Wayne Hall's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers, Comic Booked Reviews: 275
8.9Avg. Review Rating

24: Underground #1

Apr 27, 2014

If you haven't watched the series before, you might want to get the DVDs first. This book will make more sense after you watch them, but it's not required! It's just so worth your time!

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4001 A.D. #1

May 10, 2016

Kindt and company deliver high-power sci-fi.

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Adventures of Supergirl #1

Jan 28, 2016

If you enjoy the CBS show, you'll also want to read this digital-first comic!

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Alex + Ada #4

Feb 20, 2014

If you havent read Alex + Ada yet, see if you can pick up the previous three issues at your local comics shop. If you cant find them that way, I encourage you to purchase the digital versions. Now, wouldnt it be perfectly appropriate to read this story on your iPad?

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Alex + Ada #14

Apr 30, 2015

In this penultimate issue, things take a turn for the worse for our Romeo and Juliet.

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Alien Legion: Uncivil War #1

Jun 26, 2014

If youre looking for action, adventure and drama, pick up this book! I cant wait to see how things progress, and am seriously hoping for more Alien Legion once this miniseries has been completed!

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All-New Hawkeye #3

May 29, 2015

Hawkeye has been worth the wait, and Im glad Ive had my chance to talk about the series.

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All-New Invaders #4

Apr 24, 2014

You can listen to my recent interview with artist Steve Pugh in my Wayne's Comics podcast at this link!

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All-Star Batman #2

Sep 16, 2016

This multi-part story has me by the short and curlies, and I'm waiting breathlessly for the next issue. $4.99 is more than a good price for all this excellent Bat-storytelling! Really!

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Animal Man (2011) #22

Jul 18, 2013

I've always liked Buddy Baker and his family, but since the debut of the New 52, Animal Man has become one of my favorite books to read each month. While there was a crossover with Swamp Thing several months back, this title reminds me of the days when a strong monthly comic was enough to grab our attention! I wish more books were as consistently enjoyable as Animal Man! Can't wait for next month!

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Animal Man (2011) #29

Mar 20, 2014

Thanks to everyone involved with this tremendous and classic comic, be it writer, artist (including Steve Pugh) or anything else! Its been an incredible ride, and Im thrilled I got a chance to climb on board and go along!

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Animosity #1

Aug 27, 2016

Good storytelling will challenge your thinking, and I find myself seriously challenged by this debut issue! Where will it go from here? I'm not entirely sure, but I'll be reading" and wondering if I should show this comic to Bullet and Mandy, our two dogs, as well!

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Anti-Hero #5

Nov 29, 2013

Anti-Hero is a high-octane, moving and engaging book that you should seek out on Monkeybraincomics.com! It's one of the best deals offered today! Not only that, it's terrific!

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Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 14, 2016

This was a good refocus for Aquaman, although I must admit this was my least favorite of the Rebirth titles so far.

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Area 510 (2022) OGN

Nov 2, 2022

If you're looking for a character-oriented, fast-action story, I recommend this graphic novel very strongly!

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Argus #3

Apr 19, 2020

What makes science fiction so great to me is that it often asks, "what if?" In The Argus, we're examining what would happen if we really could time travel. It's not pretty!

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Ascender #1

Apr 30, 2019

A great start in its own right!

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Batgirl (2016) #29

Nov 30, 2018

Batgirl needs her very own rogues' gallery, and it should be populated with new and different villains, but Grotesque just didn't work for me.

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Batman (2011) #19

Apr 11, 2013

The "Court of Owls" story has already become a classic, in my opinion, and "Death of the Family" has set the standard extremely high for any future confrontations with the Joker. I'm glad that the book also gives us engrossing shorter tales as well! Be sure you pick up this issue, and be back next month for the conclusions!

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Batman (2011) #21

Jun 13, 2013

ProsFilling in some of the gaps in Batman's history will help us understand the hero better.Both Capullo and Albuquerque deliver strong art matching the stories.ConsReaders should learn as much as you can about the Dark Knight's past to get as much out of the book as possible.

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Batman (2011) #22

Jul 11, 2013

Honestly, I had such high expectations after the "Court of Owls" and "Death of the Family" stories that I wasn't sure "Zero Year" could match them. But I should have known better! Whenever you see the names of this issue's creators on a book, buy it because it's going to be great storytelling! Now I have to find the patience to wait a whole month for the next chapter.

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 15, 2013

During the video interview I watched, Snyder said he'd stay on the title for as long as the fans wanted him to. Well, since he's had the top two highest-selling comics the past two months (Superman Unchained and Batman), I hope he'll be bringing both to life for a long time to come! Five out of five stars!

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Batman (2011) #23.3

Sep 20, 2013

It's another one of the best I've read so far in September, and it makes me anxious for the next appearance of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot!

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 14, 2013

Here at MajorSpoilers.com, there's a weekly "Staff Picks" column. I often think we should develop a Hall of Fame we can put Batman in because it's consistently terrific from month to month!

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Batman (2011) #31

May 30, 2014

Some people grumbled when Zero Year was announced, but Im not hearing any of that now. This re-focusing of Batmans origin will be classic, and will plant the seeds for many excellent Bat-stories for years to come!

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Batman (2011) #33

Jul 24, 2014

I cant wait until the next story starts in August! I think itll continue to keep Batman as the top-selling comic each month, so I highly recommend you dont miss it!

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Batman (2011) #36

Nov 13, 2014

I get asked occasionally just why Batman is one of the best-selling, if not THE top-selling book many months. This issue is a perfect example of why " strong story with powerful art. It doesn't get any better than this.

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Batman (2011) #42

Jul 10, 2015

If you can't see anyone else but Bruce in the suit, I'd implore you to give these two issues a try. I am one of the biggest Bat-fans I know, and I'm loving it! I highly recommend you dive into this new status quo regardless of how big a fan of the character you are " you won't regret it!

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Batman (2011) #50

Mar 27, 2016

Snyder and Capullo continue to provide great storytelling in Batman as they near the end of their terrific run.

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Batman (2011) #51

Apr 29, 2016

If you've been reading Batman as faithfully as I have, you'll find reward after reward in the pages inside.

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Batman (2011) #52

May 13, 2016

I imagine there are some folks who decided to pass on this book since it didn't have Snyder and Capullo working on it. I'm sorry if you decided to do that because you missed a great issue! It's an excellent way to bring a high-power Bat-book to its conclusion while looking ahead to Rebirth. Nicely done!

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Batman (2016) #1

Jun 16, 2016

Can a man interact with metahumans? That seems to be the question posed by this storyline.

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Batman (2016) #4

Aug 14, 2016

As I said, the first issue flummoxed me some, but Batman is hitting its stride, falling plane aside! The blend of art and script is really, really strong, and I look forward to this title arriving every two weeks!

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Batman (2016) #7

Sep 26, 2016

This week's beginning to "Night of the Monster Men" is off to a great start. A few more surprises would be very cool, though!

