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Location: GA Joined: Dec 03, 2018 About Me: Woman of color, always down for shenanigans, mess with me and claws come out

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ohhaimark reviewed Detective Comics #995 Jan 2, 2019



-I'm loving Doug Mahnke's art. It is some of the best art I have seen in a Batman comic in a while.

-Wow. Leslie Thompkin's death was great. Sorry, that sounded wrong. I mean, her death was really beautifully written, her last words just really hit hard, as does Batman's desperation to save her, along with the flashback pa more

Detective Comics #995

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Alfred Pennyworth...attacked at the Wayne mansion! Who's hunting those closest to Batman? The monstrous shadow creature plaguing Gotham City gains the upper hand when two of the Dark Knight's most ardent allies fall prey to the violent vendetta. Will those tragedies send Batman over the edge? Good thing he's on his way to Arkham Asylum-but will he ...

+ LikeComments (12)
Comic Princess - Jan 4, 2019

Don’t think Batman Inc. was part of the New 52 lineup.

myconius - Jan 4, 2019

i honestly wish Batman Inc had not been part of the new52. it makes reading the tail-end Grant's run very jarring. but in Batman Inc #13 there was a really cringey line forced in with Gordon mentioning the 'Zero Year'. plus right after Damian died in issue #8 all the other Batman titles had their Robin Requiem.

Comic Princess reviewed Bettie Page #1 Dec 20, 2018

Property?!?! Bettie Page was a real flesh and blood person, not some fap toy. You may be cool with this nonsense, but I am not and you know dammmm well she would not be having this either. Shame on u.

Bettie Page #1

By: David Avallone, Julius Ohta
Released: Nov 21, 2018

The brand-new Queen of England has mysteriously vanished, and British Intelligence needs a helping hand from the world's greatest model spy! Can Bettie the First find Elizabeth the Second before the news gets out and panics all of Great Britain? Are UFOs involved? David Avallone (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark) and Julius Ohta (Sherlock Holmes) show ...

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Comic Princess - Jan 4, 2019

O I read it. Hope you had a good fap.

DAvallone - Feb 22, 2019

She's a fully dressed secret agent doing a job with great competence throughout. You didn't read it. I don't mind a bad review when the bad faith is this obvious.

Comic Princess commented on this:
myconius posted on Dan's profile Dec 19, 2018

i just noticed the inclusion of the 'Block' feature. thank you. :)

+ LikeComments (10)
Comic Princess - Jan 4, 2019

No thanks

myconius - Jan 4, 2019

Comic Princess - i apologize. i wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Comic Princess liked this:
Comix4fever reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

I’m overjoyed to see Tempest alive after Titans 28!

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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JBL Reviews reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

I want to like it,’s hard. I don’t believe Lois or Clark would do what they did. There’s also too much ambiguity at this point. I think we are supposed to think it’s clever, but at some point it moves into annoying,

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

Comic Princess commented on this:
Linkush reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019


Probably my least favorite issue so far.
Nobody seems to grieve about the fact that a lot of heroes died and Harley Quinn is just too
sexualized (page 16, for example, was just not necessary) But overall the art was great as usual.

Booster and Blue Beetle parts were awesome and I liked the ending, seems to be going in an interesting way.

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

+ LikeComments (2)
Synthozoid - Jan 3, 2019

I thought it was OK too, but the "Bros before Heroes" line was pretty lame. The full page of Lois in panties was ridiculous. I like the Batgirl stuff, and I always love Batman giving crap to Superman.

Comic Princess - Jan 4, 2019

Batgirl vs. Harley parts were not good at all.

Comic Princess liked this:
waltgator93 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

This issue left me confused, not good confused either. The dialogue is so cringy. King has been writing Batman since May 2016, and even his lines were awful! When we last saw Tempest he was not that fucked up. So did Donna and Batgirl escape the murderer? Were they there when it happened? Half of this issue felt so random and doubt it will be closed when this story is done. Art was pretty good! On more

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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Talon1load - Jan 3, 2019

But not very well.

waltgator93 - Jan 3, 2019

Oh gotcha! My bad I read it wrong.

Comic Princess liked this:
MKW69 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

Least Bad, but still Bad. Donna obituary makes no sense. Troy existed. Things that she said could be attributed, to too many things. Ted is just wasteful, and ridiculing the canon. He didn't died in New 52/ Rebirth Era. I'ts too late.

