Wesley Messer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Crux, Rhymes With Geek, Monkeys Fighting Robots, Graphic Policy, Comics Bookcase Reviews: 165
8.3Avg. Review Rating

A-Babies vs. X-Babies #1

May 10, 2013

To wrap this up, A-Babies vs. X-Babies makes for a nice way to cleanse your palate after the Avengers vs. X-Men event. You all need this comic in your life, you will be a happier person by the time you get done reading.

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All-New X-Men #1

May 10, 2013

I'm impressed by how much I enjoyed All New X-Men #1, I knew this was going to be a different take on the team, but it seems Bendis is literally taking the X-Men back to their roots. There's many great moments in this comic that are too numerous to mention. I'm not kidding, if you're an X-Men fan or even a lapsed one, give All New X-Men a chance, a real chance, you will be as surprised as I was. Welcome to the Age of Bendis on X-Men, it's off to a good start and I wouldn't recommend missing a single second of it.

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Angry Birds / Transformers #1

Nov 25, 2014

If any of you out there have kids, they'll get a kick out of Angry Birds Transformers more than anyone else. Great for kids and for adults there's only so much here. Fitting enough to say that by the end I'm not the ultimate audience and if kids dig this comic, then to me that's cool. As a whole though, Angry Birds Transformers is a decent comic book that I wish I liked more.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

Apr 15, 2015

Archie vs. Predator is hilarious, weird, and has a horror element that doesn't hesitate to go there. I love that, it's so odd but wonderfully odd. It's delightful really as to the direction Archie vs. Predator takes and the ending is beautiful to this issue. Yes Archie vs. Predator #1 is a strange comic at first, it's so Archie but that is what makes this comic as strong as it is. It's enjoyable and strange and that my friends makes Archie vs. Predator a lot of fun. A lot of horror-tastical messed up fun that I look forward to seeing what madness this creative team has in store for us.

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Astro City (2013) #1

Jun 6, 2013

To close this out, Astro City #1 is a return to form for the series. While again not entirely new reader friendly, its friendly enough I still recommend grabbing the first issue and giving Astro City a chance. Its great to see Astro City back on the shelves once more. Welcome back old friend, you have been missed.

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Avengers (2012) #1

May 12, 2012

I didnt expect that Avengers #1 wouldnt just meet my expectations, but end up exceeding them. The Avengers feel like a prestigious team, Hickman elevates them to that level in one issue. One of the brightest successes of Marvel NOW! to date, dont hesitate in buying this, Avengers  #1 wont let you down.

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Avengers (2016) #1.1

Nov 13, 2016

This is one of those series that if you're curious about the Kooky Quartet, give it a try. Yet if you're not entirely wanting more Avengers in your world, this is skippable. Despite mostly solid art and some fun moments, this may work better as a trade but as a single, it doesn't come together well, at all.

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Avengers A.I. #1

Jul 5, 2013

Age of Ultron is responsible for Avengers A.I. and for that I thank the event for giving us a series with the prospect of being an amazing adventure. There is a level of inherent cynicism here that will of course be present in dealing with the aftermath of Age of Ultron, I'm just enjoying a cool series that came out of the event. While this is only the first chapter, I look forward to seeing where Humphries takes this series in the future. Hopefully readers give Avengers A.I. a fair chance because I feel this comic doesn't deserve to get lost in the shuffle of everything else at Marvel.

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Bad Ass #1

Jan 21, 2014

You may be surprised to see Bad Ass get such a high rating from me but this is the kind of book that I rate on another scale, how much fun I'm having with it. One of those situations ultimately where Bad Ass may not be for everyone, though for a lot of people they will have fun with Bad Ass. Dead End is a great character and I can't wait to learn more about him. I want to see what happens to Dead End and the other characters involved in Bad Ass. If you're in the mood for relentlessly fun action comic that has a blast with every character trope out there, give Bad Ass #1 a read. You won't regret it.

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Baltimore: The Widow and the Tank #1

May 10, 2013

I wish I could give this a higher rating than what Im giving it. Baltimore: The Widow and The Tank should have done more to grab the attention of a new reader. Note this though, I didnt hate this one-shot, overall they are both solid stories and if youre an established Baltimore fan, youre going to end up loving it. New fans be forewarned, but to established ones, dive in, the water is fine.

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Bedlam #1

May 10, 2013

I cannot recommend Bedlam #1 enough. A beautifully crafted first issue from the writing, storytelling, and art perspectives, everything involved is top notch. Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo have brought to us a new series that everyone should check out. Come visit the city of Bedlam, Madder Red is waiting eagerly for you.

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Blackcross #1

Mar 4, 2015

Project Superpowers: Blackcross is a comic with promise but a there's not a lot of joy to be had here.I'm a Warren Ellis fan and Transmetropolitan is one of my favorite series, this is not Warren Ellis's best work. It's an okay comic and if you note the review above, there is no rage at all in my thoughts on this comic. It's just so underwhelming and that's a shame. If you're curious about Warren Ellis and how he handles Project Superpowers, let curiosity be your guide. If you're just a fan of Warren Ellis in general, buyer beware. If you are even remotely on the fence at all about this, there are better books you can get your hands on this week. It's okay, not terrible, not great, just sadly in between.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #18

Jan 8, 2014

Bloodshot and the H.A.R.D. Corps #18 is as good as it gets comic reading wise. The reason why I gave it such a high score it this nails everything you'd want to get a new reader hooked into a comic. It's rare to see a team go to this level as to introducing new readers to their world, while still giving the existing ones so much more to chew on. In my own thoughts here, I was riveted and couldn't wait to turn to the next page. The final page just sold me on this comic in the best way possible. Bloodshot and the H.A.R.D. Corps has a winner with this storyline, especially if the issues to come are as strong as this one. This is truly Must Read Valiant.

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Bonehead #1

Dec 27, 2017

Simply put, Bonehead has a developing story but gorgeous art. A quirky situation but sometimes that is how it rolls.Bonehead is worth checking out as I think this could become a cool series as it develops. The potential is there for this to be stronger down the line. It's a little rough around the edges right now but it has potential. Hopefully Bonehead lives up to the potential I see for it down the line. It has an amazing art team so let's see if the story lives up to the art as this rolls along.