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Batman (2016) #14

Jan 7, 2017

While I'm enjoying this series, to me it doesn't compete with All-Star Batman. I'm happy the sales continue to be high. As a long-time Bat-fan, I'm always thrilled when the Dark Knight is successful. But my final thoughts have been, "Okay, we had sex. That's over. We can move on to other things now, right?" (I'm sure some folks will be unhappy with me for saying that " "typical male thinking!")

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Batman (2016) #20

Apr 8, 2017

The fact that there are a lot of "I Am" arcs happening shows that King is finding quite a bit of depth to Batman. I'm not sure he'll ever run out of ideas as he takes us on a journey "where no Batman has gone before," if I can use a Star Trek reference.

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Batman (2016) #38

Jan 7, 2018

It's a great tale of horror with a personal touch, so I'm looking forward to the next issue and much more from Tom King and Batman this year!

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Batman (2016) #53

Aug 18, 2018

Batman is one of the most fascinating, engaging comics out today!

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Batman (2016) #91

Mar 22, 2020

Whenever Batman faces a villain team-up, it's a high-stakes confrontation. I always enjoy those, and Mr. Tynion is doing a terrific job with them now that he's the regular writer on this series. He's learned at the feet of the master"Scott Snyder"so I can't wait to see what he's got coming for us.

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Batman (2016) #94

Jul 11, 2020

The Joker has turned the tables on his enemy by arming himself with everything the Dark Knight might have used against him in the past. This means that Batman has no one to help him, as shown in this issue.

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Batman (2016) #95

Jul 27, 2020

I never expected DC to go where this storyline is heading"the Joker holding all the cards, so to speak, and Batman having only to rely on his wits and not his arsenal.

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Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 17, 2018

This one is an instant classic since it is strong in script and in art. And we get a peek in on Alfred's life as well, so it's a winner!

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Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 11, 2015

How will the "New" Batman and Superman interact? We'll begin to find that out here!

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Batman / Superman (2019) #15

Dec 29, 2020

This book, though, was an ideal end to these first 15 issues. We enjoyed a fascinating superheroic story and a very special conclusion of sorts to how Batman and Superman deal with each other. This one is a keeper for me!

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

Apr 15, 2016

I never thought this team-up would work, but it does!

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Batman / TMNT Adventures #5

Mar 30, 2017

If you're a fan of either shows, or both, I think you'll find these comics so worth the buying and reading!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 13, 2013

It's one of the best I've read so far in September, but it does make me anxious to read the rest of the month's offerings!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #26

Dec 19, 2013

For a long-term Bat-fan like myself, it can't get much better with this group of comics. I can think of only one way right now - bring on Batman: Eternal, the weekly series debuting in early 2014!

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #2

Jan 31, 2014

The last page of the issue shows Bruce, Dick and Damian swinging through Gotham in their most recent costumes. Could this annual and that panel be a hint that Damians not long for the land of the dead? I still think he could have ended up in the Lazarus Pit in time, and is waiting in the wings (so to speak) to become Robin again.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #3

Oct 27, 2015

It's great to have another weekly Bat-title to take home every Wednesday!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #26

Nov 29, 2018

Beyond was always a great mix of action, adventure and sci-fi, so I'm on board for the foreseeable future!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #33

Jun 28, 2019

Dan Jurgens is the writer on the comic, and he's able to imagine things far beyond what we have read in the past. Give him a villain called False Face and, well, you just can't be sure of anything happening!

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Aug 1, 2013

The best way to sum up this review is to quote Mr. Morrison through Commissioner Gordon's last words about the Dark Knight: "Batman always comes back, bigger and better, shiny and new. Batman never dies. It never ends. It probably never will."

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #2

Oct 17, 2022

Look out, Bruce! Danger all around!

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Batman's Grave #10

Sep 17, 2020

The entire matter of Batman and guns has always been something I'm unsure about. The sequence I discussed here brought my feelings to the printed page better than I could have ever written it. This issue shows why I read comics. Yes, it does.

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Batman: Black and White (2013) #1

Sep 5, 2013

As a life-long Batman fan, I love seeing all these wonderful comics based on or around The Dark Knight. I wouldn't mind seeing this title come out every month, but that would likely put a serious crimp in getting "name" talent working on stories. If it sells as well as I think it will, I hope we get a new Batman: Black and White mini-series once every year! Rating:

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Batman: Earth One #2

May 7, 2015

An excellent follow-up by two great creators!

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Batman: Eternal #39

Jan 1, 2015

As I mentioned earlier, there will be a Batman: Eternal-sized hole in my reading after this book concludes. However, I did get a chance during an interview with Mr. Tynion to ask if we might see another year of this title somewhere down the road, and he hinted that it could happen! I sure hope it does! Batman's flying high right now, and that's such a pleasure for a long-time Bat-fan like me. I was sorry to see Arkham Manor bite the big one, but there are so many other excellent Bat-titles out there now that it's lessening my pain.

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Batman: Fortress (2022) #7

Nov 25, 2022

The pacing in this issue and the dialogue (including the "final words between Batman and Luthor) are very strong as the intensity builds and revelations are discovered.

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Batman: Joker's Daughter #1

Feb 6, 2014

Women have been interesting additions to the Jokers life. Take Harley Quinn, for example. Ive long been a fan of new Batman villains, including Magpie, for instance. Will the Jokers Daughter catch on? Will she eventually get her own title? I hope so!

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Batman: Kings of Fear #2

Oct 1, 2018

The art remains the best part of this comic, but I do still like the story.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Jun 1, 2019

I continue to say that the Snyder/Capullo Batman has set the standard extremely high for future creators to attempt to rival. I honestly thought that the villain in this "final" Batman story would be the Joker, but his disembodied head is in a jar being carried by the Dark Knight. And it's talking!

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Batman: Nightwalker #1

Sep 27, 2019

Madeline is not what he expects, though, and it leads Bruce's family, business, and friends into danger.

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Batman: The Adventures Continue #1

Apr 4, 2020

This book has the distinction of being one of the very few released on the first Wednesday that new printed comics did NOT arrive in local comics shops. It was intended to be a "digital first" series, so it arrived via comiXology. Thank goodness!

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Batman: The Audio Adventures (2022) #4

Dec 27, 2022

While this issue is an "in-between one in the overall story, it does an excellent job of inserting doubt when it comes to the outcome of both storylines.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #29

Mar 27, 2014

Hurwitz has done an exceptional job of playing the dark tone of Batman stories off genuinely funny sequences. Given how fans of the Bat don't often take kindly to humor, I thought he did a spectacular job of not only challenging Batman, but making him as realistic as possible. I mean, NOBODY lives life without ANY humor at all, even the Dark Knight of Gotham City.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) Annual #1

May 30, 2013

Sometimes annuals don't measure up to the monthly title, but this one is a perfect companion. Having three villains appear ups the ante in the book, and the mystery surrounding what's going will help the Dark Knight's mystique grow in Gotham's criminal underworld since I just KNOW one of them will blab about it anyway! While it's a great read at any time, I would highly recommend returning to this annual on Halloween when it will be a perfect way to celebrate that holiday!

