Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #1
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Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #1

Writer: David Peterson Artist: David Peterson Publisher: Archaia Studio Press Release Date: March 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Following two award-nominated volumes, once again, mice of all furs and trades have gathered at the June Alley Inn to swap tales of courage, adventure, and craftsmanship. The storytellers can't help but try to outdo one another, as the mouse who tells the best tale gets their bar tab cleared. This issue features stories by Skottie Young, Mark Buckingham, and Hannah Christenson (Jim Henson's The Storyteller: The Novelization).

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Mar 16, 2015

    One of the things that makes Mouse Guard great is that it's doesn't come out on a regular basis. Having to wait for something so elegant makes one appreciate the labor that goes into such an endeavor because we get something different with every outing. Three new creators will try their hand next month with more tales that are sure to please if they are half as good as this opening chapter. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Neil Rodriguez Feb 16, 2015

    Overall, Legends of the Guard's third volumeis another fantastic offering from BOOM!/Archaia and their creators. The crazy part about this is that it was only one issue of this volume. The bar has already been set very high for the other creators. I can't wait to see what the other comic book creators have come up with in their issue. This issue is a great one to start celebrating the name that the Mouse Guard series has created for themselves! Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    BGCP - Robin Callaghan Mar 10, 2015

    Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard is a fun collection of stories that have a lot to say in a short space. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Apr 1, 2015

    Once again, this is the kind of book that's a little hard to review, because you probably already know if you want more Mouse Guard in your life or not, and I'm probably not going to say anything to change your mind. These books are beautiful and well-written, and a little uplifting in how cute everything is, so if you're into that, there's a must-have. If you're looking for super-heroics or vampire assassins, or anything other than bite-sized fun and smiles, pass this one up. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geek Sushi - Kayleigh Robertson Mar 10, 2015

    - It is difficult to predict what the next issue will look as it will incorporate the talents of 3 different writers and artists. However, the bar has been set high with this issue and I'm excited to see what the next Legend of the Guard will bring to the Inn. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 11, 2015

    The wait for a new "Mouse Guard" miniseries from Petersen is hard for those of us who have been reading the comic since its beginning, but "Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Volume 3" looks to ease those pangs somewhat. If the remaining creators are as good as the ones for issue #1, we're in for a fun ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Mar 13, 2015

    This book is very interesting for a bunch of stories told by mice, drinking in a tavern of sorts. It's a fast read, and an enthralling tale of tales. I recommend it for anyone who likes a good story. Read Full Review

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