Batman #59

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 21, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 67
8.2Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

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Caught between Batman and his unseen enemy, the Penguin has to think on his feet to avoid being taken down by either side. If he chooses one way, he goes to jail; if he chooses the other, he ends up dead. Then again, the choice seems obvious. Is Batman ready for a new kind of avian sidekick?

  • 10
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Nov 22, 2018

    Brutal and Bad To The Bone, this is The Batman at his finest! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Nov 24, 2018

    Overall this issue was a great read. The dialogue between Batman and Penguin was intense and I enjoyed seeing Penguin's emotional side as well while he confides in the Dark Knight about his personal life. Penguin knows that Bane will kill him for his betrayal, and he still doesn't care. Batman on the other hand seems to be getting more paranoid instead of more aware. Once he confronts Bane and sees his child like state, Batman still proceeds to beat him almost senseless, and then he crosses the line by accidentally hitting Gordon! I really hope their friendship and partnership is saved but I doubt it. Bane's plan is working too perfectly for it to be otherwise. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what's coming next in the Dark Knight's struggle! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 21, 2018

    Im really loving this direction of the book and where King is taking it. King is telling one expansive epic thats now starting to pay off for readers looking for the big picture. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Nov 21, 2018

    This issue is a major chapter in terms of King's overall story. It's excellent. I can't wait to see where he takes us next. It's sure to be incredible. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - Maite Molina Nov 21, 2018

    BATMAN #59 is an electrifying crime thriller that will have your blood pumping up until the very end. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    FreakSugar - Jed W. Keith Nov 25, 2018

    A Batman tale is never better than when the character is at his lowest valley because that's when we can cheer him on as he climbs out of the darkness. And with Batman #59, King, Janin, Bellaire, and Clowes are setting up for the Dark Knight for a fall that will let us marvel as he gets back up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Russ Whiting Nov 21, 2018

    Batman #59 continues the trend of last issue with another absorbing, well-crafted installment that looks great from start to finish. Tom King progressing the overarching narrative at such a fast clip is a welcome surprise and the narrative twists are well-played. Does Batman's greatest hope truly lie with the Penguin? And just what the hell does Batman's "unseen enemy" have planned as retaliation after the events of this issue? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Nov 23, 2018

    Batman #59 was another phenomenal chapter in Tom King's epic run on this series. The way King continues to write the ongoing war between Batman and Bane just gets more fascinating with every passing issue. The fantastic artwork by Mikel Janin's elevated the story in Batman #59 to another level. If you haven't checked out King's run thus far I highly recommend reading "The Tyrant Wing" arc out as an example of how great this series has been up to this point. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Nov 21, 2018

    This comic proves how meticulous King can be with his plotting. It also shows that he can show a proper pay-off that packs an emotional punch. While the Penguin narrative kind of peters out, the enticing promise of what comes next overpowers any of this issue's shortcomings. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Nov 28, 2018

    Issue #59 shows Batman repeatedly attacking the (mostly) defenseless and jeopardizing one of his most important relationships as he tries to find his way out of a tornado of grief and emotion. The biggest question we're left with is just how much worse will things get before they get better? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley Nov 21, 2018

    The issue brings King's run into further focus as is presumably transitions into a new stage of the game being played, all the while showing that there's more than one way to break a Bat. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 21, 2018

    Batman #59 is every bit as rock-solid a comic as one would expect from the Tom King/Mikel Janin pairing. It's expertly rendered, with art and coloring both helping the ease the many transitions between past and present. It casts Penguin in an unusually sympathetic light. And best of all, this issue explores why darkness and violence aren't always the answer for Batman. If he's going to dig himself out of this hole, he has to find a better way to beat Bane. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Nov 21, 2018

    Mikel Janin's art is great in this issue and there are some beautifully brutal moments between Bruce and Bane. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Nov 21, 2018

    Definitely pick up this issue as soon as possible. A bi-weekly release of each issue is good for us to keep, but that doesn't it's not flying by. Coming into thanksgiving you all should have very many Batman related things to think about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 24, 2018

    Tom King ups the stakes and makes some neat character choices as his overarching story moves along steadily. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Nov 23, 2018