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Batwing #29

Mar 6, 2014

If you like Batman and havent checked out this newer direction for Batwing, I encourage you to try it out. Its a significant member of the Bat-family, and I hope it continues on for a long time to come!

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Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 18, 2017

Highly recommended! This is the first book of the new series, so I strongly suggest you jump on board now so you can enjoy future issues!

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Birthright #1

Oct 7, 2014

I have to say, if you see the name Josh Williamson on the cover of a comic, buy it! You may be surprised by what genre story he's telling, but you won't be disappointed! Be sure to pick up Birthright #1 so you can get into this book on the ground floor! It's terrific!

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Black Knight (2015) #1

Nov 20, 2015

I found this debut issue engaging, and liked the fact that Whitmans abilities are being put to good use.

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Black Knight (2015) #5

Mar 10, 2016

The final issue in the current run of Black Knight prompts me to make suggestions for next time!

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Black Tiger #1

Aug 30, 2015

A great start to a new title from Graphic India!

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Bloodshot: Reborn #1

Apr 18, 2015

Lemire's script and Suayan's art brings Bloodshot back with a bang!

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Broken Gargoyles #1

Apr 25, 2020

On some levels, Broken Gargoyles is like watching a car accident in slow motion to me. I want so badly to look away, to leave things forever as they were before the deadly crash takes place, but we can't help it"we have to look, and thus I have to know what will happen next no matter how dark the outcome may be. It's just that compelling!

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #4

Aug 28, 2014

If you haven't read this comic yet, I highly encourage you to dive in and at least give it a try. With only two issues out, you should be able to catch up easily. And with the gritty city and its heroes taking center stage, it should give you a new longjohns experience!

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Captain Canuck #6

Dec 24, 2015

I often see this hero referred to as Canadas version of Captain America, representing the nation as Steve Rogers does for the U.S. Since Captain America came first, Im okay with that.

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Captain Ginger: Season 2 #2

Mar 15, 2020

The important thing about the art in this book is its ability to portray the various cats in ways that tell us what they are thinking or feeling.

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Captain Kid #1

Jul 22, 2016

Who told Mark Waid and Tom Peyer my fantasy about being able to turn into a superhero?

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Captain Midnight #12

Jun 19, 2014

Needless to say, Captain Midnight is classic because he works and works well. Want to know how? Be sure to pick up this issue and youll begin to understand!

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Captain Midnight #15

Sep 25, 2014

I always wanted to see Captain America deal more with Hydra and other baddies from the Second World War, but it looks like it's Captain Midnight who's doing that instead!

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Captain Ultimate #3

Oct 16, 2013

If you're looking for a fun, adventurous read, you should definitely seek out Captain Ultimate! (Cue the orchestra again!) And maybe you can get your Mom or Dad to sit down and read it with you!

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Cat-Man and Kitten (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

This is very much the kind of story I enjoyed reading as a kid. "Buckle that swash and all that!

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Category Zero #4

Sep 8, 2019

What I really enjoy about Category Zero is that it brings home the questions of diversity more powerfully than X-Men, in my opinion

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Catwoman (2018) #5

Nov 19, 2018

In Catwoman, it's the how she survives that fascinates and intrigues me.

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Chasin' The Bird: Charlie Parker in California OGN

Aug 15, 2020

You can tell from this book that those two years were full to the max with Parker living, and that was shown in his music. This book does a fantastic job of making our imaginations come alive to match what we see on the printed page. We HEAR what's happening just as well as we SEE it. This book has opened up a whole new world to me, and that's something I'm grateful for!

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Cognetic (2015) #1

Oct 28, 2015

Cognetic, like Memetic before it, is perfect reading for Halloween!

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Copperhead #1

Sep 11, 2014

I always like to point out how much I love variety in my reading, and Copperhead scratches an itch for things that move along like the Old West did. It's fun, it's fascinating and it's going places I can't wait to go, so I do recommend this title if you enjoy strong writing, great situations and characters you can understand easily.

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Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #9

Jan 3, 2023

I know this is planned to be twelve issues long, but I'm already hoping that won't be the end of this interesting take on the DCU.

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Dark Night: A True Batman Story #1

Jun 17, 2016

If you've experienced this kind of personal tragedy, regardless to what degree, I think you'll find this as cathartic an experience as I did.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Harley Quinn/Gossamer #1

Aug 30, 2018

Lots of fast-paced happenings, crazy fun stuff going on, and characters that work!

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

The only fault I find is that readers who are not long-time DC fans will be somewhat lost when various characters appear.

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DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Feb 23, 2020

This is Mr. Taylor's writing the way I like it, with strong characterization accenting a moving storyline or two. It's going to be interesting to see how this whole bleak situation shakes out, including who actually is in charge and who isn't.

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Delete #1

Mar 30, 2016

Delete will make you care about the characters, and bring you to the edge of your seat, pulling for them all the way.

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Dept Of Monsterology #2

Nov 22, 2013

I have to repeat myself here: If you want to read a comic that delivers bigger and better horror, Dept. of Monsterology is just what you've been looking for!

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Dept Of Monsterology #4

Jan 13, 2014

If you havent had the chance to explore it, Im hoping this run of Dept. of Monsterology will be collected into a trade. If youre already a fan of horror or just starting to explore it, this series is worth your money and time!

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Detective Comics (2011) #19

Apr 4, 2013

This was a good celebration of 900 issues of Detective Comics! Of course, it would have been nice to see that numbering restored, but I'm okay with this kind of recognition. It literally drives me batty to see a comic go on for 10-20 issues, then get renumbered when a company thinks they can sell more copies by leaping back to the numbering they just left a few months back!

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Detective Comics (2011) #24

Oct 3, 2013

I'm going to miss Mr. Layman on Detective Comics. He's done good! I'll be sure to follow him to Catwoman and keep reading Chew from Image. I'm hoping Detective will continue to shine with new scripters. Batman and his clan are flying high these days, and I hope that will stay true for a long time to come!

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Detective Comics (2016) #997

Jan 30, 2019

This creative team is one of the great ones for Batman. The Dark Knight has been flying high with some of the best folks in comics telling his tales.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1007

Jul 12, 2019

The latest storyline in Detective Comics has focused on the Dark Knight and the Spectre "working" together. And it has been great!

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Detective Comics (2016) #1015

Nov 17, 2019

This book is right up there as one of my favorites when it comes to the Dark Knight! If you haven't been reading it after they hit issue #1,000, I highly recommend you give it a try! It's high-power Bat-excitement!

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Detective Comics (2016) #1021

Mar 28, 2020

While there's something of a lull in the industry going on and if you are a Bat-fan like I am, I highly encourage you to dive into Detective! Surprises galore, with twists and turns just like I like 'em! This title is giving Batman a run for its money, for sure!

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Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #3

Jan 11, 2020

In this issue, Dragonfly doesn't get quite the attention that Dragonflyman does" at least, the latter's story has a lot of punch to it than the other's tale. That's from my perspective, anyway.

