Faster than Light #1
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Faster than Light #1

Writer: Brian Haberlin Artist: Brian Haberlin Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 9, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 4
6.7Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

In the very near future we discover the secret of faster-than-light travel. Suddenly the universe is wide open to us, but are we ready for it? With all the idealism of the original Star Trek and the grit and immediacy of Gravity, the story of humanity's first thrilling and terrifying adventures to the stars takes flight!

  • 9.7
    BGCP - Leighan Harkess Sep 15, 2015

    Faster Than Light has a strong story and the feature of 3D Augmented Reality is a cool touch for what looks like a new futuristic series filled with dark discoveries. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Sep 10, 2015

    This is a proud sci-fi comic book with a lot of really awesome concepts coming into play, from aliens to some insane next-gen technology. There are even a few panels of the new planet the crew discovers (it looks positively treacherous). I’m stoked to see more of this planet, and next issue will bring on the aliens! Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Sep 15, 2015

    That seems to be the focus of this title Can man and woman survive and thrive in outer space, given the perils and problems well encounter there? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Oct 21, 2015

    I'm excited about where this series might go, and I'm happy to have gotten in on it now. Sure, it's sci-fi, which may not connect with some readers, but I love it, and if you do too, I don't see how you could miss with this one. I haven't been this stoked to read a second issue since Southern Cross. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pastrami Nation - Daniel Schwartz Sep 12, 2015

    Pulling double duty, Brian Haberlin provides the writing and the art for the issue. This is no easy task for any creator, but Haberlin pulls it off well. With a visual style that fits the tone of the story perfectly, he is able to bring the characters to life through his crisp artwork and snappy dialogue. With a couple of well-timed Star Trek references thrown in, it is clear that he is very comfortable in the science fiction genre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 12, 2015

    "Faster Than Light" brings horror to science fiction. The first issue builds up the plot, introduces the characters and sets the stage for what looks to be an exciting series. The initial issue is a slower read as the plot is put together with a lot of characters and with careful placing of dialogue. This is a good beginning to what appears to be a series worth watching. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Sep 21, 2015

    The characters introduced here didn't really grab me, but they have potential. The story itself has loads of potential that I'm betting will pay off down the line. Reading the back cover of this issue did more for adding it to my pull list than the story inside, there's maybe something a bit off about that. Ultimately, I want to know what happens next. I want to see the story promised by the back cover come to fruition. I didn't see that come to life in this debut issue, but I'm sure it will pay off in the first volume, thus my thought that this may read better in collected format. For my own part, I'll continue with buying singles (because that's how I roll), but I'll be stockpiling the issues of this series and read them in a row when the 1st story arc concludes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Sep 10, 2015

    The book has a number of quality ideas, and Haberlin has a clear idea of his cast and the dynamics that will make exploring space along with them very exciting. Added to it the very cool and impressive content through the AR portion of the print comic, and Faster than Light certainly has a lot to enjoy. If the ending is any indication of events to come, there is sure to be more excitement in the second issue. As for the first chapter, the book has not quite hit its mark. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Kat Stark Sep 11, 2015

    I think that there is room for growth in this series because we haven't got to the meat of the story just yet. Hopefully, when we encounter some aliens and action, I can forgive some of the flaws. Read Full Review

  • 4.9
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Sep 11, 2015

    It feels as though, in his search for realism, Haberlin completely forgot thatthe same limitations that plague TV shows like that (i.e. huge costs for visual set pieces, set design having to conform to standard architectural rules, etc.) have no bearing on a comic. And that's supposed to be the fun of them. “Faster Than Light” opens with an interview with Saul Fredricks, the wunderkind who cracked FTL travel. It would have been so great if this discovery had prompted a whole new kind of space-craft, both internally and externally, and could've opened up so much in terms of potential for this series to stand out visually. As it is though, the space station and its crew members, while seemingly all very believable, are also similarly forgettable. There is sadly little in terms of visual or characterisable flair that allows Forrest or any member of his team to stand out or feel as though theymatterthat much. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Nina Bird Sep 11, 2015

    This issue was underwhelming and uninteresting, though built on some potential. Space, aliens, and secrets should be enough to write a decent story, so I'll wait until #2 before truly passing judgment. I'm not exactly waiting with bated breath, though. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Sep 11, 2015

    If readers can make it through the plodding pace of "Faster Than Light" #1, they might find it provides a semi-capable introduction to a series that has the potential to get better. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Sep 14, 2015

    Even beyond that, the technical aspects can get frustrating. Haberlin doesn't earn the rules of the world. There's no attempt to explain how a formula was found to travel faster than light except for a vague reference to some ethereal database. There are some characters that are just as left in the dark as we are, and hopefully we'll get to see more of them. As they learn more, hopefully we will too and feel more invested in Faster Than Light. Read Full Review

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