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

Comic Princess commented on this:
myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

there's nothing i can say that other reviewers have already said more eloquently than i ever could.

this event is pure garbage. absolute total garbage.

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

+ LikeComments (9)
Comic Princess - Jan 4, 2019

Not happy with what they are doing to Harley. But “pure garbage?” Really? It’s not great but I have read much worse.

myconius - Jan 4, 2019

it's the amount of fanfare that DC is heaping upon this title that makes it so much worse. they are totally overselling it, and putting way more importance on it than it deserves.

Comic Princess liked this:
ActionCity rated Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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Comic Princess reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 4, 2019

Not sure what to think about using Harley this way. I might hate it. :-/ Artwork is nice I guess.

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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waltgator93 reviewed X-Force #1 Dec 27, 2018

The artwork is not the best, maybe at most its ok. For a team that I only know three of the characters, really enjoyed the issue! Just hope next issue we get more information on who is who on the team. Great start for a book that few days ago I could careless about!

X-Force #1

By: Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett
Released: Dec 26, 2018

Cable is dead...and now, the original X-Force team of Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom and Warpath. must hunt down the murderer of their former leader! The mutant militia are hot for blood...but when their target is the time-traveling younger version of their fallen mentor, is there a line they absolut...

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SloboSOY reviewed X-Force #1 Dec 26, 2018

Did the writer know that Cannonball was in the Avengers. Or that he have a wife & a child in Chandilar awaiting for him. Does he even care ? And what with the new look. It lookalike Sammy in Scooby Apocalypse, awful. Like the Warpach look. And with is machette (With the size I will not call that a knife) when he stab someone that should do blood (And that should kill).
I didn't like the idea more

X-Force #1

By: Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett
Released: Dec 26, 2018

Cable is dead...and now, the original X-Force team of Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom and Warpath. must hunt down the murderer of their former leader! The mutant militia are hot for blood...but when their target is the time-traveling younger version of their fallen mentor, is there a line they absolut...

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JBL Reviews rated X-Force #1 Dec 27, 2018

X-Force #1

By: Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett
Released: Dec 26, 2018

Cable is dead...and now, the original X-Force team of Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom and Warpath. must hunt down the murderer of their former leader! The mutant militia are hot for blood...but when their target is the time-traveling younger version of their fallen mentor, is there a line they absolut...

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Comic Princess reviewed X-Force #1 Dec 30, 2018

Was this drawn by my 4 y o niece? When she does it, it’s rill cute. In X-Force, the kid style is real real terrible. Story pretty good I guess.

X-Force #1

By: Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett
Released: Dec 26, 2018

Cable is dead...and now, the original X-Force team of Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom and Warpath. must hunt down the murderer of their former leader! The mutant militia are hot for blood...but when their target is the time-traveling younger version of their fallen mentor, is there a line they absolut...

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Comic Princess commented on this:

I REALLY want a ongoing Klaus series! 😬😬😬

Klaus: Klaus and the Crying Snowman #1

By: Grant Morrison, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 19, 2018

The best holiday tradition in comics returns in the next chapter of the epic Santa saga by visionary Grant Morrison and Eisner Award-nominated artist Dan Mora!
Klaus has to help an absentee dad-turned-snowman make amends before melting away for good. And probably before he's defeated by a pantheon of Norse Gods and their minions. All in a day's...

+ LikeComments (4)
Comix4fever - Dec 21, 2018

It's worth it but it helps if you have read the miniseries first.

ohhaimark - Dec 21, 2018

That's very true.

Comic Princess commented on this:
The-MJP rated Astonishing X-Men #1 Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men #1

By: Joss Whedon, John Cassaday
Released: May 26, 2004

Dream-team creators Joss Whedon (creator of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and fan-favorite film Serenity) and John Cassaday (Planetary, Captain America) bring you the explosive #1 issue of the all-new flagship X-Men series! As part of X-men: Reload, this issue marks a return to classic greatness and the beginning of a brand-new era for the...

