Full Spread's Profile

Joined: Oct 11, 2018 About Me: My comic review podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/full-spread-a-comic-book-podcast/id1430254691?mt=2

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Full Spread reviewed Thor #1 Jun 7, 2020

While I loved Jason Aaron's extended, mostly awesome run on Thor, my biggest overall complaint had to do with all the "WORLD ENDING THREATS" that piled up. Every arc had to keep upping the stakes by proclaiming: "Well, I know I said the last universe crashing event thingy was the biggest thing to ever happen--but that's over now--and now there's an EVEN BIGGER BADDY that won't just destroy our uni more

Thor #1

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 1, 2020

The prince is now a king. All Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder. And after many months of war, the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming. And the God of the Storm w...

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huz - Oct 13, 2020

Who did he shoe-horn in?


Wants you to simultaneously see Constantine in a new, hipstery, "cleaned up" world--and still in the disgusting cesspool of the 80s/90s urban environment he began in.

Art fits very well, but it's stiff and the colors don't differentiate the foreground and backgrounds very well.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

By: Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Nov 27, 2019

John Constantine is back in London, back to his old tricks-and just in time, as things have become very dark indeed in his old stomping grounds. A small-time gang lord has found himself dealing with a big-time outbreak of supernatural weirdness...and without any allies to call on and nothing left to call his own, John doesn't have much choice about...

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Full Spread reviewed Alienated #1 Jun 7, 2020

Trying overly hard to be progressive to the point of parody. Paying liberal lip service is fine, but Spurrier doesn't say anything profound and actively undermines any progressive message because the tone is so comically absurd.

Worse of all, the mind-reading element isn't very original nor is it done in a particularly interesting way. It's such a huge development that it distracts fro more

Alienated #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Chris Wildgoose
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Acclaimed writer Simon Spurrier (John Constantine Hellblazer, Coda) and artist Chris Wildgoose (Batgirl, Batman: Nightwalker) present a subversive coming-of-age story about having all the power to change the world but the unready hands to truly wield it. Three teenagers, each an outcast in their own way, stumble upon an unearthly entity as it's bor...

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Full Spread reviewed X-Men #1 Jun 7, 2020

Hickman's pompous, pretentious, overly-serious attempts to take the inherently goofy X-Men to self-serious levels is fairly grating. But there have been countless writers across the history of comics who've been able to wrench pathos from silliness--so what's the real problem?


And the fact that our heroes--the X-Men--are continually on a god trip and therefore i more

X-Men #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Oct 16, 2019

The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X, SECRET WARS) and superstar artist Leinil Yu (NEW AVENGERS, CAPTAIN AMERICA) reveal the saga of Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses!
Rated T+  

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Full Spread reviewed Doctor Doom #2 Dec 5, 2019

While the first issue sets up Doom as more of a very stable genius, this issue abandons that for cliche: "villain on the run" beats. This could have been so much more unique.

Also--yes, Christopher Cantwell--we see you are very smarty pants with your Shakespeare references. Very clever and subtle.

Doctor Doom #2

By: Christopher Cantwell, Salvador Larroca
Released: Nov 6, 2019

DOCTOR DOOM has been taken prisoner by the world itself... but he may find unexpected aid in his escape. Now vulnerable and without his usual strength, he must keep a low profile on the streets of New York, or else risk being captured again. He'll seek out an old 'frenemy' for help and battle lethal opportunists, all while wrestling these visions h...

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It's cute.

It's not nearly as funny as it thinks it is. Well, except for the Clark wink gag. That's hysterical and almost makes the book worth it.

But it's cute. Eh. Glad to have Matt Fraction back, I guess.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #1

By: Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber
Released: Jul 17, 2019

Jimmy Olsen must die! Wait, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Jimmy Olsen lives! Superman's best friend and Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen tours the bizarre underbelly of the DC Universe in this new miniseries featuring death, destruction, giant turtles and more! It's a centuries-spanning whirlwind of weird that starts in Metropolis and ends...

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Full Spread rated Lois Lane #1 Aug 14, 2019

Lois Lane #1

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Jul 3, 2019

On the road and out of Metropolis-and carrying a secret that could disrupt Superman's life-Lois Lane embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover a threat to her husband and a plot that reaches the highest levels of international power brokers and world leaders. Critically acclaimed and best-selling author Greg Rucka and master storyteller Mike Perkin...

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Full Spread reviewed Space Bandits #1 Aug 14, 2019

Sigh. Oh, joy.

Yet another '80s style Millarworld story with foul language, mild violence, mild sex, criminals, and cliches up the wazoo.

