In the finale of "Art of the Crime," Batgirl may have uncovered Grotesque's real plot, but that only means she knows the real danger that faces Jim Gordon and the GCPD! Can Barbara take down Grotesque before he pulls off a massive heist and ruins the GCPD's rep in the process? Maybe, but it won't be a paint-by-numbers job!
All round, I have no complaints about this issue ofBatgirl, or this arch to be honest. Keep it up guys! Read Full Review
An emotionally charged tale that just may have you tearing up! Read Full Review
This is a great issue. It's a solid finale to this arc that I enjoyed a lot. Scott writes Babs very well especially in her relationship with her father. It's an exciting and fun issue that I loved. Read Full Review
The first arc of Scotts run has been fantastic. I cannot wait to see what happens next. Buy this book. Read Full Review
Batgirl needs her very own rogues' gallery, and it should be populated with new and different villains, but Grotesque just didn't work for me. Read Full Review
With thisstoryline over, I do hope Paul Pelletier and Norm Rapmund will remain on thetitle. Rapmund also inked this months issue of Batman Beyond, so hes wellliked in the Bat-office, but I prefer his work with Pelletier over that of BrettBooth. Fingers crossed. Read Full Review
The conclusion to the first arc from Batgirl's new creative team proves that Babs is in good hands. Read Full Review
As far as the entire DC Comics catalogue goes, this is one of the best books they're publishing. Scott has finally pulled Batgirl out of the trench she has been in for years and is writing the most compelling version of the character in years. Read Full Review
This issue of Batgirl is indicative of the caliber of storytelling we have come to expect from this title. The current creative team has knocked this one completely out of the park. The story is eloquently told both visually and textually with heart, soul and intelligence. I've been reading Batgirl since the Rebirth event series debut and this is a high point in a series that has consistently taken big swings and very often connected. 4/5 Read Full Review
The stakes are high, with both Barbara and her father in the building as the clock ticks down. But maybe too much of the issue deals with Wyrm's minions, the shapeless techno-zombies known as Terminals. These hulking threats didn't really excite me in Percy's issues where they appeared either. Read Full Review
Mairghread Scott and teams first arc of their Batgirl run comes to a successful conclusion. It has been an engaging story that looks at Babs relationship with her father and the threat of physical issues ahead. This mystery explores many interesting facets of Barbaras character and has solid action sequences. Read Full Review
For her first full outing on the title, Scott has proven an able storyteller. Your mileage may vary with some of the most fantastical elements of this particular tale, but I do like the heart of what she's doing"both with Batgirl as a hero as well as with keeping us on our toes with the villains. Read Full Review
Barbara arrives in plenty of time to save the day and make the conclusion more complicated than necessary. Some nice character moments, but the story arc itself sort of fizzles out instead of finishing in a satisfying way. Plenty of satisfaction to be found, however, in the visuals. Read Full Review
I can't judge Batgirl #29 on the overall story because I haven't been following along, since I just jumped on this issue. I can say I was still really surprised she was still dealing with the whole Dark Web villain thing. It was, though, all-around a pretty solid comic book. I enjoyed Batgirl struggling with having to go into her surgery and her courage to talk to her dad about being scared more than the whole stopping Grotesque plot. The art was pretty good; again, nothing tremendously stands out as good or bad. Read Full Review
It's unclear exactly what the future holds for both characters, but this is some pretty satisfying ground to leave them on. Read Full Review
This could be a better book. The characters are all there in place to make it great. It's just not at the moment. This issue is another disappointment overall. Read Full Review