Batman and Robin Annual #2

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 29, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 10
8.2Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

A YEAR ONE ADVENTURE OF DICK GRAYSON AS ROBIN! Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson have shared a distinctive crimefighting role: Both have played Batman to a young Robin, so when they discover something important that Damian left behind it leads them to relive one of their first adventures in Gotham City as Batman and Robin!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Joey Garces Jan 30, 2014

    Annual #2 is a perfect stand alone issue and perfect for anyone who misses Damian Wayne and the Bruce and Dick relationship. If you haven't already, I suggest you buy this now, it's worth the price of admission. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jan 31, 2014

    It's great to see this annual (just like last year's annual, for that matter) not only fitting into continuity pretty well, but also somewhat advancing the story. The current story featuring Two-Face is great, but it's nice to see that Bruce's grieving isn't done yet. And probably won't be until Damian's inevitable return. The strongest part of this issue is the fact that its creative team know what's important. It doesn't have to be an epic story. It doesn't have to be full of revelation after revelation. It just has to be what makes Batman and his family work. It has to be about the characters doing things that make them who they are. And that's exactly what it is. Which makes it not only my pick of the week, but one of the finest scripts Tomasi has written to date. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 29, 2014

    Tomasi is once again at his best in telling a self-contained adventure that celebrates Damian's impact on the Bat family. The twist this time is that we get a much-needed glimpse of the original Bruce/Dick partnership. It's a reassuring confirmation that the core of the franchise hasn't changed much over the decades, and one that pays homage to a lighter, more fun era for the Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - David Staniusz Jan 29, 2014

    Tomasi's best work on this series has come when he has been able to move the heart strings, as well as get to the essence of the Batman and Robin dynamic. This issue may have a different Robin, but it has the same result. With Dick Grayson's fate up in the air with Forever Evil, this story is a refreshing comic to have. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 29, 2014

    Batman and Robin Annual #2 is Peter J. Tomasi's love letter to Robin fans.  Seeing Dick Grayson as Robin is a scarce site in the New 52 and any Damian is welcome.  If stories like these could continue in the regular Batman and Robin, I'd be a very happy man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Gilad Levin Jan 30, 2014

    Batman and Robin Annual #2 is a must read for any Dick Grayson Robin fan. The book heavily relies on the nostalgia factor and it pays off- I haven't read a Robin story in a while and this story filled the void that existed in me for this kind of story. The timing of the book's release is unmistakable- right before the end of Forever Evil, who knows what will happen with Dick Grayson after that event? Whatever happens, we've got this great story about Dick right here and now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 5, 2020

    Batman and Robin Annual #2 is Peter J. Tomasi's love letter to Robin fans. Seeing Dick Grayson as Robin is a scarce site in the New 52 and any Damian is welcome. If stories like these could continue in the regular Batman and Robin, I'd be a very happy man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Feb 6, 2014

    This was a little hint of Damian in happier times, and some reminiscing by the showman Dick Grayson just what this reader, as I'm sure many other Bat-fans, needed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 29, 2014

    Peter J. Tomasi created another great annual issue well worth the premium price. It's a fun and heartfelt done-in-one story told well through Doug Mahnke's visuals. I had a few minor criticisms here and there, but I gotta say, it's a must-buy for fans of the Boy Wonder– whether your favorite sidekick was Dick Grayson or Damian Wayne. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 1, 2014

    This issue was just delightful. No continuity troubles. No overbearing stories. Just a simple tale of Dick Grayson's first few days as Robin. This is exactly the sort of character rich story that I want in my comics. It celebrates the rich histories of the characters while adding a few new details and twists. This issue doesn't rewrite anything we couldn't have assumed about Batman and Robin's first few days as partners, but it doesn't need to. The story is simple and enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jan 29, 2014

    Batman And Robin Annual #2 is a must-read for anyone who has been following the Batman And Robin series, or anyone looking for a trip down memory lane to see Dick as a Robin. Doug Mahnke brings his A-game to the art half of the equation, and Peter J. Tomasi continues his fantastic writing of these characters. The done in one story doesn't take readers for a lot of twists or turns, but does provide a glimpse at the emotional state of the Bat-family, with some moments that will definitely be appreciated by Batman And Robin fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jan 31, 2014

