Batman #65

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Guillem March Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 47
7.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

+ Pull List

"THE PRICE" part three! The two greatest detectives in the DC Universe take on the one cold case that will tear them apart!
As chief architect of the Sanctuary program that cost so much for so many, especially Wally West, Batman will be held the Flash!
A cold case from the Justice League's past has mysteriously re-opened, and Batman and the Flash-the only two heroes who stand a chance of cracking the case-are at each other's throats! Our heroes must combat a demon from the past while burying their own inner demons in the process...and neither the World's Greatest Detective nor the Fastest Man Alive will ever be the s more

  • 10
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Feb 20, 2019

    A carefully crafted love letter to the team-up books of yesteryear! Read Full Review

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - lizzylynngarcia Feb 20, 2019

    Williamson packs an emotional punch during this arc and this issue is no different. Gotham Girl is one of my favorite parts of the Rebirth story so it is amazing to see her again in such a prominent way. As someone who has struggled with passive suicidal ideations and chronic pain, this issue is especially emotional. Claire's character speaks to me in a unique way.March's art brings out a lot of the feeling during the especially poignant moments of the comic with a special nod going toMorey's shading techniques. I look forward to the conclusion of this arc and seeing the next piece of it play out in Flash #65 Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Feb 22, 2019

    Overall I thought Batman #65 was a good read. I always enjoy team ups between Batman and Flash, honestly probably more than Batman and Superman. Their relationship is based off of their detective skills and mental capabilities, and although they're at odds a little in this issue you can tell the respect still remains. At the end of our issue Gotham is dead, but Gotham Girl gets her powers amped up thanks to a serum that Gotham had used. Williamson leaves us on a cliffhanger that seems to put Flash and Batman against an even more powerful Gotham Girl! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Feb 22, 2019

    By the end of the issue we get to a really intense cliffhanger. We finally get to see the extent of Gotham Girl's powers and it's a hell of a note to leave us on. I was glued to this book from start to finish. It's an impressive book and it works at a high level. My only hope is that the last chapter is as good as the three previous ones. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Feb 20, 2019

    Guillen March's art is perfect for this issue. It's filled with drama and beauty both in the character moments and the action. This is a visually dynamic, detailed and stunning issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Feb 23, 2019

    This crossover is both easily skippable, and an essential read. It's like a fun side story that gives you a bit more on a larger narrative, but if you miss it you will most likely still be caught up. If a fill-in team is needed this might be one of the better ways to handle it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 20, 2019

    Batman #65 is a lackluster event tie-in but a strong showcase for Batman and Flash's partnership. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Feb 20, 2019

    This crossover has been a tragedy, as Gotham Girl repeatedly makes the worst possible choice towards self-destruction. I can't see her coming out of this alive after the end of the issue, and that feels like a waste. As a Batman-Flash crossover, it's a great way of sorting out the bad blood between them. But as a next chapter in Gotham Girl's storyarc, it's sorely lacking. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 21, 2019

    This definitely a weird story, but it's a fun one and a nice reprieve from the usual Batman doom and gloom. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Feb 22, 2019

    On a deeper note, Batman and Flash make major breakthroughs in how they're each handling the loss of Wally West. The entire issue appears to be a lesson in catharsis and closure. Issue #65 ofFlash should bring it all home with some solid resolution. Maybe even a hug between Batman and Flash. Maybe? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Corps - Kelly OneShot Feb 20, 2019

    Overall I thought this was a pretty good middle chapter that mostly served as a battle between those involved and not just the physical battle that was beautifully drawn on the pages. In this issue we saw the battle for Gotham Girl's sanity play out, and we saw Batman's battle to overcome his guilt and accept his blame in all of this. We also see our heroes conflict against each other as the two air out their grievances that have long been building up. With the next issue serving as the finale, I for one am excited to see if Batman and Flash are able to pay the price for what's gonna happen next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Nicole Drum Feb 20, 2019

    Despite the solid action and beginnings of a resolution, there is just this vague sense of being left wanting. However, if for nothing else than it's sharp honesty and vulnerability in showing Batman for who he is, the book is a fine and worthy read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Feb 20, 2019