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The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

I like whedon's x-men and legitamtley didn't like Kim and Kim and wanted to give my thoughts on themdeal with it

The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

and for the record, because of rising comic book prices and my ow financial situations, I rarely read comics issue by issue and usually just borrow trade paperbacks from lending libraries, which is why i score older comics more than newer comics

Comic Princess commented on this:
Bigpoppa393 reviewed Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1 Sep 8, 2018

A perfect return for Kim & Kim

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The Fighting Kims are back! Kim & Kim trade their denim vests and spiked chokers for tuxes and gowns as they infiltrate the glitzy space colony of Santa Palma to try and con a master thief. But, as usual, everything goes to hell... and it's definitely Kim Q's fault. Come on, Kim. Get your life together. A brand new ongoing series from writer Magdal...

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Dan - Dec 21, 2018

The-MJP, any more comments like that and your account will be shut down.

Batman Jones - Dec 21, 2018

Nice, Dan. Thanks.

Comic Princess commented on this:
Angus reviewed Plastic Man #4 Sep 12, 2018

The writer's personal problems started to come out last issue and are back again. The first 2 issues showed that the writer is capable of writing a good entertaining issue while not directing vitriol at fans on the very pages which they paid for that are supposed to entertain them.

Perhaps one day the writer will try being professional again and just entertaining people. Or perhaps no more

Plastic Man #4

By: Gail Simone, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Plastic Man fondly remembers his days as a simple street thug, when people knew his name and respected his talents (even though no one ever respected him). But he's turning over a new leaf, mentoring the youth, saving old ladies from pick-pockets and younger ladies from kidnappers. Unfortunately, when he meets the kidnappers and realizes this entir...

+ LikeComments (13)
Comic Princess - Dec 21, 2018

U r right MJP, we don’t like conics

The-MJP - Dec 21, 2018

Comic princess, Tbh I was just parroting yellow flash and didn’t have any clue what I was saying When I take a step back I realized he’s not somebody I should parrot, especially when I realized I actually liked the comics he was bashing

Comic Princess commented on this:
The-MJP reviewed Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2 Sep 14, 2018

The comic equivalent to rape

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera
Released: Sep 19, 2018

After striking an uneasy alliance with the deadly Xue Peng, The Fighting Kims head to Furious Quatro's Giant Orbital Death Platform for some Ocean's 11 style hijinks! The fun doesn't last though as Kim Q.'s secret puts them all in peril. Will Kim D. ever trust Kim Q. again?

+ LikeComments (7)
Synthozoid - Dec 22, 2018

MJP - Did you read Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2? Not asking for you to praise something you disliked.

The-MJP - Dec 24, 2018

For me it’s one of those things you remember reading, but the only thing you remember about it is hating it

Comic Princess commented on this:
ohhaimark reviewed Freedom Fighters #1 Dec 19, 2018


-This issue has some great political themes, I hope they will expand on those, but its a solid start.

-This comic does great with its premise. It's similar to some elements of the Man in the High Castle, but it definitely feels like much more than just that withs superheroes.

-I love Eddy Barrows's art. His drawing for the Plastic Men Nazis was especial more

Freedom Fighters #1

By: Robert Venditti, Eddy Barrows
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Line up for this all-new maxiseries set on Earth X, where the Nazis won World War II! Twenty years after invading and occupying America, Germany wiped out all metahuman resistance, including the original Freedom Fighters.
Fast-forward to the present day, and a new team of Freedom Fighters emerges to challenge the Nazi occupation once again. Bu...

+ LikeComments (2)
Comic Princess - Dec 20, 2018

Sorry, “heil this,” was corny as hell.

ohhaimark - Dec 21, 2018

I thought it was a cool line, that's just my opinion though. I write reviews subjectively, so you are probably right.

Comic Princess reviewed Freedom Fighters #1 Dec 20, 2018

It was ok, we get it, nazis are bad, no shit, do u have something original to say????? You have 12 issues to SAY SOMETHING. Will you?

Freedom Fighters #1

By: Robert Venditti, Eddy Barrows
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Line up for this all-new maxiseries set on Earth X, where the Nazis won World War II! Twenty years after invading and occupying America, Germany wiped out all metahuman resistance, including the original Freedom Fighters.
Fast-forward to the present day, and a new team of Freedom Fighters emerges to challenge the Nazi occupation once again. Bu...


Snap Flash Hustle #1

By: Pat Shand, Emily Pearson
Released: Nov 28, 2018

Haley Mori, a downtrodden alternative-model, happens upon a secret society of elite models in NYC that are using their platforms to sell narcotics. Seeing a possible escape from a lifetime of crushing debt, Haley becomes involved and works her way up the ranks, making new alliances and enemies alike while getting a taste of a power she never knew s...