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Brain Boy #1

Sep 11, 2013

Brain Boy #1 is so close to being a series I can absolutely love. It's on the cusp of being perfect but it's well worth reading. Brain Boy, with its unique take on telepathy and just how you'd be as a person with the abilities is a curious little analysis on the idea, and creating a cool comic in the process. I look forward to seeing where the series goes in the future. If you're looking for a new book to check out on the shelves, look no further than Brain Boy #1. An ongoing series that's well on it's way to becoming a can't miss series.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #14

Oct 10, 2012

I really had a good time with this story. The Buffyverse has had a new character added into the mix thats turned into something much more. Ive been behind on the series and now I feel like I should give the comic Buffyverse another go. If youve wanted to check out Buffy but felt like you were too far behind, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #14 isnt just the introduction to a great new character, but a good point to start reading the series.

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #2

Dec 6, 2013

Burn the Orphanage is a comic that if you have a fan of retro gaming in your life, send this their way. If there's a chance you managed to miss Burn the Orphanage #1, not a problem you can easily jump on board with this issue if need be. It's new reader friendly, it's fun and appeals to the comic and gaming communities, what's not to like? I'm awaiting the next and final issue of this trilogy with baited breath. Grace and Freeman have crafted an exciting, engaging and downright fun comic in Burn the Orphanage and it would be even better if the third issue was out now. Alas, I must be patient but once you read this you'll realize I can't wait to see how the Burn the Orphanage trilogy ends, and then hoping for an ongoing to follow suit.

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Burn The Orphanage: Reign of Terror #1

May 7, 2014

Outside of a few fun moments here and there, Burn The Orphanage: Reign of Terror #1 was a disappointment to me. Energy is everything to me in a comic and I didn't feel it here. I was looking forward to the return of Burn The Orphanage, I thought this was going to be a killer read. Sadly that didn't happen. Hopefully the same fire that was in the Born to Lose trilogy will return in this series. I want to support this idea further and see where Freedman and Grace take this; just not if the rest of the issues feel as dialed down as this one did to me.

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Canopus #3

Jun 16, 2020

This series had a slow but inventive build, but with Canopus #3, everything comes together brilliantly. This issue and series in general is a must-read. Great storytelling, excellent art, and it all comes together in the best way possible.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #1

Mar 14, 2014

I'm enjoying the fact that Captain Marvel is getting this second chance, Kelly Sue DeConnick has set a brilliant new direction for the character. This my friends is what we call good comic reading. I'm happy to see Marvel bringing this back for another adventure, every member of the Carol Corps is happy to see Captain Marvel back in action. A great beginning to what should be an amazing new adventure.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #10

Dec 19, 2014

Overall despite for the most part mild quibbles in story and art, Captain Marvel #10 was a solid read. It explained Captain Marvel and Carol Danvers to new readers while still giving a great story. I love when a writer makes their jumping on points feel natural so kudos to Kelly Sue DeConnick on a fine job there. The different artists did their job at keeping the action going and bringing their bits of Captain Marvel's world come to life. Looking forward to Captain Marvel #11 and seeing what lies in store for Carol Danvers next month. A good read, a brilliant celebration, and Captain Marvel shines brighter than ever.

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Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1

Aug 7, 2014

Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers is without a doubt a weird comic to comprehend. A solid #1 that gives at least a loose idea as to what you'll be in for in the months to come. If the story catches up to the powerful art on this series, this is going to be one impressive story. Looking forward to seeing how Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers develops in the months to come.

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Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #1

Jun 25, 2014

I get the feeling there are going to be many fans surprised as to how much fun Super Secret Crisis War is. If you're a parent who's got a kid interested in Cartoon Network shows or just wants a fun comic, Super Secret Crisis War hits the mark. If you're a fan of these shows in general, you're going to already be salivating for Super Secret Crisis War. The first issue starts outrough start but when it gets going, Super Secret Crisis War is a great adventure for new and old Cartoon Network fans alike.

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Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #2

Jul 30, 2014

If you're an old school Cartoon Network fan, how in the world are you not reading Super Secret Crisis War? At least if you haven't started by now; it's easy enough to catch up. Cartoon Network has given the fans of many franchises something to cheer about here. It's fun, enjoyable, and you can't help but have a great time. Despite my lack of connection with some characters, I'm having a ball with this. Super Secret Crisis War is still one impressive event and has something for every animation fan out there.

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Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #3

Aug 28, 2014

Another fine issue in the Super Secret Crisis War event, #3 continues the amazing run that this series has had thus far.

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City: The Mind in the Machine #1

Jan 29, 2014

To be frank this comic is one that is in the situation of good story and serviceable artwork. Always remember, serviceable artwork isn't bad but ultimately it means that it's just okay. Story wise though City: The Mind in the Machine has potential and I'm easily game to see where Eric Garcia takes this story in the issues to come. City: The Mind in the Machine is on the right track, hopefully it stays on course.

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Cluster #1

Feb 4, 2015

In an interesting note for this review, I hadn't heard much about this comicuntil fellow RWG writer Nikki pointed Cluster out to me. She said Cluster would be up my alley and she certainly was right. This is brilliant in everything that I dig about comic books. If she wouldn't have brought it to my attention there's a chance I would have missed this and that would have been a shame. Cluster is amazing and I highly recommend not missing this book. Do not let this shuffle under the radar like it did for me, grab Cluster #1 and embrace the awesomeness that lies within.

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Codename: Action #1

Sep 5, 2013

Codename: Action #1 marks a beginning of a new start for Captain Action and introducing another new character for Dynamite Entertainment to play with. Chris Roberson spares no expense in showing that while the soon to be Captain Action, Operator 1,001, has a lot to learn, he's going to be as great as he'll eventually be. To set him up in the larger pulp universe of Dynamite makes things that much more interesting. Helped along by the fact that Jonathan Lau is doing the work of his career, and you get a fantastic comic in the making. It's as good as pulp cold war spy comic action gets. Codename: Action #1 is going to be a favorite of mine in the months to come, I can't wait for the next installment.

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Conan: The Avenger #1

Apr 22, 2014

Conan the Avenger is an odd book for me, the story took time to pick up steam but the art is what ultimately made the comic for me. Fred Van Lente's script was no slouch here, but him working with Brian Ching and Michael Atiyeh set Conan the Avenger off to another level. It's a strong Conan comic that held my attention by the end. There's a group of intriguing characters forming and this Conan book is catching my eye. Fred Van Lente, I think between you, Brian Ching, and Michael Atiyeh, you broke the streak and caught my eye on a Conan comic for the first time in a long while. I look forward to seeing if the next issue continues the promise of the ongoing adventures of Conan the Avenger.

