Brian Reed's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 180
7.8Avg. Review Rating

'68: Rule of War #1

Apr 2, 2014

This is not the kind of comic I normally pick up at all, but despitethat I enjoyed it throurougly. The gore was over the top, the dialogwas action-movie cheesy, and the story was completely unbelievable,which was the point. I had a blast, and I'll be back for more as soonas issue #2 hits the shelves.

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24: Legacy - Rules of Engagement #1

Apr 26, 2017

So, while I may not suggest the book to a casual comic reader, if you're into any of the 24 shows, you should be perfectly happy with it. I think I want to like it a little more than I do because of the potential it may have, but there's nothing wrong with doing what you know and playing it safe.

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A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 20, 2016

It should be no surprise that this book is as excellent as it is – with the talent working on it and the characters assigned to it, this is a surefire hit. But sometimes, even the books you're supposed to like deserve the success, and I'm happy to say this is one such time. The characters are solid and striking, the story hits the ground running, and the vibe is exciting, tense, and fun. In other words, everything a comic should be! If you read Marvel at all, I can't see one single reason not to pick this up. Really, if you read comics at all.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #1

Jul 1, 2015

So really, the only way you can go wrong with this, is if the older Marvel Zombies stuff didn't do it for you. You know what you're getting into, and the story may be different, but the meat of things hasn't changed much. As for me, I'll be back for more, for sure.

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Airboy #1

Jun 17, 2015

I like what Airboy #1 is trying to do, I'm just not sure it's successful. It's an effective way to involve the reader, but involving the reader in tedium is a dangerous concept. Still, I like the art a lot, and I respect the story telling, so I'll probably be back for more. And there is that great hook at the end, if that pays off in the future and evens out the boredom with some excitement, this series could be a real pleasure to experience.

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Aloha, Hawaiian Dick #1

May 25, 2016

I don't know that old detective stories will ever be for everyone, but if you've ever enjoyed the genre, you've a fine chance of enjoying this one, too. As I said at the start, I'm happy to have been introduced to the series, as this little taste left me wanting more. I'll be anxiously awaiting issue 2, and likely checking out the previous stories too.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1.1

Feb 3, 2016

Still though, it's a Spider-Man book, so even with those complaints, it's still perfecting enjoyable. Letting me down for having high expectations doesn't make it a disaster at all. It's the first step in what is sure to be a fantastic journey, so I can easily forgive it's faults and look forward to more.

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Angry Birds Comics #1

Jun 11, 2014

I'm not sure who would consider this book in first place " it's tooyoung for most adults, and I just don't know any kids who would wantto read about their favorite, completely non-descript throwawayvideo game characters " but if you're thinking about it at all, there'sa lot to like here. It's actually pretty good, and I'm a littlesurprised by that. But what do I know? I didn't even realize the birdswere actual characters until I read this, I just thought they wereammunition"

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Arcadia #1

May 6, 2015

The hardest part about recommending this book is trying to convey what genre it is. It's a cyber/political/apocalyptic/1% drama. But none of that matters anyway, the book is good, and fans of comics or sci-fi or literature should enjoy it.

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 21, 2015

This is a pretty solid book, and I think you'll like it. Even better if you're a big fan of the games! The art can be great, the story is good enough, and the premise is exciting and action-packed enough to have a lot of promise. I'm hoping we get to spend more time back in the past soon, because those are the most thrilling bits by far, but I'm happy with the whole for now.

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Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1

Mar 2, 2016

I'm slightly annoyed at the end of the book, because so much of what I thought turned out to be misdirection, but that is half the fun of the story. Otherwise, it's a great adventure with a lot left open to look forward to in the following volumes. It's not a book that really knocked my socks off, but I had no complaints either. A solid read, light enough to entertain new and old fans alike.

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Axe Cop: American Choppers #1

May 28, 2014

It took me a little while to get into the book, and it wasn't an easything to do. I do tend to approach comic's as literature, because Ibelieve in the medium as art. But art doesn't always have to be deadlyserious, and about the time an RV became a hot-air balloon at the touchof a button, I started to laugh at how silly everything was. And Ithink that's the point. I let go of being an adult for a little while,and I had a lot of fun reading this book. Any book being able toaccomplish that for you deserves your $3.99!

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Balkans Arena #1

Sep 16, 2015

I liked this book, and I would feel fine telling almost any comic fan to read it. It's a strong story, with solid art, and I think even if you're not into stories about Croatian ex-military, there's still something in that for almost every one. Books like this approach the level of great literature, and even if they don't fit your normal genre, they are still readable and enjoyable. I might not always call it entertaining, but engaging, interesting, worthy? Absolutely.

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Batman '66 Meets The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #1

Dec 2, 2015

They might really be narrowing the audience by going with a fairly obscure crossover, and a throw back Batman that many fans don't associate at all with comics any more, but they make it work. It's a great book, and I don't think anyone would regret picking it up. I'm just looking forward to a lot more action in future issues.

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Batman: Arkham Knight- Robin Special #1

Jan 6, 2016

If you're already reading Batman, you should pick this up, absolutely. If you're interested in Batman and/or the latest Robin, and don't mind being teased a bit by the finer points of the story, then this is perfect for you too. It's a great book for comic fans, which is the point of comic books. It just bothers me to see an issue come so closely to being something special, and hold itself back on purpose. Great book overall, though.

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Beyond Belief #1

May 20, 2015

At the end of the book, I had a really great ride, and I'm only a little worried this episodic format might get old quickly. Right now though, I'm left wanting more of everything this has to offer, and I can't wait to see more of these ultra-cool ghost hunters.

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Bill & Ted's Most Triumphant Return #1

Apr 8, 2015

The truth is, even if I didn't realize it, that I've been missing these characters in my life. Now that I have them back, I am better off for it. I suspect if you've ever seen either movie, and have fond memories of it, you'll love this book. Check out issue 1 now, and be prepared for another great adventure in the upcoming issues!

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Black Cloud #1

Apr 12, 2017

Black Cloud could really be one to watch, especially if you're looking for a new concept unlike ten other books in your pull list. There's potential here for the reader to visit a hundred different worlds, and there's promise here that each one could be an amazing trip, full of eye candy and an interesting story. I can't see why any one wouldn't enjoy this, and I hope it does well.

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Black History In Its Own Words #1

Feb 22, 2017

I think if we're honest, there's a disturbingly large market who just aren't ever going to be interested in this book. There'll be any number of excuses for not wanting to think about such a difficult topic, and that's kind of why the rest of us need this stuff. These are (usually) great, thoughful quotes by great, powerful minds… human minds… and there's wisdom there for all of us, no matter what color you are, or how equal you feel we may be, or not be. Yes, this book will mean a little more to a certain demographic, but that doesn't make it any less special to the rest of us. As a comic reader, you may not care at all about Black History in its Own Words, but as a human being, I'm glad Image put it out there.

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Black Kiss XXXMas in July Special #1

Jul 16, 2014

Look, I'm not saying the victim of a brutal rape shouldn't have justice, or even that seeking revenge makes her a terrible person, all I'm saying is that there's a better way to tell the story of it happening. "This girl was raped and it scarred her forever and ever, so now she's a murderous monster" doesn't engage me. It kinda turns me off. I don't want to read that" it just sounds depressing and horrible. I might want to read about it if it gave her some kind of healing closure, but the book ends before any of that. I've said it before, this is all about sex and violence. I guess that's enough for some people, but quite honestly, this is the kind of book that people used to point to and say comics were all mindless crap. And really, I understand why they would. It feels like sensation just to be sensational, and controversy just to be controversial. Not my cup of tea. Pass on this one.

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Black Knight (2015) #1

Dec 23, 2015

The Black Knight #1 isn't bad at all, it just fails to capture the reader's emotions. It's the kind of book I'd check on again in a while, say after a few more issues have passed and things are really moving along again, but for right now, it doesn't rise above average at all. That may not be such a bad thing if you've read Black Knight before, or you just love swords and armor and want to get away from capes and spandex. I can't see this series bringing on too many new folk though, at least until things improve and the story feels like it matters.