    Batman #59 is an excellent new chapter in King's ongoing run. If you're not already reading this, you really should be. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comic Watch - Bethany W Pope Nov 24, 2018

    This is a well constructed issue designed to reveal the cleverness of Bane's machinations that largely succeeds though it is marred by a slight flaw. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Corps - Clayton Hinojosa Nov 21, 2018

    It's finally happened, again, for the third time? Bane has broken the Bat. Bruce taking the word of another villain lunatic, Penguin, confronts Bane in Arkham and is done with the charade. Batman even goes as far as attacking Gordon convinced by Penguin's word. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 21, 2018

    Tom King shows the reader how far Batman has fallen as he begins to reveal how committed Bane is to breaking the Bat.  I like that King is connecting some dots, but I really wish he would ease up on the choose your own adventure storytelling.  This is far from a perfect issue that others will no doubt proclaim, but it is one of the better Batman issues in quite some time and I am very happy about that!  Let's hope it continues and maybe someday I can give a perfect score and get invited to all the parties that I no doubt have been missing out on.   Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Daniel Clark Nov 23, 2018

    With Batman #59 Tom King's breaking of the Bat continues. There is a conundrum as his stories are as affecting as ever considering how all these continuous thematic threads are beginning to converse, however, the transparent certainly of where the narrative is eventually heading does bring with it a level of frustration. That coupled with the distraught of watching Batman emotionally crumble can make it a tasking read. If you can invest into this journey there is plenty to appreciate in how King is pushing the character of Batman into uncomfortable places. If the potential that is building is paid off this will go down one of the best characters studies into the figure that is Batman. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Nov 21, 2018

    Despite Penguins betrayal, Bane continues to undercut a deeply enraged Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Nov 21, 2018

    Tom King's Batman is quickly finding itself in a very interesting spot, where I admire the quality and craft that goes into every issue while disagreeing more and more with the direction. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Nov 21, 2018

    King takes the train off the tracks and hurls it straight down the side of the mountain in this second stop on "The Tyrant Wing" express. I can't tell you what's more frustrating: leaving the Alfred event just blowing in the wind, suffering through a couple of mindless Bat-beatdowns, or the fact that King felt the need to put us through all this while also playing timeframe games in an attempt to ratchet up the tension. Just not falling for it here. Well executed book, but it's mostly just exposition and, I suspect, misdirection, and may leave you with a taste like ashes. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Nov 21, 2018

    Batman is at his darkest, most unrestrained worst this time around, to the point it's getting nearly impossible to want to root for him in any capacity. To an extent that's the point, but the deeper we get into King's run the more and more this bleak fall from grace into utter darkness becomes a chore to read, and that's especially evident here. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Synthozoid Nov 23, 2018

    Loved it.

  • 9.0
    Batman Jones Nov 22, 2018

    This issue was thrilling to me. So excited to see how this opus of a run turns out.

    There are so many threads seeded from all points during the run, including its very slow start, and they all seem to be starting to converge with one another. This is my favorite take on Penguin since I don't know when--probably ever. I've always appreciated the Penguin but I've rarely been moved by him. These last two issues have me caring for him like probably never before. And it's so fulfilling to finally be getting a followup to that stunning page at the end of #50.

    Just my opinion but I think this run is going to be much more widely appreciated when it's finished. I wish there were a way for collections to be reviewed on their me more

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  • 9.0
    Linkush Nov 21, 2018

    Great issue.

    The story is progressing in an interesting way, art is great, and overall i'm feeling that everything we read so far is starting to pay off. I also got to add that even though we know Bane is controlling arkham he played a broken version of himself pretty good. Penguin was also great in this as we get to see his human side.

  • 8.5
    cincyfan Nov 1, 2020

    the artwork is fantastic and the story is well written

  • 8.5
    I Review Comics May 11, 2019

    Batman #59  picks up immediately following the cliffhanger from the last issue. Penguin reveals that Bane has effectively taken over Arkham and Gotham from his cell. 

    The comic details the meeting with Penguin but also cuts to the present day as Batman visits Bane in Arkham and actively intimidates the Arkham guard into submission and proceeds to beat the hell out of Bane for 20 pages. 

