Cyborg #8

Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 4, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"Kill Switch"! Cyborg has been deactivated! Now, Vic Stone must rely on help from the outside to break into S.T.A.R. Labs and switch the Justice Leaguer back on. But can Cyborg rely on a clever but luckless streetwise thief whose only claim to fame is an arrest record a mile long?

  • 10
    Nerd Church Radio - Brandon Reid Jan 4, 2017

    This series has been my first real look into the Cyborg character and I think it has been great so far. This issue was no different. I think it may be one of my favorite Cyborg issues so far. I enjoyed the new character Exxy and his relationship with Cyborg. I said it before, but I liked the superhero/sidekick feel that was hinted. And I look forward to finding out more about this O.T.A.C. All that we really know is that he is a past experiment of Cyborg's fathers. Maybe the first attempt at creating a Cyborg? Time will tell. As for the art, I thought it was a lot better in this issue. I think in the past I've said issues have lacked detail but in this issue, there is just enough. And the colors and shading are well done. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 4, 2017

    Cyborg #8 does indeed get us where we need to be in this plot that is more than what you might assume. It was a smart choice making this not too straightforward when nothing is ever too simple dealing with Cyborg and the world he comes from. The story of Cyborg is complex, its relatable, and its engaging. What more could you ask for right now? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Jan 4, 2017

    Cyborg #8 is a good read, and is something can be read separate from the series as well. My only complaint is to the introduction of the villain that Cyborg now faces. I hope that there is more backstory to his hatred of both Silas and Victor and maybe that will better justify his actions so far in the series. Cyborg has actually grown on me as a book because before that I only knew him as a Teen Titan for years, and that was before him being a part of the Justice League. It would be nice to see Cyborg have his own "Luthor" or "Joker" type of villain that forces him to elevate himself as a hero. If this is what Semper Jr. has in mind then I'm definitely all for it! Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 4, 2017

    This issue of Cyborg felt like a lot of filler to get us to the same place that we could have been by the cliffhanger of the previous issue.  There was some fun stuff, but overall it felt unneeded, but luckily the art remained strong so we had something to take away from this book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 4, 2017

    A rather average superhero affair that looks nice, but feels very much by the numbers. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Holyjiebus Jan 10, 2017

    Comic Book Review (5.5/10) “Mediocre”
    Cyborg #8 “The Imitation of Life Part 8: Kill Switch”
    Writer: John Semper Jr.
    Penciller: Paul Pelletier and Will Conrad
    Plot: A hologram version of Cyborg reaches out to Exxy, a local techno junkie, to help him restart his systems after being shut down by the imposter Silas in the previous issue. Can Exxy reach Cyborg in time before Silas finds out Cyborg’s plans?
    This was a strange issue, because out of all of the major (and more important) characters in the Cyborg comics, Semper decides to bring back the kid that was in a Cyborg issue for about 2 pages back for a crucial plot point. It seemed Cyborg went really out of his way to reach out to this random kid to get more

  • 8.5
    Hermann Lasse Jan 21, 2023

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