isn't Mahnke's Batman just amazing!? ... i just cannot believe that he hasn't had a Batman statue based on his design yet.
There's no man on Earth more convinced that he knows what makes Batman tick than Dr. Hugo Strange! Which makes him a natural target for the thing that's hunting Batman, unless Batman gets there first!
If you haven't been keeping up with this series since Tomasi came onboard then I highly suggest you do so. This has been an action packed and thrilling ride that is sure to make any Batman fans happy. Read Full Review
While this issue doesn't move the story forward as much as last issue, the escape is well executed and an exciting bit of reading. Additionally, the insight into Batman's mind on both a personal and technical level is interesting and unique. We don't always get that deep inside Batman's head to understand how he sees and feels these situation. Keeping the fight with the shape shifter to a minimum and showing more of Batman's thought process to go after Hugo Strange next would have improved the issue. Read Full Review
I've stuck with this series for over 32 years, and stories like “Mythology” are the reason why. Batman, Henri Ducard, Mister Miracle, Leslie Thompkins. Murder, mayhem, mystery and The World's Greatest Detective finally living up to his billing. There are only two issues left until the long awaited Detective Comics #1000, and if they're all as good as this one, I can't wait to read them! Read Full Review
There's a level of camp here that Tomasi embraces so unapologetically that you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride: part roller coaster, part underwater safari, and every bit of it just big noisy fun. This is a comic book that doesn't worry about serving up grit, just a big ol' delicious ham steak. Dig in! Read Full Review
If there is one minor complaint, I would have to say it's that the issue moves so quick. That's because I was focused the entire time I think and I just wanted more. It's a good place to be however. This is some great stuff, overall. I put this at the top of my reading pile whenever it comes in now. It's been truly excellent. Read Full Review
With yet another amazing chapter under their respective utility belts, Tomasi and Mahnke continue to perfect an old classic and take the Batman into new and mysterious places. As the approaching milestone reels right around the corner, the ever growing speculation behind the Arkham Knight continues to spread as the landmark issue draws near. With anticipation running high, Tomasi is sure to deliver yet another modern classic in the Dark Knights long standing history. Read Full Review
Doug Mahnke's art is amazing. Every panel is a master class in composition and detail. The art captures the tone of the story perfectly and matches the tension as well. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #997 brings us closer to the anticipated issue #1000 with a daring escape and a brutal fight that is nothing short of nightmare fuel. The creative team has managed to tell a classic story that explores Batmans complicated past while ensuring that not too many secrets are spilledjust yet! Read Full Review
Tomasi is building the story to a boiling point as Batman faces his most dangerous villains while protecting his greatest allies. It's interesting that the story is built around Batman protecting those he loves while employing all of the skills that his mentors taught him so he can save their lives. I highly recommend this story for fans of Batman and DC. Read Full Review
Well-crafted in every way, Detective Comics #997is intimate and intense; a must-read for readers looking forward to the one-thousandth issue ofDetective Comics. Read Full Review
This creative team is one of the great ones for Batman. The Dark Knight has been flying high with some of the best folks in comics telling his tales. Read Full Review
The Mythologies arc hones into the grand scale of Batman. This is a study of his symbology, how his various origin stories shaped him and how he shaped Gotham City and the world at large. It's fitting as we countdown to the milestone, if not a little disorienting by the sheer scope that is modern Batman. Read Full Review
The big reveal of the cause of all of Batman's pain is a bit underwhelming " maybe Tomasi is throwing out another red herring? Given the identity of the latest character he visits, he would certainly be a credible suspect, but Tomasi will need to connect a few dots to really make it work. Read Full Review
This ongoing plot isn't compelling yet, but the unlikely team-up between Batman and Brown is a fun dynamic we haven't seen before, and Doug Mahnke's art here looks the best it has since his Green Lantern heyday. As we count down to Detective Comics #1000 in less than two months, I'm hoping this core mystery develops and we get more issues like this one. Read Full Review
Batman isn't called the greatest detective for nothing, and this week's Detective Comics lives up to its namesake. Read Full Review
DETECTIVE COMICS #997 is a very straightforward action story. It's in the vein of classic stories, with Batman caught in a deathtrap from which he must escape. Of course, if you're gonna be stuck in a trap like this, the original Mister Miracle is a good person to have in your corner. A great installment in Tomasi's ongoing run. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #997 is a solid Batman issue but doesn't push the characters in any new or exciting direction. Read Full Review
It was a fun and enjoyable issue. There is nothing better than Batman being attacked by sharks and piranhas. Read Full Review
This issue showed us why Thaddeus is a big player in creating Batman by putting it into action. Like we kiiiinda saw a bit of Ducard's hunting skills displayed in the last issue. Having this arc lead into Detective #1000 is starting to make sense because it's piecing Batman together. The art here is top notch and even though I really liked the first half, the second half lost me a bit. Read Full Review
A good action packed issue with intense moments. Read Full Review
As thebuild-up to Detective Comics #1,000continues, it is my hope that history will not repeat itself with a rehash of The Untold Legend of the Batman. Comicsoften repeat themselves, retelling old stories younger fans may be unfamiliar with.If its a fresh new spin, fine, Ill be open-minded. Otherwise, let the Detective Comics #1,000 truly be thegreat story it deserves to be. Read Full Review
I’m still not able to grasp the direction they’re going for this lead up to #1000 and we’re running out of road here. Hopefully the next issue will clear up both some of the plot questions we have and maybe iron out some of pacing problems as well. Read Full Review
A few issues ago (my time, this review is Late AF). I was totally on the edge of dropping Detective Comics. The previous arc nearly broke me and If I never see Two-Face as an antagonist again It would be too soon.