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Black Magick #1

Oct 28, 2015

And that thought really sums this title up nicely for me. I'm impressed. This is one of the best things I've read in months, and I can not wait for more. I love the premise already, the character has great potential, and I didn't want this issue to end. The second book can't come soon enough for me!

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Black Market #1

Jul 16, 2014

Black Market was a little slow to get going, but once it did, I was really thrilled. This is a must-read, and issue two can't come soon enough.

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Black Panther (2016) #1

May 11, 2016

But should you buy it? If you're interested at all in seeing what this hot new writer is all about, yes, you should pick this one up for sure. But I'm betting there's a good chance that once you satisfy your curiosity and can talk all about the new guy with certainty, you'll be back for the next issue because you're genuinely interested in what's going to happen next.

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Black Road #1

May 4, 2016

There's a lot of pieces from familiar stories here, but I think The Black Road is doing enough to set itself apart from the rest. It's not my favorite read today, but it's pretty good, and there's enough I'm curious abuot and want more of for me to return for issue #2. I hope some things improve by then, but unless things get considerably worse, I'm probably onboard for a few more issues at least. There's a lot I want to know about in these pages, and nothing bad enough to lose me.

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Bloodshot U.S.A. #1

Dec 7, 2016

Overall, the book is worth it, even if the story is a little flat. All hell breaks lose, and the twist ending is a great set up for the rest of the series, so even if issue #1 might not stand proud and tall on its own, it is a necessary part of something bigger. If you're a fan of the Valiant titles, you shouldn't pass this one up. And if you're new to the series, there's no better way to see if you should stick around, as it's exactly what you can expect from the rest.

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Borderlands #1

Jul 29, 2014

I hate reviewing books like this, because there's not really anything to say about it. If you've played a video game in the last ten years, buy this book. It's that simple. Borderlands was an amazing game to play, but the story and the characters are what made it a legend. This book captures them perfectly, and you will have fun reading about their adventures.

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Box Office Poison Color Comics #1

Jan 25, 2017

Reading these color versions makes me wish I had known about and collected the originals. I'm a little disappointed in my past that I let something so cool and fun slip passed me, but I'm happy for the second chance, and happy for them to have done so well. Winning any Eisner and getting a return to the stands after so long speaks well beyond anything I could say about the series. So, if you're a fan of comics more than superheros and fistfights, this is something you should pick up. Read it and find out for yourself if you like it. Even if you don't, being able to talk about what you didn't like about it will earn you street cred. But most importantly, if you're a fan of comic books, you should buy this book to support it. We need things like this, we always will. This is the comic book as art, and this is the kind of thing that will keep comics alive when all the money is in super hero movies.

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Brain Boy: The Men from G.E.S.T.A.L.T. #1

May 28, 2014

I'll definetely be back for more when issue 2 is available. The artstyle is worth the price of admission alone, but I'm also reallylooking forward to seeing what they do with the storyline.

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Bruce Lee: The Dragon Rises #1

Apr 13, 2016

So basically, if you have nostalgia for either Bruce Lee or the greatness of ABC at 8am on a Saturday, this isn't a bad little book. I'm not sure it has too much to offer any one else though.

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Call of Duty: Zombies #1

Jan 4, 2017

It's not about art, not about passion, it's about zombies and guns. And that's fine. That's fun for a time, and really, sometimes, that's all we need.

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Cannibal #1

Oct 12, 2016

While this may not be the best initial issue I've seen lately, it's all that potential that catches and holds my attention. The premise and the basics are strong, and the drawbacks don't ruin that, they just hold the book back. It's actually still pretty good overall, I just hope more action takes place in well lit rooms in the future, so we can see some colors, and that each sub plot gets a little more room before jumping to the next.

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Citizen Jack #1

Nov 18, 2015

I've really been lucky lately, this is the third book in a row that I have completely enjoyed. It's a surreal joyride with a dash of meaning, and a hint of something serious lurking in the depths. I like that a lot, and if you're up for trying something new, I bet you will too. Check out Citizen Jack, just smile and nod when things don't make any sense, and then slowly realize that none of this is any more unreal than what's actually happening in the world around us. Ok, maybe the dolphin reporting the news…

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Clockwork Angels #1

May 14, 2014

The art is fantastic, and I love the style of the technology in the world. The train that ustlesthrough the countryside is the coolest looking thing in the whole book. I'll be back for more of that for sure.

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Conan: The Avenger #1

Apr 23, 2014

Conan The Avenger #1 won't really shock any one who has ever heard ofConan before, and that's pretty much everyone. I think we know what toexpect from him now, and if that interests you at all, here's a greatchance to get on board. This title delivers the apathy, the wit, andthe sword play I've come to love. I can't wait for more.

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Critical Hit #1

Nov 4, 2014

Maybe there is something in me or my upbringing that just prevents me from getting this book. I really don't agree with hunting, but I agree even less with setting fire to hunters lodges and destroying their trucks. I was totally on board when it was just being clever and scaring the deer away before they could get shot, but things got pretty terrorist pretty quickly… and the hunters are no better. It is hard for me to believe that such a nice lodge, clearly geared towards upscale city hunters could be run by a sociopath willing to torture and murder at the drop of a hat. It just feels like a lazy story to me, with no need to be believable. I'd read more to see what happens, but I'm not excited about it, nor am I hopeful for anything good.

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Critical Hit #2

Nov 12, 2014

I hate to say it, but this book really falls short on most accounts. If it is going to be a torture fantasy, it's got far too much back ground going on to be good at it, and if it is trying to tell a good story, it's failing there by spending so much time on the mindless violence. There's very little worth coming back for, so unless you're just dying to know what happens to Sarah next, I can't imagine anyone caring about issue #3.

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Cursed Pirate Girl Annual #1

Oct 21, 2015

All this brings me to my conclusion, which may not be what you expect. Do I think this is a good comic book? No, I don't. Do I think there are much better books to buy this week? Of course. But am I happy to have this book? Yes. Do I think you would enjoy it if you bought it? Absolutely. It is more a work of art than just another comic to bang through this week. Each page is strikingly beautiful, and even if you have to plod through reading it once, I bet you'll still come back to just look at the images and remember what you read. This is easily a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, and if anything I've said about it interests you at all, you should seek this book out immediately.

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Cyberforce: Artifacts #0

Dec 28, 2016

Being an issue 0, a lot of people may pass this up, and I think that would be a terrible mistake. Unless you've just never heard of these characters or don't care about up and coming comics talent, there's really no drawback to this book. Three solid stories for a few bucks, lots of action and adventures, and a look at what three new writers are capable of. Pick this one up now, and maybe if everything goes right, you'll be able to say you knew them way back when!

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Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab #1

Nov 11, 2015

After all is said and done, this title gets a ‘B' from me. It's really nothing special, but it doesn't disappoint, and it might be going somewhere cool. It's not the best first issue, it doesn't really capture my imagination, but it could be going somewhere cool. I'll pick up #2 when I see it, and I think as long as a book can accomplish that, it's worthwhile.

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Dante (One Shot) #1

Feb 8, 2017

I like Dante, and that's what makes me regret the shortcomings even more. How nicely our first conflict wraps up, and how easily the man learns his lesson, is a missed opportunity for a much stronger story. The character and the readers would be much more invested if these things were harder to arrive at, but wishing for more of a good thing must be a good sign. The subject matter might not appeal to every one, and we'll have to see how the episodic nature of the story plays out, but the Dante (One Shot) is definitely worth a look.

