Our planet is actually a prison designed to both trap and shelter an amnesiac alien entity of incalculable power. Now known as Michael Grey, this cosmic angel of destruction currently believes himself to be an ordinary, midwestern insurance underwriter, who belongs to a global secret society dedicated to making sure he never discovers the truth about his past.
To make matters worse, our hero has fallen in love with Michael Grey. And for their love to be born, Earth must die.
Phil Hester (The Coffin, Deathstroke, The Darkness, SHIPWRECK) and Ryan Kelly (The Wicked & The Divine, Lucifer, Saucer Country) weave a tale of cosmic horror, more
A magnificent opening issue which sets the bar as high as it can go. An exploration of character, super powers, cults, and comic book storytelling itself. What Cry Havoc did for supernatural horror, Stronghold is set to do for 'Super Powers' stories. Read Full Review
This story starts small and then explodes to galaxy shaking levels. I loved it. Michael and Claire are great characters and I'm looking forward to seeing how they change over the course of the series. The visuals are firmly grounded in reality which makes things startling when something impossible occurs. I'm really looking forward to more reveals and how quickly things will go otherworldly. If you want something different, this is it! Recommended. Read Full Review
A combination high-concept science fiction story and quiet romance, there really is nothing quite like Stronghold #1 happening in comics today. Its an interesting concept, to be sure, but the real strength here is the top tier storytelling done by the team of Hester, Kelly, Cunniffe, and Bowland. I highly recommend this comic. Read Full Review
It's a rare and wonderful thing to read a story that challenges and surprises me! This one does that powerfully! Read Full Review
For me, and if Im being blunt, theres potentially a little too much going on in STRONGHOLD for a single issue, despite me actually enjoying it quite a bit. In saying that, the story and characters arent bamboozling or difficult to follow and its well-paced, so maybe thats actually a good thing on reflection. Its certainly healthy to be wrenched out of your comfort zone every now and again, and the creative team here definitely look set to carve out their own style with this one. Read Full Review
Stronghold #1 is a great start to a promising series. Read Full Review
Coming as it does from such an esteemed group of veteran creators, it's hard to imagine Stronghold not being a success when eventually taken as a whole work. And there's a lot of cool and interesting elements in this debut issue to stimulate the imagination and invite the reader back for the next chapter. But the way this issue unfolds and functions unto itself leaves some frustrating questions dangling in the air, left for another issue to catch them or not. Read Full Review
"Stronghold" #1 doesn't entirely come together, but it's strong premise hopefully foreshadow better things to come. Read Full Review