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Devil's Highway #1

Jun 30, 2020

It was uneven at first but by the end, I was curious as to what would happen next. With an impressive art team and the seed of a cool idea, this series has the potential to go places.

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Django / Zorro #1

Nov 12, 2014

Django/Zorro for a first chapter in a longer story isn't a bad beginning. The ending is what hooked me enough to sell me on the rest of Django/Zorro. The final page is one piece of art and writing that as much as it hooked me will do the same for many other readers out there. If you're either a fan of Django Unchained or Zorro, you'll enjoy this and if you're a fan of both you'll love this. It's not a perfect start but did enough to hook me for the adventure ahead.

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Django Unchained #1

May 10, 2013

Im happy to say that the Django Unchained movie adaptation is worth checking out. Not saying Im over the moon, but I liked it. Its not for everyone and if youre not into movie adaptations, this wont win you over. If youre curious in what Django Unchained is going to be like though, give it a go. The first issue serves as a nice appetizer for the movie, which could get me to check out the rest of the series, if only to see the differences between movie and comic. And since that seems to be the point of the comic, I have to say my hats off to them on a job well done.

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Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1

May 10, 2013

Is  Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1, a bad comic? Not at all, I would say if youre a diehard fan of the Doctor, then give this a read. The fans of classic Who are going to enjoy this more than the newer fans of the show. What bothers me is the fact that it does require some knowledge going in, and an event like this should be accessible to anyone that wants to read the story. Ill be keeping tabs to see where the Tiptons take Prisoners of Time. I am curious as to who this villain is and just what his plans are for the Doctors and everyone else in his life. This definitely could have been better, but for the most part it was a decent start to this event, I just hope the rest of the issues are stronger than this one.

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East of West #1

May 10, 2013

If you cant tell by now, you should buy East of West #1. Just put it in your pull list, digital cart, whatever you need to do, dont miss a single issue of this one. East of West features some of Hickmans strongest work, Dragottas best art to date, and showed the continuing power of what having a good colorist will do for your comic. This is a cant miss series and you will be remiss if you pass up the opportunity to read this one. If there was a level beyond highly recommended, I would invent one, its that good.

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Ei8ht #1

Feb 17, 2015

Ei8ht has fullysucked me into its world. One comic that made me get lost in the little details traveling through the past, present, future, and everything else in between in the world Ei8ht is forming. It's a comic that has everything I could want in a book. It's nice to have a book that gives you just enough to make you clamor for more.Ei8ht is easily a book that I could gush on and on about. By the time you're done with Ei8ht in this issue, you're going to be saying, "Hey where's the next issue, I want it now!", and you just have to be patient till next month. Buy this book, enjoy it, and get lost in it as much as I have.

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Elektra (2014) #1

Apr 24, 2014

Just buy Elektra, I'm dead serious just go buy this book. Elektra is off into a good direction and Blackman and Del Mundo are a great team to start this amazing ride. The final page alone had me jazzed about the future of this comic. This is how you get readers to invest in a character, you take her to back to basics and push her into bold new worlds. I'm excited to see what this team has in store for us next.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #5

Jan 24, 2014

Wow such a great issue, Must Read Valiant has been a success in creating excellent jumping on points for new readers. Eternal Warrior #5 marks the start of a story that will compel readers new to the series like myself, or ones already hooked into the Valiant Universe proper. A good start to a story that I can only imagine the ramifications of down the road. Must Read Valiant has another winner and you won't want to be left in the past on this one. Take a trip to the future with Eternal Warrior #5, you don't want to be late for this one.

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Ex Sanguine #1

May 10, 2013

Ex Sanguine is a great horror title well suited for this time of year. I wasnt expecting to get into it near as much as I did, but it definitely won me over. If youre big into vampires, horror comics, or just looking for a new read, give Ex Sanguine a try, it will quench your reading thirst.

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FF (2012) #1

May 10, 2013

I feel this was much more successful as a title than Matt Fractions Fantastic Four. This works for me, though I think the storytelling format the issue uses may not work for everyone, but it works for me. FF #1 is a great follow up to Fantastic Four, and gives me faith that given time, Fraction will be a good fit for the Fantastic Four universe.

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Five Weapons #1

May 10, 2013

I am proud to give Five Weapons #1 my highest recommendation. I only have so much more to say at this stage of the review outside of buy this book now. Just go forth and buy Five Weapons, a fun series that I cant wait to see where it goes. I had a blast reading itand if you grab it yourself, you will too.

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G.I. Joe (2016) #1

Dec 27, 2016

There is a lot to dive into with this first issue, but in trying to keep this spoiler free, this hits all the right beats of what I dig about this. If you're even remotely interested in the Hasbro Universe from IDW, this is definitely a must buy. This truly earns “The Crown Jewel of The Hasbro Universe” tagline in the best way possible.

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Gate-Way #1

Jan 18, 2014

Gateway does have a unique premise, the idea of Purgatory is always one ripe with possibilities. Right now this is a comic that's just okay, but with a killer hook. Now this could go places in the next few issues, as this is a five issue series. Gateway is a series to keep tabs on, this could develop into a cool series as it goes on. A great idea with mixed execution but picked up where it needed to, Gateway was a blind comic for me that turned into an overall decent experience. Hopefully the future is bright for Gateway as it goes forward.

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Genesis One-Shot #1

Apr 8, 2014

Genesis is the kind of story for me that there's only so much more I can say, there's only so many details I can get into. Genesis needs to be experienced, embraced, and gone into knowing as little as possible. I do feel that while this is my favorite story of Edmondson's to date, I also feel that it is his strongest work as well. The book isn't due out until the 16th of April, trust me you're going to want to read this for yourself. Nathan Edmondson, Alison Sampson, and Jason Wordie all did a phenomenal job on this story and this deserves to be read by as many people as possible. Go read Genesis for yourself because this is one story that doesn't deserve to get lost in the shuffle.

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Graveyard Shift #1

Dec 23, 2014

Overall I enjoyed the comic. It's a solidread and I say if you're in the mood for a different read this week, give it a go. I find Graveyard Shift hard to judge as the first chapter only gives us so much to go on. Throughreadingpress clippingsI could tell that Faerber and Bueno have been working on this for awhile so I'm willing to give them a break. Looking forward to seeing how Graveyard Shift develops from here. It's a solid series in the making.