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Dark Ages #1

Aug 26, 2014

I can't really recommend this one, unless you're as fascinated as I am by zany match ups. It's not terribly well done, it's a bit confusing to read, and it really wasn't all that exciting. If the setting catches your attention though, let's hope things get better soon.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #1

May 18, 2016

This whole thing feels a lot like a game-to-movie translation. Someone decided taking the bare bones of a game and basing a comic on it would sell well, with little regard to how well it would translate. This is fine for fans of the game. You'll get to see familiar themes, and maybe familiar places, and you'll get awesome covers to show off. But it doesn't really do much for the uninitiated. A world you have no reason to care about is in peril, and only someone you don't know can save it. There's not much keeping me turning the pages at all.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #2

May 25, 2016

I really can't see any reason to buy this unless you're either in love with the game or the cover. Even fans of the series aren't going to find much value here though, as there is just no story to read. Magicman says to kill this guy for this thing, because. Kill guy. Get thing. Next. I just saved you four bucks.

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

In the end, how this plays out will determine how people feel about it. It's got GREAT promise, and there's a lot of talent and creativity behind it. Let's hope they don't waste it all with some cheap trick, or a sudden change of heart if the sales figures aren't what they expected in a few months. This could be a really exciting time to be into DC.

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Dead Squad: Ayala Tal (One-Shot) #1

Aug 12, 2015

Ayala Tal is a gritty book about having everything you've ever believed in ripped away from you, and what you do after you've got nothing left to fight for. It's off to a decent start, and I'm comfortable saying that if you're looking for a comic book James Bond or Jason Bourne, you may dig this. Just be prepared to overlook a few plot weaknesses, and you're in for a great ride.

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Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #1

Mar 2, 2016

It's a bit of shame that with the success of his recent movie, this might be the first comic new fans pick up. It's not exactly that the book is bad, but it's so different from what people are being sold on that I don't think it'll click like it should. If you're looking for the violence and action, this is your book, but don't hold your breath for the cleverness we've come to expect.

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Deep State (2014) #1

Dec 17, 2014

I was pretty impressed with Deep State. I like the art, despite wishing for a little more, and the story is fine, despite being a little derivative. It's not perfect, but it's very good, and I expect it to do well. The only thing that would keep me from picking it up every month is my already-stretched-too-thin comic book budget – there is just too much out there to read everything. But if you're into government lies or aliens and aren't already reading a few dozen comics a month, you're likely to really enjoy this.

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Dexter's Laboratory #1

Apr 30, 2014

My only complaint is in the writing. The story takes an oddly dark turn at the end, but I'm sure it'll wind up on a happy note somehow, and I'm ok with that. What bothers me is… Dexter doesn't sound right. I mean, he's always sounded weird, that's his thing, but now he sounds wrong-weird. I think someone's just trying a little too hard. Pull him back 10% and he'll feel more faithful.

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Drifter #1

Dec 2, 2014

Drifter #1 doesn't blow me away, but it does catch my attention. Once the story gets rolling and the characters get to show off who they are a little more, I bet this is going to be a good read. I'm happy with #1 for the art alone, but I'm already expecting better things to come. If you've ever wanted to see what a sci-fi spaghetti western might feel like, now's your chance.

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Ei8ht #1

Mar 11, 2015

Ei8ght is an above-average book, but it doesn't really rise to the top. I like it, but there's a lot of books I like better. I'll give it another shot, but I'm hoping the next issue holds my attention a little more.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1

Jan 21, 2015

I wish I could recommend this book, it's not bad at all. But their is just so much to choose from these days, that I can't help but feel you could spend your four bucks on better books. There is promise here, to be sure, and hopefully it will be realized in upcoming issues. But not yet.

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Faster than Light #1

Oct 21, 2015

I'm excited about where this series might go, and I'm happy to have gotten in on it now. Sure, it's sci-fi, which may not connect with some readers, but I love it, and if you do too, I don't see how you could miss with this one. I haven't been this stoked to read a second issue since Southern Cross.

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Five Ghosts: Special #1

May 13, 2015

Special issues with more in-depth stories from an on-going series are a risky thing. This is not a book designed to pick up new readers, and it's only going to appeal to some of the current readers. I feel like this volume will appeal to even fewer than is usual, because each piece is severely lacking in something. I just can't recommend this for any but the hardest of die-hard fans.

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From Under Mountains #1

Oct 14, 2015

The writing's good. The art's good. The story's good. There's just not much to complain about with this one. Unless you're just turned off by the theme, or only read super heroes or sci-fi, this one is easily worth checking out. If you're not pulled in by the cover alone, I'm confident the solid premise and the possibility that anything could happen will bring you back for more.

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Glitterbomb #1

Sep 14, 2016

All in all, aside from the single misstep, Glitterbomb is off to a great start. We have a character to worry about, a character to fear, and their fates are irresistibly entwined. The hows and why are all a mystery, and the whole thing is fun to read. I'm on board for more, easily.

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Godzilla in Hell #1

Jul 15, 2015

If I'm honest, this is the first time Godzilla has ever managed to bore me. There's just something lacking here, and I don't think anyone but the most die-hard ‘Zilla fan will be able to justify owning it. A few panels are amazing artistically, and the Hellzilla looks cool as can be, but there's just nothing else here. A fall, a nice stroll, another fall. I'm not sure how that's supposed to be entertaining.

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Godzilla: The IDW Era #1

Jun 11, 2014

But, if you're not already convinced to pick this up, I'll leave youwith this simple note – the entire book is filled with artwork fromGodzilla's best panels and covers. That's right, this issue is packedfull of awesome art. Even if you have no interest in reading theseries, that much Godzilla awesomeness is worth the four bucks.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #1

Jun 21, 2017

Orgasmageddon is another example of a book which you probably know exactly how you're going to like it before you ever crack the cover. If you're into GWAR, this is a no-brainer, because it's just more of what the band is all about, and you're probably going to love it. If you don't dig on the band, though, you're not likely to really get much out of this. It's gross and crass and foul, and that's what people will love it for.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #2

Aug 16, 2017

Like I've said before, reviews of this book probably aren't going to change many minds. Some people will see GWAR and decide it's not for them, and others will know they're going to like it right off. If you're in that first group, I'd really like to ask you to think again and give this a closer look. It's bright, gross, and silly " what's not to like?

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Hard Case Crime: Peepland #1

Jul 26, 2017

Event CalendarAlex Saviuk At West Orange ComicsJuly 8th, 2017

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Hass #1

Feb 10, 2016

But like I said before, I would happily stick around for more. I'm hoping Hass was written this way to create a stark contrast in his growth arch. That would make me very happy, and I'd forgive the thinly-veiled set up. It IS a first issue, and they're rarely the strongest part of the story, so I am left wanting more. And as much I don't like the character right now, I do want better things for him. The book's not perfect, but it's off to a good enough start, and a few easy changes could really make it something fantastic.

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Hexed (2014) #1

Aug 19, 2014

I will definitely be adding this series to my pull list. It's well drawn, interesting, and the character feels like she could be the next big thing all the folks crowd around to point out that female protagonists don't have to rely on short skirts and cleavage to be interesting. If you're into either witches or thieves, you should check Hexed out.

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Hexed (2014) #2

Sep 16, 2014

If you're into strong female protagonist, or just like witches and wizards and other magical things, this is a great book for you. Beautifully drawn, well written, fascinating character, it seems to have it all. I can't wait for #3!

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Holy F*cked #1

Sep 23, 2015

There's just something about this book. It's outrageous and tries so hard to be offensive on so many levels, but it pulls it all off with such a fun spirit that it's almost magical. Unless the basic premise – gay Jesus and Satan with lots of bad jokes and cocks out of the blue – just offends you to your core, this is actually a really fun book.

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Horizon #1

Aug 31, 2016

I think it's a bit of bad timing that Horizon debuts when it does. There's been a lot of great books coming out lately, and because of that, it's a bit hard to get excited about this one. Had it released during a slower time, when the bar hadn't been set so high in the last few months, I might be more excited about it. As it is, it's good, and I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm not sold. If issue #2 is better paced, and holds its quality throughout, then I'll be fully on board.

