach Boss, and I hope the defense stuffs him.

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Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 19, 2017

This comic is for anyone who wants to remember what it was like to be a kid but also wanted super powers. The sense of adventure here is brilliant as kids often make believe they are superheroes, and here we get both.

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Superman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

If you're already reading Superman, then this issue shouldn't make you want to stop. It's a fun small arc that will run only two issues, so we will see it come to an end in two weeks. If you aren't reading Superman, this is a good issue to jump onto, as you don't need much backstory to understand what is happening. There are a few small things that were in past issues or Action Comics, but they're not that important to the overall plot of the issue.

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Superman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

This arc only lasted for two issues, and is now over, at least for the time being. I really like these small arcs sometimes, especially with the double shipping that DC does with many of their titles. It is short and sweet, and that really sums up this story quite well. We get some touching moments where I did not expect to find them, and that is a testament to this books creators. They are hitting on all cylinders and I am very excited to see where we are a year from now, especially with so much mystery to this Superman, and everything and everyone surrounding him.

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Superman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

If you've been reading Superman, then you know what to expect in some of the issues that deal with the hometown that the Kent's live in. We've been teased for a while that something is off about the town and the folks around it, and this issue only makes it weirder and more disturbing. I cannot wait to see where this series and this arc goes, and would highly recommend it to anyone.

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Superman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

The issue is a fun and wild ride featuring the cast of characters we know from this series. The Kent family is awesome, and I have had a blast going on these adventures with them. My only hope is that since they've been put through so much as a family, especially poor Jon, is that they find some more time to relax soon. Also Krypto makes another appearance, which is always awesome.

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Superman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

This was an issue that went quick, and was short and sweet. I don't think it was anything spectacular, but it didn't have to be. It was a nice breath of air before we begin our next arc, and this book uses these little breaks well, because this comic is usually going full speed ahead. Now that Clark has given Jon that confidence in himself, it will be interesting to see if that spills over to Super Sons and Damian's constant lecturing and attitude toward Superboy.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

Apr 25, 2018

I love where this book leaves us, and it has a fantastic twist, ending, and set up for the new #1 coming shortly. This will give longtime fans their Odinson back, while proudly ending the book without cancelling it or Marvel listening to so many people telling them how the stories should be written.

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The Unworthy Thor #5

Mar 22, 2017

I may not be satisfied with what was whispered to Odinson, but I did enjoy this issue. The whisper is still something that makes sense to the overall story, and still works quite well. Sometimes my expectations can be so high, that I can feel let down, but I would still recommend this comic to any fan of Odinson, Jane, someone who read Original Sin, or anyone looking for fun god fights. I mean, Beta Ray Bill is in this book, and that should be reason enough to buy it. So I will say in conclusion, that this book is worthy of a purchase. I will see myself out!

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U.S.Avengers #1

Jan 4, 2017

I recommend this book to anyone who likes the sillier side of comic books (and obviously fans of New Avengers as it has a similar tone), but also wants a team that can actually hang with the big boys. They have some real firepower here, and I can't wait to see what kind of mission our red, white, and blue heroes go on. I think this is an important comic for an important time in our country, especially with how Marvel is choosing to take Captain America at the moment. It shows that you can be patriotic to your nation, no matter what side your views, background, or ethnicity is.

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U.S.Avengers #2

Jan 20, 2017

I really love this series so far. This is exactly what I needed from Marvel, after the doom and gloom of Civil War II. I am also glad that Al Ewing is getting more comics, as he has shown he can really write not only great stories, but of different styles as well. He also writes Ultimates, and the squared renumbering version of Ultimates, and they are consistently mentioned by most people as some Marvel's best books. Ewing will also be writing the upcoming Inhumans comic, Royals. Basically, my point is, the more Ewing, the better. You should at least check out U.S.Avengers, because it is different than anything else out there, and I am happy to say that it wasn't a one hit wonder, and the second issue is great silly fun.

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Venom (2016) #1

Nov 23, 2016

Who will be under control going forward? Lee, or the symbiote? This book has a pretty interesting twist with who that was in the thought bubbles, and once I discovered that, I went back and enjoyed it a bit more. I think this series has good potential, and this was just a setup issue. If you are interested in Venom being a violent, and dark book again, by all means give this a chance.

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Violent Love #1

Nov 9, 2016

I really want to know how Daisy and Rock fall in love, and I want to see how Daisy ends up on the wrong side of the law. I know what she went through is absolutely tragic, but I still am intrigued at what would make her turn to a life of violent crime. There are a lot of unanswered questions, and I am excited for Barbiere and Santos to answer them.

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Vision (2015) #12

Oct 26, 2016

Vision has come to an end at #12, and what a ride it has been. The writing by King has been so genius that I was waiting for everything to go to hell by the end of this series. While some things do continue down that horrible gut wrenching path, this story does a good job of reminding us that there is always a lesson to be learned in a tragedy. If you have not read this series, it is an absolute must buy. If you cannot find all twelve single issues, which may prove tough, be sure to read this in trade. I give this series a slow clap from a guy at a party in an eighties movie, and that is a massive honor.

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