Justice League of America #29

Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Hugo Petrus Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 25, 2018 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 7
6.4Critic Rating
4.4User Rating

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"DAWN OF TIME" finale! Chronos has won. Super heroes are non existent in the new timeline he's manipulated into existence. The League will have to find each other, reform and fix the time stream or all of time will be at Chronos's command.

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Apr 27, 2018

    Overall Justice League of America #29 was a good read. The action was everywhere, the story was well told, and I actually have more respect for Chronos as a villain. Before this book I have to admit I personally placed him on one of the bottom tiers when it comes to villains of the DCU. However thanks to Steve's outstanding writing, I'm going to have to change that perception. Any villain that can murder the god of superheroes, ruin the timeline, and command an entire army of warriors at a whim is definitely top tier! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Apr 26, 2018

    Justice League of America #29 is an upbeat and action-packed finale to one of the more unique JLA teams to have come about in some time. It was an enjoyable read, and I can easily recommend it. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Apr 25, 2018

    One can only really feel disappointment in a story when it comes so close to being really good. I have enjoyed the line-up, the storytelling, most of the villains, and the art on this run of Justice League of America. But the brevity of the run prevented this book from being all that it might have been. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Apr 25, 2018

    Steve Orlando's Justice League of America comes to a satisfying close in Justice League of America #29, as the Justice League line wraps up in preparation for May's "No Justice" event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Christopher Landers Apr 25, 2018

    In the end, this book could have used another issue to wrap up its overall story instead of cramming it onto the end of the Chronos arc, but it still concluded on a satisfying note. Hopefully, Scott Snyder will pick up on the giant concept that Orlando left on the table when he starts his Justice League run next month, or alternately, they can give Orlando another book to explore that idea. Either way, there are big things ahead for the team, so the story will go on regardless. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Tony Hammack Apr 27, 2018

    This is a good issue for the finale of this title. I like the idea of the Justice Foundation, and I am eager to see this is incorporated into other titles. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Apr 25, 2018

    Less a conclusion to this series and more the pathway to others, Justice League of America ends on a curious note. Between fleeting moments of greatness and strong character work, the setup for stories and teams to come makes this issue feel oddly incomplete. Because of that, the series feels unfinished as well, since it effectively serves as a pitch for two other books. Regardless, the stuff I like is really strong and I genuinely like it, and even with its shortcomings the book is neither offensive nor a disaster. I wish, in the end, that it could have maybe aimed higher or had a clearer path cut out from the beginning, but we got to spend some time with some likable characters. And Lobo. Who is awesome. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Charlie Ridgely Apr 25, 2018

    The ending leaves you feeling like you grew with these characters and read something enjoyable, even though most of what lead to that point was pretty bland. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hussein Wasiti Apr 25, 2018

    I really, truly hate to say this about someone's work, but it's about time this series ended. The stories weren't terribly interesting and Orlando just doesn't fit this kind of story. The art in this issue is mostly very good but even it has its flaws. We have a bright new future of Justice League books coming in just a few weeks, which makes this issue feel less and less relevant. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 25, 2018

    Steve Orlando's run of JLA is over and it's about 28 issues overdue.  This book started with an interesting team and concept that was quickly lost in a landslide of awful dialogue, terrible pacing, questionable characterizations and just bad storytelling.  All that said, I am happy I'm done reviewing it so at least it finally brought me some happiness. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Jonathan Edwards Apr 27, 2018

    And, with that, Justice League of America #29 and the series comes to a close. Will there be a follow-up? Maybe. Steve Orlando certainly seems to want one enough to set it up here, but who knows if DC will actually see it through. In conclusion, as much as I wish I could say it was a pleasure reviewing all five prequel one-shots, twenty-nine issues, and the one annual of Justice League of America, it really wasn't. But, it is something I felt uniquely obligated to commit to. As such, I don't think my work will be completely done until I tackle a certain five-issue crossover event when its trade is released in June. Spoiler: it's Milk Wars. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good Apr 25, 2018

    The art from Hugo Petrus is serviceable, although at times a little sketch heavy. His depiction of a bearded Batman makes me want a hairy faced Dark Knight all the time, while his rendition of Ahl is a cross between a long-haired surfer dude and an underwear model. His facial expressions are amazing, especially his females. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 30, 2018

    But in a lot of ways, that feels emblematic for Justice League of America, for a franchise that has seen major names try to launch a spinoff series and failing to really catch fire. For Orlando and company, it particularly didn’t help to have this series kneecapped with Batman’s absence during Dark Nights: Metal, robbing this team of a solid figurehead or even a striking modus operandi in the realm of the Legends of Tomorrow or the Outsiders. What is the Justice League of America supposed to be about? That’s the question this finale only barely gets to scratch, capping off this series with a surprisingly quiet end. Read Full Review

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