Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1
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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Event\Storyline: Trinity War Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Daniel Sampere, Vicente Cifuentes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 3, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 9
6.3Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

The mysterious woman connected to the creation of the New 52 gets her own series! Pandora is on an action-packed, blood-soaked mission to hunt down the horrors she inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Can she save the DCU—and redeem herself in the process? A prequel to the upcoming “Trinity War”!

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jul 4, 2013

    First and foremost, the fact that they are trying to encompass the entirety of the DCU is amazing. I hope they pull it off. Secondly, I find it impressive that Fawkes acknowledges events as recent as last week's issue of Justice League. It shows that they really do know what they're doing behind the scenes at DC Comics. And third and quite possibly most important, is the fact that with just one small issue, I'm loaded with questions that I want answered and cannot wait to see if I get my way within the pages of the various crossover issues of the event. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Frank Fuentes Jul 4, 2013

    While it's not explained why Pandora is first seen wearing her long purple robe in prehistoric Macedonia when everyone else in her village is wearing much more primitive clothing, it doesn't distract from the overall enjoyment of the book. Readers who just finished reading Justice League #21 will enjoy seeing the origin of the Seven Sins. As this book is a direct prequel to the Trinity War, readers who have not already read it will want to before picking up Justice League #22 or Justice League of America #6. Next month, issue #2 of this series picks up in the middle of the war and #3 in the aftermath. There are plenty of reasons to grab the next issues and even more to look forward to. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jul 3, 2013

    As a first issue, Pandora #1 reads a bit like a zero, although far more competently than her brothers, The Phantom Stranger. Given how little we knew of the character, really, before this moment, that seems appropriate, and any pages retelling previously depicted scenes are kept to an absolute minimum. Its the perfect balance between explaining too little and becoming overly pedantic, and to Fawkes credit, we leave #1 knowing exactly who this woman is, what her mission involves, and why exactly shes about to search out the Justice League. A unique addition to a DC Universe that should always greet iconic female characters with open arms, Trinity of Sin: Pandora is well worth the read, even if your interest in Trinity War is at a minimum. The potential for greatness begins here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Jul 6, 2013

    ProsSets up the "Trinity War" involving all three Justice Leagues.Updates the Pandora legend for the New 52.ConsSometimes the story is told out of sequence, which can be confusing.Pandora's Box is radically changed from previous tales involving it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jul 3, 2013

    Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Jul 6, 2013

    Pandora #1 defied all of my expectations, as 2 creators I do not like have made an awesome book. I'm interested in seeing where this book goes.  Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jul 4, 2013

    In the end it was a solid issue that to say the least shows potential for the rest of the books progression. If the main point of this was to show her importance then it was achieved because the ending alone let us know to an extent what we should expect to come and how it will affect the war as a whole. The duo of Daniel Sampere and Vicente Cifuentes made the art style of this book unique to the tone it has set. You felt that time was changing and the detail put into it stood out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jul 3, 2013

    Ray Fawkes begins this ongoing series on something of a back foot, having to carry the weight of exposition for not just this character, but the factors leading up to the Trinity War as well. In a comics universe that desperately needs more strong female characters, it is also unfortunate that the 'origin story' of this one is the akin to the fable of Eve, a woman whose curiosity leads to thecorruptionof humankind. At this early stage, it is difficult to see what purpose Pandora will serve beyond the Trinity War, but it is encouraging to see DC finally introduce an original series that promises to tie together some of the loose threads that have been left dangling for two years. However, like Marvel's Age of Ultron, we suspect this event is going to be another case of several comics being an extended advertisement for each other. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Therapy - SuperCap Jul 5, 2013

    Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 is not a perfect comic, but it actually does feature a sympathetic female character that has accidentally done wrong and is determined to make everything right again. Writer Ray Fawkes must be given credit for taking this figure and tying her into DC events without making it feel like an unnecessary move just for monetary gains. With this first issue complete, what the future holds for Pandora will certainly be an interesting journey to follow. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jul 31, 2013

    Fortunately, Fawkes didn't decompress this origin, and later this month we get a “Trinity War” tie-in. As an origin story,Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 is spot-on, but as an ongoing series based on a character readers have been invested in since the literal inception of the ‘New 52′ universe, the issue falls a little flat. Fawkes' solid dialog and narration saves the issue from being boring, but the fact that these pages basically just reaffirmed what we've already seen is frustrating. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - mahargen Jul 3, 2013

    To gear up for Trinity War, I've recently started rereading the various titles that lead up to it. I have had no experience with Justice League Dark up until last week. I've never been found of DC's magic world. The closest I've gotten over the years is the odd Shazam/Captain Marvel story here or there. Dark is a pretty solid title, so I'm glad I'm getting a bit more of the background before the crossover hits in earnest. For a prologue, this was a pretty effective book. However, this isn’t a one-shot. This is a kick-off issue for an ongoing, so I was really looking for something else to keep my interest. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jul 3, 2013

    Seeing how this issue had the hands of four different artists on it, it looks impressively good. This was no doubt a challenging story to tell with so many jumps in time and location, yet it's executed with utmost clarity from start to finish. The one hiccup comes when you see the entities of Sin, each a different color of the rainbow. With one of DC's biggest franchises, Green Lantern, also using the color spectrum for the base of its mythology, this visual element struck a confusing chord. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Sean A. Guynes Jul 6, 2013