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Green Arrow (2011) #1

Jun 2, 2013

Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino are the best things to have happened to Green Arrow in the New 52. Im willing to see where the series goes now, this is starting to become a comic I can get behind. I like the way Lemire handles Green Arrow. I wish this would have been the first issue from the start; the fortunes for the title would have improved dramatically. It only took seventeen issues, but Green Arrow is now a book to watch for in the New 52. If Lemire continues down the road that hes heading, Green Arrow will be a comic that no one will want to miss.

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Aug 5, 2013

I was looking forward to Grimm #1, because like any other Grimm fan, I was looking forward to having another fix. Sadly though, the book fails on all marks. Even if you may be curious in the plotline, I cannot by any means recommend this comic at all. Grimm fans and all other fans, stay far away from this comic. Its sad for me to not even be able to recommend something, anything about a comic, but Grimm #1 was that unpleasant of an experience.

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Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight #2

Nov 13, 2013

Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight is a series that has potential to be a fun look into the Grindhouse film world. Bringing a bit of over the top fun movie storytelling to comic books. Alex de Campi has the right idea with this series, tonally it is consistent and if you're into it you'll have fun. Overall I had a good time, though I'll say this the space story in next issue looks and sounds like a blast. Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight had a good first two parter, the next story looks to be one that I'm looking forward to immensely. Good start thus far for this new series.

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Harbinger Wars #1

Mar 4, 2013

If you havent been introduced to the Valiant Universe yet, give Harbinger Wars a shot. Dysart does a good job of introducing these characters to you as a reader. Id lost track of the books myself over the past couple of months and I had little trouble following the story. The pacing is just enough that you wont get lost as to whats happening here. Harbinger Wars isnt about throwing ideas and characters around, but putting them into a coherent story, and thats how it's successful and why I can give this my highest recommendation. Go forth and read Harbinger Wars, a cool way to introduce new ideas and strengthen old ones.

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Highlander: American Dream #1

Feb 24, 2017

I wish this book didn't leave me so conflicted in the end, but Highlander: The American Dream has that effect on me.Highlander: The American Dream is built for the hardcore fans of the franchise. If I didn't know the first movie and the franchise as well as I did, I would be lost. It's not a particularly bad comic, but it's a little rough even for the hardcore fan. It's worth checking out at least; not a high recommendation, but I can see some really digging it. As for me, I'm left conflicted by the whole experience. This comic is one that I can easily say, your mileage may vary.

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Hit-Girl (2018) #1

Feb 26, 2018

Time to conclude this Hit-Girl #1 adventure. Boy oh boy, this was one wild ride.Yeah, I can fully say outside of the art team, Hit-Girl #1 is not my cup of tea. Now if you're more invested in Kick-Ass, you may love Hit-Girl #1. If you're new to the world, this won't sway you one way or the other. While Kick-Ass #1 did well in introducing the world, Hit-Girl #1 didn't do any of that well. Hit-Girl #1 is lots of splash and dazzle with no substance.

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Hoax Hunters (2015) #1

Apr 3, 2015

The relaunch of Hoax Hunters #1 for Heavy Metal is a good beginning for what should be a good story. Now in my case and in many other cases, it'll be either catch up or the first time for many readers. It's a solid jumping on point which ultimately makes me happy. I like when a story operates under the rule that every issue could be their first and Moreci and Seeley do well with this. Maybe a handy recap at the beginning could have been useful but as I said, it is easy enough to make your way through. I'm in for the rest of the adventure either way.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #1

Mar 13, 2015

This is a weird review for me to write. It's a good comic overall and a bonus for being a genuinely funny comic. Chip Zdarsky at times seemed to be adjusting to a tone of either being funny or serious and having trouble with that balance. By the end of the issue I felt as though he started to get a handle on it. Howard the Duck is going to be a rough sell in the long haul but I feel as though this series could have legs. I'm sticking with it for awhile as I did enjoy the issue for the most part despite tonal issues here and there. The potential is great with this one and it is some of the best Howard the Duck material I have seen in a long time. I wish this creative team luck and if they can grow from this issue, I think we'll have a winner here.

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Imperial #1

Aug 7, 2014

So far Imperial is off to a good start. With every issue that's there, there's so much more to love in the process. The kind of the series that's rough around the edges yet you find you end up liking it; that's Imperial to me. There's likable characters, cool story possibilities, and so much here you want to sink your teeth into it. Far from a perfect comic meal though yet with the right seasonings; it'll be a fine meal indeed. Imperial is a cute story that if you're looking for something new, give it a shot. A solid new release that has a lot of room to grow.

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Indestructible #1

Dec 11, 2013

Indestructible #1 is the kind of comic that's not bad, not good, it's just okay. It's middle of the road comic book storytelling at its finest. It's trying to be more than what it is and ultimately it's just an okay comic. Indestructible isn't going to set the world on fire and that's about what I can muster for this one. It's not going to be something I'm going to look back on and say this was amazing or bad, just it was there. Who knows maybe in future issues this could be a strong story, I'd be happy to revisit it down the road when it is fully completed. Judging by this issue alone and this issue proper, it doesn't give me much to want to come back to. That's Indestructible for you, it tries hard to be something more but ultimately it is just a middle of the road comic in a crowded landscape.

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Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 13, 2014

In comics I think we could use more books like Infinity Man and The Forever People out there. It's weird, cool, and I wish there were more books like this DC Comics right now. You have Harley Quinn as a fun book in the mix and now Infinity Man and The Forever People can be added. This is a great debut and if you're looking for a bit of fun in your comic book reading, look no further than this debut. Now I plan on checking out their earlier work together on O.M.A.C. thanks to this debut issue. Fun in comics, it's beautiful.

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Judge Dredd #1

May 10, 2013

Despite the faults of Judge Dredd #1, I couldnt help but have some fun with this. I wish though that there were more solid story beats than just fleeting moments. Though I feel like Swierczynski is building a story out of this, Im not sure exactly where hes going to go. Is it perfect, by all means no, yet there is a lot of fun to be had. Judge Dredd #1 is worth a read because at least its fun, and thats never a bad thing.

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Jupiter's Legacy #1

May 10, 2013

Jupiters Legacy #1 is unlike much of Mark Millars output in recent years. Its bleak, but hopeful, and doesnt rely on the shock value of his recent work. The family details of this story shine through that much more because of how subdued Millar is for this story. Im not over the moon about it, but I found myself liking Jupiters Legacy by the end. This could all change by next issue, but Im impressed by what Mark Millar and Frank Quitely did with this first issue. Jupiter's Legacy is one of the stronger projects Ive seen by Millar in awhile, now well see if he can keep it up.