    BATMAN #65 is enjoyable overall, with a compelling story for Gotham Girl and strong artwork from a technical standpoint. The narrative has its flaws, though, and the art can be a bit unfocused. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Feb 22, 2019

    Williamson churns out a fun, but ultimately uneven chapter in “The Price” crossover. Hopefully, he can wrap things in a satisfying manner within the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Feb 20, 2019

    Ultimately, I think this arc would have more impact if Batman and Flash just hashed out their issues in the wake of the Sanctuary incident. Williamson raises an intriguing question of a larger scale threat working behind the scenes to keep Batman and Flash occupied. That's a cool idea and one that would link The Price to The Button. As is, this feels like an oddly timed out of place story that lacks the necessary weight. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Comicsverse - Maite Molina Feb 20, 2019

    BATMAN #65 shares the faults its predecessors maintained as it gives hints of a worthy arc but ultimately falls short of establishing a well-rounded narrative and villain. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 20, 2019

    The Price continues and while some big things happen, they somehow don't seem so big.  After not seeing Gotham and Gotham Girl for so long, bits of the issue fell flat, felt forced and didn't feel earned.  The art was really good, but it all comes down to next week's finale to make it all seem worthwhile because right now, it just doesn't. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Feb 20, 2019

    Joshua Williamson protracts the Batman/Flash squabbling over another issue alongside a huge serving of action and a new development with regard to the ill-fated Gotham siblings. It's more of the same, if you've been following along so far, with a promise of something new to come in the next issue, so it does its job of stringing the reader along with enough incentive to keep going forward. Some dialogue and some art moments are a marriage of awkwardness, but overall the book has undeniable energy and a desire to be bigger than the sidekick sidestory it's so far shaping up to be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Feb 20, 2019

    Just one more issue of this nonsense before I can go back to just reading The Flash and not caring about Batman. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Feb 20, 2019

    Williamson and March weave a much stronger penultimate issue of The Price, highlighting the horror and tragedy of Gotham Girls plan. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    Comic Watch - Bethany W Pope Feb 24, 2019

    Despite the frankly heroic efforts of the visual artists to wrench coherence and beauty from this script, the writing was so abysmal that I cannot recommend that anyone spend money on this book. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Feb 24, 2019

    Batman #65 was by far the worst issue of "The Price" crossover. There was very little progress made as Joshua Williamson recycled a lot of content from the previous two issues of this crossover. With how much potential a crossover between Batman and The Flash had in the midst of Heroes In Crisis it is extremely disappointing to see how things have turned out. The saving grace for this issue was all the excellent artwork by Guillem March. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 20, 2019

    Some good action and some hints at a resolution are good, but I was left wanting. There's also some erratic behavior by a few characters that throws the whole thing off. Read it to so you'll understand the conclusion next week, but don't expect much. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hussein Wasiti Feb 20, 2019

    This is just very misguided. There's nothing much wrong with this issue technically, but nothing makes much sense as Williamson is left to juggle old Tom King plotlines that were never well-explained to begin with. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Gehen Feb 20, 2019

    Ultimately, Batman #65 isnt a colossal failure, nor is it a triumph. It is simply a prime example of mediocrity, extracting an emphatic meh from readers, and thats the worst thing. Heroes in Crisis will likely join Identity Crisis in being reviled in due time. People still talk about the failure that is All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder. But comics like The Price, which is so painfully average, will be all but forgotten in time. Read Full Review

  • 10
    I Review Comics Sep 25, 2020

    In addition to Batman/Flash: The Price I'm also reviewing Peter Tomasi's run on Detective comics. Both Bat-books have been amazing so it's hard not to see Tom King as the obvious weak link dragging the character down.

    I have about 20 more issues of the Tom King run to review and I'm hoping against hope that It gets better but based on the reviews I've seen floating around I doubt it. I hear that James Tynion's run on the character has been great so at least there is light at the end of this tunnel of shit.

    Flash #64, The Price of Innocence was a beautifully written and drawn comic. It laid all of Bruce Wayne's failures with his sidekicks bare. This issue follows up with Bruce's acknowledgment of his shortcomings. The more

  • 8.5
    Tony Feb 23, 2019

    I really have enjoyed this crossover. The artwork of the whole event (incuding this issue) is incredible and it complete the story in an amazing way. This issue has beautiful panels. Maybe in some points the story feels a little weak but at this moment it has been everything I expected. Art 10; Story 7.

