GWAR: Orgasmageddon #1

Writer: Matt Maguire, Matt Miner Artist: Jonathan Brandon Sawyer Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 7, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
9.8User Rating

From the depths of outer space to the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, punk rock and heavy metal's most shocking and blasphemous band of intergalactic blood spewing alien monsters has returned to kill everything and respect nothing in the pages of GWAR: Orgasmageddon!  Banished to the past by the cold and calculating Mr. Perfect, the heroes of GWAR trample through time like a deranged Bill and Ted on bath salts - antics ensue as they stomp and smash and shape human history to what we accept as our current reality.  Co-written by GWAR themselves and Matt Miner (Toe Tag Riot, Critical Hit), GWAR: Orgasmageddon is a love lette more

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Jun 2, 2017

    I haven't been this impressed with a comic book in a long time. So much havoc, wreckage, time travel, awesomeness, and adventures of epic proportions! To say I'm happy with this issue is a gross understatement of how I truly feel right now. To see one of my favorite bands coming into one of my favorite mediums with such a strong start makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Whether or not you know of and/or have heard GWAR's music, you're going to love this issue. It's clear that it took a lot of time and effort, and this creative team has orchestrated something truly unique and beautiful, to say the least. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Jun 7, 2017

    Maguire and Miner promise "Punchin' Nazis, Sinkin' Boats, Creatin' Gods, and a New Monster So Foul It'll Shock the Senses!" in the next issue. Honestly Maguire and Miner had me at "Punchin' Nazis," but I can't wait to see what kinda Gods (and grossness) these two come up with next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jun 7, 2017

    GWAR: Orgasmageddon is an over-the-top, balls-out, insane comic dripping with dark humor. The violence is elaborate and gore-filled. If Animal from the Muppets became a bloodthirsty creature of anarchy and murder, you might get a rough idea of what you're in for. Most of all, this is a fun read that will leave any horror fan with a smile on their face. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Jun 10, 2017

    The art style is in a constant state of flux as various band members travel throughout time. That manages to create some interesting eye-catching visuals, along with adding to the humor of it all. Sawyer manages to do something unique with it, as it blends with the plot and enhances it in some ways. That includes creating a character based on their songMr.Perfect. I really hope that style continues throughout the series as it adds a lot to it all. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jun 7, 2017

    GWAR: ORGASMAGEDDON #1 is a bloody good time - totally NSFW - totally awesome. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Jun 8, 2017

    Reading GWARs newest comic venture is a catharsis, a full embracing of over-the-top absurdity the band specializes in. Miner does a fantastic job of pacing the hypnotic ultra-gross to keep the story interesting throughout, Maguire injects the gonzo attitude of GWAR itself, Sawyers precise linework captures the spirit of the band, and Wygmans artistry captures the soul. If youre a fan of the band or a fan of gross-out humor and copious violence, this is absolutely the book for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Jun 21, 2017

    Orgasmageddon is another example of a book which you probably know exactly how you're going to like it before you ever crack the cover. If you're into GWAR, this is a no-brainer, because it's just more of what the band is all about, and you're probably going to love it. If you don't dig on the band, though, you're not likely to really get much out of this. It's gross and crass and foul, and that's what people will love it for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Roger Riddell Jun 6, 2017

    While it's not everyone's cup of tea, GWAR: Orgasmageddon expands on the outrageous metal act's complicated mythos with appropriately cartoonish and ultraviolent art that complements the camp and scatological humor well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jun 6, 2017

    Ultimately then, while it's likely not going to be everyone's tastes, GWAR: Orgasmageddon provides a sensory overload of violence, excess and in-your-face visual insanity, throwing subtlety well and truly out the window as we take a ridiculous ride with one of the world's most unusual rock bands Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Outright Geekery - Tyler Head May 31, 2017

    The writing in this book is poor in quality and zips from one thought to the next. The story beats are essentially writing gags/jokes in the tone of humour you can expect from GWAR. The plot is there but is disorienting at most times, despite the comic dialogue/exposition trying to explain what is happening in the moment directly to the reader. This is a hard book to recommend as it relies on a bad sense of humour, and cheap gags. If that's your thing then this book may be for you. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Jun 7, 2017

    I wanted to like this. I wanted to appreciate the joke. But I can't. There's too much going on, too many people with too many jumping set pieces, and the jokes never vary. It goes vulgar => blood; vulgar => blood; fourth-wall break, and then vulgar => blood again. Once you've read the first three pages, you've basically read the next 20. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Levi Remington Jun 9, 2017

    This isn't a good comic for anyone besides GWAR diehards, who would probably be better off with a new album anyway. It's poorly written, full of nonsensical plot garbage, and stricken with tasteless humor. If the fourth wall had a glory hole, GWAR: Orgasmageddon #1 would be the safe-space violator in your friendly neighborhood bathroom stall. Read Full Review

  • 10
    queencynic Jun 9, 2017

    My survival now solely depends on new issues of this comic book - effective immediately.
    (even if you are only vaguely familiar with the music and lore of GWAR, or even if right now you are asking yourself what in the world is a "g-war" and why does that man have a bag of male genitalia? - i think if you enjoy a wild adventure, dirty jokes and artwork that practically pops off the page you will not regret experiencing GWAR more

  • 9.5
    Mr.UNSTABLE Jun 7, 2017

    GWAR is back... in Comic Book form!
    This last week I've been dying of a plague of some sort, but I was lucky enough to have the honor of reviewing an Advance Copy of the 1st issue Gwar & Matt Miner's new Comic Book Series 'ORGASMAGEDDON'. The 1st issue will hit Comic Shops (And anywhere that sells cool comics) this Wednesday, June 7th! It is being published through Dynamite Entertainment. It’s GWAR how can it be bad? Honestly though, this is a great Comic Book & not just because it is based on GWAR. It's got all the Sex, Blood, & Violence you'd expect from GWAR. It's witty, relevant, & very funny. The story begins at the point in GWAR's mythology, After the death of Oderus Urungus, & after the arrival of their new singer, Blothar. It more

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