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Dream Master (2022) #1

Dec 1, 2022

I have to say that, even though I was scared by parts of this initial issue, I remain intrigued as to exactly what's going on here!

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Drive #1

Aug 26, 2015

Drive is a lean, taut story, where the details lend that feel of authenticity.

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Earth 2 #18

Dec 5, 2013

Of course, some folks will never like an alternate Earth. But if you thought Earth 2 would be a book worth giving up on, I would encourage you to keep at it or return to this title! It's still great!

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Earth 2 #26

Aug 7, 2014

I've enjoyed this title ever since it debuted, and even with Mr. Taylor taking over the writing from James Robinson, I feel the quality has remained excellent.

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Earth 2: World's End #26

Apr 3, 2015

A weekly worth the following!

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Edison Rex #15

Apr 4, 2014

Strong characters, fast-paced stories, comics Easter eggs, and a great price (ninety-nine cents) are excellent reasons to read this comic! If you haven't read this title before, you can go through their site to pick up the previous issues at the same price each. However, you can now pick up the trade collection for the early stores at local comics shops if you prefer a paper copy. I highly recommend this book! It's what I think good comics should be!

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Elfquest: Final Quest #1

Jan 23, 2014

If youre looking for some engaging fantasy, dont miss Elfquest: The Final Quest! Its something special and will pull you in from the first time you read it!

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Faster than Light #1

Sep 15, 2015

That seems to be the focus of this title Can man and woman survive and thrive in outer space, given the perils and problems well encounter there?

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Figment #2

Jul 3, 2014

Want to hear more about this book? Be sure to tune in to the 131st episode of my Waynes Comics Podcast, which you can find at this link! I interview Mr. Zub, who gives a lot of insight into this comic, so dont miss it!

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Flash (2016) #17

Feb 26, 2017

I know that Detective Comics and Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are getting all the attention, but right up there with them should be The Flash, which is one of the very best reads I dive into when the new issues come out! Fun, high-octane energy, surprises, challenges? Yup, all there, and all what you'd expect reading a comic focusing on the Fastest Man Alive.

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Flash (2016) #39

Jan 28, 2018

Flash is one of those consistently great comics! Each time it comes out, I can't wait to read it! And this title still costs only $2.99! Highly recommended!

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Flash (2016) #50

Jul 12, 2018

I'm just as engaged as I have been since issue #1, and it's going to be quite an enjoyable ride!

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Flash (2016) #65

Feb 28, 2019

I always enjoyed it when Batman and Superman got along together, so it took some time for me to adjust to the World's Finest duo fussing and fuming against each other. Now that this has taken hold, it's not much of a jump to buy into Batman and the Flash having their own troubles.

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Flash (2016) #86

Jan 21, 2020

In my estimation, this issue of The Flash was one of the best things to come out of the Year of the Villain event at DC.

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Flash (2016) #758

Jul 29, 2020

Appropriately, the story moves at quite a fast pace. Barry is kind of like a pinball in that he's bouncing from threat to threat, something that stuns even him.

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Flash (2016) #762

Sep 25, 2020

Williamson's "run" onTheFlashhas been some of the best storytelling I've seen the Scarlet Speedster ever, and I'm sorry to see it end.

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Flash (2016) #787

Oct 20, 2022

This book really was a pleasant break from the death and gloom going on in other comics.

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Flash (2016) Annual #3

Jun 22, 2020

You can purchase this issue via comiXology

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Flash: Fastest Man Alive (2020) #3

May 10, 2020

Yes, time travel messings are becoming something of a clich for the Flash, but from what I see described in the next installment, it's going to take an interesting turn. Still, the action was fun in this chapter! If only Barry had made time move faster in real life, we could be reading the next pages already!

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Forever Evil #4

Dec 26, 2013

David Finch remains one of my favorite artists because he can make action literally "pop" off the page. He also has a great way with character's faces and their costumes. I still enjoy his Batman the most.

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Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #1

Oct 31, 2013

Look for me to be keeping up with this title going forward. Mr. Gates' ability to weave a strong story will keep me on the edge of my seat even if the art isn't as strong as I'd like it to be!

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Forever Maps #1

Sep 17, 2019

I need to know: Now what? If John can't die, as he says, then where will he go? What will he do?

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #3

Feb 26, 2019

In Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Taylor examines the hero from using a smaller, "neighborhood" perspective. It's the best Web Slinger comic out today, in my opinion!

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #11

Aug 28, 2019

I seriously hope this isn't the last time MJ will grace the pages of this comic. But I can see why she's getting her own title, and it isn't just to make more money for Marvel! It's to show us that one doesn't really need powers to be a hero.

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Frostbite #1

Sep 30, 2016

This is a great time to jump on, so I highly recommend you find this debut issue. If there aren't any paper copies around, digital ones are easy to purchase and download. Don't miss it!

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Geek Girl #1

Oct 31, 2016

It's taken some time for Sam to get the team together, but I think he's done very well in making this issue sparkle and be worth your hard-earned quatloos. It's important to me that the women aren't just "men with (female appendages)," as some like to say. They're people and yet still believable, and I look forward to following the adventures of Ruby, her friends and foes in the months ahead. Geek-Girl puts the human back in super-human.

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George Perez's Sirens #1

Sep 18, 2014

If you are a big Perez fan like I am, or this is the first time you've encountered his work, or even somewhere in between, be sure to give this a try! You may just fall in love with his creative genius the way I have!

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Ghosted (2013) #5

Nov 7, 2013

If you didn't get the chance to pick up Ghosted's previous issues, the first five-issue arc is being collected into a trade for only $9.99 as reported here on MajorSpoilers.com! If you haven't read this excellent title, pick up the trade so you can enjoy it as well as future issues of this terrific comic! Five out of five stars and a must-read!

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Ghosted (2013) #6

Jan 16, 2014

If you didnt get the chance to pick up Ghosteds previous issues, the first five-issue arc has been collected into a trade for only $9.99! Be sure to pick up the trade so you can enjoy it as well as future issues of this terrific comic! That way you pick up everything thats going on in this wonderful book! Ghosted #6 earns 4 Stars.

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Ghosted (2013) #11

Jul 10, 2014

If you didnt get the chance to pick up Ghosteds previous stories, the previous two five-issue arcs have been collected into trades! This is the perfect time to do that since a new story will begin next time, and it will help enjoy it as much as possible! That way you pick up everything thats going on in this wonderful book!

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Gotham High OGN

Apr 12, 2020

It was an enjoyable story with powerful art, so I do recommend it, particularly if you like Batman like I do. I haven't read a bad Bat-book in this line yet!

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Great Pacific #13

Feb 13, 2014

If you havent read Great Pacific before, be sure to pick up the trades so you can get whats happening in this and future issues. Its worth your time and money!Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleRedditTumblrEmailMoreLinkedInStumbleUponPrintDiggPinterest

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Green Arrow (2011) #21

Jun 6, 2013

DC might have considered restarting this title with a new number one, but they're letting this comic pick up steam via excellent word of mouth, in my opinion. If you haven't been reading Green Arrow, you definitely should be! Now that the set-up is complete, expect big things in the months ahead as the stories take off! I know I can't wait for this book each month!