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Comic Princess rated LaGuardia #1 Dec 20, 2018

LaGuardia #1

By: Nnedi Okorafor, Tana Ford
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Set in an alternative world where aliens have come to Earth and integrated with society, LaGuardia revolves around a pregnant Nigerian-American doctor, Future Nwafor Chukwuebuka who has just returned to NYC under mysterious conditions. After smuggling an illegal alien plant named "Letme Live" through LaGuardia International and Interstellar Airport...

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waltgator93 reviewed Teen Titans #25 Dec 20, 2018

These three new characters really make the book awesome! Glad we get some backstory on two of them. The art was pretty good! First story had the better artwork. Dialogue was excellent and entertaining. Through the course of all these issues, makes me actually care and enjoy Roundhouse. Crush is such a badass! D'Jinn is the wiildcard.

Teen Titans #25

By: Adam Glass, Robson Rocha
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Learn the secret origin of Crush, daughter of Lobo! When Crush drags Djinn along on a road trip to find an important item from her past, the two get into hijinks that'd make Thelma and Louise jealous. Crush is on the hunt for Obelus, the mysterious alien chain that once protected her as a child, but here's the kicker-it's in the possession of a man...

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Psycamorean reviewed Teen Titans #25 Dec 20, 2018

The main story with Crush and Djinn was actually pretty good. The writer somehow made me care about Crush. Must've had something to do with that emotional backstory. The back-up about Roundhouse, however, falls completely flat because his character is so annoying. He's very unfunny. He's written horribly. I don't care about him or his sister. Crush fares better because she's not just a burden on t more

Teen Titans #25

By: Adam Glass, Robson Rocha
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Learn the secret origin of Crush, daughter of Lobo! When Crush drags Djinn along on a road trip to find an important item from her past, the two get into hijinks that'd make Thelma and Louise jealous. Crush is on the hunt for Obelus, the mysterious alien chain that once protected her as a child, but here's the kicker-it's in the possession of a man...

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Comic Princess reviewed Teen Titans #25 Dec 20, 2018

Crush is cool n all, but I don’t know, something is missing. I’ll giveit a little time.

Teen Titans #25

By: Adam Glass, Robson Rocha
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Learn the secret origin of Crush, daughter of Lobo! When Crush drags Djinn along on a road trip to find an important item from her past, the two get into hijinks that'd make Thelma and Louise jealous. Crush is on the hunt for Obelus, the mysterious alien chain that once protected her as a child, but here's the kicker-it's in the possession of a man...

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Comic Princess commented on this:
ohhaimark reviewed Batman #61 Dec 19, 2018


-The art was good. Travis Moore isn't the best artist on this series, however. That would have to go to Mitch for me personally, although Lee Weeks makes a strong case for himself.

-Matthew, or Bruce, or whatever his name is, makes a good villain. We've seen similar villains before, but he's still creepy as hell at least.

-This issue had some good effec more

Batman #61

By: Tom King, Travis Moore
Released: Dec 19, 2018

What happened to the boy who wanted to be Bruce Wayne? The young criminal mastermind orchestrates his own parents' deaths to emulate his hero and was carted off to Arkham when Batman exposed his crimes, but that is not the end of the story. Tom King reteams with Nightwing artist Travis Moore to create a sequel to their masterpiece of dark horror fr...

+ LikeComments (18)
myconius - Dec 21, 2018

you are most welcome! :-)

Batman Jones - Dec 21, 2018


Comic Princess reviewed Aquaman #43 Dec 20, 2018

I like Kelly Sue but I’m not so sure about Aquaman. I’ll give it a couple more issue.

Aquaman #43

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha
Released: Dec 19, 2018

The tides turn for the Sea King with a new creative team! Star scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (TEEN TITANS, SUPERGIRL) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore on a remote island, and ends up being cared for by...

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Comic Princess reviewed Harley Quinn #56 Dec 20, 2018

I loved it. LOL

Harley Quinn #56

By: Mark Russell, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Dec 19, 2018

It's Harley Quinn-crazy cat lady! Seems one of Harley's tenants used to be a small-time, cat-themed crook, but now is just a lonely retiree hoarding felines in his apartment. Gross! Harley takes it upon herself to find homes for the "cat burglars," but in trying to get them adopted, she runs afoul of the local pet store, "Men O'Paws." But who's gon...

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