    This goes on until Batman is interrupted by Jim Gordan. The commissioner claims that Bane is under his direct supervision and couldn't possibly be orchestrating anything. Unable to calm Batman down, Bruce backhands Jim knocking him to the floor. Jim threatens to put the entirety of Gotham's resources into bringing Batman down if he d more

  • 8.5
    Afre Nov 21, 2018

    First of all, spoilers.

    Got It?


    This is interesting. How Bane will break Batman by making everyone hating him and himself questioning is he on the right here. Mikel Janin does great artwork. "YOU SHOT MY BOY!" I've been waiting that line for a longest time. How Bruce finally lashes on Bane for hurting Grayson.

    But it's still very slow. I MEAN VERY SLOW. Ten issues in and we know very little of Bane's plan. I get that King wants to write his Knightfall, but ehhh... 41 issues left and two of them are part of Flash crossover. So 39 issues left? Ehh...

    And Batman punches Gordon. I get that he is broken and on some level, I'm not surprised. But. I don't know. I still doesn't work. It's c more

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  • 8.0
    Superheroes for Hire Dec 16, 2018

    What a reversal! So much that was weak in issue 58 was corrected I this issue. Suddenly Tom King and Mikel Janin remembered how to tell a quality story once again. Top notch art, steady story pacing, intrigue, and less self-indulgent references from King this outing.

  • 8.0
    bucswin611 Nov 23, 2018

    A lot happened to move the plot forward, and Janin's work calls back to Issue #9. King skipped any repetition or nursery rhyme tropes.

  • 7.0
    ohhaimark Nov 22, 2018


    -Very good art. No surprise there.

    -I did enjoy the issue's juxtaposition between when Batman was talking to Penguin and when he was breaking into Arkham.

    -I did like that line about love quite a bit. I don't mind the strange addition to Penguin's backstory, and I have a small feeling that this Penny backstory won't be all it seems. I'm probably wrong anyways, but the character depth and cool lines that come out of it are enough for me to forgive.

    -I rather enjoyed the writing in this one, with the exception of Batman. I'm not usually super crazy about King's writing in Batman, but tho issue felt properly cinematic with an excellently written Penguin.

    -I do think Penguin is more

    + LikeComments (14)
  • 6.5
    Talon1load Nov 21, 2018

    While the dialogue “YOU SHOT MY BOY” is still terrible, this isn’t the worst issue of Batman that King’s written. I didn’t necessarily like how he had Bane just sit there and get the crap beat out of him, I did like the dedication to making Batman look completely out of control. Not sure I believe that it really adds up with Banes character but they rarely do in a King book. I hated him hitting Gordon at the end. That was just King continuing to make Batman a completely unlikable character while also adding to everyone’s perception that he’s out of control. Batman has become one of the dumbest characters in DC because he just keeps playing into Banes hands at every turn. The art was great but this Batman still leaves me feelin more

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  • 6.5
    MKW69 Nov 21, 2018

    The Hell just Happened? First saying that Bane was in Catatonic State doesn't make Sense! There were at least 3 other instances with Bane active after I'am Bane. I don't buy it! I get that is supposed BS, but there should be data and other things, and Bruce should know this! This i can understand, in this issue, but before?

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  • 6.5
    waltgator93 Nov 20, 2018

    Well once again Tom King did it! Gave me a great first issue but then by end of the story arc I start to hate it! This issue was a complete waste! If the art wasn’t so good i would rate this book lower! The momentum from last issue to this issue just stopped and made me care less about this story. So when he confronts Penguin he says he doesn’t believe him but then he does, like what?!

    + LikeComments (11)
  • 6.0
    Nihilist Nov 21, 2018

    I think I've figured out the problem I have with King's Batman since 20-30 or so issues. He's simply unlikable, which normally wouldn't be surprising - after all, he's Batman, and Batman never was a friendly type. It's deeper than that, because while indeed Bats is hardly a social type, good writers (and that includes King in first 3 arcs of his run) manage to show his human side through his flawed actions.

