Daniel Cray-a samurai mercenary-stumbles upon the legendary city of ZenZion, a mysterious desert outpost under siege from a vicious warlord. The peace-loving citizenry beg Cray to defend them... forcing Cray to reluctantly draw his deadly "Malathane" sword one last time to battle a relentless army of robots and their savage masters. Science Fiction meets Samurai in an epic new adventure from John Raffo (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story).
I gotta say, when IDW announced this new imprint (Darby Pop Publishing) with their title lineup, I wasn't impressed. Nothing seemed fresh, and they seemed like a cheap way to launch a new imprint. But if the rest of them are just having as much fun with the medium as 7th Sword is, I'm gonna have to catch up on all of them. This comic is good clean fun for everyone, and it's having a good time doing it's own thing. Whether it's sustainable for an ongoing is yet to be seen, but this is as promising a start as any I've seen. Read Full Review
Daniel Cray"a samurai mercenary"stumbles upon the legendary city of ZenZion, a mysterious desert outpost under siege from a vicious warlord. The peace-loving citizenry beg Cray to defend them" forcing Cray to reluctantly draw his deadly "Malathane" sword one last time to battle a relentless army of robots and their savage masters. Science Fiction meets Samurai in an epic new adventure from John Raffo (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story). Read Full Review
Part fantasy, part sci-fi, part western, with swordplay, killer robots and monsters and a reluctant hero all thrown in, The 7th Sword #1 is a strong opening to the series. I'm curious to see more of Cray and his journey. Worth a look. Read Full Review
So far, The 7th Sword isn't blowing me away, but it's got this coolsci fi meets Mad Max thing going on, and I'm enjoying it. If theaction picks up and they add a few more characters as cool as thesamurai, this could really be good. Read Full Review
Is this the first time we've seen a mash-up of these genres? No, but it's an entertaining story with an interesting lead character and solid potential for action once the real conflict gets underway in upcoming issues. The first issue spent a little too long in getting Cray to the point where the real conflict in the story is going to happen, but that's fairly common for a writer that is new to the episodic comics scene. This will not be as apparent when this is read as the beginning of the collected edition and the reader can move directly on to the upcoming action without waiting a month. Other than the pacing problems, it's a solid story and I'm looking forward to #2. Read Full Review
Standing back and looking at the book as a whole, it's okay, and I'd recommend it for the reading pleasure of young boys, but to me personally there's not enough there to keep me reading. It's very concisely constructed, the villains are very cool and it's easy to get straight into what is happening. The art is serviceable and there's a story being developed here that some might enjoy, but for me it was a bit average, a bit generic, and not quite interesting enough for me to add to my pull-list. Read Full Review
The 7th Sword doesn't quite deliver a knockout punch, but it's a story with a lot of promise that guarantees you'll come back to see what happens next. If Raffo can throw in a twist to break itself out of a mold established by others, this could be something really special. Read Full Review
With so much going on there is a lot to explain in this opening issue. The setting does grab you but perhaps at the expense of the characters. 7th Sword is certainly an exciting cocktail but one thats taken ages to be placed in front of me. Hopefully Ill get to taste it soon. Read Full Review
This comic is just okay. The bad guys and their alien minions are cool, but that doesn't make the price of admission worth all that much. The story is also a bit cliched. You could call this Mad Max and just replace his gun with a sword and call it a day. That said there could be some magic in this series, it just hasn't been cast yet. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue feels like a soft open. Which is better for restaurants openings than it is for comic book titles. Im willing to let the creative team work out the kinks for another issue. Im curious to see where this story will go so kudos to the writer. I hope the art will expand and give readers something new that hasnt been portrayed again and again. Read Full Review
This is a story with a planet, socioeconomic structure, and civilization that seem like it would be a good idea but the lack of characterization, generic plot, and/or a compelling main character. Dont even get me started on the women in this story. The badass one who totes a flamethrower dies in the first 7 pages and the waify blondes weapon proficiency is a jug of water. Maybe this is better if youre a fan of samurai movies this is awesome. However, I cant endorse this to anyone else. This is a definite skip for me; I hope someone finds some pop culture send-up value in this. Read Full Review
It's amazing that a comic that includes robots, aliens, and futuristic samurai can be so lifeless. Yet here 7th Sword stands, duller than it ought to be. Read Full Review
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