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Hyper Force Neo #1

Apr 13, 2016

I really feel labeling a book as “for children” may be unfair. This isn't the most interesting story, and the depth of the characters may be a little limited, but the book still has plenty to offer more mature readers. Clearly, the main audience is going to be the middle school crowd, but the solid, well crafted world transcends that and should be interesting to every one. It's not the best book in the world, but I think it's worth a look if you're into that kind of thing at all.

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I Am Legion #1

Jul 13, 2016

I like this type of book, because it is not the same old, same old we see every day in comic form. But I have to be honest about something, I think this book is exactly WHY we don't. The nuance of the story is just completely lost. I am Legion is a great story, but not a very good comic book. I'd much rather see it as an actual book, and I don't like saying that.

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Indoctrination #1

Apr 27, 2016

So, while I do wish this book was just slightly better polished, I still think it's worth a look. There's not really anything bad about, just stuff that could have been done better, and a lot of other stuff that's off to a really good start. If you're interested at all in catching a new story of lawmen versus madmen, take a look at Indoctrination.

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Infinite 7 #1

Aug 2, 2017

Infinite Seven didn't exactly bore me, but it didn't capture my interest in the least, either. Of course it ends on a huge cliffhanger, but I really don't care about any of it, so I'm unlikely to ever pick up issue #2. I can't say this isn't worth reading, exactly, but I sure wouldn't pay full price.

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Itty Bitty Bunnies In Rainbow Candyland: Bong Genie #1

Sep 23, 2015

I've said it before, but it's really hard to review a book such as this. If you're used to serious action and great art in your comics, you'll hate this. If you're used to meaningful plot and continuity between stories, you'll hate this. Chances are, really, you'll hate this. But if you're the type who likes it, you'll probably love it. It's a lot like Adventure Time in a way. It's not really good, it doesn't really make any sense, but it has that touch of the absurd that makes it perfect for 24 pages of silliness.

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Jacked #1

Dec 9, 2015

I like this book. A lot. Honestly, I don't really see a thing wrong with it. It's not perfect, but there's nothing to complain about in the least. Wanting more is a different thing than thinking they got something wrong. And I do want more, and think you would too.

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Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #1

May 31, 2017

I'll never understand the need to continue a successful IP at all costs. So, this is Judge Dredd, but in a completely new world, with a completely new look, completely new enemies, and a completely new atmosphere. Or, in other words, not much Judge Dredd at all. At what point is it okay to just change the name and write something completely new?

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Justice League 3001 #1

Jul 8, 2015

Personally, I'm just tired of all these not-really-a-reboots, and would rather this be a whole new story, but maybe I'm just not the mega-fan I need to be to care about every tiny detail in the DC universe. It's a good read, but it feels stretched to fit all the tie-ins in. This is definitely best for diehards or total newbies, which is likely a very sound business decision.

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Justice League: Gods and Monsters - Batman #1

Jul 22, 2015

Yet another continuity with different versions of the same characters, but I've complained enough about that lately. This take on Batman is actually one of the more interesting ones I've read, and I think it has a lot of potential. I can't wait to see what they do with Batman in issue two, and with all his friends in their own books.

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Kill Shakespeare #1

May 21, 2014

This is being reviewed today because it's a recent addition to theHundred Penny Press series that IDW uses to suck in new fans. Well,it's successful. This is a great excuse to get on board with a newseries, and there is simply no reason it shouldn't be this one.

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Kill Shakespeare - Past is Prologue: Juliet #1

Apr 19, 2017

I admit I often accuse superheroes for getting all the attention, and here's a great opportunity to do something about this. This is an easy book to pick up and enjoy, without having to track down a hundreds missed issues or worrying about a dozen crossovers. There's well known, solid characters, there's a conflict you've AT LEAST heard of, and the writing is solid, skillful, and entertaining. The only excuse for not picking up Juliet today is that you want to wait for the trade paperback. But still, you're missing out until then.

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Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night #1

Jun 18, 2014

Totally forgiveable for a #1, and it probablycreates a great place for new folks to get on board. I'm all for that.This deserves to be read by many!

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King Tiger #1

Aug 19, 2015

King Tiger #1 is a weird one, because while I don't love this issue, I think I'm going to love this series. It's a beautiful book that fails to deliver the cool details of the story like I wanted it to, but I can still see those cool details emerging, and I'm hoping, expecting, issue 2 to be much more fulfilling. #1 is worth it for the art alone, but I'm really looking forward to more in the future.

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Kodoja #1

Mar 16, 2016

Giant robots, secret military projects, alien life threatening our dominance over the planet – what's not to like? Why not pick up a copy and help make the rest of the series even better?

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Korvac Saga #1

Jul 1, 2015

Really, everything I didn't like about this issue, can't be blamed on this issue. I just don't like the whole “oh, that was another universe” thing as much as a lot of people do. The actual story here is really good, and it feels like I'm going to get to see some sides of my favorite characters explored that maybe never were before. I like that quite a lot. I just have to remind myself that these aren't really my favorite characters any more, they just look a lot like them.

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Lake of Fire #1

Sep 7, 2016

Overall, it's a good read, but it's a little too early to tell if Lake of Fire will rise above the easy stereotypes. Calling this “King Arthur versus Aliens” is pretty much right on the nose, especially with the optimistic world view of some of the young knights. I'll be watching for issue #2, but I'm really hoping this is more than just another “humans were the real monsters all along” story to add to the pile.

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Lantern City #1

May 20, 2015

This has promise. I'll read more. If the story isn't quite enough to hold your interest, I bet the world will be. I'm not sure how long that will last, though.

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Last Born #1

Oct 29, 2014

I don't like admitting that something I enjoyed this much would be so mathematically average, but the numbers don't lie. The art is ok, the characters are a little drab, and the storytelling is flat, but the story has a lot of promise. I'll keep reading, and unless things get worse, I suspect I'll enjoy the ride, even if it never blows me away.

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Locke & Key: Head Games #1

May 21, 2014

Now that this is part of the Hundred Penny Press, the only reason foryou not to buy this book the next time you're in your favorite shop isif you own it already.

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Loose Ends (2017) #1

Feb 1, 2017

Every wonky detail may stand out as you read through, but at the end, all you're left with is the impression of a slick movie trailer. Lots of images that don't always fit together, snippets of a disjointed story you trust them to bring together in the end, and visuals that make you want to watch it over and over. Loose Ends #1 is way more than the sum of its parts, and I can't wait for more. In fact, after reading it and making sense of it all, the part I liked least was right on the cover " that little blurb promising ONLY four issues!

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Love is Love #1

Mar 1, 2017

We're all in this life together, we'd better learn how to get along, and soon or things will only get worse. Maybe you don't have to like people who are so different than you are, but you damn sure shouldn't hate them either.

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Low (2014) #2

Sep 30, 2014

I never picked up issue 1 of Low, but this has definitely got me thinking about going back and picking it up. The story is interesting and relevant, the art work is great, and while I may not actually like the characters, I'm invested in knowing what happens to them after just one issue. That's not an easy thing to accomplish, and I'm impressed that Low #2 pulled it off. Check this one out, I don't think you'll be let down.

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Madballs #1

Apr 20, 2016

This probably isn't a comic you're going to read or collect. It's not that it's so bad, it's just that it appeals to such a tiny market that I can't believe they bothered. Maybe if you remember playing with the toys when you were lad, this will be a fun blast of nostalgia. Maybe you're young now and really like this crude humor. But I'm more than a little surprised it exists. I guess there's an enthusiast market for everything, but if you don't already know what a Madball is, I wouldn't bother taking a look at this. I don't think it's going to convert anyone.

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Mantle #1

May 13, 2015

And that kind of sums up how I feel about the whole book. Is this issue a hit? Not really, especially because of that twist I mentioned, which undoes almost every thing that happens. But the promise of a quality product is there, and I like everything enough to keep trying. As for myself, I'll be here for issue #2. As for you? I feel like you wouldn't be missing much if you just skipped this one and joined me there.