If this is supposed to be a feminist piece about getting screwed over by men, it doesn't have any emotional punch to back it up. But by all means, let's keep highly rating Miller's generic stories that are only readable because of his A-l more

Space Bandits #1

By: Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera
Released: Jul 3, 2019

MINISERIES PREMIERE! Thena Khole and Cody Blue are among the universe's most wanted felons. Each the leader of their own criminal ops, they run heists across the galaxies-hopping from ship to ship to fleece everyone inside. But when both women are betrayed by their crews, the bandits only have one thing on their minds: REVENGE.

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Full Spread reviewed House of X #1 Aug 14, 2019

Hickman's reserved, pompous style doesn't fit X-Men very well. I'm no X-Men fanatic, but encasing them in an exposition and world-building heavy plot comes across as, ironically, life-less. Where's the #drama? The soap opera shenanigans? Instead this feels like a wannabe Dune, with equally distant characters.

House of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jul 24, 2019

FACE THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (SECRET WARS, AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) takes the reins of the X-Men universe! Since the release of Uncanny X-Men #1, there have been four seminal moments in the history of the X-Men. Giant-Sized X-Men. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse. New X-Men. Four iconic series that introduced a new era for Marvel's m...

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Full Spread reviewed Absolute Carnage #1 Aug 14, 2019

Despite my resistance to Donny Cates's obsession with bringing back the '90s...this is a scrappy horror-show with some surprisingly good dialog and a helluva lot of story.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but this is worth the $8.

Absolute Carnage #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Aug 7, 2019

After turning Venom's world upside down a year ago, DONNY CATES and RYAN STEGMAN are about to put the Sinister Symbiote through hell again, only this time CARNAGE has come calling, and everyone who's ever worn a symbiote is dead in his sights! He's skirted the periphery of the Marvel Universe for months, but Cletus Kasady at last stands poised to m...

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Well, it's a surprise to nobody that the newest Snyder/Capullo Batman story is pretentious and sweeping up praise.

The post-apocalyptic story is a ripoff of Old Man Logan, the creative team's earlier work on Dark Knights Metal, and even Morrison's Final Crisis (the nihilism and all that).

It has an irritating fake-out beginning that doesn't fit Alfred's character in the sli more

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: May 29, 2019

Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. Young. Sane.
And...he was never Batman.
So begins this sprawling tale of the Dark Knight as he embarks on a quest through a devastated DC landscape featuring a massive cast of familiar faces from the DC Universe. As he tries to piece together the mystery of his past, he must unravel the cause of this t...

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Full Spread reviewed Sea of Stars #1 Aug 14, 2019

The attempts to convey emotions and exposition at the beginning are eye-roll inducing. However...it picks up once the Inciting Incident kicks in. The art is pretty decent and the colors are fetching. I'd read more to see where this goes.

Sea of Stars #1

By: Jason Aaron, Stephen Green
Released: Jul 3, 2019

"LOST IN THE WILDS OF HEAVEN," Part One: Being a space trucker sounds like a cool job, but in reality, it can be boring as hell. So when recently widowed Gil gets a long-haul gig across the universe, he figures it's safe enough to bring his young son Kadyn along for the ride-that is, until their "big rig" gets bitten in half by a gigantic Space Lev...

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Full Spread reviewed War of the Realms #1 Aug 14, 2019

Reminds me more of Jason Aaron's Avengers work than Thor. WOTR mainly consists of apocalyptic action interspersed with humor--which is fine--but most of the war has already been told in previous Thor issues and there's no pathos or cleverness to make-up for all the boring carnage.

War of the Realms #1

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: Apr 3, 2019

Asgard. Alfheim. Heven. Jotunheim. Muspelheim. Niffleheim. Nidavellir. Svartalfheim. Vanaheim. All of the Ten Realms have fallen to Malekith and his army except one: Midgard. Home to Thor's beloved humans. Home to heroes and gods alike. Now, at last, it burns. And Thor won't even be there to see it.
All hell breaks loose in New York City as Ma...

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Full Spread reviewed Superman: Year One #1 Aug 13, 2019

Nobody acts like a real human being in Frank Miller's cliche, fractured monologue filled world. I have no idea why Miller or DC thought JRJR would be a good fit for this rustic story with his ever declining art. Cringe worthy dialog and monologues. Dreadfully dull pacing and story. Clark is constantly told not to show off, but that's all this issue does.

