Earth 2: Society #22
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Earth 2: Society #22

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Vicente Cifuentes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 8, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 15
6.9Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

In this series finale, a new dawn rises on Earth-2. After a terrible struggle, the Wonders have restored their world, better than ever. Can they become the new heroes and caretakers the reborn planet needs to protect it from future threats? And what of the price they paid for peace - what is the final fate of the Earth-2 Batman and his legacy?

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 8, 2017

    A fine finale that sends good vibes and plenty of positive salutations. You don't get many bright and happy endings in comic books anymore so it feels unique in how it sends these heroes off. Given Multiversity I doubt this'll be the last we see of this bunch. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Mar 10, 2017

    A solid, happy ending for a world that had so much bad happen. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Mar 8, 2017

    I thought that Earth 2 was a good read. There is no real threat in this book, as we see the Wonders pretty much just stopping everyday crime. However Abnett does a great job at showing the hope and optimism that these heroes have. They truly survived their entire world being lost, and they definitely won't let it happen again. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 8, 2017

    With this being the final issue, I was really hoping that all those glaring loose ends would have been tied up, but instead we get a montage with some flashbacks to show us a clip show of our heroes' finest moments on their new Earth as they get back to business as usual.  The art in this issue was great, but too many things were glossed over in order for me to have any satisfaction out of it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Sollywoods Jan 25, 2022

    So I recently found a few earth 2 trade paper backs at the dollar store and thought, well I don't want to lose money on this, so bought them. Having known nothing about this series, I immensely enjoyed it!

    My rating is for both the final issue and the series as a whole. Not that I even think anyone will read this, a somewhat obscure series 5 years after it ended. I just wanted to get my thoughts out.

    It's not a perfect series but I'm giving it a 10 because I like to rate on how it made me feel more than as a scale of perfection. I ended up loving the characters and the ending left me smiling. I loved how Dick Grayson becomes Oracle in the end. I honestly thought him dead, which was terribly tragic after just reunitin more

  • 9.5
    JacqueK Mar 7, 2017

    Sorry to see it end, but this was a nice feel-good wrap up issue. I really liked what they'd done with the Bat family.

  • 9.0
    Jeff Andrew Mar 8, 2017

    As bittersweet as it is, I'm glad earth two was able to get some much needed closure as well as the happy ending it needed. I hope earth 2 get a rebirth it deserves.

  • 8.5
    MyNameIsNotJohn Jun 13, 2017

    A feel-good recap issue but still better than a lot of issues of this series. My Earth 2 wonders have had a rough time throughout their 3 series, but I'll miss them. I hope they find a place in Rebirth as they are and not simply replaced by the classic versions.

  • 7.0
    Supes' soups Mar 10, 2017

    A feel-good closing issue to a series that's been floundering since the Convergence debacle. Ultimately this issue doesn't really do much, just a montage of heroes making the world a better place. Not a bad thing but it doesn't hold any weight. I was hoping for some setup to the inevitable JSA Rebirth since we are already teased classic Jay Garrick's return in April with the Button event between the Batman and Flash titles. I'm not sure what to make of this New 52 holdover, while I don't think it should be thrown away completely, it's actually hard to place them next to their original counterparts and make any sense. Not even a Watchmen, Mr. Oz is screwing with you can make it fit. Perhaps this will be simply be shelved like metro Lobo...

  • 7.0
    BloodyNinja Mar 8, 2017

    I've been reading Earth 2 since its very beginning during the New 52 initiative. I’m not happy to see how they’ve become an extremely unimportant franchise. Certainly, the Justice Society is going to get rebirthed, I hope the Earth 2 continuity to be considered. Helena as Batman’s successor is such a great development for the character.
    In my opinion, the greatest flaw in Earth 2 franchise was to stop focusing on Green Lantern, Flash an Hawkgirl over Val-Zod, Thomas Wayne and the Fury. However, that was repaired through the years.
    That is absolutely a satisfactory ending for the series.

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  • 5.5
    Jack's Yattering Mar 24, 2017

    I stuck with EARTH 2, in all its iterations, since its New52 premiere. For better (James Robinson should have been left to build the world as he saw fit)...for worse (Daniel H. Wilson is NOT a good writer. In any medium.)...I stuck with EARTH 2. Dan Abnett did a lot to turn this book around and make it enjoyable, again. It was, obviously, too little too late. Books end. I've been reading for many years and firmly believe its the journey and not the destination that matters when it comes to storytelling. Still, EARTH 2 #22 left me a little cold. Out of all the dangling threads that will never get answered one nags at me. What happened to the people that the Wonders left behind on Telos?

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.5
    JBL Reviews Mar 9, 2017

    Must be hard to wrap up a series, but this was really bad. A nothing issue.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 2.5
    Superior fan Mar 29, 2017

    A rushed ending that does little to sell the coming reboot.

  • 10
    VanessaLivingstone Mar 8, 2017

  • 8.0
    sebastianorellana95 Mar 12, 2017

  • 8.0
    DizzyG Mar 9, 2017

  • 8.0
    aimanalphaz Mar 8, 2017

  • 7.0
    EDiakota Mar 8, 2017

  • 7.0
    WhistleBlower Mar 8, 2017

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