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Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 23, 2013

Am I looking forward to GL's future? Yes, actually. As great as Johns' writing is, I think even he hasn't thought of everything the Corps can encounter, something I bet he'd agree with. I'll be buying the GL family moving forward, and hope the new guys take us where no Lantern has gone before! Green Lantern #20 gets 5 out of 5 stars.

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Green River Killer: A True Detective Story #1

Feb 18, 2019

It's a gripping tale of not only whodunit, but how crimes impact many people for years to come, possibly their entire lives.

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May 9, 2013

I think it's a high compliment to say that I often heard the show's theme music, which I really like, in my head as I was reading this comic. I'm anxiously awaiting the next issue. If I'm really lucky, this book will not be a miniseries but an ongoing title that can give me my Grimm fix even when the show is on hiatus on NBC! Grimm #1 gets 5 out of 5 stars.

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Gutter Magic #1

Jan 14, 2014

Gutter Magic is an enjoyable read full of clearly defined characters in a world that is both intriguing and fun. You can't take anything for granted in a magical environment, and that kept me moving from page to page quickly.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Oct 28, 2016

In my opinion, this will go down as one of the classic Corps stories of all time. It takes Hal and Sinestro to the edges of their interaction, and I loved it! I imagine Mr. Venditti and company already have more surprises in store for us readers, so I can't wait!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #64

Aug 11, 2019

Congrats to Humphries for poking fun at the Year of the Villain event in Harley Quinn #64, and making those of us who have heard about it get a good laugh for a change! I loved it when Bane said, "Luthor! Strip now!"

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Harrow County #1

May 15, 2015

Thats what horror is all about, taking our imaginations places weve never even conceived of. Itll be something else again to keep up with Harrow County.

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Hawkeye (2012) Annual #1

Jul 25, 2013

Since this comic has more to do with everyday life than superheroics, it's good that the art team is using a simpler, more relaxed style than many superhero books that focus on trying to make the fights pop off the page. And it works with Fraction's stories. In this annual, the style remains the same, and you might even think that there could be a Lady Hawkeye book in our future!

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Hawkeye: Freefall #5

May 23, 2020

The tone and the feel of this series is very reminiscent of the popular version from Fraction and Aja. I guess that there is considered to be some life left in this mode of storytelling!

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Hawkman (2018) #3

Aug 10, 2018

The Perfect Hawkman Title!

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Hawkman (2018) #12

May 12, 2019

The Hawkman creative team has really placed the bar high for the character and the series moving forward. They surprised us all (in a good way) with cohesive stories, stunning art, and a new direction for this long-established DC character.

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Hawkman (2018) #19

Dec 14, 2019

It says something about Hawkman that he makes such a formidable bad guy. Strong and determined, he's going to cause problems wherever he goes and with whoever he fights. We get to see some of the "dark side" of the hero.

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Hawkman (2018) #29

Nov 9, 2020

Leave it to Mr. Venditti to put one last interesting twist on the Hawks. I also was glad to see another happy couple in the DCU, something that's very rare these days.

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Hexed (2014) #6

Jan 15, 2015

I often complain about how poorly supernatural events in comics are handled. When the writer has painted himself or herself into a corner, the (in)famous "Woo-Woo Ray" appears, something that we've never had any indication of seeing suddenly appears and resolves the situation. Nelson and company NEVER do that, thankfully. The characters shine, the scripting is powerful and the art is eye-popping. What else could you want from a comic?

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Hulk (2014) #2

May 2, 2014

Every good jumping-on place can also be a jumping-off time. If youve decided the latter, I think you should reconsider that. Mr. Waid always delivers engaging stories and characters, so youd be missing out on a lot if you let Hulk go!

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I Am Batman (2021) #15

Nov 10, 2022

Sinestro should have pounded Jace into the pavement. However, he chose to confront this Batman in a battle of wits. He showed just how ill-equipped he was to fight Jace on this level!

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Immortal Hulk: Great Power #1

Feb 8, 2020

This book follows the tried-and-true annual script: Guest Star appears, problem happens with him or her, all is happily resolved leaving the characters better friends so they can meet again in a future story. Sorry, but this is a yawner to me.

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Imperium #1

Feb 6, 2015

We explore the world through Harada's eyes in this intriguing comic!

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Infinite Dark #8

Jul 21, 2019

Infinite Dark is one of those great science-fiction stories that sadly only comes along once in a while. It reminds me why I love that genre so much!

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Injustice 2 #33

Sep 8, 2018

It's enjoyable to actually wonder what will happen next instead of watching the galactic reset button get hit.

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Insufferable (IDW) #1

May 22, 2015

If you haven't read this series before, I highly recommend it, particularly if you're a fan of Batman like I am. Waid takes the two leads where the Bat-titles often cannot go, and that's what makes it worth the reading!

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Invincible #111

May 24, 2014

Still, Invincible has been a good ride to date, so why mess too much with success?

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Invincible #117

Feb 19, 2015

As Kirkman moves this title in a new direction, he continues to deliver on character and action.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2

May 8, 2014

If you haven't picked up the first and second issues, now's the perfect time to do it! You'll get in on the ground floor with what I consider one of the best comics you could choose! I highly encourage you to either buy it digitally or at your local comics shop! You won't be disappointed!

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John Flood #1

Aug 10, 2015

If you enjoy something of a different spin on characters and mysteries, I recommend you pick up this first issue! John Flood pulls my brain in a different direction, something I look forward to happening every month!

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Join the Future #2

Jun 15, 2020

This comic really has me in a very different place than most science-fiction stories move me to. I want the future NOT to win for a change! I can tell you, that's very odd for me when I'm reading science fiction. I have always felt the future is unavoidable, so we must embrace it. I want the opposite to happen in Join the Future.

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Joker: Killer Smile #3

Feb 25, 2020

One element of this series that has fascinated me is the use of elements from children's books, something I'm sure the Joker would love. Corrupting innocence is great fun for him, and you can't get purer than kid's literature!

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Joker: Killer Smile: The Smile Killer #1

Jun 27, 2020

In this book, we see just how different Bruce Wayne might have been if just a few things had happened differently in his formative years.

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Justice League (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

I often don't care much for mega-events (or even regular events), but this one is proving to be a good one in that we're getting a diverse take on the bad guys and gals. This book is one I highly recommend to "get" what's going on in particular! Rating: Five out of five stars.

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Justice League (2011) #33

Sep 4, 2014

Since I'm a big fan of Geoff Johns, I've been loving this title since the New 52 came into being, so I'm happy that the stories have been as entertaining as ever. If you haven't been reading them, I would recommend you give them a chance. Mr. Johns continues to update the League, making them relevant to today's readers and chock full of adventure!

