Titans #17

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Minkyu Jung, Mick Gray Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 8, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 15
8.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

"The Destroyer"! As the Titans face their darkest hour, the terrible truth about the team's traitor is finally revealed! But how did it come to this? What could possibly turn friend against friend? All the cards are on the table in this stunning issue destined to change the Titans forever!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Nov 11, 2017

    Titans #17 is a good read and I'm looking forward to reading the next issue as well. Just how will the team as a whole deal with Troia's revelations to them and how can they move forward? There's a major reveal about Dick's future as Nightwing and I was shocked to learn of his failure. Abnett even leaves us on a cliffhanger as Donna realizes that her evil future counterpart may have a point! Will Donna Troy join Troia in a fight against her friends? Can't wait for the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Matthew Mahar Nov 10, 2017

    Titans keeps getting better and better. Dan Abnett is firing on all cylinders and doing what he does best here, giving us a fun story with serious stakes for the Titans. Troia was a scenery-chewing delight on every page and Im looking forward to seeing how OG Wallys death ties into her storyline. Moreover, Im really intrigued that Troia didnt recognize New 52 Wally. Is this a case of the post-Crisis DCU leaking back into reality? Im hoping Abnett will touch more on that. Time will tell. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - AJ Zender Nov 7, 2017

    While a bit underwhelming in terms of its big reveals, TITANS #17's focus on Donna Troy's character gives it a lot of worth. Also, the brilliant art from Minkyu Jung adds a moody new tone to proceedings! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - John Hagmann Nov 9, 2017

    Titans #17 is a riveting issue revealing Troia – a future version of Donna Troy – as the Titans' primary foe. Troia has embraced her purpose as a weapon and urges Donna to quickly do the same. Rather than sugar-coating the situation, Troia embraces the pain, citing it is much easier than watching her friends suffer and delaying her purpose in the long run – an enticing offer to the young Donna Troy. This exploration of what it means to be human makes Titans #17 a tantalizingread. The art is beautiful and the dialogue is poignant and compelling. This was a thoroughly enjoyable issue in the Titans series. I am excited for the cliff-hangers to be resolved in subsequent issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 8, 2017

    The only downer is Abnett devotes so much space for Troias origin, theres no time for the decisive battle. Or more than a tease on how Kid Flash can save Wally West. If nothing else, Titans is a book that always has me eager for the next installment. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 14, 2017

    Titans goes big as it has done for a lot of its run so far and it works well enough because we know these characters and their experiences across several relaunches and reboots and imaginings. Troia brings a fun kind of grand scale to it and a familiar take on the potential of the character through Abnett's eyes and it works in a way that leaves me wanting more, which is a good thing obviously. Jung and Gray's artwork really sells it well here combined with the color work from Blond that just gives it the right kind of otherworld and end of world feeling. It's quieter and powerful in its own distinctive way and has that calm before the storm design to it that it definitely needs. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 10, 2017

    This is the best issue of Titans I've read in a while, and it's highly satisfying. Abnett hasn't really had a bad issue yet, but the book feels as though it's been stalling for a few months now. Troia's arrival definitely ups the stakes, and delivers on promises that were made back in Titans Annual #1! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Nov 10, 2017

    Titans #17 is a solid read with an interesting premise in the arrival of the future incarnation of Donna Troy. A lot of implications arise about the future of the Titans, and our Donna Troy has to grapple with some painful realities about herself. It is an emotionally hefty read, and you should definitely pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 3, 2018

    I miss Brett Booths 1990s Image style here. Its the only thing distracting from this nostalgia-induced comic! Minkyu Jung is great and a better artist but not the right fit! Still, as a great storyteller, Jung provides a solid issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 8, 2017

    While the art is great in this issue, the story is just lacking because it doesn't do much besides reiterate the exposition about who our big bad is again and again.  Hopefully, things pick up in this series and this reveal starts making sense as the arc continues because right now, Titans is becoming a boring title and I never wanted that to happen.   Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Nov 12, 2017

    Titans #17 shows signs that Dan Abnett is looking to turn this series around from the chaotic state it has been. Unfortunate all of the damage done by the rushed story developments and character arcs continue to plague the series from making the necessary steps to be better. That long-term will be something that will take time to get past and there are signs in Titans #17 is inching its way towards a position it will be a solid title again. Read Full Review

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