Also--this isn't a technical Ye more

Superman: Year One #1

By: Frank Miller, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 19, 2019

From the burning world of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, the first chapter of SUPERMAN YEAR ONE tracks Clark Kent's youth in Kansas, as he comes to terms with his strange powers and struggles to find his place in our world. DC BLACK LABEL is proud to present the definitive origin of Superman as rendered by the legendary comics creators Fr...

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It's weird, but maybe not enough? The central concept of an evil fitness planet is mediocre at best. However, it's even blander done in the most cliche way possible. Granted, it's likely self-aware...but it's not funny or a subversion. So who cares?

Interesting change up of art. Took me a while to get used to all the small panels, but it works.

Too many characters now. Casey more

Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #1

By: Gerard Way, James Harvey
Released: Jul 3, 2019

All hail the Supreme Shape! Gerard Way and the World's Strangest Superheroes return in an all-new series that takes them beyond the borders of time and space! Featuring artwork by acclaimed cartoonist James Harvey, this issue finds the Doom Patrol facing off against the fanatical fitness fiends of planet Orbius and the Marathon Eternal! Meanwhile, ...

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Didn't have to be oversized. Intentionally harkens back to simpler, slightly less epic Silver Age Superman stories, complete with Jimmy Olsen slapstick. Wish they milked Clark's kidnapping more and spent less time on people trying to find him. Did not care for Supergirl segment, so it was annoying they forced us to try and catch up with all her mediocre adventures. We don't even really need her he more

Superman: Leviathan Rising Special #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Yanick Paquette
Released: May 29, 2019

An all-star roster of writers and artists highlight the new threat of Leviathan, but also tees up new ongoing series for Jimmy Olsen by writer Matt Fraction and artist Steve Lieber, and Lois Lane by writer Greg Rucka and artist Mike Perkins, coming in June! As Leviathan enacts a plan to take down Superman, it's up to Lois, Jimmy and the heroes of t...

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Full Spread reviewed Event Leviathan #1 Jul 7, 2019

I usually love Brian Michael Bendis. He's usually a master of dialogue, pacing, and all around storytelling. Usually I defend him against complaints about his comics being too talky or the characters being interchangeable.

But for Event Leviathan...

I have to agree with his critics. This is like a parody of a BMB comic. The dialog is suffocating. Unnecessarily long and dry, more

Event Leviathan #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 12, 2019

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld's SCARLET, Marvel's Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive L...

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Full Spread reviewed Klaus #1 May 14, 2019

Only until the end do we get a real dose of mystical Morrison. But before that it's a perfectly serviceable, blunt fairy-tale.

Klaus #1

By: Grant Morrison, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 4, 2015

Set in a dark fantastic past of myth and magic, Klaus tells the story of how Santa Claus really came to be. Where did he begin? What was he like when he was young? Why does he do what he does? How does he do what he does? And what happens when he faces his greatest challenge? Drawing on Santa Claus' wilder roots in Viking lore and Siberian shamanis...

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Full Spread added Last Stop on the Red Line to their pull list May 14, 2019

Last Stop on the Red Line

Detective Migdalia Torres investigates a vicious strangling on a Boston subway car with no feasible leads. As potential evidence produces dead ends, Migdalia inadvertently takes in a vagrant named Yusef who may have a supernatural connection to the crime at hand.

o Writer Paul Maybury and illustrator Sam Lotfi bring a horrific murder myste...

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Full Spread reviewed Little Bird #1 May 14, 2019


It's extremely blunt. I mean, the first scene literally spells out the themes for us. Oh, and the villains are radical, ruling Catholics who openly espouse any science. Uh-huh. The dialogue is straining to be Morrison, yet it lacks the same flourish. Got DUNE vibes.

But Ian Bertram's art is hard to shake. It's very textured, like Frank Quitely or Chris Burnham b more

Little Bird #1

By: Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram
Released: Mar 13, 2019

Director/screenwriter DARCY VAN POELGEEST boasts a long list of awards and accolades for his storytelling prowess and brings the same writing finesse to IAN BERTRAM's breathtakingly detailed artwork in the gorgeous, hyper-detailed miniseries LITTLE BIRD.
With the same limitless scope as a new EAST OF WEST or SAGA and t...

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Full Spread reviewed Wilson #1 May 12, 2019

Like much of Clowes's work, Wilson starts out slow but sure enough rolls into a trudging ball of existential dread.

Wilson #1

By: Daniel Clowes

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What's it about? The specific details are impossible to exactly pin down, but overall, Clowes wants us to see himself as a mediocre white man who's only saved by the compassionate "others" he shunned at first.