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Justice League (2011) #15

May 10, 2013

Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis could bring back readers to Justice League in a big way with this storyline. I feel Throne of Atlantis is a solid turning point for the Justice League series. I was lapsed on the title and even I found myself rooting for these characters again. Far from being perfect though, the way the Atlantis storyline weaved in and out was awkward at times. If youre curious about Justice League or lapsed on the series like me, the time is right to check the team out again. One of the few times this pun actually works; jump right in, the water is fine.

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Justice League Dark #23

Aug 22, 2013

I have to say though, Justice League Dark #23 was mind blowing and as close to perfect as you can get. Excellent job by both Jeff Lemire and Mikel Janin on this one.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #1

May 10, 2013

Justice League of Americas Vibe #1 is a good first start for the character. A good lead character will get you everywhere, this could be the trick in a longer journey to make Vibe a cool superhero. All the qualities that made him such a joke have been purged out of his system. Hopefully in the months to come the best bits of Vibe will shine through and make the series better in the process. I can easily tell you, give Justice League of Americas Vibe #1 a chance, its not perfect but I see potential here. Im not over the moon about the series just yet, but I could see it becoming a favorite in the New 52 down the road.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 22, 2016

This is the cure for the common event book. It's excellent work all around with a strong script, great art, and amazing construction to bring this together. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad is going to be a weekly event that will be worth the time of any comic book fan.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #1

Feb 16, 2018

Overall it's New Reader Friendly but with some flaws, but gorgeous art. It may not be perfect but Kick-Ass #1 is a solid read.I will be curious to see how many other new to newer readers check out Kick-Ass #1. I have some issues but overall I enjoyed my time with it. A solid B ratings wise as it passes my tests but with some room to improve. Give this a shot yourself and I really do want to know what you think if you try it. In my own case, I now have a bunch of Kick-Ass trades to dive into and learn more about this universe. Thanks for reading and enjoying my newbie adventure into the world of Kick-Ass.

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King: Flash Gordon #1

Jan 28, 2015

Overall despite some issues of this story not being as user friendly as it should be, King: Flash Gordon worked for me overall. King: Flash Gordon was a lot of fun, that is a fact. It might breeze over a lot of introductions, but there's so much to enjoy that I can't help but ease up on that. Why I'm scoring it as high as I am because when you have a good time with a comic you can ease up on some of the minor issues that are there. Acker and Blacker did a good job and the art is on fire. If you like Flash Gordon or are just curious in exploring the King Features world, take a chance on King: Flash Gordon #1.

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King: The Phantom #1

Jan 30, 2015

King: The Phantom #1 was an unrivaled success. If ever you were going to give anyone their first experience with The Phantom, this would be up there. I felt as though if I were new to The Phantom and the entire series in general, I would be fine. New readers can come on board with King: The Phantom and celebrate the King Features 100th Anniversary without a problem. I can easilyrecommend King: The Phantom #1, return to the world of The Ghost Who Walks once more.

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Krampus #1

Dec 15, 2013

An excellent start to this new series. Outside of the Christmas beginnings for the character, there looks to be a lot of life to Krampus as the series goes on. Krampus made me smile and this is a comic I wouldn't overlook, if you're feeling Christmas/Holiday spirit or feeling a bit more on the naughty side of things, Krampus has a bit of everything for every reader out there. If you're looking for a cool comic to celebrate Christmas/Holidays or just something different in general, give Krampus a shot, you won't regret it.

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Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortuum #1

Sep 19, 2012

Overall, the complete package is a good one. The one-shot is set in such a way that as a new fan to the character you can pick this up easily. If youre already established, all the better, youll love this story either way. Now I need to read more B.P.R.D stories and Lobster Johnson, because Im hooked. Its never a bad thing to have one book launch you into a thousand others.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #1

Feb 7, 2014

You may think in reading this that this is scored way too high, Loki: Agent of Asgard is as good a debut as you can get out on the scene now. Al Ewing balances strong character work and building up a story that has the potential to be huge. Initially even I was wondering if this was worth rating so high, ultimately though it deserved the high rating it got. Smart writing and excellent art will get you everywhere with me, and many of you out there in the reading universe will dig it too I think. Join Loki: Agent of Asgard on the ground floor of his new adventure in the Marvel Universe. Be at the beginning because for this one you'll want to be an early adopter.

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Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1

Feb 22, 2014

Yes, Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1 is definitely setting the stage for a clever series. Jerry Gaylord was having as much fun drawing this as Esquivel was having writing this comic. They work well off each other, Gaylord and Esquivel are an amazing team, which gives me high hopes for the rest of the run. Loki: Ragnarok and Roll is going to be one amazing story if this issue is a sign of things to come.

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Masks #1

May 10, 2013

Masks #1 starts off this event level story with an absolute bang. The Alex Ross artwork gets you in the door but once youre in, the Chris Roberson story will have you staying for more. I cant think of a single second of this in which I could say I didnt like it, I liked everything about Masks. It even manages to serve as a good introduction to the crime fighters involved, which was a good move. Though Ross isnt the artist after this issue, I know Im on board for the rest of the series, Masks is just that good. Dynamite has a hit on their hands here, you cannot dare miss Masks #1.

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Masks and Mobsters #3

May 10, 2013

I cannot believe I didnt discover Masks and Mobsters sooner. Between Josh Williamsons way of fleshing out characters to Mike Hendersons art, this is a great comic. Pure and simple, if you are on comiXology when this is released, go download Masks and Mobsters #3 immediately. Until then I would recommend downloading this entire run, you will be glad you took time to explore this series.

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Mega Man #24

Oct 13, 2004

To close this out, if youre a fan of Mega Man and Sonic, you need to be checking out Worlds Collide. Ive never been a regular reader of Mega Man or Sonic comics and just from this one issue, my mind is quickly being changed. If anyone reading this has kids, Id recommend grabbing Mega Man #24 because kids will have a great time reading this story just as much as the adults. This is some of the best all-ages storytelling Ive seen, I highly recommend Mega Man #24 to everyone. Worlds Collide is going to be a crossover story that will resonate to fans of Mega Man and Sonic, no matter what age you are.

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MPH #1

May 20, 2014

While by the end MPH veered into the realm of theMark Millar I dislike, MPH deserves more time to grow. I'm happy to give the story another issue or two to see what Millar has in mind. Speed is a concept explored frequently but never in such a realistic fashion, I can understand why this got snatched up for a movie deal. Takenote that MPH is still a comic that may not work for everyone. If the promise of the first half of the issue comes forward more than my dismay over aspects of the latter, MPH might be a winner out of Mark Millar's Millarverse after all.