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Mayday (2016) #1

Nov 9, 2016

There's a lot of promise here, and I'm excited to see where it goes. While I'm not in love with this issue, I think things will only improve. There are very few problems with the book, and my biggest complaint is not having more of everything, which is exactly the point of follow up issues. If this level of quality is maintained, Mayday could be a real keeper.

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Mechanism #1

Aug 10, 2016

It's rare to be this excited about a new book, but there is simply nothing in Mechanism to cause any doubt that this will be a fantastic series. Unless sci-fi just is not your thing, you should check this out immediately. If this first issue is any indication, this is going to be something special.

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Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #1

May 17, 2017

I'll keep an eye on this series, and I'll hope things get better once all the set up and back story is taken care of, but I'm not expecting much from it, and in the meantime, I certainly can't recommend this to any one but the most die hard fans of one of the IPs involved. If you NEED more Transformers, it's here. But for anyone else, you're not missing very much"

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Mockingbird #1

Mar 30, 2016

The female half of the super hero world may be getting a lot of attention lately, and I do think some of them will be just a flash in the pan, dropped the next time the market sways in the wind. Mockingbird is one I hope to see around after that, and one I feel absolutely deserves to be.

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Monstress #1

Nov 18, 2015

This is a great book, and I think the size of the this first issue was an excellent choice. I often complain about the slow pace of a #1, and the requisite cliff hanger so you'll ante up for #2, but this book sells you completely on the story instead. There's much more room for details and answers, and the leaves-you-hanging ending doesn't feel nearly as cheap as many books. Sure, it leaves you wanting more, but with anticipation instead of a groan. That's solid reading, in my opinion, and it's just one more reason why you should pick this up today.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Jan 6, 2016

Lunella is an interesting character, and has a lot a reader could identify with. T-Rexes are awesome. This could be a winning combo! It's a fun read, and a great addition to the lighter Marvel stuff that's been coming out lately. I'd say give it a chance. It's only 24 pages in and it already feels like way more than I expected from it. That's a great sign for any book.

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Moonshine (2016) #1

Nov 2, 2016

The bottom line for me, is that Moonshine #1 missed its chance at greatness. It's not a bad book by any means, but with just a few glaring drawbacks, it failed to grasp me. As it is, I like the idea, but don't really care about it. I'll pick up issue #2 if it leaps out at me, but I'll probably forget I even read #1 in a month's time.

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Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #1

Apr 1, 2015

Once again, this is the kind of book that's a little hard to review, because you probably already know if you want more Mouse Guard in your life or not, and I'm probably not going to say anything to change your mind. These books are beautiful and well-written, and a little uplifting in how cute everything is, so if you're into that, there's a must-have. If you're looking for super-heroics or vampire assassins, or anything other than bite-sized fun and smiles, pass this one up.

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Nameless #1

Feb 18, 2015

This isn't a series I would follow. If you asked me about the story, I'd say it has some promise, and the art may not be my thing, but I would admit it takes talent, but the book is just missing that thing that holds my attention. Just like the cursing quota, this book feels like it was designed by committee to sell well, instead of by passionate artists who have a story they have to tell or they'll go mad. It'll probably do well, but I almost wish it wouldn't. I wish books that felt like art, even inferior art, sold well, and books that feel like products weren't best-sellers again and again.

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Night Owl Society #1

May 24, 2017

I've been a huge fan of Kickstarter since I found about it, and I love what it can do for new comic talent. I'm thrilled with this success story, so I'd recommend buying this book just to reward IDW for that, but it's also a pretty solid read. It's clearly an early effort, but there's plenty to enjoy here, and I can't wait to see what the team does in the future.

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Ninjak (2015) #1

Mar 11, 2015

Still though, the flaw isn't fatal, and for as much fun as I had reading the rest of the pages, I'd say this is well worth the money. I hope they don't make a habit of that level of lazy writing, but I'm happy to give them a chance. Ninjak could be a lot of fun, if they stop stepping on their own feet.

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Normandy Gold #1

Jul 5, 2017

Normandy Gold showed me just how much I was missing a good ol' cops and robbers story from the Starsky and Hutch era. It's fun to read, the art leaps off the page, and the whole book simmers with sex and violence. I didn't know I needed these things as badly as I do now. I can't wait until issue #2 is available, and I suspect you'll be just as excited for it as I am. This one is a must read, in my opinion, as much for its story telling as for its story.

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Nova (2015) #1

May 11, 2016

This isn't a strong first issue. It's got a serious pacing problem and wastes a lot of the reader's time. It's funny how reviews come in pairs, sometimes. If you read my take on Black Panther #1 this afternoon, it's almost the exact opposite of that. Twenty pages of meaningless build up and a twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan at the end is not how to tell a story… Let's hope the real arch actually gets rolling in issue #2.

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Pirouette #2

Dec 16, 2014

While I'm not a huge fan of the dark portrayal of the circus, it is certainly believable and enjoyable. We root for Pirouette right from the start, even when it looks like nothing will ever go her way. The art is great and the style is perfect for the theme. This is a solid book, and all those without Coulrophobia should check it out!

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #1

Feb 24, 2016

It's sad that there's not much in this first issue for new readers, which I don't think is going to do much for its readership. People who loved their old books will pick it up, and those who have to have everything Marvel will spend their money and quickly forget it, but here is a great chance to grow utterly wasted. I honestly can say there's much for you here at all, unless you already know and enjoy these characters. They are just not interesting enough yet for any new fans.

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Quantum Teens Are Go #1

Mar 29, 2017

In the future, I could see myself going either way on Quantum Teens. I like what we have, but there's two problems with issue #1, and they're pretty big. Even out the pacing, and stop making me think about the magical t-shirt is just you being lazy or incapable, and I'll probably read the series for a long time. But both those things could be symptoms of much bigger problems. As it is, I feel safe saying to check out the premiere and hope for the best. A little faith isn't a bad thing, and at least you'll have fun along the way.

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Real Heroes #1

Mar 26, 2014

Real Heroes asks us to believe in a world where CNN exists, acharacter's motivations revolve around losing his father to 9/11, andAvatar is the highest grossing movie of all time, but no one'sbothered by the similarities between The Avengers and the fictionalblockbuster movie the main characters star in. It's that kind ofsubtle failing that kept me from enjoying this book more than I did.I'll pick up issue 2, but the series is going to lose me unless itimproves.

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Real Science Adventures #1

May 3, 2017

Anyone with a fondness for high-flying pirates or stealthy spies sneaking behind enemy lines should find a good time in these pages. There's broad appeal in the fun, even if you haven't faithfully read from the Atomic Robo portfolio before.

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Red Skull (2015) #1

Jul 8, 2015

This is one of my favorite Battleworld outings so far, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. It's easy enough to pick up the story, which doesn't really matter any way, there's plenty of action, and lots of big name characters to feel starstruck over. And I really do enjoy cheering for the bad guys, it's nice to see them having some fun.

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Revenge #1

Apr 9, 2014

When the Mature rating isn't getting in the way, this book is reallygood. I wish it took itself just a little more seriously, because withthis solid story, great art, and characters you feel something for inthe first issue, its worth being taken seriously.

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Revolution: Aw Yeah #1

Apr 5, 2017

Honestly, there's not a whole lot to say about the series that you can't tell from the cover. This is a bright and colorful comic full of humor and lite on content. If you want any excuse to read more about Snake Eyes hanging out with Optimus Prime, then you can't go wrong. But if all you want is to take things seriously, I'd look away " fast.

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Ringside #1

Dec 9, 2015

I'd prefer a better balanced book, sure, but that doesn't mean I'd pass up this story just because of the art, and neither should you. Pure and simple, the story is worth the price of admission alone, and I can't wait for issue #2!

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Robocop (2014) #1

Jul 2, 2014

If you enjoyed the 1987 movie, I really can't recommend this enough. It captures it all very well, and it doesn't mess with the formula at all. Totally worth the price of admission, and I can't wait for issue two.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1

May 6, 2015

There's a lot of space-themed comics lately, but I feel Roche Limit does a good job of finding its own space. Sure, there's space ships and foreign worlds, but there's also a very familiar sense of dread and fear of the unknown.