  • 7.0
    Afre Feb 20, 2019

    It's pretty okay. Not the detective story like it was marketed, but still pretty good. Artwork is great and I'm glad the drama between Flash and Batman isn't going to be a lasting thing.

  • 6.5
    bucswin611 Feb 20, 2019

    I know it's Williamson writing this (Batman. Spoke. In extremely. Short. Cliches.), but is this what King had in mind for Gotham Girl all along? Good or evil, there was much more promise early in Rebirth. The panels also were not laid out in an easy-to-read format and often left me confused on setting and progression. Not a good sign for me that about halfway through I went from reading it to just getting through it.

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  • 6.0
    egonnn244 Feb 22, 2019

    "If they knew the costs..."

    Part 1 was ok. Part 2 was actually pretty good. And now we have part 3, that is just "meh".

    Gotham Girl's mental state continues to spiral down as she starts to wreak more havoc in Central City, Batman and the Flash easily defeat the super-powered zombies by running away and Gotham is alive for whole four pages.

    This issue has something that I have had problems with for some time now and I'm starting to hate it now. It's the fact that both Flash and Batman just go around nowadays blaming themselves for everything. "Wally's dead, because of me"; "Gotham Girl is crazy, because of me"; "Flash is dead, because of me"; "Wallace hates me, because of me"; "I'm sad and feeling sorry for more

  • 6.0
    Nihilist Feb 20, 2019

    I recently had a friendly discussion regarding possible spin-off story, book, movie, you name it, set in the Harry Potter universe and focusing on Marauders' lives at Hogwarts. My friend, being a giant potterhead she is, said she'd love such thing to be made, I, on the other hand, having more cynical and nihilistic worldview, asked an important question: "is there even enough source material and purpose to create it?".
    That's exactly how I feel about this entire crossover - it's not like it's unnecessary per se, it just seems to lack substance and depth such event should have. So far, it consisted of scraps left by Tom King - ones he set up in previous issues, but never picked up himself. That begs the question, what's even the point o more

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  • 5.5
    waltgator93 Feb 20, 2019

    At this point, I have no faith this story arc is actually going somewhere except Barry to forgive Batman for sanctuary, even tho we barely seen him get mad at him for it. The chain of events happened so fast in this issue that feel like Hank just went down in where he stood in comics. Ironic even in this story, the flash still getting mad at someone then afterwards saying sorry that he is the person he should get mad at. Art was amazing! The only thing I am curious about this story is if they plan on killing Gotham Girl at the end.

  • 4.0
    myconius Feb 20, 2019

    reading Gotham Girl's dialog gave me a headache

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Feb 20, 2019

    Meh. I feel like this will end with Gotham Girl being fine (because she has to be due to the end of I Am Gotham, unless they forgot that.) and probably the, ahem, "shocking" revelation that Bane was behind this. But let's see. Please do something we won't all see coming.

  • 4.0
    Quinn Feb 20, 2019

    Nice art with a confusing story that features characters acting out of character. Also a lot of "on the nose" dialog.

    The issue starts with Gotham Girl imaging that she had a cool origin and killed the mugger that attacked her family (don't worry, Batman saved the day).

    We cut to Flash and Batman fighting a lot of people who have taken the magic juice, but are now burning out, literally, from using their powers too much. Flash runs away with Batman, while in the background we see the other "heroes" burning up.

    Flash yells at Batman, runs to Central City to see Iris and deal with the death of Wally. (I am not familiar with this story). Then Gotham Girl shows up and chastises Flash for abandoning Batman. more

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  • 3.5
    Spacey Medicine Mar 3, 2019

    This really just annoys me. The characters are behaving ridiculously for no real reason and I cannot stand their boring drama.

  • 10
    Debbie Jul 22, 2019

  • 10
    Alexander_Tsitokhtseff Jun 20, 2019

  • 10
    Greg Hound Apr 17, 2019

  • 10
    Daizo_Amora Feb 20, 2019

  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
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  • 8.5
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