Deathstroke #10

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Cary Nord Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 11, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 20
7.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

"FOUR DAYS" part two! Slade and Wintergreen's covert mission takes a stunning turn when they're asked to protect the life of a man who has murdered thousands. Meanwhile, Dr. Villain reveals the truth about Deathstroke's powers!

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Batmanaruto Jan 11, 2017

    This issue of Deathstroke was really another great issue as this issue really focuses on letting us know what makes Slade’s family tick. Whether it’s how they got their powers, family or seeing Slade at a young age. I also can’t wait for the next issue as it deals with Slade, trying to break out of prison. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 28, 2022

    Overall, this is a solid start, although this first issue doesn't exactly give us too much new. Still, it is very interesting to see just how normal Slade was before he became the Terminator, and the odds are this series is going to be a fascinating descent into madness. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 11, 2017

    After becoming frustrated with this book to the point of almost dropping it, I am back in.  All it took was some answers, good art and a story that flowed from scene to scene nicely.  Is that so much to ask?  Going forward, I hope not! Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Jan 16, 2017

    Given a couple of rereads, this is a book that rewards the patient, even if the art had some stumbling blocks. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Tyler Harris Jan 13, 2017

    Art wise, Nord's work was just as consistent as last issue. The unique art style really brings these characters to life in a way that is completely different to any previous interpretation, and that honestly saved this issue for me. I am a big believer in telling stories with a purpose, and while this issue did provide some more backstory into the Wilson family, it felt like an out of place mess as a whole. I didn't connect with the arc as well as I wanted to, which is a shame because of the strong opening issue, but alas – and I never thought I would say this – Priest is better at telling longer stories. It's a strange thing to say that this issue felt completely empty but also overcrowded, however it was still readable and told the story it needed to, so I can't fault it on that account. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Jan 11, 2017

    Deathstroke #10 is a good title, but it could've been a little better. I give Priest a break on this one because of the fact that Wilson is currently locked up with only the Navy officer to talk to " so there's little room for much else. However we do get more information on how Deathstroke's abilities work and I have to admit it's pretty impressive. What I'd like to know, and it's something that Priest hasn't covered yet, is exactly what happened that turned Wilson rogue? What makes such a decorated soldier who enlists at the young age of 17 become a hardened assassin? Hopefully as the story goes on we'll get to see that one event " or person that made Wilson the man he is today. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 24, 2017

    Cary Nord is just not right for this book. I usually like his work but this is not the kind of series where he shines. The Slade in prison scenes were painful to watch. His storytelling of the Bosnian attack in the flashback made no sense and due to equally bad lettering and dialogues, it was unclear who was speaking. The characters in this book tend to share the same voice. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Jason Segarra Jan 11, 2017

    Heading into a new arc, things should pick up quite a bit for the family that slays together. For now, though, issue 10 is a bit of a dud. Read Full Review

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