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

The Darkseid War begins, and it's a doozy!

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Justice League (2018) #42

Mar 9, 2020

This is the Justice League the way it should be, with high-octane action and a "challenge of the super-friends" that makes you want to stand up and cheer when the good guys figure out how to win.

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Justice League (2018) #51

Aug 24, 2020

The scariest part of this whole issue is that, once the League even came in range of this thing, they were already under its influence.

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Justice League United #4

Aug 14, 2014

As I mentioned earlier in this review, you could do worse than to buy a DC comic with "Justice League" in the title. When competing with the "regular" Justice League title and Justice League Dark, I find this book to be a nice change of pace from the others.

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Killtopia #2

Oct 13, 2019

Killtopia is a comic about where we are going and what we just might be doing much sooner than we figure. So look out!

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King #2

Sep 21, 2015

Fialkov and Chang have developed an excellent story featuring the last humans on Earth in L.A.

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Klaus: The Life and Times of Joe Christmas #1

Dec 23, 2019

I hope this tradition will continue for years to come, with Morrison and Mora taking more creative chances in each new issue. Thanks to you and BOOM! Studios for making this holiday season more special and more enjoyable!

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Klaus: Klaus and the Crying Snowman #1

Dec 22, 2018

It's beginning to look a lot like Klaus-mas!

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Knights of the Golden Sun #1

Nov 25, 2018

It's a great time of the year to get into a Bible-based story, so I'm all in!

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Letter 44 #3

Jan 9, 2014

Whatever you need to do to read this comic, do it! Check your local comics shop, go online to comixology.com … whatever it takes! I think youll enjoy it as much as I have! Get this book!

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Low Road West #1

Sep 13, 2018

There's something about teens facing danger that works so very well in comics. I guess it's that we just aren't certain how they will react, or even who they are!

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 12, 2014

Not only am I going to be there for Magnus, I cant wait for other Gold Key books to come my way. Im catching up on Turok very soon as well, so kudos to Dynamite and these creators for grabbing me by the short and curlies and not letting go until I read these comics!

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #7

Oct 15, 2014

Whether you've read Magnus before or not, it doesn't take more than a few pages in before you understand him very well, and I need that! Not only am I going to be there for Magnus, I'm enjoying other Gold Key books that come my way. Kudos to Dynamite and these creators for grabbing me by the short and curlies and not letting go until I read these comics!

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Mantle #3

Jul 16, 2015

It's a great book, one I'm glad I had the chance to jump on early. If you haven't read this title yet, I recommend you check your local shops. If you can't find #1 or #2 that way, I'd check out digital outlets so you can catch up and move forward with this fascinating comic!

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Marvel Action: Avengers #1

Dec 31, 2018

Yep, this book is using a megaphone to say, "Calling all new readers! We've got just the comic for you!"

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Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #1

Apr 26, 2019

Mary Shelley is not your typical "monster hunter," and that's good because we feel the danger she's experiencing strongly.

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Max Ride: First Flight #5

Aug 18, 2015

You don't need to be a teen to like this miniseries, in my opinion.

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Midnight Mystery #2

Jan 24, 2019

If you enjoy mysteries that keep you guessing and have supernatural elements that also keep you wondering what's going to happen next, I highly recommend you get Midnight Mystery.

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Millennium #1

Jan 24, 2015

The magic of Chris Carter (and Joe Harris) lives on in Millennium #1

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Miniature Jesus #3

Jun 21, 2013

Many times, I come away from my time reading comics elated, excited and anxious to share about the great stories I've just read. This issue left me down and certain that it's time to go back and read Batman #21 so I can feel good again! Granted, the story's not over yet, but I won't be around to see how this one ends!

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Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 2 #1

Jun 27, 2013

ProsDiverse, interesting stories from a variety of creators.Colorful, fascinating characters in "real" stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.ConsIf only all four issues had all come out at the same time! Oh, well, there's always next month!

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My Video Game Ate My Homework OGN

May 28, 2020

Of course, there are several nods to DC's regular books along the way, like one kid who is wearing a t-shirt with Batman's logo on it. I'm sure that, if we got the chance, we'd see tales like this more often if they sell well, so I'm hoping this will be the first in a series of books featuring these teens and families. They were fun to read about!

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New Superman #6

Dec 17, 2016

I plan on following this book continuing forward. It has a great cast of characters, a variety of situations around the heroes, and the freedom to go places we've never seen the "regular" Justice League go. I like that!

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Nightwing (2016) #58

Mar 25, 2019

I do want to see more of the Joker's Daughter in the future. She's not Harley Quinn, nor should she be, but she brings her own type of insanity wherever she appears. She does help keep this comic in the Bat-Universe.

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Nightwing (2016) #66

Nov 22, 2019

I have to congratulate Jurgens for taking what seemed to be a totally random event and making it make sense! I also have thought that the Court of Owls still has so much potential as far as stories go that it was great to see them back and up to the highest levels of deviltry!

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Ninjak (2015) #1

Mar 14, 2015

Matt Kindt and company give us a great start to a series that will deal with Mr. Kindt's favorite comics characters!

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No Angel #1

Nov 30, 2016

For those of us who like high-octane supernatural tales, No Angel is heavenly!

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Northguard #2

Sep 19, 2016

It's a fun, enjoyable, action-oriented story. Granted, most people come out of all this scot-free, but that's the superhero biz! I'm interested in what they'll do next!

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Ogre #1

Aug 4, 2018

Don't miss out on this story of survival told through the eyes of a monster bound to a corpse!

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Ogres #1

Aug 24, 2019

This debut issue of Ogres does what we need to get us into the story by increasing the danger level and by creating new ogres and other characters we care about from the moment we see them.

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Ogres #2

Oct 27, 2019

When I read Ogres, I often find myself out of breath when I get to the last page! Things happen so quickly and so unexpectedly that I'm almost afraid to turn the page at times! But that's part of the excitement!

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Old Guard #1

Feb 27, 2017

This series is scheduled to be an ongoing one, so the creators are certain to have some really twisted and amazing things in store for these people. I'm anxious to see how this problem resolves as well as what challenges they'll face in the future. Worth picking up this initial issue and sticking with, so I recommend it!

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Old Lady Harley #1

Oct 27, 2018

This is one funny book, and in a good way!

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Over The Garden Wall #3

Oct 29, 2015

I think adults will find Over the Garden Wall oddly disturbing and creepy, so its just in time for the scariest season of the year! Its weird, its dark, its mysterious and its different.

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Parallel Man #7

Apr 11, 2015

It's a game-changing issue featuring triumph, tragedy, and a betrayal that will reveal the ultimate enemy of the multiverse.

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Past Aways #9

Mar 29, 2016

I loved this series from its start, sorry to see it go!

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Pestilence #1

May 22, 2017

I always enjoy AfterShock's comics because stories are told with such high quality! I love the level of engaging both character and plot in this debut issue and will be back for more! If you can't get enough zombie in your reading diet, be sure to let Pestilence ravage you!

