From legendary writer/artist Neal Adams comes a threat so epic it will take more than one Man of Steel to handle it in this new 6-issue miniseries! As Darkseid and the hordes of Apokolips lay waste to the world, even Superman is overwhelmed-but not for long, as three heroes from the miniaturized city of Kandor emerge at full size, armed with all the vast powers of Kal-El, ready to become the new Supermen! This battle of titans also features the machinations of Lex Luthor, plus fan favorites Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane aiding in the fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
So this six-issue series is off to a good start, with familiar characters mixing with some new faces. And it's nice to see Superman back in a more traditional costume, too. I missed the red shorts. Read Full Review
A relentlessly campy in your face read that's so wacky and wild you'll be hard pressed to not enjoy it. Read Full Review
Admittedly this comic isn't going to be for everyone as new comic book readers may find it a little too old fashioned for their tastes. Older fans of the character however will find Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1 a homage to comics of old and even though the story needs to slow down and take a breath, Adams' art saves the day with its classic lines, bright bountiful coloring and dynamic action. Superman fans, this one is for you. Read Full Review
Neal Adams plays to his strengths with an epic adventure possessing the look and feel of the best of the Bronze Age. Read Full Review
Although this was a solid debut, it juggled a lot of concepts. I hope it all balances out by the time the six issue mini-series concludes. Read Full Review
The only way I could describe this issue withoutspoiling anything would be to say that it contains virtually nothing you wouldexpect to see in a Superman comicbook. Except for Superman acting heroic and behaving like a member of humankindinstead of like the Loneliest Kryptonian. Neal Adams is still putting a clinicon sequential art, and any student or armchair critic would do well to studyit. I did, and you don't get more armchair critic than me. I haven't left myarmchair since 2013. Read Full Review
I hope things get rolling a little more tightly in the second issue, because I really like where this could go. It's yet one more take on a very old character, and I like that freshness, and I love the potential of the new characters. Let's just hope they don't fall flat sticking too close to familiar tales. My first thoughts on this series were that it was a shame to be limited to six issues, but after reading this one, maybe that'll be plenty. Read Full Review
This is a great way to start a series. I can already tell that this series is going to make some serious nods to the classic Superman that we all already know and love. This is definitely a must-read for any Superman fan. Read Full Review
I will be picking up the next issue for sure, but only time will tell if this is just a slightly shaky start to a fun new Superman story or the gentle first curve before the insane roller-coaster ride begins for real! Read Full Review
Neal Adams on anything is worth your attention, but Neal Adams on a super crazymulti-Superman story is doubly worth it, despite its stilted execution. Even with its scripting missteps, Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1 is a prime example of a passion project that doesn't feel self-indulgent. Neal Adams, Tony Bedard and Alex Sinclair all come together to deliver a gorgeous slice of classic DC strangeness, and feels just as vital now as it would if it was published at the height of Adams' powers. While DC's main legacy title is reveling in the darkness and grit of Batman's darkest era right now, The Coming of the Supermen shows just what you can accomplish just by turning toward the light. Read Full Review
How, then, are we to judge a comic like this? Not by any sort of traditional definitions of "good" and "bad," since that was never in the cards to begin with. What we want from a modern-day Neal Adams comic - and the only thing we have any right to expect - is unfiltered, unintelligible, unrestrained, and unapologetic insanity. And yet even by that less-than-lofty standard, the first issue of Superman: The Coming Of The Supermen falls short. There are tantalizing glimpses that there's plenty of crazy in the offing, though, and that's why I'll continue to pick this book up. I hear a loud screech in the distance, and there might even be some smoke coming from the other side of the hill, but goddamnit " I need to see the full train wreck play out in excruciating, slow-motion detail. Read Full Review
The idea of Superman having an entire team of like-minded Kryptonians is also interesting, though this issue never makes it clear what connection Supes has to these characters or what opinion he has of their actions. The script also has a very clunky, old-fashioned feel to it, especially with Lois providing an exposition-heavy play-by-play of the conflict Read Full Review
I thought that "The Coming of the Supermen" was a decent read. It has plenty of action and conflict as we're dealing with an invasion in Metropolis on a large scale, however it leaves you wanting more in terms of a real story. I feel like I just got dropped in the middle of a war and have no clue as to what's going on. Hopefully I'll get the answers in the next issue, and that will make this first issue a better read. Read Full Review
The Coming of the Supermen is unfortunately not Adams at his best, but that's mostly so because of the writing. This issue would have benefited greatly from an editor stepping in and helping tighten/clean up the narrative. Read Full Review
As a tribute to the Bronze Age, "Superman: The Coming of the Supermen" #1 delivers, but it's with all of the warts and blemishes of the era. As a modern comic, its dated feel is somewhat offset by Adams' always-welcome big screen touch, but it only gets set back again by its artistic lapses. Read Full Review
Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1 (of 6) had the beautiful action sequences expected of comics legend Neal Adams. But it also had the plot confusion of comics legend Neal Adams. Read Full Review
Last week, Max Landis continued to delivered one of the greatest Superman stories ever with American Alien. It's an utter shame that just seven days later Adams has delivered one of the worst in years with The Coming of the Supermen. Read Full Review
Oh, yeah, and apparently Darkseid's dad was a pharaoh who constructed the sphinx of Giza. Don't look at me. I just show you the facts and you have to make sense of them… or something. Man, I don't know. This comic's so weird. Read Full Review