As toddlers, King and Queen were the undisputed champions of gladiatorial-style death matches. Until they ran out of opponents and were forced to turn on one another! King learns how lethal sibling rivalry can be when he is shockingly reunited with his long-lost sister. Queen wants King dead. Probably because he once tried to behead her. Can King escape Queen and her army of cyborg bears? And even if he does, how will he get out of Encino in one piece?
Fialkov and Chang have developed an excellent story featuring the last humans on Earth in L.A. Read Full Review
The world that has been created so far is really quite fun. While the plot progression has been rather simplistic thus far, Fialkovs script and the art talents of Chang and Maiolo really deliver a quality story. The costuming and choices for characters like Queen or even her high-tech bear guards all fascinate so greatly about the state of the world and how these things came to be. The creators have managed to make this very strange universe feel natural and lived-in and in these two issues, they have certainly delivered. Read Full Review