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Rocket Salvage #1

Feb 18, 2015

This is probably the hardest kind of book to recommend or not. There's nothing wrong with it, but it fails to really blow me away too. It's good, if you like that kind of thing, which I do! So, if you're into racing comics, or stylized future adventures, or just in the mood to check out a Space Dandy-esque world in comic form, pick this up. If not, it's still a pretty good book. You might enjoy it anyway.

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Rot & Ruin #2

Oct 21, 2014

Still, the characters and their relationships are strong. I like how the crowd looks out for each other, and their different strengths and weaknesses are interesting. The art is good stuff, too, and all that is probably enough to keep me coming back a little while longer. I'm hoping the story gets better soon though.

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Secret Identities #1

Mar 4, 2015

I'm excited for more of this, and I can certainly see the appeal it will have for many fans. The action is solid and will keep beat-em-up fans coming back for more, but those of us into story won't be disappointed either. The dark secrets the heroes keep could be really interesting if done right, and I don't see any reason to suspect they won't be handled well. Give this one a shot, it's looking like it'll be a fun ride.

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Self-Obsessed One Shot #1

Apr 2, 2014

Look, I get it, this guy is big right now. And I like his work!Walking Dead is great, I don't think any one would argue that. I wasinto Invincible! But this doesn't have anything to do with them. Thisdoesn't even come close to them. This is a collection of disjointedmemories, slice of life glimpses, and all in your head fantasies thatyou share with a best friend. I admire this guy's work, but I'm nothis best friend. The only reason you should buy this book is if you'realready obsessed with Sina Grace as he is.

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Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #1

Jan 18, 2017

I wouldn't want to read six full issues of a series like this one book, just too little happens to be exciting at all, but if we consider this like television, then this is basically the first commercial break, and that means the whole thing is on track to be excellent. We're setting up stakes and setting the stage for all the fun stuff to happen in acts 2 and 3, and I'm sure those comics will be worth the wait. In the meantime though, we can at least enjoy being back on board, and hearing our old friends' voices again. It may not be everything I had hoped for, but it's a fine start.

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Snotgirl (2016) #1

Aug 17, 2016

The push is for this title to be huge. It's new and bold, and the talent and the advertising are both clearly there, all that's to see now is, is the audience? Look past the juvenile name, and snot actually has little to do with the story, so people can expect a mature story with some depth to it, but can that fit the fashion blogging world? I'm excited to find out.

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Southern Bastards #1

Apr 30, 2014

My criteria for a good book has always been, “Do I want to read more?” Yes, I do. I want more of this, and even more telling is, since more is a month away, I'm likely to read what I have a few more times. Easily my favorite new book in the last few months.

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Southern Cross #1

Apr 1, 2015

I've always been a fan of space exploration, and this title really excels at making me feel like I'm exploring something new, even if someone else has been there first. The world, the story, and the characters are unfolding around us, instead of just being there for us to read about. I love that, and I endorse any comic that can pull it off. Pick this up, it has a lot to offer. Whether you're into space exploration, or mystery solving, or just a little escapism, I don't think you can go wrong here.

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Space Riders: Galaxy of Brutality #1

Mar 29, 2017

Space Riders is like a throwback to those generic bad-ass action movies we used to get in the 80s and 90s. This dude is here to kick the bad guy's ass, snarling, cursing, and looking cool in every shot. Why is he the good guy? Because he looks so cool. Why are they the bad guys? Because they're against him! Again, that may not be for everyone, but it's a lot of fun for people who do enjoy it.

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Spandex #1

Apr 30, 2014

stereotypical superheroes form a team to protect the world from stereotypical super-villians. Its not very exciting stuff, but at least it ends with a bang and a cliff hanger. I'm glad to see this kind of work getting made, because you have to start somewhere. I'm just a little skeptical about where this is heading. I hope it picks up fast. This is as “indie” as it gets.

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Spider-Man (2016) #1

Mar 9, 2016

This is already one the most talked about titles in Marvel's line up, and some of the reasons for that are just silly. There is plenty to talk about here – and most of it is really, truly exciting. If you've ever read Spider-Man, pick this up. If you've ever enjoyed a Spidey cartoon, pick this up. If you've ever been excited for one of the movies, pick this up. This is an all new, all exciting Spider-Man, and it's done the right way. This could change a beloved title forever. If you care about that at all, don't miss it.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #1

Jan 13, 2016

I honestly can't think of any one who shouldn't buy this book. Even if you're not a huge DP fan, Spidey is pretty can't-miss, and this is a fine adventure of his. But really, even if you're not into heroes at all, or know nothing about these characters, this is pure fun to read. I can easily see a grown adult laying on the floor, feet up like a child, giggling with every page.

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Spread #1

Jul 16, 2014

Going into it, I didn't expect to like this, but it very pleasantly surprised me. It looks like a comic should – unrealistic and colorful – and the story held my interest. I was genuinely surprised it all went by so fast, and I always feel that's a good sign. Unless you're overloaded on zombie apocalypse, give this one a try. It's a different take on things and it does it really well.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #1

Jan 27, 2016

This is easily once of the best first issues I've read from Marvel yet, and it's no-brainer to recommend checking it out. Amazing cover, great characters, and a line in the sand you're not even sure which side you should be on – what a great start!

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #1

Jul 15, 2015

On a side note, I've noticed something about comics that I never noticed before. The more exclusive covers an issue has, the less likely I am the like the book. I stopped counting this one's when I hit 20, so I guess I was never going to like it very much anyway, but the whole thing really felt heartless to me. Just an excuse to put two big properties together and sell a ton of the same book to the completionists out there. Maybe if you're REALLY into the source material, this would be worth picking up, but unless you're a super-fan, I'd pass on this one so far.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #1

Jan 13, 2016

If you've somehow managed to miss these books for the last year, Darth Vader Annual #1 is also the perfect reason to get on board. As I said, the quality is unreal, the story telling is amazing, and this one book contains a complete tale, so you can pick it up and understand everything. Sure, you'll want more, but you won't have any problem finding it. The annual is just a taste of the ongoing goodness you can expect every month from Darth Vader.

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Starbrand and Nightmask #1

Jan 27, 2016

I'm excited about this series. It's not my favorite book by far, but it could go places that I'd love to read. As a matter of fact, I'd love to see it turn into something a little less super, and just spend a lot of time on young people in college in this wonderful new world. Either way it goes though, it's made sure that I'll be around for a few more issues, at least.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel: We're Needed #1

Jul 29, 2014

All in all, this is a worthy purchase even if you're not into the spy theme. Solid story, strong art work, fun fighting, and political intrigue all add up to make a welcome respite from watching the super heroes duke it out with their villain du jour.

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Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #1

Mar 4, 2015

I feel like this isn't a bad comic, just not one for every body. If you're an existing Stray Bullets fan, you're probably more than willing to overlook the few things that don't click well, but if you're not, you might have a hard time caring about the people or what happens to them, so I'm not so sure this would be a good spot to start reading it. Even if this isn't the book to start you off though, I'd give the series a shot, there's a lot of good stuff here too.

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String Divers #1

Aug 19, 2015

String Divers is not off to a strong start. It's got some talent underneath the “C” effort art and writing, but I don't know if it's going to reach a lot of people in this package. It's certainly not the worst comic I've read, but there's nothing to make it shine either, and in today's crowded market, I suspect it's going to get buried and forgotten about quickly.

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Superman (2011) #50

Mar 30, 2016

It's almost nonsensical to bother with a buy/don't buy on this one. If you read the first 49, you're going to get this one no matter how weak the ending is, and if you're new to the comic and wondering what it's all about, 51 is where it's at. You don't want to get in on the last issue of a major arch, after all, you want the first issue of a new one. But still, this is Superman, so even if it's a bit of a let down, it's one of the best comics out there. Let's be honest about one thing – Superman doing what he's always done isn't such a bad thing. There's a very good reason he's still around after all these years.