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Scott Snyder is still writing corny dialog, bland characters/plots, and scripts that stifle Jim Cheung.

Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev are so perfect together, I'd be fine if they took over every DC character on the shelves today.

James Tynion IV is pretty much the good version of Scott Snyder (and Francis Manapul doesn't hurt).

Overall, a mixed bag (as th more

Year of the Villain: Special #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Jim Cheung
Released: May 1, 2019

Evil is winning! Lex Luthor and The Legion of Doom conspire with Cosmic Gods, bending mankind toward a dark destiny. Elsewhere, the scourge of Leviathan spreads unchecked, seizing power in every corner of the world. And all the while the Batman Who Laughs busies himself in the shadows, aligned with no one-yet with sinister plans for all.
The c...

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Full Spread reviewed Punisher #8 Apr 30, 2019

I'm catching up on my Matt Rosenberg "Punisher" for an upcoming review on AiPT! and I just had to talk about this one in particular.

When I read this title, I definitely do not expect a twee, cutesy prison escape story like something out of "4 Kids Walk Into A Bank." Might work on a different title, but it doesn't work for Punisher and it's a waste of time that's self-satisfied in how more

Punisher #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Feb 13, 2019

• Frank Castle is loose in a country ENTIRELY POPULATED BY VILLAINS.
•  It's war on the streets of Bagalia!
•  Desperate times for Baron Zemo call for desperate measures!
Parental Advisory

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Full Spread reviewed Doomsday Clock #2 Apr 26, 2019

The fact that people are eating this up and not rioting spells the end of artistic legacy and integrity.

Here are your effective options for this already bad idea for a series:

1. A madcap, wild romp that excessively melds the worlds/characters of Watchmen with the mainstream earth whatevernumber. Balls-to-the-walls Final Crisis levels of insanity. That'd be fun; maybe inclu more

Doomsday Clock #2

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 27, 2017

DC and Watchmen characters collide at last! The story that began in DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 comes to a thrilling and unexpected crescendo in the pages of this titanic twelve-issue series by the all-star team that brought you BATMAN: EARTH ONE and SHAZAM!
In this second chapter: The Dark Knight discovers another relic from the Watchmen world. Le...

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Full Spread reviewed Isola #2 Apr 26, 2019

NOTE: My first issue of this series. Found it for half-price and thought I'd give it a go.

The dialog and world-building isn't exceptional. However, the art is beautiful (even if the storytelling can be clumsy and confusing) and there's some palpable tension.

Isola #2

By: Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl
Released: May 9, 2018

With the hunting clans closing in, Captain Rook leads the Queen to a city in ruins on a desperate mission to resupply. Unbeknownst to them, however, a new danger awaits within the broken walls - someone with a connection to Rook's past!

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Full Spread reviewed Justice League #1 Apr 26, 2019

Why Scott Snyder is so popular astounds me. In what universe are people entertained by a Justice League comic that's suffocated by dialogue that's either embarrassingly corny or endless exposition?

Snyder distances us from the League by desperately trying to make them gods above us. That self-satisfied, overwritten introduction to the League's Hall is insufferable. Yet, that unnecessary more

Justice League #1

By: Scott Snyder, Jim Cheung
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Full Spread reviewed Batman #52 Apr 26, 2019

Far too much of Tom King's Batman work lets gimmicks and experimentation get in the way. Too often King tries to tie Batman to over-obvious themes. But somehow, with this arc, he examines the grief associated with a fallible Batman in a harrowing, introspective way.

Batman #52

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 1, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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$1 BINVENTURES: I own the entire Multiversity in TP, but getting this individually is rewarding in and of itself. Just as I remembered, it's oh-so meta one minute then head-scratching the next. Who could ask for anything more?

The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1

By: Grant Morrison, David Baron
Released: Mar 25, 2015

  The penultimate chapter of the greatest adventure in DC's history is here!
The acclaimed FINAL CRISIS team of Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnke reunite for a story so big it could only take place in the real world - that's right, Earth-33 is back!
With the Multiverse under attack, a team of scientists create one final savior to take on th...

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Full Spread reviewed FF #12 Feb 13, 2019

$1 BINVENTURES: Despite the large cast, all the players are distinct. Hickman has a real knack for writing smart kid characters and devious maybe-villains.
Bobillo's art is unconventional but fetching. Would love to explore his work.

FF #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Juan Bobillo
Released: Nov 30, 2011

The beginning of a 4-part arc that runs parallel with FOREVER in the Fantastic Four. We've teased it for years, now find out exactly how Doctor Doom and the Future Foundation will save us all.

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