In an alternate world where Earth is populated with powerful human-spirit hybrids called Fantasmen, Folke and Roisia Herviett, two siblings with opposing worldviews, are challenged to prove their worth and take up their parents' positions in a devious group who secretly run the world. Meanwhile, Seraphim, a Fantasmen warrior guard, is sent to prevent a catastrophic event from affecting the Earth and its own universe.
From designer MELITA CURPHY, writer SINGGIH NUGROHO, and featuring the art of SAMI BASRI (Power Girl, WITCHBLADE), comes a fantasy drama set in a sci-fi world unlike any other.
If this title doesnt become a runaway success Ill be genuinely heartbroken. Read Full Review
Overall, the story is engaging, the dialogue is smooth, and the artwork is beautiful. There really isn't much more you could want in a comic book. Plus, the story and artwork really are a great and original fit in the sci-fi genre, which makes the issue even stronger. I'm definitely excited to see where this series goes and this first issue did the job or reeling me in and bringing me along for the ride. Read Full Review
A complex science fiction/fantasy story with a lot of potential. Read Full Review
Dissonance is an imaginative new series that feels fresh and oozes originality. There was a whole lot of explaining that had to be done, but the creative team behind this book handled the task like experts and successfully produced an entertaining work while also introducing readers to an exciting new world. With the major players introduced I am confident that Dissonance will blossom into a fantastic series; this is one to watch. Read Full Review
Sami Basri does a fantastic job as the artist. It isnt easy inventing an entire alien species from whole cloth after all. The human/Fantasmen fusions are also very distinct in each instance. Basris art also shines in the sweep of how human culture has been altered: from vehicles, to fashion, and buildings too. The art is also helped by Sakti Yuwonos color which lend a light and very lush feel to the issue, compared to most sci-fi leaning towards more grimy colors, its nice to see a story that goes for brighter ones. Overall, if youre looking for a different kind of science fiction story in a crowded market, youre going to find a gem in Dissonance. Read Full Review
If you pick up this title and feel like it's lacking, don't give up on it yet. This book has the potential to be a great new series if the creators can build off the strong foundation set in place. Dissonance has areas in to improve in, and I have no doubt this creative team will prove to be successful in the future issues. Get out this Wednesday, pick up this title, and get ready for the remainder of the Dissonance story. Read Full Review
The book somehow has the feel of being all over the place yet remains strangely cohesive. The story is full of surprises, but none seem out of place, and all of them make you want to be there next time. I found it even more enjoyable on the second read, and I'll definitely be returning to this series. Read Full Review
There's certainly potential underneath the heavy world-building and storytelling in "Dissonance" #1, but the beauty here really lies in Basri and Yuwono's visuals. Read Full Review
I feel like I came crashing into this book head first, stuck in the middle of an ongoing story rather than the beginning. The seeds are sown for some potentially interesting plot elements but altogether it's not as captivating as I hoped it would be. Read Full Review
This is a pretty ambitious first issue and although the reader gets there in the end, I felt it demanded quite a lot for an opening installment. There were however some clever ideas, the art was fairly strong and there is nothing that one could be overly critical about. A solid enough start to the new series. Read Full Review
I would say that this series could improve in the next issue or two, especially with needing so much set up on a complicated story like this, but as of right now, it left me wanting a little more coherent and perhaps slower sci-fi story. Youre mileage may vary, and you may very well enjoy this comic more than I did, I just was expecting a different kind of book. Read Full Review
Dissonance #1 is a deeply flawed comic. In spite of the best efforts of the art team, the comic cannot overcome its frazzled and unfocused story. There is a lot of potential for the creative team to flesh out, and maybe it will live up to that potential in the coming issues. However, there is a lot of work that needs to be done in order for this book to meet the standard set by its sister-series from Top Cow and Glitch Network. Read Full Review
It can be hoped that Dissonance will scan better in a single-reading once the trade-paperback edition arrives. Unfortunately, there is little here, apart from the artwork, to make me want to read the second issue to see if it gets any better. Read Full Review