Invincible #111

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Ryan Ottley Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: May 21, 2014 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 10
8.0Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

THE WALKING DEAD CREATOR ROBERT KIRKMAN WRITES INVINCIBLE!!! A new beginning for INVINCIBLE as things take a turn down a dark path. Everything changes as Invincible is betrayed by one of his own. You won’t want to miss this explosive issue #1... 1... 1! It packs the punch of THREE relaunched number one issues! IN ONE BOOK!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder May 7, 2014

    Books often dip after a particularly shocking or high-quality issue. Not Invincible. Invincible shines under pressure like the diamond it is and ascends to an even higher quality. At this point, Im pretty sure its in lower-Earth orbit. I used to joke that Invincible got better and better with every passing issue, but the longer the series went on, the less it became a joke. And while it hasnt been true 100% of the time, this is one time among many that the issue tops the one that preceded it. Who KNOWS what #112 will bring? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ra'Chaun Rogers May 20, 2014

    If this is the shape of things to come then I hope the series starts coming out more frequently because I cannot wait for this journey. There were so many WTF moments in this issue that didn't feel like shock value. Instead they seem like a preview of what's to come and I welcome it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin May 20, 2014

    Invincible takes a drastic turn of events with these explosive developments having a huge impact on the future of this series. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo May 21, 2014

    I don't know if the promise that Invincible #111 is the start of something new and different is entirely accurate, but it certainly raised the stakes considerably and leaves a small void in my chest as I wait a full month for the next issue. I would never have expected that from a series that I originally thought of as spoofing superhero comics. I cannot wait to see where this ride takes us next and after reading this issue, neither will you. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Josh Reifler May 21, 2014

    Issue #111 demonstrates that Invincible has much more story to tell and sets up for a finale full of shocks, thrills, and all the adventure that readers have come to expect from the series! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - louis whiteford May 21, 2014

    It’s hard for me to judge just one issue of a comic like Invincible, especially an issue like this. I’ll just say that this here’s a comic in which Robot spends most of it murdering, or trying to murder people, and his last line of dialogue is “Oh well, let the slaughter begin.” As though he was playing nice before. There’s no end in sight to this stuff. Can you handle it? I gotta go read something lighter to decompress. Maybe Preacher. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan May 22, 2014

    Robot quickly becomes a memorable villain for the Invincible Universe. Mark is in for a world of hurt Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Lonnie Nadler May 22, 2014

    While I have never read a single issue of Invincible prior to this, I will definitely be reading more. The book mostly delivers on what it promises: a new, bloody start for the series. Lets just hope Im not entirely lost by the end of this arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joe Tower May 26, 2014

    I'm giving it a hard time, but it's a really fun comic. On an honest note, for any of the faint-of-heart, I will say this comic is violent. I assume most of you will not have a problem with that. I don't either, I just wanted to put it out there" So, it's violent. And the violence comes as a shock, because the art is playful enough that it doesn't presume violence Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Liam Kelleher May 27, 2014

    It's a rarity for an artist to stay on a book for any lengthy stints these days but this issue marks Ryan Ottley's 100th issue as penciler. Ottley truly is the John Romita Sr to Cory Walker's Steve Dikto at this point. While Walker may have co-created the book, Ottley really has defined the look of this book and made it his own. It's almost unthinkable that he could ever leave Invincible as his characters emote wonderfully. Every bit of extreme violence is capture in beautiful detail and every panel is drawn to have the maximum impact. Invincible may be a brutal book but it's beautifully crafted, joined with the fearless writing it may just continue to be as good as it's ever been, if not better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall May 24, 2014

    Still, Invincible has been a good ride to date, so why mess too much with success? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerds On The Rocks - admin May 20, 2014

    Ottley's art is as always is top notch. The dismemberment splash page is beautiful and I found myself starring at it for quite some time. Sure there's a ton of violence, but at least it's drawn well. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Capeless Crusader - Joshua Epstein May 20, 2014

    “Invincible #111″ is the first issue in Robert Kirkman's “bold new direction for the title”. According to the solicits, this new direction would see the title “Suddenly infused with more gore and terror than a zombie apocalypse.” Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie May 14, 2014

    Put another way: This is not a comic for the uninitiated. Had Kirkman focused on the events of the past issue, it would have allowed for an easier transition into the series. After a mere page of addressing the events of Issue #110, however, this story rushes off into other directions and fails to hit the mark as an introductory issue. From a narrative standpoint, it quite literally runs away from dealing with a more substantive plot of Anissa and Mark in favor of giving its readers "Terror!" "Violence!" "Mayhem!" "Horror!" and "Misery!" Although it claims to be a launching point ostensibly for new readers, this issue came across instead as more of a vehicle for servicing some fans' need for blood and guts. I would be genuinely surprised if new readers found this was "the ONLY superhero comic [they would] ever need." Read Full Review

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