    This issue reminded me of Hush - remember the scene where Bruce loses control after seeing Joker with a gun in his hand laughing at Tommy Elliot's body, and something breaks inside of him? When he wants to murder his nemesis, end it once and for all, and no one can stand in his way? That was a great scene, and its moral is, Ba more

    + LikeComments (6)
  • 5.5
    Spacey Medicine Jun 3, 2019

    I’m beginning to think that maybe Batman needs to go to a therapist.

  • 5.5
    Full Spread Nov 22, 2018

    Well...#59 is anything but boring.

    I appreciate Tom King trying to do the old: "hero is strung out and fighting with everybody because he's being manipulated" story (like Frank Miller's "Daredevil"). So it's a shame that this issue doesn't feel believable from a narrative/character perspective.

  • 5.5
    egonnn244 Nov 21, 2018


    Eh, where do I even start? Hm... Penguin's good. I liked his portrayal. The way he talked about his wife, it was nice. And Batman's line "You shot my boy!" was pretty powerful. But that's about it. The rest of the issue is rather weak and mediocre.

    It did start promising with Batman putting the fear of god into Arkham guards, but then he started talking about bat-boots and the image of whimpering Bane will never leave my mind.

    But the biggest "NO" for me came with Batman punching the commissioner. The only thing worse would be punching Alfred. It's issue 59, so King still has time to do something like that. And then Gordon is "sick of Batman" and threatens him. This whole scene felt like the years of more

  • 4.5
    Psycamorean Nov 23, 2018

    The problem with this run seems to come down to the characterization. The characters act to the whim of the script instead of the characters impacting the script which is what should be happening (in my opinion). So all these big character moments feel unearned. Also, Penguin's speech about his wife is extremely similar to the eye letters in Batman #50. Which is probably why Batman believes him. Because in this series, characters make decisions based on extremely simple factors. As for Batman in this issue, I don't buy that he would punch Gordon or would be this out of control, but again, maybe I would if this was earned. The dialogue is so off, but that's just Tom King so what's the point of talking about it. There's seeds of a good story more

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  • 4.5
    Darkseid24 Nov 21, 2018

    Didn’t like it much, but don’t want to totally hate it yet, because the plot might evolve in a more logic way.
    However Bruce beating Gordon up was very out of character for me ( think of the well written scene in Hush, when Gordon stopped Bruce from killing Joker, then you’ll see how awful this was written in comparison))& I also don’t think Bruce would go mad like that. Batman is about controlling his own emotions, doing what needs to be done& yet King is writing Bruce as an emotional unstable guy, who is still whining about his girlfriend leaving him& doesn’t get any Detective work done. Guess Batman rather should have listened to KGBeast a few issues ago.
    As for Penguin he isn’t exactly badly written, but his marria more

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  • 2.5
    Quinn Nov 24, 2018

    King makes the biggest mistake a Batman writer can make - he writes Batman as stupid.
    Bats learns Bane is responsible for his troubles, bullies his way into Arkham, scaring SWAT and finds Bane pretending to be “crazy.” He beats Bane and when Gordon objects, he hits Gordon.

    That scene reminded of the time Yellowjacket hit Wasp. That is the whole issue. Batman ones no detecting, no checking out Arkham, no investigating staff, no looking for the Bane cave. Bats used dumb brute force. I remember when Batman would put on disguises as the janitor and check things out. I get what King is trying to do, but that is the same plot Bane did 25 years ago. The writing is terrible.

    But the art was nice.

    Or I cou more

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  • 2.5
    KFuqua Nov 23, 2018

    Tom King just continues to prove he should not be writing Batman or any major DC property. It says a lot when he has been able to make Batman completely un-enjoyable. He seems to have no grasp fp the character and DC really needs to get him off this book.

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  • 2.5
    myconius Nov 21, 2018

    this is a synthetic imitation of a Batman comic.

    *****SPOILERS AHEAD*****

    it was laugh-out-load hysterical seeing Batman beating up that inflatable Bane doll.

    and Batman socking Gordon in the mouth (though predictable) was also really funny.

    this story fails as a Batman comic, but totally wins as a parody.

  • 2.0
    Big Brother Nov 21, 2018

    Nice artwork!

  • 10
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