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Mythic #1

May 13, 2015

I cannot recommend Mythic #1 enough. While some may find it is a little too jokey and not taking itself seriously enough, I love that. I see why this is priced at $1.99 as this is a tough sell comic and I say you shouldn't skip this book. It's different, a lot of fun, and embraces what it is. A comic that isn't afraid to have fun and let everyone have a good time with it. It may not be for everyone but everyone should at least try Mythic #1. A $1.99 entry into a comic that promises you'll have a great time and that rocks.

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National Comics: Rose And Thorn #1

May 10, 2013

I could easily see Rose & Thorn being explored more in the future in a miniseries. Though Tom Taylors take could be better, theres a lot here to appreciate. Im more than happy to see where Taylor takes this if he gets the chance to do more. A solid one shot that explores another character in DCs vast library and, despite minor concerns, I liked it. Give it a read through because it is well worth your time.

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New Avengers (2013) #1

Feb 1, 2013

I can recommend trying out the first issue, give this a look at least. See if New Avengers #1 is up your alley, its not as awe inspiring as HIckmans Avengers, there is potential here though. #2 could be where New Avengers kicks into high gear, so Ill check it out to see where Hickman takes this. While its not the instant smash Avengers was, there is potential within Hickmans New Avengers.

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Ninjak (2015) #23

Jan 13, 2017

Did I mention I'm glad I picked up this book? Because I am, I really am.This is a beyond glowing review. Seriously you should start reading Ninjak here. Matt Kindt gives you a great jumping on point for this series with a rocking art team to boot. Every inch of this book hits the mark and hits it well. A great looking comic with a killer story in the making. Don't miss out on this one, it's worth your time.

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Non-Humans #1

Mar 10, 2012

This is a top notch first issue, as close to perfect as you're going to get. This doesn't just set up the story, it sets up a strong group of characters and concepts that make you want to know more. Creativity is abound in this comic, ideas flow freely and engage you immediately. This is a miniseries that I can tell you to get without any hesitation. Don't wait for the trade, grab this now, you'll want to be on the ground floor for Non-Humans.

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Occupy Avengers #1

Nov 9, 2016

Occupy Avengers is not just a well-written book but one with a great art team too.Occupy Avengers has the potential from this issue to be a strong new series. It's a new take on the idea of Avengers and Clint Barton is the perfect fit for this idea. Time will tell how this series develops but if this issue is any indication, this series is going to rock.

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Oh, Killstrike #1

May 20, 2015

Oh, Killstrike is well worth reading, if it's not on your radar already, put it there immediately. Even if you're not familiar with the 90's comic scene you will find a lot here to appreciate. Jared's journey is only beginning along with the vengeance happy Killstrike. It's an amazing adventure that gave more than I could have ever expected. It's only going to get better from here.

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Old Guard #1

Feb 24, 2017

The Old Guard is without a doubt not just a well written book, but a beautifully illustrated one too.If you're somehow sleeping on The Old Guard, you need to have it in your life. It's worth your time. Once you read it you will be just as excited as I am right now. It's a brilliant new series and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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Optimus Prime #1

Dec 14, 2016

I can say Kei Zama is an artist to keep an eye on. For one thing, Zama's art is adept at capturing the grit in the Orion Pax flashback sequences. Barber definitely set up a tough look at what life would be like as a cop on Cybertron and Zama is up to the task. As Barber's tone shifts just enough for the slightly lighter in tone modern day scenes, the style Zama uses adjusts with it. The Pax scenes are darker and the art reflects it, then you get a slightly more animated style for the modern day. It also helps that the colorist, Josh Burcham, is great with making the colors work for this too. As Zama's art adjusts, so goes the coloring, heavier shadows for the Pax flashbacks, with a lighter touch for the modern day. It works on both levels.

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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #1

May 10, 2013

Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt, its an average story that tries to aspire to the heights of the character, but those heights are never matched in the end. A nice effort but I cant give this an overwhelming recommendation. As I said, youre either going to love it or hate it, theres no in between on this one.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #0

May 10, 2013

Im pleasantly surprised by the Phantom Stranger. Im shocked at how strong this comic turned out to be. I wasnt sure what to expect going in, but I liked what Dan Didio did with this tale. As long as Brent Anderson stays with this title for a bit, I could see this being a great read in the future. Theres strong potential here, Im optimistic for the next issue, because so far were off to a good start.

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Plunder #1

Feb 18, 2015

Plunder is a great book, I get the feeling it'll get lost in the shuffle and I hope it doesn't. In any given week in a comic store there are many books that hit the market. Plunder is a series that mixes Somali Pirates and horror, two concepts that go together in a pretty strong way. Some aspects of the book still don't entirely work for me, mostly the character of Internet seems to be a strange one in this. Of course it is interesting to have a strong unsympathetic character or characters, in the mix of a horror comic. Yet it leaves you wondering that you still somehow want all these people to survive to find the larger mystery here. However this turns out, Lang and McKinley have crafted a powerful piece of work here in Plunder, I'm sold on this journey. This is one story I want to see to its ultimate conclusion.

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R.I.P.D: City of the Damned #1

May 10, 2013

I will say, if youre even remotely curious about the R.I.P.D. movie or looking for a new twist on the supernatural, give this a shot. I wasnt bored for a single minute reading this, the concepts and characters combined make this a clever and cool way to jump on board R.I.P.D. And if, like me, this is your first time reading the series, youll have no trouble at all getting into R.I.P.D.: City of the Damned #1. Heading into your store Wednesday, I can wholeheartedly recommend grabbing this off the shelf, you wont be disappointed.

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Rai #1

Apr 29, 2014

Rai #1 is one of my favorite Valiant books thus far. It hits all my buttons and why this scores so high with me is simple, Rai is the kind of comic that speaks to what I dig about comics. I love a comic with goes full speed ahead with its concept and doesn't stop. Kindt and Crain created a large scale Japan that feels real by the end of the issue. The world is set, you know what shape the society is in, and now you can venture through at will. Anything is possible now, Rai #1 has my attention. This is going to be a cool series, don't miss out and grab the first issue. You won't regret it at all, this is going to be a big one and a great beginning to the Valiant First initiative.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #7

Feb 8, 2017

It's a strange journey and a bit messy, yet surprisingly Red Hood and The Outlaws isn't half bad.It's not a perfect comic by any means, but it has a lot of heart and I appreciate that. There's enough here that I'm game to give the next issue a shot. Red Hood and The Outlaws works better for me now than it did in the New 52 incarnation that's for sure. I guess as I said in the title, Bizarro as always is number one in my heart.

