Batman: Black and White #1
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Batman: Black and White #1

Writer: Chip Kidd, Neal Adams, Joseph A Quinones Jr., Maris Wicks, John Arcudi, Howard Mackie Artist: Michael Cho, Neal Adams, Joseph A Quinones Jr., Sean Murphy, Chris Samnee Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 4, 2013 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 7
9.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The legendary, Eisner Award-winning series BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE returns in a brand-new six-issue miniseries featuring tales of The Dark Knight by some of comics greatest writers and artists! This first issue kicks off with stories by Chip Kidd and Michael Cho, Neal Adams, Joe Quinones and Maris Wicks, John Arcudi and Sean Murphy, and Howard Mackie and Chris Samnee!

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Sep 13, 2013

    This mini-series is definitely needed for a lot of Bat-fans: Great stories, with not a lot at stake or any sort of emotional or dramatic pounding. The perfect amount of campiness and heart, from page one to the last. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 8, 2013

    This book is Batman at his finest by some of the best creators working today. If you're a Batman fan, it's an absolutely must read. Even if you take away all the words, this is still an amazing comic book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Sep 8, 2013

    The only legitimate excuse that you as a Batman fan can have for not rushing out and buying this is if you're waiting for the more affordable trade paperback that'll be out sometime next year. Otherwise you're missing out on some very entertaining stories. There were a lot of Batman books on shelves this week, but in my opinion this was by far the best. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Sep 9, 2013

    While justice could barely be done in a capsule review, it is worth saying that there isn't an ounce of fat on this, as DC assembles another wonderful collection of writers and artists Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Sep 9, 2013

    The first Batman Black and White is still one of my favorite Batman limited series. So far, this new edition is setting itself up to be just as good if not better, and is a must-read for any Batman fan, making it my book of the week. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Sep 5, 2013

    Batman Black and White #1 is beautiful. Although the stories may seem too fleeting and confusing, it is still an awesome read. Each story is unique and features some of the best art that DC has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Nick Rowe Sep 6, 2013

    If your budget only permits you one comic this week, you should, without a doubt make that comic Batman Black and White. Comics like this have the potential to enrich our view of the medium as a whole on top of being quite entertaining, and give us a very critical position on the characters we love. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Oct 8, 2013

    I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of this series. The statues that are out on sale now are artistic gems but the comic version is pretty damn good too. The main Batman series is written so well. One of the best series on shelves now but this was just pure fun.ay he draws Bruce Wayne here. He's a big guy. Large arms, chiseled jaw. That's how I like my Bruce Wayne to look. He doesn't have super powers so he has to compensate for it with his size. He gets to shine here as well because it is a fast story with a lot of action. He does action scenes very well. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Sep 6, 2013

    With nary a lackluster story in sight, “Batman Black and White” #1 is a resounding success. With all the flack DC seems to get on what seems to be a daily basis, its great to see a book that is so geared toward fostering creative spirit and goodwill. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - John Blaze Sep 5, 2013

    Finally, we have the team up of writer Howard Mackie and artist Chris Samnee. This story, in tone, may be the darkest story of the issue as Bruce Wayne tries to solve a murder mystery while balancing his corporate life and risking the well being of others. The idea has certainly been explored before that Batman and Bruce Wayne cant be in two places at once, but is a very good read nonetheless. In an issue that gave us Batgod Neal Adams pencils as well as the tremendous art of Sean Murphy, it was brilliant to see that Chris Samnee emerged victorious in the contest for best art. Samnees precise line work and stark black inking provide for a very dark and retro looking story that gives this detective story the feel of a lost Batman story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    CHUD - Adam X. Smith Sep 6, 2013

    Well, this is damn well more like it, DC! When I hear the words "Batman Black and White" in a sentence I expect a level of quality that the rank and file don't always deliver, and with good reason " the previous iterations of the series, mostly back-up stories in Gotham Knights, attract the cream of the Bat-crop when it comes to writers and artists. Hallelujah, then, that this relaunch issue gets off to a brilliant start (no sarcasm this time) by having not just a superior gloss cover that does Marc Silvestri's cover image justice that regular paper just can't, but the added touch of a frontispiece spread by Phil Noto, complete with the dedication "For Archie Goodwin" at the bottom, seals the deal: last week's Batman Inc. Special was a placeholder, a box-ticker; this is where the real good stuff is, and though the book is slightly shy on the rock-star names you'd immediately associate with it, what it does have in spades is creativity and simplicity. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Sep 4, 2013

    Of course, every story, even the preachy "Batman Zombie," features beyond stellar artwork. Sean Murphy, Neal Adams, Michael Cho, Joe Quinones, and Chris Samnee all bring their A game, and A game from these folks is freaking unreal. Seriously, Batman: Black and White #1 is a visual masterpiece, you'd be lucky to hang any of these pages on your wall. My personal favorites were the Murphy and Samnee tales. Both of these guys would fit nicely into the world of Gotham and they prove it in a matter of a few pages. Wrap the whole package in a fantastic Marc Silvestri cover and you have one damn beautiful comic book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Sep 5, 2013

    This is a great package for those who love to read about the caped crusader who became a bat. At times these stories can feel like strange art projects or showcases for pencillers, but all of the stories in these pages are at the very least interesting. This is a great read to know what some of your favorite pencillers look like in black and white, or for fans that want a different take on Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 11, 2013

    If they can maintain this level of talent, this will be a series to watch. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 4, 2013

    BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE has always been a showcase of remarkable Batman stories told by several creators in the industry. The nature of being told in black and white gives each story a unique feeling. These are stories that fit in anywhere and anyone can easily jump right in. The lack of color adds a different feeling to the atmosphere of the character and you really see Batman in a new light. Each story here is a blast. The only downside is having five stories resulted in some feeling a little rushed. This is a great way to see different types of stories told and lack of color (and inks in some cases) gives the story an almost raw and honest feel. Colors in comics can add an incredible amount of life to stories but there is something honest to this format. It's an honest look at who Batman is. There's no need for flashy bells and whistles because the story and art are all you need. Every Batman fan needs to experience Batman in this fashion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 10, 2013

    Also include here are a Zombie Batman story written and drawn by Neal Adams (weird, and a tad too preachy) and Batman hunting down a determined Ventriloquist by Howard Mackie and Chris Samnee (I liked the art better than the story). The only story that didn't work for me was the one offered by John Arcudi and Sean Murphy which turns the Dark Knight into a little too much of a gear-head for my tastes. Batman has had quite a career in comics over the years and this first issue gives us a little bit of everything from the Dark Knight's past. Despite a $5 cover price and the lack of color and inks, fans should enjoy this one. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Sep 5, 2013

    As a life-long Batman fan, I love seeing all these wonderful comics based on or around The Dark Knight. I wouldn't mind seeing this title come out every month, but that would likely put a serious crimp in getting "name" talent working on stories. If it sells as well as I think it will, I hope we get a new Batman: Black and White mini-series once every year! Rating: Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Graham MacDougall Sep 6, 2013

    Overall I would say issue #1 of Batman Black and White is a fairly strong start, a couple missteps here and there but if they can keep a good momentum going on the series it could do quite well and maybe even become ongoing or semi-ongoing, do an larger issue every two months or so. And I hope DC doesn't stop bringing in lesser known artists and writers for this series, it's great seeing lesser known guys like Michael Cho getting to draw The Dark Knight in their very own story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Sep 9, 2013

    "Batman: Black and White" #1 has stronger visuals than scripting overall, but Maris Wicks' comics writing debut and the strength of the artwork make this revived anthology worth a look. Read Full Review

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