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Planet of the Nerds #1

Apr 21, 2019

Dealing with bullying is always a good thing because we need to let people know just what impact that can have on one's life.

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Plutona #3

Dec 6, 2015

If you like this kind of story, I highly recommend this title. It's something along the lines of Gotham Central, but looking through the prism of younger eyes instead of police officers. If you can get the previous issues, I'd seriously recommend that since it will help you understand all that's happening. Still, an engaging comic for sure!

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Protocol: Orphans #1

Nov 15, 2013

If you are as big a spy story fan as I am and am looking for a different take on the genre, give Protocol - Orphans your attention! I think you'll find a tale that will grab your attention and keep you coming back for more!

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Reborn #1

Oct 14, 2016

The notion that people move on to another life is a comforting one to me. On the other hand, having to get shot to get there, and in a rather gruesome circumstance, well, that was tough to read.

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Red City #1

Jun 13, 2014

As I often like to point out, I enjoy something different in my reading diet. Murder mysteries are great as well as science fiction stories, but when you mix the two together as effectively as Red City does, you have to pay attention. What technology may prove the be significant? Also, which characters are necessary for us to follow to figure out whodunt? Its those kinds of things that will keep me visiting Red City for months to come! I hope you will be, too!

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #19

Apr 18, 2013

The events of this issue greatly intrigue me. What's next for this crazy trio? Will Jason really lose his past forever? Will Roy be the one who pays the price for these escapades? Will Kori continue to find their friendships enough to keep her on Earth? I have to know! Red Hood and the Outlaws has been a good comic since it debuted, but I'm hoping Tynion, Gopez and all will kick it up to a higher level for me and other fans!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #48

Aug 28, 2020

I have a feeling this book is going to be an important one in the Joker War event, something I'm really gripped by. When you reach that last page, you'll see why I'm saying this. I've been waiting a long time for this to be resolved, so I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Red Winter #1

Jul 31, 2019

This comic deserves the same readership that Criminal has, so if you love that series, you definitely need to get your hands on Red Winter! Really!

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Replica #1

Dec 20, 2015

AfterShock Comics leads off with Replica #1 and others!

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Resident Alien: The Book of Love #2

Dec 16, 2022

It's a great sci-fi trope that aliens are often introduced to other humans so they can observe and comment on our behaviors. And that's an important element in Resident Alien.

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Ringside #2

Dec 31, 2015

As I often say, I love variety in my reading. This book introduced me to people I might never have known and put them in circumstances I may never completely understand. But I'm all the better for having read this comic. I'm not sure I'll ever really become a wrestling fan, but I feel I have at least learned a lot about that profession. I see the why's and wherefore's, particularly when it comes to those around the ring.

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Robert Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy #3

Apr 25, 2015

This miniseries deals with slavery in its various forms in powerful ways1

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Robin Rises: Alpha #1

Dec 24, 2014

If you liked Damian as much as I did or maybe even more, this issue is a must-have. If you didn't care for him or have no idea who he is, you'll find this issue a great jumping-on point. Hey, if you're a Batman fan, you'll enjoy this book because it's got the Dark Knight and those strange and wonderful allies he often surrounds himself with, taking to task those villains beyond Batman's ability! That's always fun!

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Robin Rises: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2014

If you liked Damian as much as I did or even more, this issue is a must-have. If you didn't care for him or have no idea who he is, you'll find this issue a great jumping-on point. Hey, if you're a Batman fan, you'll enjoy this book because it's got the Dark Knight and those strange and wonderful allies he often surrounds himself with, taking the villains to task as they deserve to be fought!

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Rom (2016) #2

Aug 28, 2016

It's fun to revisit this top-notch sci-fi series, and I hope it lasts for a long, long time. Batman will always be called "The Dark Knight," but now ROM will be called "The Space Knight" again, something I'm truly enjoying! (Even his nickname was ahead of its time!)

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Samurai Jack #12

Dec 12, 2014

If you miss the program or just enjoy samurai adventures, I highly recommend you get into this comic! It's like Samurai Jack never left!

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Samurai Jack #15

Dec 12, 2014

I have some friends who simply hated Samurai Jack. It's a brand of storytelling that not everyone here in the States warms up to, but for those of us who enjoyed the animated series, the comic is a gift from the Cartoon Network gods. Oh, and IDW Publishing as well!

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Samurai Jack: Lost Worlds #3

Aug 5, 2019

Samurai Jack is adventure in its purest form, a man versus almost the entire world in order to set things right!

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Second Sight #1

Feb 21, 2016

Second Sight is an amazing supernatural murder book, not to be missed!

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Separators #1

Nov 26, 2014

I'm very excited about what OSSM Comics is doing, and Separators looks to be their flagship title. I like the mystical/supernatural elements of the Xenoglylphs and their impact on history as well as how they influence the characters. I also am impressed with all the possibilities and the relationships among the people and how they're growing.

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Separators #2

Jan 9, 2015

I'm very excited about what OSSM Comics is doing, and Separators looks to be their flagship title. Good choice!I like the mystical/supernatural elements of the Xenoglylphs and their impact on history as well as how they influence the characters. I also am impressed with all the possibilities and the relationships among the people and how they're growing.

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Shazam! (2018) #12

Jun 6, 2020

You can purchase this issue via comiXology

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Shelter Division #1

Mar 26, 2017

Shelter Division is an excellent title in the way it makes us want to know more about the characters we meet as well as make us want to know just what is going on here! I understand this is Mr. Salley's first venture into this genre and, given this issue, I expect many more stories along these lines will terrify and grip us in the time ahead.

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Sinestro #1

Apr 18, 2014

I highly recommend this series! Both Magento and Sinestro deserve your attention!

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Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #1

Dec 18, 2019

Interestingly, Skulldigger and his nemesis Grimjim are very much like Batman and the Joker when it comes to how each behaves. But without the trappings of having a weekly comic, Lemire is exploring other possibilities here.

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Smoketown #1

Mar 12, 2017

Highly recommended! This is the first book of the series, so I strongly suggest you jump on board now so you can enjoy future issues!

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Snowfall #1

Feb 28, 2016

A great debut issue to a fascinating sci-fi weather/environmental concept.

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Solar Flare #5

Apr 24, 2016

I'm really big on this Solar Flare comic because I can imagine my life without the power I depend on, and it likely wouldn't be very much fun!

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Star Trek #39

Dec 18, 2014

If you want to see Trek that you haven't read previously, I encourage you to pick up this event. It's been such a pleasure to go "where no Trek has gone before," if you'll pardon the expression!

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Star Trek (2022) #1

Oct 26, 2022

This comic worked for me, a long-time Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fan, on many levels.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #6

Dec 14, 2015

Two diverse science-fiction universes collide, and not everything returns to “normal” when it's over!

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022): The Illyrian Enigma #1

Dec 21, 2022

This comic is so well done that it will fill those blank spaces on Thursdays (and other days) as my need for Trek comes calling.