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Reyn #1

Jan 20, 2015

The way to sum up Reyn for me is simple:buy this book! Reyn has a good first chapter happening here and this comic impressed me. Even with mild issues, I can't help but recommend this book.There is a lot to love here and you would be doing yourself a disservice in skipping this book. Reyn is a blast and a killer read.

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Rumble #1

Dec 16, 2014

Do give Rumble #1 a shot and embrace the insanity that lies within, I promise you'll have a good time.

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Savage Wolverine #1

May 10, 2013

Savage Wolverine is worth your time, even if youre not a big Wolverine fan and just a Frank Cho fan, check this out. Its Frank Cho having Wolverine cut loose on a manic action adventure with Shanna The She-Devil at his side. This is not your average Wolverine title, if youre a fan of Wolverine and the X-Men, like myself, this will be right up your alley. Savage Wolverine should be on any fans radar, and this is another feather in their Marvel Now cap.

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Savage Wolverine #6

Jun 13, 2013

Savage Wolverine #6 doesn't reinvent the wheel by any means, but it's still a fine read no matter what. This isn't the comic that's going to make you a Wolverine fan overnight or change your mind on the character if you don't like him, but if you're looking for a fun comic look no further. In comics we at times forget that a good bit of old fashioned action isn't a bad thing at all. It was a fun ride and I had a good time with the adventure. Check this out, while this isn't perfect and may not be for everyone, Savage Wolverine #6 is tasty.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #1

May 10, 2013

Secret Avengers #1 had a great beginning and petered out fast near the end. I will repeat myself from a couple paragraphs ago, your mileage will vary. The Coulson scenes are beautifully done, and then once it gets more into Maria Hill and Nick Fury, it becomes tedious. In looking at the last few pages is where I audibly groaned at the comic. The ending was lame. Some of you out there are going to end up liking this more than me, I can see this right on that you will either love it or hate it. As for me, buy Secret Avengers #1 at your own risk. Not as bad as Thunderbolts #1, but this one came close by the final page.

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 5, 2014

Secret Six #1 is a good start to what looks to be a series that could be blowing many minds in the months to come. This is a different style Secret Six than what many fans of the property will be used to and that's okay. It's a little strange, a little weird, and that's good. If it was exactly like the Secret Six we knew in the pre-New 52 we may know more as to what we're in for, this feels dangerous and I like it. The New 52 has got another unique series perking up the line. Gail Simone has brought back the Secret Six in a way we never imagined and we're all the better for it.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 7, 2015

The art team of Esad Ribic and Ive Svorcina are a powerful force to be reckoned with in conveying the power of Jonathan Hickman's Multiversal Mayhem in Secret Wars #1.Secret Wars #1 is a book that by nature is critic proof, people are going to grab this comic no matter what. It's nice to see though that Secret Wars is better than I could have ever imagined. I'm still behind on a lot of the reading of Hickman's run that built to this point and I still loved it. Even though this isn't the most new reader friendly book at points, it's enough to make you want to catch up to learn some backstory. It's the Silver Age style of comic book storytelling brought to life in the modern day, that's pretty amazing. When you see certain things here it'll beg you to want to know more and that's a good thing. The Secret Wars have arrived and now it is time to see what Battleworld has in store for us.

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Shadowman (2012) #1

Jul 12, 2011

Out of all the Valiant titles Ive read so far, this first issue is the one thats left me the most underwhelmed. That beginning was just so strong that I wish the rest of the issue would have followed suit. Though I have to admit, the ending redeemed Shadowman for me more than I thought it would. In my own case, Ill end up checking out the second issue. While it wasn't perfect, there was enough there for me to read more. Shadowman seems like the kind of story that needs more time to breathe and hopefully that is the case. We shall have to see in the second issue if Im right.

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Shadowman (2012) #13

Dec 3, 2013

If youd been hesitating on checking out Shadowman again like myself, I can easily recommend buying Shadowman #13. Its accessible, easy to get into, and new reader friendly. The Peter Milligan, Roberto De La Torre, and David Baron team are going to mark great things for the future of Shadowman. If this issue is any indication of whats to come, were in for one amazing ride. I highly recommend getting on board.

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Skyman #1

Jan 14, 2014

Skyman is a good book, it's well worth reading because any issues with the comic are minor. The superhero universe that's been building within Dark Horse Comics is complemented well with Skyman, this is a good start to the series. Skyman's concept and the world around him bears more exploration, which I'm looking forward to seeing. Dive further into Project: Black Sky with Skyman #1, a mixture of a classic superhero idea but with a few cool twists to the formula.

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Sleeping Beauties #1

Jun 23, 2020

It starts out clunky but once it gets going this adaptation is a lot of fun to behold. With an art team perfectly suited for the material, this comic is well worth your time.

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Sovereign #1

Mar 18, 2014

Sovereign #1 will rank up there in toughest comics for me to review. Stating this bluntly, Sovereign is worth reading. Any criticism I have of this is the fact that we are in the land of the first chapter. Why this is as high as it turns out to be is the fact that I like this idea, I want to see where Chris Roberson and Paul Maybury take this. At this stage though, it's a great idea that could use a couple more issues to germinate into a great comic.

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Space Riders #1

Mar 31, 2015

Did I mention the Giant Skull Ship? C'mon what more do I need to say at this point? Fine, did I mention this book will melt your face with awesome? Oh yes this comic is face melting awesome.Space Ridersis a glorious comic reading experience. It throws everything but the kitchen sink at you and sometimes it is overkill at points, but that's pretty awesome too. It's why I can't give it a full ten out of ten but it comes so close to being perfect. Space Riders #1 is a truly fun comic book story that deserves to be in the hands of as many people as possible. Give Space Riders a chance and remember, there is a skull spaceship and it is awesome. Just one of the many things that make this comic an amazing reading experience.

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Spider-Gwen #1

Feb 27, 2015

Simple version, Spider-Gwen is great. No cynicism or anything else involved here, Spider-Gwen is pure fun and joy. It's a good read and if you loved Spider-Gwen in Spider-Verse, you're going to love her even more in her ongoing series. I had a great time and if you're reading this review and on the fence, get off the fence and buy this book. You will not regret buying Spider-Gwen and putting the book on your pull list immediately after reading it.