Flash forward da few issues and Peter Tomasi is providing the blueprint for how to tell a great Batman story. Peter's Batman isn't perfect or infallible but he's one of the most competent men on earth. If Bruce doesn't have a solution on hand he has the drive, resources, and contacts to make something happen. That's Batman's Superpower, it goes a lot deeper than simply being rich.
The comic opens with Batman and Thaddeus Brown, the original Mr. Miracle just waking up from the last issue's cliffhanger more
Tomasi and Mannkhe at its finest!
Man, I love this run so far. Every issue is such an entertaining read. I'm really happy to have a Batman title I enjoy. I'm deathly sick of the current Batman run and I was becoming sick of Batman as a character because of it, but this run is the cure to that ailment.
Another great issue. This series keeps delivering the goods.
This time the issue is more action oriented and I absolutely loved it.
We get to see Batman escape some old school and impossible trap like it's from Adam West's Batman show and I've got to say I really liked it. I also really liked the writing in the issue, especially how Tomasi handled Batman's thought process when he tries to figure out how to escape.
The art, as usual, is fantastic. I just love the way Mahnke draws Batman.
Overall, this was a fantastic issue and you should definitely pick it up.
-I thought this was a great issue. Rereadable and fun.
-The opening to this issue was really funny.
-The way Batman escapes from the trap was really cool, but still maintained believability.
-That whole shark death trap was just really fun and really awesome.
-Batman's monologue in that scenario was also really well written.
-I really love this art. I'll be sad when Mahnke leaves after issue 1000. Brad Walker is good, but definitely not as good as this.
-The monster for this series has become so absolutely bonkers, and I love it.
-I'm excited to see where this goes and how Hugo Strange is related to all this.
i swear this Tomasi Detective run keeps getting better and BETTER!!!
this is the BAD-ASS Batman that i’ve been missing!
no nonsense, logical, a great detective, a great escape artist, a great fighter.
ALL the things Batman SHOULD be!
Tomasi’s dialog is excellent!
it’s natural and engaging, and there’s even subtle bits of humor.
the zany deathtrap right out of a 70’s Batman comic was a really nice touch.
even the way Batman handles himself calm and cool, this really feels like a classic story by Denny O’Neil & Neal Adams taken to the next level!
as for the art…
the art is terrific!!!
i like the way the inking compliments Doug Mahnke’s pencils.
the more
A point off for Batman exploding one ear of his cowl and still having two ears. Is there an ear dispenser in there?
A great thrill ride otherwise.
Not sure when or how Thaddeus Brown came back from literally dying in the first issue of Mister Miracle, but I am happy to see him and he makes a good team with Batman.
Batman doing detective-y things. This arc continues to impress me. The coloring got a little too '90s late in the issue, but was beautiful early (water scenes). I never thought I would see SPOILERS Alfred's head rolling around, but here we have it. Cheers to Tomasi and Mahnke once again.
This was all fine! Everything moving along. A little too much drowning, but that’s maybe just me.
Great issue. Batman is fully in character& the first part reminded me of Knightfall, when he almost drowned with the mayor, but never gave up. The dialogue was well written& the monster wasn’t as grotesque as last issue, but still kind of interesting.
SPOILER Batman facing Hugo Strange in the end promises a great next issue. SPOILER ending. Overall it feels like a classic Batman story again.
"Where's Aquaman when you need him?"
This issue was so silly but in the best way possible.
Through the first half, I had a huge grin stuck to my face. The trap Bruce and Thaddeus were in was so ridiculous and over the top. Think old Bond villain. Only comics, and only the good ones, can pull something like this off. This one succeeded and when Batman started assessing his situation it made me think about the recent issue of Batman with Pig.
I don't want to kick the man when he's down, he got enough of that yesterday for HiC, but it was done better here. With more, I don't know,... with more care.
After the inevitable escape, we get to the fight with the creature, that has been stalking Batman since the more
While one of my favorite things this story arc has got to be Bruce using his wits to get out of a shark and piranha attack, the rest of the issue felt very confusing! Hoping next issue explains how he got from point A to point Strange. What exactly is the creature capable of doing!? The artwork however is very good! Cliffhanger had me with an “uh okay”