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Stargate Universe #1

Jun 30, 2017

If you were as big a fan of SGU as I have been, I highly recommend you dive into this series!

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Stillwater (2020) #3

Nov 23, 2020

I've read many "isolated and weird" town stories over the years. What makes this one interesting to me is the people, including Daniel and the doctor.

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Strayer #1

Jan 28, 2016

A great new title from AfterShock Comics, so it comes highly recommended!

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Stronghold #1

Feb 23, 2019

It's a rare and wonderful thing to read a story that challenges and surprises me! This one does that powerfully!

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Supergirl (2011) #20

May 16, 2013

Honestly, I think this book could outdo the other Superman family titles with Nelson's strong characterization and plotting. Wouldn't it be great to have Supergirl be the lead "super" title at DC for a change? I'd love that! I highly recommend you jump on now (if you don't buy this comic already) so you'll enjoy the book when the high-octane action and personal interaction hits!

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Supergirl (2016) #36

Nov 27, 2019

I've enjoyed the writing on the Supergirl comic. The dialogue has been engaging, and her search for the destroyers of Krypton was enjoyable. She's really good in outer space, seems like. She might want to go back there more.

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Superman (2018) #4

Oct 16, 2018

If the fourth issue of Superman is any indication, I think the Man of Steel is in good hands.

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Superman (2018) #20

Feb 16, 2020

Brian Bendis is challenging the Man of Steel" something that hero has needed for a long time now!

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Superman Unchained #3

Aug 22, 2013

Long may Superman Unchained fly to the top of the charts!

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Superman Unchained #5

Jan 1, 2014

Thats obviously not a problem for Snyder, Lee and Nguyen, who seem to have easily brushed aside all my concerns and have breathed much-needed life into Superman. And it couldnt have happened a moment too soon!

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Superman: American Alien #1

Nov 14, 2015

A Man of Steel we can relate to!

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Superman: Lois and Clark #4

Jan 31, 2016

What happens when the moral Superman ends up in the very gray New 52 universe? Check it out!

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T-Bird and Throttle #2

Jun 1, 2019

I often find it fun to read what a comics creator considers his or her "dream" project. I recently came across one of those for Josh Howard, probably best known for his Dead@17 comic from Image. Hey, it's very good!

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Talon #1

Oct 6, 2012

It's high-octane mystery and action that clearly fits the Bat-family! Wow! Don't miss this strong new addition to the Batman group of comics! Get in on the ground floor while you still can!

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Teen Titans (2016) #2

Nov 30, 2016

Teen Titans is a perfect example of what the Rebirth event has been all about " returning to the core of what made this book so popular while also updating some necessary items.

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Teen Titans (2016) #5

Feb 26, 2017

This initial story has been a strong one for the Teen Titans, establishing them as individuals in their own rights while blending them together as a group. Nicely done!

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Teen Titans (2016) #45

Sep 18, 2020

I applaud the effort to provide more diversity in Teen Titans. You've got an alien, a heavy set misfit, a female archer, and a speedster of color. I really wanted this to work. I just don't think it does. Robin kept my interest in the book. Now that he's gone, I may be leaving, too.

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Terrible Lizard #5

Mar 20, 2015

This all-ages book really delivers!

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 20, 2019

If you aren't reading this book, I VERY HIGHLY recommend you get it before it sells out nationwide. It's that good!

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The Beauty #2

Sep 22, 2015

I'm fully locked into this series, anxious to know how things will progress from issue to issue. It makes me think about beauty and its importance while making me care about the people we're following.

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The Black Bat #9

Feb 27, 2014

If you havent added this bat to your comics collection, I highly encourage you to pick up the title! Every time it hits the stores, I go crazy until I get my copy! Dont miss it!

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The Black Hood #1

Mar 1, 2015

A terrific start to a new universe!

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The Dresden Files: War Cry #1

Jun 6, 2014

If youve considered getting intoThe Dresden Files, this comic might be a good place to give it a try. Some stores will likely still have the previous issues for sale. If you enjoy it,Fool Moon(the second novel) came out in comics adaptation. Or you can go to the novels and catch up that way!

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The Few #2

Feb 28, 2017

It's a very engrossing story, and two issues have me very seriously looking forward to more.

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The Fix #1

Apr 10, 2016

Nick Spencer takes a break from two Captain America titles to explore the other side.

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The Freeze #1

Dec 9, 2018

Great art, great story. a true winner!

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The Infected: King Shazam #1

Nov 10, 2019

One of the best ways to get to know a character is to see his "dark side," as it were. You know, explore the things the "real" person would NEVER do. And that's what this comic is all about"what Billy Batson or Shazam! wouldn't even consider saying or making happen.

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The Owl #2

Aug 8, 2013

The Owl is a mini-series of only four issues, so those of us interested in it should be buying it as much as possible so we can get more! It's a unique take on costumed crime fighters, so it gets 5 out of 5 stars from me!

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The Owl #4

Oct 10, 2013

I loved this update for a classic hero. I would beg Dynamite to make more because I'm sure Mr. Krul and company have other stories that many of us would like to dive into.

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The Silencer Annual #1

Aug 31, 2018

It's a series that has one foot in the main DCU and one in the "real" world, and its sympathetic view of Honor and her family is something I particularly enjoy.

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Titans (2016) Annual #1

Mar 31, 2017

I do love me a team-up, and giving these "big guns" and "new guns" a chance to work together with hints of what's to come in Rebirth made this an annual worth picking up. Recommended!

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Titans: Titans Together (2020) #2

Jul 6, 2020

It's always great to see the Titans in action (especially using this name instead of Teen Titans). I particularly enjoy seeing this version of Nightwing instead of the brain-changed one in his current comic.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Jul 6, 2013

ProsSets up the "Trinity War" involving all three Justice Leagues.Updates the Pandora legend for the New 52.ConsSometimes the story is told out of sequence, which can be confusing.Pandora's Box is radically changed from previous tales involving it.

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Venture #2

Aug 15, 2015

A landmark superhero comic a decade ahead of its time!

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We Can Never Go Home #4

Aug 31, 2015

This time I want to bring another terrific series to your attention, and thats We Can Never Go Home from Black Mask Studios.

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White Widow #1

Apr 27, 2019

Action and adventure stories always are ones I'm anxious to read. White Widow is off to a great start, and I expect its popularity to increase as the tale unfolds.

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Winterworld #1

Jun 19, 2014

This is the perfect way to cool down on a hot summer afternoon! I highly recommend it!

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Wolf #1

Jul 26, 2015

This book is a good start and a new spin on werewolves and other supernatural happenings.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #71

May 26, 2019

What would it be like if we had to deal with mythological gods and demi-gods in our current world? Well, the current folks on Wonder Woman are focusing on just such an idea. And it's not pretty.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

Jan 28, 2020

This twist on the normal "good guys versus bad guys" average comics format really has me guessing and concerned. Normally, events like this clean up nicely and neatly, but I can't see how that will happen in the Year of the Villain. DC has upped the ante here quite substantially.

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Reviews for the Week of...