    DC Comics aficionados will have to at least read this book, hence my suggestion, but it might be an issue worth collecting; who knows the role this book might play in things to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Jul 4, 2013

    The elephant in the room, Pandora's appearance in “Flashpoint” #5, is in no way cleared up or even touched upon. In fact, her role in those events are arguably made even more murky. While this isn't the best forum for speculation, it would seem said event may not haven even occurred yet in New 52 continuity. If so, expect it to come into play in “Trinity War,” resulting in some “ Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Max Dweck Jul 11, 2013

    Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 is available in comic book stores now for $2.99, as well as digitally through Comixology. Whether youre just interested in it for Trinity War, really like the character of Pandora, or just want to try something different from your standard cape and cowl fare, this is a book worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 10, 2013

    Although not the best start to a series, this was a interesting issue, showing how Pandora came to walk the Earth as an immortal. It also featured the Seven Deadly Sins, as well as the Circle of Eternity, even briefly featuring the other two members of the Trinity of Sin, the Question, and Phantom Stranger. The issue was also the perfect set-up for the Trinity War crossover, and although it'll probably not be necessary to read this in order to enjoy the main part of Trinity War, I'd personally recommend this, as although it wasn't brilliant, it was nice to see Pandora's origin, and how Trinity War came about. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jul 3, 2013

    The answer to “What's in the box?” is given and we see how Pandora trained herself for the upcoming war, but for the most part, readers who saw Pandora's appearance in the Free Comic Book Day special or her other cameos in several other DC books won't need this prologue. In fact, readers will likely have everything recapped for them again when Pandora explains the situation to the Justice League next week in Part 1. It's a decent origin story though and it definitely seems like a book that readers of Constantine, Justice League Dark, and Phantom Strangermight enjoy. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 4, 2013

    Who knows how relevant this comic might become once the crossover kicks off. It could end up being the cornerstone of the whole thing if there are hidden gems in it. However, on the surface it seems like a decent little story to present a character's background. It's fine. Nothing more than that. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 3, 2013

    This is an unnecessary origin that creators like Jack Kirby, Jim Starlin or John Byrne could have covered in one page, if they had wanted to. This created no empathy for this character. A superfluous book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Jason Motes Jul 6, 2013

    Honestly, my reaction to this book is that it's really anti-commercial. It's sad. It's not particularly exciting. The art isn't “commercial.” It certainly isn't bad, but I think I was expecting more. This story continues in Justice League as part of the “Trinity War” storyline. But you could seriously just start there and avoid this issue entirely and not really be missing much. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Jul 8, 2013

    To be blunt, this book is simply trying too hard. Which I know doesn't make any sense. Every title should try and exceed the reader's expectations. Still, there is a difference between exceeding expectations and tossing everything at the reader and hoping something sticks. And that there is the real problem with this debut issue. This is supposed to be the comic that launches the first event that will truly shake up the New 52. As it stands, it not only misses that mark, I'm not even sure you need to read it. Mind you, this isn't a bad comic. The writing is serviceable and the art is on par with most superhero titles on the shelf. However, it very much feels like a comic designed and plotted by committee. In the end, Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 would have worked better as a shorter installments within other books or as bonus digital content. The comic is simply okay and okay is not how you launch an event. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jul 3, 2013

    However, looks aren't enough, in this case. There's not much substance here beyond a belabored origin and a weak lead-in to the next crossover event, and while there's no danger of unleashing any more sins on the Earth, this comic is better left unopened regardless. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Spectrum - Jul 27, 2013

    Overall what should have been an important book to the upcoming Trinity War storyline, as well to the DC Universe as a whole, turns out to be an insignificant book with an uninspired origin. I still have hope that the Trinity War crossover will deliver, but not because of Pandora and this prequel story. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Crux - Wesley Messer Jul 4, 2013

    Will Trinity of Sin: Pandora get anyone hyped for Trinity War if they weren't already sold on the event, no, no it won't. Everything bad about an event series that could ever exist lies in Trinity of Sin: Pandora. The worst part being that this is also an ongoing series, this doesn't just compel me to avoid the event, it compels me to avoid the rest of the series proper. Pandora was once potentially compelling, now I could care less about her at all. Trinity War has been treated like an afterthought by DC Comics thanks to the push into Forever Evil, and Trinity of Sin: Pandora seems to feel and read the same way. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 3, 2013

    The most obvious indication this comic book has some problems is the glut of credits that detail which artists were involved in crafting it and how. About half of the issue was laid out by Zander Cannon, with pencils and inks by others, and the other half of the issue was illustrated by Patrick Zircher. It creates the distinct impression this first issue was rushed into production. The art throughout the issue is serviceable but generally uninteresting. I'm surprised DC Editorial didn't tap an artist or artists with a darker, more fluid style. The plot is made up of monsters and the supernatural, so the more realistic bent of the line art seems like an odd choice. Furthermore, the digital colors by Hi-Fi are clearly more in the traditional, bright super-hero vein, but darker, eerier tones would have served the story and characters far better. Read Full Review

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