    The chain of events is entirely traditional to what you already know of Bruce and Dick, but the execution reveals new layers to their relationship and mutual past that is much needed in this new continuity. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Nick Rowe Jan 29, 2014

    Batman and Robin Annual #2 does exactly what an annual should do: tell an independent, continuity free, fun story. If more New 52 comics were driven by the same motivations, even within continuity, the entire line would not just be more palatable, it would allow their characters to be more interesting as a whole. Tomasi, Mahnke, Gleason and company enable the Bat-family to let their hair down a bit and show theyre capable of expressing something beyond anger. Their characters were more engaging, giving the comic a significant lasting appeal. Should the same approach be taken towards the rest of DCs incredibly rich catalog of characters, the New 52 might become a more welcoming place to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 31, 2014

    Batman and Robin is a fun read. It's a one-shot that really helps to juxtapose Dick's attitude when he took on being Robin versus Damian's general superiority complex. The book gives enough character work to make it worth reading but it also provides some action to help push the book along at a nice pace. This is definitely worth reading despite the problems with the artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jan 31, 2014

    Batman and Robin Annual #2 was exactly what I expected it to be. Peter Tomasi is able modernize the type of stories the original Dynamic Duo went on while keeping the light heartedness that those stories were known for around with the use of quick comedic moments and villain choice. The story was also a nice change of pace from present Batman stories as we are able to see an extensive look at how Batman and Robin acted during the early parts of their careers. After reading this issue I definitely was left with the urge to read more modern Batman and Robin stories. With DC publishing 20 Batman comics on a monthly basis I dont see why we wouldnt get a Batman comic that explores this early era of Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Make it happen DC! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jan 29, 2014

    This issue should satisfy Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne fans alike, as we are given a rare (well, now it's rare) glimpse into Dick Grayson's life as Robin, and a couple of good one-lines from the now deceased Damian Wayne. Combine a really solid story with some of the best art we've seen on an annual from DC in a while, and you've got another issue that has no problems standing next to the splendid first issue of this Annual volume. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Jan 31, 2014

    The last page of the issue shows Bruce, Dick and Damian swinging through Gotham in their most recent costumes. Could this annual and that panel be a hint that Damians not long for the land of the dead? I still think he could have ended up in the Lazarus Pit in time, and is waiting in the wings (so to speak) to become Robin again. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Jan 31, 2014

    Given the big changes that "Forever Evil" has in store for Dick Grayson, a long flashback to the beginning of his crime fighting career feels like a nice bookend before his identity is made public. Peter J. Tomasi knows how to write a good story with multiple members of the Bat-family and remain true to their core characteristics. And seeing him have the chance to write for Damian Wayne one last time feels very satisfying. Mahnke, with the help of Gleason, pencils an issue that meets his usual high standards, minus an old Bruce Wayne here and there. This is an Annual, and won't play into any of the ongoing stories in any the other Bat-books, but the issue is an enjoyable read if only for the novelty of seeing Dick Grayson as Robin one more time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 3, 2014

    "Batman and Robin Annual" #2 continues a strong, enjoyable trend for this series. Tomasi and Gleason have been working together very well for some time here, and it's nice to see Mahnke enter that mix with ease. If Gleason needs a break down the line for a few months, Mahnke would certainly be a nice substitute. All in all, another good installment for "Batman and Robin." Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 3, 2014

    Tomasi excels as a writer, both in his technical ability and in creating interesting and engaging content. Unfortunately, because the most interesting dynamic between Bruce and Damian is lost, he has to make do with what he's got. Overall, he's making the stories the best they can be " this one being no exception " but it's still missing the heart provided by that young, arrogant Robin we all have come to sorely miss. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Devon Sanders Feb 1, 2014

    It just feels a bit like looking back over your shoulder and seeing this place you loved growing a bit smaller with every step you've taken away from it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 6, 2014

    Even with the fan bait of giving Batman fans a taste of the character Grant Morrison killed only because he could, Batman and Robin Annual #2 is unremarkarkable except for the fact it will likely continue to piss off longtime DC fans. Pass. Read Full Review

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