Batman #11

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 16, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 95
7.7Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

+ Pull List

“I am Suicide” part three! Plunging into the belly of the beast, Batman and his team of misfits infiltrate Santa Prisca. Betrayal and savagery unfold as Batman races to steal Bane’s prized possession…and not everyone will make it out alive.

  • 10
    Comicosity - Amy Ziegfeld Nov 16, 2016

    King and Janin deliver an amazing issue of Batman, and a fantastic Suicide Squad story, to boot. King delivers long-form storytelling while still infusing every individual issue with meaning. This is a fantastic comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comicsverse - A. Chowder Nov 17, 2016

    The masterful art adds to the blood and betrayal in BATMAN #11. The dynamic relationship between the Bat and Cat will drastically change after this issue. Prepare for the Bat breaking! Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Nov 25, 2016

    Catwoman is the real break out star ofBatman #11. Her involvement in the finale of the issue is both cause for concern and truly shows off her character traits. She's looking out for number one, and doesn't have time to care about anyone else. And the final betrayal in the issue doesn't surprise us in the slightest, but in the split second that it happens – it catches the audience off guard. It doesn't allow the story to be too simple and allows character dynamics to shift considerably. We genuinely can't wait to see where the series goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Nov 16, 2016

    Although the book was a good read, it perhaps wasnt the best place to start fresh. There seems to be a lot going on, and its a bit offputting for new readers. Still, there is a strong atmosphere and great looking art, so that definitely holds an interest. At the very least this issue makes me want to go and pick up Kings first arc on the book, and play catch up. As I have no doubt he has a good story planned for Batman and his rogues' gallery. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Nov 22, 2016

    There are only about five pages in this entire book that don't feature Catwoman, which makes it clear that this issue is all about her. Everything that she does is in line with what the character's been presented to be over the years. Fans love her because she's not a hero or a villain. She's just trying to walk the line and not fall off the tight rope. And her actions in this issue directly reflect that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 16, 2016

    I Am Suicide delivers another killer installment that's made for a excellent followup to I Am Gotham. King is doing big things with this title and this issue proves he's got plenty of surprises left. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 16, 2016

    Tom King and Mikel Janin's latest Batman arc bounces back after a disappointing issue. Batman #11 delivers plenty of great Batman/Catwoman material while also fleshing out the rest of Batman's new team. And Janin's art never fails to impress, whether the focus is one mind-bending page design or more subtle forms of storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Avi Weinryb Nov 18, 2016

    Batman is on the hunt for Psycho-Pirate and that means teaming up with Wesker (the ventriloquist responsible for Scarface) to seek him out. In this issue, they team up with Catwoman, who is on the run after being responsible for the deaths of over 200 people. She knows her days are numbered and once captured shell be executed, so this cat is cornered, leading to some desperate moves. Meanwhile, Bane is sulking in his underground lair, waiting for an opportunity to strike, and a punch-up between Catwoman and his goons will lead to a final showdown in which no-one will walk away unscathed. Or at least, thats what were led to believe as this issue nears its cliff-hanging conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Nov 17, 2016

    The artwork is so strong throughout the issue, and we are truly on the road to something very fun with Batman, Bane and co. Tom King just meshes so well with whatever artist he is working on, as the creativity in structure and format make the surreal nature of this issue just jump right off the page. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Abel Loza Dec 26, 2016

    …237 dead. What am I supposed to do? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 16, 2016

    Tom King continues Batman's quest to get Psycho Pirate from Bane by giving us a glimpse of the plan...maybe.  This story has really turned into an exciting and intriguing caper that is definitely more than meets the eye.  It may be more setup, but I liked it.  I liked it a lot! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Nov 21, 2016

    King might very well be redefining Catwoman in the Rebirth era as her loyalties and motivations are very ambiguous. Could Catwoman be returningas a straight-up villain? King has a few cards up his sleep as he continues to play with disparate elements of the DC Universe to great effect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Liu Nov 16, 2016

    Batman #11 offers a thoughtful, fast-paced plot that is intriguing enough to captivate and please, even though it might feature some awkward characterization and poorly executed dialogue. On the art front, Mikel Janin continues to showcase some of the best work he has ever done, and that’s high praise considering his exceptional run on Grayson. I continue to look forward to seeing where this arc is headed. Surely nothing is as it seems? If you’re looking for a cerebral plot that you can really dig into and muse over for the next couple weeks, you could do much worse than Batman #11. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Nov 16, 2016

    'I Am Suicide' has been topsy-turvy so far, but it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Mikel Janin hasn't faltered once from his side, serving up a smorgasbord of eye candy, so now it's up to King to produce the goods consistently. Judging by the conclusion of 'I Am Gotham', I'm putting my faith in him to do so. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Nov 16, 2016

    Batman #11 is a great read and can stand on its own as a single book with a good story. I actually found myself however reading the previous issue again because I enjoyed Batman's infiltration into the prison which by itself is full of action, and of course that's before the encounter with Bane. I think we will find out Wesker's true purpose of being on Batman'sSuicide Squad in the next issue and with that I think we will finally have the rematch of Batman vs. Bane! That's something I'm definitely looking forward to! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Nov 16, 2016

    When this story arc first rolled out, I would have bet money that the Catwoman plot was a misdirect put in place to keep us guessing. That something would ultimately explain away the problematic elements being introduced into Catwoman's character. But as things have unfolded, it's getting more and more complicated for King to right this infraction. If it does turn out to be a device put in place to mislead us, I have to imagine the answer explaining it away is going to be seriously contrived. And if it's not, the groundwork is being laid that will most likely destroy the fundamental underpinnings of the character. While I don't like what is going on with Catwoman and I'm fairly uncertain as to how much of the story is real and how much is fake, there are still worthwhile things to be had. The art is great. The humor is actually funny. And if you like theorizing on what is going on in a book, you'll probably love this. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Nov 18, 2016

    It's weird, the whole thing feels more solid than Snyder's run, but lacks the epic scope that Snyder couldn't keep under control. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 19, 2016

    After eleven issues I certainly have a feel for what King is doing and I can't deny that, but I'm slowly coming to a place where I'm wondering if it's really for me. I've enjoyed aspects of the series so far but I also find myself frustrated by a lack of a clearer vision and something that's just a bit more accessible for new readers. This feels very inside-y in a way that I can't pin down easily and it's very frustrating even with the years of overall knowledge of the character I have and reading the fringe Gotham oriented books. The saving grace for me is Mikel Janin's artwork as he and June Chung provide for some really great pages and layouts here that capture a pretty fascinating feeling with both the big and small moments. I'm still around for a bit more but I find myself wondering if the exit will be coming sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Nov 17, 2016

    Batman#11 is hampered with questionable characterization for Catwoman and a plot that is plodding. Its saving grace is the fantastic art by Janin and Chung that is almost worth the price of the comic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Matthew Mahar Nov 16, 2016

    The highlight of this book continues to be the glimpses into the psyche of the characters we get through Kings dialogue. The discussion between Ventriloquist and Catwoman while navigating the sewage system of Santa Prisca. These glimpses are what give me my hope regarding the outcome of this story. Catwoman opines on how her dark side has firmly taken ahold of her, unlike Ventriloquist who is free without his catalyst, Scarface. Every bit of her dialogue points to her eventual betrayal, showing her to feel backed into a corner by her past actions. Its a powerful story I want to see more of. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 17, 2016

    There's a mystery at the heart of "I Am Suicide" " at least, I hope there is " but it's going to take a lot of patience to get through this issue of Batman. Read Full Review

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