"Twilight" part six! All the chips fall as dark secrets within Deathstroke's world are revealed, including Power Girl-who learns her houseguest's true identity. Determined to atone for her mistake, the 16-year-old takes on the World's Deadliest Assassin on her own. Will she bring Deathstroke to justice...or die trying?
Priest and his team delivered an issue that made me sit back afterwards and smile. It was almost flawless in its execution, bringing together plot threads that have been woven into the series since the beginning. This issue has to be my favorite of the entire Deathstroke run thus far, and I am excited to see how it all comes to a head next issue! Read Full Review
In conclusion, just pick this book up. Go from issue 1 and catch up, so you don’t feel lost. It is a really great saga for the character and I think will be one of the most highly praised runs, not only for the character, but for comics as well. Read Full Review
The best DC book on the shelves right now? I think it just might be. Read Full Review
Deathstroke #17 wraps up a lot of the character interactions in Slade Wilson's world. Although there are a lot of supporting characters in this issue, Priest doesn't slow the feel of the book because of it. Instead he gives you brief but harsh truths that come out from the supporting cast of Slade's world, while at the same time keeping you focused on the fight between Slade and Tanya. I'm definitely looking forward to next issue as we have Slade attending his son's own wedding " with consequences, I'm sure. Read Full Review
For my money, I don't think there's a better DC Comic being released. I say that with one more review to write for DC and it's arguably their second best title at the moment. There are so many reasons to enjoy this series, and I will continue reviewing it, pointing out anything new that I see. My hope is that this becomes the number one comic on the market because so many people are buying and reading it if that happens, I won't need to review it because we'll all just know, this is magic run happening, and I hope it never ends. Just in case you forgot though, read the first line of this review again. Read Full Review
Trust Joe Bennett to deliver a solid comic capturing all the madness in the Wilson family. His work is detailed and just right to capture the beauty of the characters. These are not, however, beautiful people. And the fact that their ugliness is not more visible is a problem! Read Full Review
Deathstroke #17 does a lot of heavy lifting and Christopher Priest makes it a joy to read...in a messed up, Deathstroke kind of way. We see the beginnings of the upcoming Lazarus Contract crossover even as the well laid plans of Jericho's wedding come crashing down. It all seems par for the course, but I can't wait to see the crazy things set up by this issue come to fruition. If you have stuck with this book, this issue is the first of what I hope are many rewards. Read Full Review
Fantastic issue, in its own right. But as a lead in to the arc's finale? I've never been this excited to read a wedding not written by George R. R. Martin. Read Full Review
Joe Bennett's performance in this issue is masterful. And I say performance because so much of what's happening between Tanya and Slade is conveyed in their faces and body language Read Full Review
The complicated family dynamics of Deathstroke have, until now, been the biggest thing holding back Slade as a character for me but Priest's script revels in the monster of a man at the center of the dysfunction. Deathstroke #17 shows the depth of his desire to control and break those closest to him and the twisted sense of fatherly devotion at the center of it. Read Full Review
For the 16 issues leading up to #17, Deathstroke has been digging himself deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole of murdering, lying, and cheating, and now it is all finally starting to boil over here. With Slade, Tanya, Rose, and Jericho having really strong moments, this issue makes it feel like each character's world is coming crashing down, which sets up nicely for the finale in #18.