Harley Quinn #56

Writer: Mark Russell Artist: Mirka Andolfo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 19, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 12
7.4Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

It's Harley Quinn-crazy cat lady! Seems one of Harley's tenants used to be a small-time, cat-themed crook, but now is just a lonely retiree hoarding felines in his apartment. Gross! Harley takes it upon herself to find homes for the "cat burglars," but in trying to get them adopted, she runs afoul of the local pet store, "Men O'Paws." But who's gonna feed the kitties while Harley fights this turf war? And more importantly, who'll clean their litter box?

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Dec 19, 2018

    Not onlydoes this issue feature a special guest villain, but also a guest writer. Ithelps keep the title fresh after 50+ issues. Ive been with it since thebeginning, and while I sometimes find the character of Harley a bit tiresome,her adventures are always interesting and entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicBook.com - Nicole Drum Dec 19, 2018

    If you follow comics at all, you're probably aware of something called Comicsgate and if you follow Harley Quinn you that the character -- and the book -- aren't one to turn away from a ridiculous fight. That's right, Harley and Comicsgate -- I mean, "Pettergate" -- collide in #56 and it's some of the most brilliant satire you'll read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Dec 26, 2018

    Harley Quinn #56 is a fun one-shot story that is surprisingly substantial. Filled with real-world relevance and whimsy beyond belief, the issue manages to deliver exactly what the series needed after a few less than stellar issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Chris Showalter Dec 19, 2018

    Harley Quinn #56 provides excellent social commentary without taking itself too seriously nor diminishing the message. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Brazen Bull - Jaimee Nadzan Dec 19, 2018

    Harley Quinn (2016-) #56 is a different kind of story for Harley Quinn, but packed with all the typical Harley shenanigans. Mark Russell writes Harley Quinn with all the charm readers have grown to love and plenty of gusto. Mirka Andolfo's art adds subtle details to Russell's story, bringing the whole issue together. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 19, 2018

    There is no subtlety in this issue. Anyone who follows comics, especially on social media, knows some or all of the circumstances that prompted this story. It's an attack on gatekeeper fandom and it is amusing. There isn't any deep message to it and it's not trying to create one. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 19, 2018

    There's some fun visual gags, and I liked how the book makes clear that a lot of these goons are dudes trying to overcompensate for their own insecurities. They're pitiable cartoons, not the warriors they see themselves as. But while this issue definitely means well, it still lacks the style and depth of Humphries' run. Can you really parody something that's already a sad joke? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - David Finn Dec 20, 2018

    An interesting but non-essential issue to the Harley canon. A fun diversion with a cool message. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Dec 20, 2018

    This story is not for me, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Both Russell and Andolfo are good at what they do, and so this comic is up to professional standards for sure. That said, I am missing character development and in the end this didn't really feel like a story to me, but just a sequence of weird jokes that don't always land with me because it's not always my kind of humor. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Dec 20, 2018

    It's okay, but for us, it's just one cat pun too many. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Kendra Hale Dec 23, 2018

    Until then, what are your thoughts? What do you think of the newest issue of Harley Quinn? Let us know in the comments below. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    DC Comics News - Philip Clark Dec 23, 2018

    Overall, this issue was a let down for me. Were it not for the increased quality of theHarley Quinn comic, this would have fit the previous style. There has been a marked improvement over the last few issues, which means that this one falls short. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Dec 19, 2018

    A half-formed commentary on ComicsGate masquerading as a complete story. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Princess Dec 20, 2018

    I loved it. LOL

  • 6.0
    Darkseid24 Dec 19, 2018

    Harley Quinn was a real mess lately, but I really enjoyed this issue. Maybe it’s the cute cats. The plot is simple: Harley tries to find a new home for her neighbors cats, because she has an allergy against them. They are special cats, cat burglars actually. Doesn’t take a genius to think of the one, who would love these cats. It’s a typical Harley Quinn comic, but with these cute cats, you just have to like it.

  • 5.5
    Nihilist Dec 19, 2018

    Rolling Stones once wrote "you can't always get what you want". Phenomenal song, although if I had to pick the personal favourite of mine, it would be Gimme Shelter. Anyways, why do I mention it? To recommend something good, which this comic definitely isn't? Yeah... I guess that too. But what matters is, you indeed can't always get what you want, and when I started reading this issue, I was very, very pleased to find a quote by Harley: "not half bad... as a matter of fact, it's all bad", which I was hoping could perfectly summarize this comic, it could be just perfect. But then again, you can't always get what you want.

    The first half of the comic is relatively readable, thus as much as I'd like to say, it's not "all bad". It's more

  • 5.0
    Psycamorean Dec 20, 2018

    Somehow an issue drenched in social commentary focused on a movement that only a select minority of comic book readers would even know about is still better than the shit that Humphries gives us every 2 weeks. Harley's annoying accent gimmick isn't used nearly as much. The story isn't in itself a gimmick. It's just Harley trying to sell cats. And then the writer felt the need to make fun of a movement called Comicsgate. Someone who's so invested in it as this writer must be should know that it's a small group of readers with leaders like Diversity & Comics and Ethan Van Sciver, who constantly trip over themselves, and look and act ridiculous. It's not worth your time, but no, we need an issue that might've been relevant before the jokes the more

  • 2.5
    BatQuinn Aug 2, 2020

    As someone who loves Harley and has been reading her for years, this issue is...an insult in all honesty; it doesn't fit canonically with Harley suddenly having a bad allergy to cats, despite her entire third floor being filled with animals including cats, it did however have some okay political stature and the art was great but overall, the issue itself sucks

  • 1.0

    Mark Russel got angry about comicsgate and wrote a whole issue about it. Harley deserves better than to be a trashy soap box.

  • 1.0
    P-3331 Jan 1, 2019

    The story ignores us who live in other countries and have nothing to do with USA politics, it ignores everyone who either doesnt know about it because we are foreign or everyone that doesnt care and just wants to read a good harley quinn story. Its as if the creators made this issue for themselves, like beginer comic makers tend to do. I felt completely excluded as a non USamerican while reading this comic. Even after informing myself about comicsgate later, I felt that even as a satire the jokes are too on the nose, not smart at all. Just bad.

  • 1.0
    Sei Dec 19, 2018

    Just terrible, why can't they actually write a good cerebral compelling story, Quinn On Batman whit Knight comes across as a very intelligent character. On this Issue it was the author using her as a mouthpiece for their social commentary. One more awful book like this and am going to have to cancel it.

  • 8.5
    Sergione Feb 19, 2020

  • 7.5
    WhistleBlower Dec 19, 2018

  • 7.0
    tonpas1989 Jun 28, 2020

  • 5.5
    mikesbr42 May 3, 2020

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