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1

Mar 30, 2016

I hope things get rolling a little more tightly in the second issue, because I really like where this could go. It's yet one more take on a very old character, and I like that freshness, and I love the potential of the new characters. Let's just hope they don't fall flat sticking too close to familiar tales. My first thoughts on this series were that it was a shame to be limited to six issues, but after reading this one, maybe that'll be plenty.

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Supreme: Blue Rose #1

Sep 2, 2014

Issue #1 asks a lot of questions and gives very few answers, but I don't care that I'm confused because I'm in love with the art and the idea. I've said it before and I am pleased to say it again now, this is one you should check out. I am so pleased to see comics exploring philosophy and science instead of just giving us two more super heroes knocking each other around.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #1

Feb 3, 2016

Swamp Thing's return isn't off to an exciting start, but the book ends on a cliff hanger some people might care about. As for me, I don't think I care enough to really seek out more. If an issue #2 falls into my lap, I'd read it, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. If you're a huge fan of the big, green guy, maybe this is for you, but I can't see him making any friends like this.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1

Jun 18, 2014

If you're a die hard, old school Turle fan, I'm not sure there's muchfor you here. I don't know if you'd appreciate the lighter faire. Butyou're used to the guys wearing different colored masks, you'll likelyhave a lot of fun here.

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That's Because You're a Robot (One Shot) #1

Jun 25, 2014

This is Axe Cop bad without any of what makes Axe Cop lovable. Axe Cop can be this bad because a it's pure and simple and directly from the mind of a kid. This is just bad, there's no excuse for it. Cheesy one-liners galore, nonsensical story line, terribly simple artwork, it just doesn't add up. Thank god, it's a one shot. Save your money.

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The 13th Artifact (One Shot) #1

May 4, 2016

I'm excited that The 13th Artifact exists, and honestly, I'm a little proud of Image for doing things like this. I do belive it's important to support new artists and creators, and this is a huge effort to do so. As for you and your buying habits, this is a one shot that will cost you a few bucks and send a huge message, and you'll get a good story, a neat world, and some really decent art of it. You may not be left drooling for more, but that can be kind of a good thing, too. Check this one out, and you're done. There's a lot less stress to check something out when you're spending four bucks, instead of maybe getting hooked and spending hundreds.

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The 7th Sword #1

Apr 23, 2014

So far, The 7th Sword isn't blowing me away, but it's got this coolsci fi meets Mad Max thing going on, and I'm enjoying it. If theaction picks up and they add a few more characters as cool as thesamurai, this could really be good.

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The Dark and Bloody #1

Mar 9, 2016

My only complaint about this book is, really, that there's not more of it. Yes, it may come off as a little boring if you're not used to the calm before the storm in a horror story, but it leaves you with no doubt that the storm is going to be thrilling and frightening. And unless horror is just really not your thing, that's what you're here for. The first issue may not have a lot of anything in it, but skipping ahead wouldn't work either, because when all Hell does break loose, you have to care about what came before. Maybe the best thing to do right now is to buy the book and not read it until a few more issues are out, or just wait for the TPB, but no matter what, this is one book you do want to pick up.

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The Dying and the Dead #1

Feb 11, 2015

I've actually been thinking about unloading some of my comic collection lately. I have a lot of books that I read once, and enjoyed, but will never read again. I am certain this would not be that kind of book. I can see myself taking this out and just looking at the art, or reading it a second time to look for something I missed, or to enjoy the kind of foreshadowing that only can be appreciated with hindsight. This is a book that would not gather dust or be forgotten, and you should buy it. I doubt it would gather any dust in your collection either.

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The Eltingville Club #1

Apr 23, 2014

You should read this book. Every one should read this book. I thinklampooning the problems still draws attention to them, and I thinkthat's the only way to ever fix them. So yeah, buy this, read this,and feel a little uncomfortable about yourself. Maybe it'll teach younot to shop at a place like this, or not to put up with assholes likesthis. Maybe it'll even save you from being an asshole like this. Notbad for four bucks!

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The Empty #1

Feb 18, 2015

I can't really suggest picking up this book. Maybe all of the shortcomings will be worked out or explained in time, but by then you can just pick up the TPB and save some money. I don't think you'll be missing much in the mean time, and if those things aren't fixed, I don't think you'll be sorry you missed it at all.

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The Fade Out #1

Sep 2, 2014

Image is really impressing me lately. This is another one that I'll likely pick up month after month. I love the art and I want to know what's next in the story, what more could you want?

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The Goddamned #1

Dec 2, 2015

This is a difficult book to recommend picking up, though. It's interesting, sure, but I'm not sure I would have stuck with all the ugliness if I weren't reviewing it, and you may very well not enjoy that twist as much as I do. If you're in the mood for a Conan or a Mad Max with a solid, but different, story, this may be just the thing for you. If not though, maybe you should borrow a friend's first, or wait until the trade paperback is out, to make the investment more palatable.

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The Hunt #1

Aug 3, 2016

This probably would have been my favorite book this week, on any other week. It's that good. The fact that we're blessed this week with two masterpieces shouldn't take away from either one of them, though. Some readers may be put off by the slower pace necessary for the terror and dread to really set in, but fans of the genre especially are going to love this one. A fresh point of view, horrifying monsters, and a fate worse than death all await!

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The Infinite Loop #1

Apr 22, 2015

This one's really looking good, right from the start. Fast paced, slick characters, cool world, and such an open-ended ending… this is a fine first issue, and I'm left wanting more. Unless you're a superhero junkie, or your budget is just completely tapped out, I think you should give Infinite Loop a chance while things are just getting rolling.

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The Last Fall #1

Jul 16, 2014

The Last Fall isn't bad, but it's nothing to write home about either. I'll probably pick up the second issue just to see if it gets any better, but I'm not holding breath. If you're in the mood for more mindless warfare, go right ahead, but I can't recommend this one for any other reason yet.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #1

Dec 23, 2015

One of my favorite G.R.R. Martin quotes is about how he's always thought of female characters as just “people”, just like his male characters. I understand why having a female Thor might be a turnoff to some fans, but she's a great character, and she's in a great book. Get over it and give the series a shot. It's seriously one of the best-handled mantle hand offs I've seen.

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The Shepherd: Apokatastasis #1

Jun 22, 2016

I attempt to grade comics much like a school teacher might grade homework. This isn't a bad book, but it fails to shine in ways that it easily could have. It's average, a “C” work. It's good for a read, especially if you like the somewhat religious themes, or are interested in alternate afterlife theories, but I doubt it's going to make any one's favorites list. I wish it had been a bit more polished, and the story had had a bit more weight to it, because with just a little work, it could have been a lot better.

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The Sweetness #1

Apr 20, 2016

This is an odd case, because I kind of feel let down twice, but I still like what I got. I may not understand why things start one way and just completely jump ship, but the bulk of the story is interesting enough, the characters are easy to like or hate, and the world around everything sounds cool as heck. Not a bad start, once you get over the awesome false-start. I hope issue 2 features more of that, though.

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The White Suits #1

Apr 9, 2014

There's nothing great here, but there is value. The art is confusingand distracting, but it “feels” like a comic, which I like. The bookdrips with atmosphere, even if it feels like a borrowed atmosphere.And the story may be simple, but it is well told. And I like the useof red spot color, even if there isn't any consistency. I'm not inlove with The White Suits, but I am on board with it.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 25, 2014

If I had to complain, I'd say that some of the dialog is a little over done. Then again, most of is Lucifer arguing with a tabloid journalist, so I imagine they'd be a little over the top. It's a tiny complaint and it does nothing to take away from how much I liked this volume. Issue 2 can't come soon enough.

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The Witcher: Fox Children #1

Apr 8, 2015

Fox Children #1 reminds me a lot of my favorite Dungeons and Dragons comic – part danger, part fun, and all adventure and excitement. It does an excellent job of making these characters seem exotic, especially when everyone goes on and on about how bad ass a Witcher really is. It's a fun read, and I'm all set for a fun adventure now. I'll be back for issue 2 just as soon as it's ready.

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The X-Files: Year Zero #1

Jul 29, 2014

If you're already a fan of the X-Files, I don't see how you could pass this up. And if you're not, give this try and it just might make you one. Great story, great writing, feels like one of the best episodes from a great television series. Unless you just can't stand paranormal mysteries, you can't miss with this one.

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They're Not Like Us #1

Jan 7, 2015

I may have enjoyed They're Not Like Us, but a few huge flaws kept me from loving it. I'd stick around to see how the selfish mutant angle plays out, I'm actually pretty excited about that. It's got some promise, but I don't think you'd be missing much by picking up the series with issue #2. And with any luck, they'll never refer to each other by name again… That would help a lot.

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They're Not Like Us #2

Jan 28, 2015

I think I'm going to call it quits with this series if #3 doesn't do something more to impress me. The story is isn't grabbing me, just where I think it might go. I'm lukewarm about the art, at best. And the silly character names really bother me. I cringe every time any one talks about The Voice… Maybe this series will have a slow burn and pick up in a few issues, and maybe I'll come back if it does, but They're Not Like Us isn't doing anything to keep me reading right now.

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Things You Shouldn't Remember #1

Jun 28, 2017

This is a solid book, especially for a first issue with so many secrets. You immediately like several of the characters, the underlying mystery quickly becomes clear, and it asks enough questions without leaving you floating in a big nothing. It's a great effort, and I hope you'll check it out. I can't see why you wouldn't enjoy it.

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Think Tank: Fun with PTSD #1

May 14, 2014

I don't think this was a good issue #1, because a whole lot of nothing happened, but I am interested enough to pick up #2, so maybe it's good enough. Nothing happened to draw me inand keep me flipping pages, but I like where the story is going, so I'll check out #2.

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Throwaways #1

Aug 24, 2016

To be frank, the only thing that could keep me away from more Throwaways is time and money. I'm already reading a LOT of comics every month… but if you have room for one more on your pull list and any interest in a modern military mystery with a dash of super hero thrown in, I really can't see why you wouldn't enjoy this book. Solid art, great story, and characters that stick with you right away, Throwaways kinda has it all.

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Toe Tag Riot #1

Nov 26, 2014

I'm rather enjoying this comic. It's fun, it's wild, and it's out there. Bonus points for doing something unusual too! A touch of punk makes zombies much more tolerable at this late stage in their popularity.

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Transformers: Windblade Combiner Wars #1

Apr 22, 2015

I never would have believed you if you had told me a comic dedicated to two combiner Transformers wailing on each other would have been a "miss" for me, but here we are. What little story is told here is weak and forced, the characters are taken to ridiculous extremes, and the fighting is somehow unexciting. Diehards fans may be into this, but it's not a good place for anyone new to jump on.

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Translucid #1

May 14, 2014

forward to discovering that part of the story when I return for therest of the series!

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Triggerman #1

Aug 9, 2017

Titan has really impressed me lately. I enjoy their period pieces much more than I expected, and Triggerman is no exception. Unless you just can not stand mafia/cop dramas from the Roaring 20's era, I would highly recommend picking this one up and checking it out.

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UFOlogy #1

Apr 8, 2015

Bottom line on this one, Boom! does it again. Great art, great writing, great story, with nothing but small complaints. If you're into UFOs or aliens, or maybe you just want to read a story about discovering something bigger then no one else believed it was real, this is a great choice. Pick it up now, and wait patiently for the follow up, which can't come soon enough for me!

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UFOlogy #2

May 27, 2015

UFOlogy #2 didn't lose me, but I feel like I could have skipped this issue and not really missed much. The art is still nice and the story is still there, but things come to a crawl and that's really a shame. I'll be back for #3, but I could see just a few more issues like this losing a lot of readers.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1

Feb 17, 2016

New teams ups and new titles can take a while to get exciting, so this doesn't' kill the series for me, but it makes me way less excited about #2, and less likely to pick it up. Especially right now, there are so many books that I'm dying to read every week, but I'd be happy to wait until the graphic novel came out for this one. Here's hoping the new villains do something to really stand out soon!

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Unit 44 #1

Jun 24, 2015

Ultimately, the biggest draw for this book is how much fun it is to read. I almost wish I could fudge the numbers a bit, because the sum of the parts is worth way more than a B, but each of the parts does fail to shine, so a B it is. It's a great B though, and one I doubt you'll ever regret. As long as you aren't expecting something Mulder and Scully would be involved in, I'm guessing you'll enjoy Unit 44 as much as I did.

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Venom: Space Knight #1

Dec 30, 2015

Venom Spaceknight comes straight out of Guardians of the Galaxy and interludes with the original story of the Spaceknights, which is based on the ROM Spaceknight action figure and Marvel Comics title of the same name which was first published in 1979 with creators Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema keeping the title alive for 75 issues and then having a run under the title “Spaceknights” in 2000.

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Violent Love #1

Dec 14, 2016

My biggest complaint about Violent Love is the lack of originality in the set up. It's telling when a reviewer has trouble picking one of the many hyper-violent, madly in love criminal couples already in our cultural lexicon to even compare these characters too. It's not the most original thought, but there is evidence aplenty that their story will be worth reading.

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Wayward #1

Aug 26, 2014

This is one book that I will absolutely be following each month. I'm a sucker for Japan anyway, but the great colors and artwork and the interesting characters has me hooked. I wish this could have come out at a time when TMNT wasn't as prominent as it is, because the inevitable comparisons are unfair, especially for a comic about Japan, where turtle spirits go back way before comics.

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Weird Love #1

Jun 4, 2014

Strangely enough, the things I found most objectionable about Weird Love were the harshly judgmental words used across the cover. “OMG, kinky, sick, bizarro” is displayed loud and proud, but nothing's all that kinky, and I can't get on board with calling any one's lifestyle sick or bizarre. But cover aside, this is an interesting read, as long as you understand we're supposed to have evolved past this way of thinking. It's really not ok to try to knock some sense into your lover…

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #1

Jul 2, 2014

Overall, this wasn't bad, just a little generic feeling. Everythingfelt a little too familiar, even though I haven't read a lot ofHellboy or anything else related. There's no reason I should knowthese characters, but they're all so bland, they can feel like anyonefrom almost any story. I'll keep reading because the setting and toneis working for me, but if things don't pick up soon, I probably won'tbe around to ever find out if it's really a hydra or an eel that'sbreaking into people's rooms and leaving threatening messages.

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Wytches #1

Nov 23, 2016

I do wish the art was a little clearer, and I hope they clear up the magical action scenes, but overall I'm really impressed by Wytches. I'll be buying issue 2 just to resolve the excellently handled cliffhanger, but I also expect to be around far beyond that. It's a potentially fascinating topic, and a strong take on it so far.

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X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1

Feb 17, 2016

But like I said at the start, none of that may matter to fans who are used to the more serious comics. This is a totally different look and feel for the X-Men and it's almost surely not going to be as popular or as lasting on the run of the mill stuff. That's a shame, but it's all the more reason to pick it up while it lasts. It's entirely enjoyable for anyone willing to have the fun with it.

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Zodiac Starforce #1

Aug 26, 2015

This book could have a hard time finding an audience. I'm not sure it's strong enough to stand out in the magical girl realm, and I'm not sure it would pull in any one who wasn't already a fan of that. It's worth taking a look at, but they've got to do something to set it apart quickly, or I'm afraid it'll just fall to the side of the road and be forgotten about.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #1

Aug 5, 2014

I like this kind of comic. It's a fun read, and it's got pretty pictures. It doesn't take itself serious at all, and neither should you. The main character is a sexy zombie wizard prostitute, you kinda know what to expect from that. If you're interested in that at all, I don't think Zombie Tramp will let you down.

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