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Star Slammers #1

Mar 25, 2014

The big plus going forward in Star Slammers Re-Mastered is the fact that fans are getting to read long out of print material from Walt Simonson. Star Slammers Re-Mastered is worth reading if you are a long-fan of Simonson's work. If anyone is going to just buy this book at random on the shelves, your mileage may vary. UltimatelyStar Slammers Re-Masteredis imperfect but hopefully a good beginning to a saga I've been curious to read for a long time. 7.5 out of 10

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 13, 2015

Any issues I may have with Darth Vader #1 are mild at best. It's a good way to make Vader a strong character on his own terms outside of the main Star Wars comic and movies. Darth Vader #1 is overall a great read and I get the feeling it'll improve as time goes on. If you dug Star Wars #1 and #2, Darth Vader is a good compliment to the strength of that series. The ending is what sold it for me as it brought it all together to make for a powerful hook for the next issue.

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Starlight #1

Mar 4, 2014

Mark Millar and Goran Parlov, you got me for the long haul on Starlight. An amazing tale of rollicking adventure and humanity all in one excellent first issue. How all of this was managed in one issue impresses me beyond words. You will not want to skip over Starlight #1 on your comic book reading journey this week. If I feel as strongly as I do about the first issue of Starlight, imagine what the rest of the series will be like? Starlight excites me about the possibilities to come and it's only going to get better from here.

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Storm Dogs #1

Jul 12, 2011

I loved Storm Dogs, though it did take me a few pages to get into the comic because there is a slower pace there, but thats okay. Once the story got going I was flipping each page wondering what Hine was going to throw at me next. Storm Dogs has a beauty there that takes time to see, but once you get a glimpse,you know you want to see more. A great debut issue from David Hine and Doug Braithwaite. I cannot wait to see more of the world that theyve concocted in further issues of Storm Dogs.

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Super Secret Crisis War: Johnny Bravo #1

Jul 23, 2014

A solid one-shot for fans of Johnny Bravo and Cartoon Network die-hards. If you're following Super Secret Crisis War, there is a neat two page story by Louise Simonson and Derek Charm. The story talks about how the villains all got together in the first place. Which runs through the rest of the one-shots. Outside of that, Johnny Bravo's one-shot is a good read. A pleasant surprise and a good addition to the Super Secret Crisis War experience.

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Super Secret Crisis War: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy #1

Aug 20, 2014

It's not essential to Super Secret Crisis War but wow it'd be a shame to miss reading this one-shot. Even if you aren't reading Super Secret Crisis War, if you're a fan of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, you are going to love this. You feel as if this is a lost episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy by the time the comic is over. Weird enough to admit that this is a one-shot that holds up on its own while being a neat part of the story. A clever one-shot that keeps you hooked every step of the way. Nothing more to say outside of read this comic and enjoy yourself.

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Super-Secret Crisis War: Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends #1

Sep 21, 2014

As well as being the most touching one-shot as noted earlier, it's also my favorite of all the one-shots so far. For a series that I have no major nostalgia for, this one fired on all cylinders for me. A story with strong art, strong story, and despite my unfamiliarity with some characters; Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends still won me over. A great job by this creative team by making this a good one-shot for fans and non-fans alike.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 14, 2014

Superior Iron Man is a solid first issue that brings us the new age of Tony Stark to the Marvel Universe. It's hard to judge right now where the series will go but that final page is a doozy. Exploring the Superior Iron Man and just what Tony Stark has in store for San Francisco is going to be something to watch. Despite the book having some mild issues in how it portrays itself, this is a good read. Take note if you weren't a fan of Superior Spider-Man, Superior Iron Man may be a book that might not be up your alley. On the other hand for anyone out there, give Superior Iron Man a fair shot, it's a good read and I am sold enough to see just what Tom Taylor has in store for Tony Stark in the future.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Sep 13, 2001

Dan Slott is playing with fire in Superior Spider-Man and loving every minute of it. The Doctor Octopus era is one rife with possibilities, I can see that just from the start. The final page will make some fans cheer and others groan. I didnt expect to like this as much as I did, but I found this to be an oddly enjoyable take on Spider-Man. Enjoy this ride fans, this isnt the end of Spider-Man, this is just a different look at Parkers credo, with great power, comes great responsibility. Im impressed and I welcome the Superior age of Spider-Man with open arms.

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Superman (2011) #32

Jun 26, 2014

I have mild issues with the story of Superman #32, but it deserves to be read and is one of the best outings for the Superman title in a long time. Once the rough patches get smoothed out this has the makings of a cool Superman run. If you're ever going to find a great entry point for Supes in the New 52, this would be a good place to begin. Here's hoping Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. hang around for awhile because despite my critiques, I'm hopeful that this team will bring the Superman series back to greatness.

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 13, 2013

After the shocking beginning of this comic and then seeing the lead up to the final page, as a cohesive package Superman Unchained cannot be beat. There's even a short backup at the end drawn by Dustin Nguyen that opens up the door for many other possibilities to come in this series. Superman Unchained is just an amazing book for the new and old Superman fans out there. Disgruntled DC fans unhappy with his direction in the New 52, I'm not joking here, go give Superman Unchained a read. I was dissatisfied myself at times with Superman's development and this has me excited about Superman in a way I haven't been in a longtime. Welcome back to my pull list Superman, and to Scott Snyder and Jim Lee, you have won me over with Superman Unchained.

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Sword of Sorcery #1

Sep 19, 2012

Sword of Sorcery #0 doesnt just set up the return of Amethyst, that debut was strong enough it would have sold the book alone, but Beowulf just seals the deal. Amethyst and Beowulf are both great stories. Im not sure of the ultimate impact of Beowulf, Amethyst has been confirmed to have more to do within the DCU as time goes on. This was a great debut and I look forward to seeing more. You wont regret wielding this Sword of Sorcery.

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Talon #0

May 10, 2013

Scott Snyder and Tynion did a nice job on the plot together and the script Tynion did for Talon is top notch. Every piece of Talon works to build into a rich look at what makes a Talon what they are. Guillem Marchs artwork is such a treat, I liked his work on Catwoman but his work on Talon is so much stronger. If you skipped Talon out of hand like I did, dont do it. I can honestly say go read Talon. A great introduction to the life of Calvin Rose and his battles have only begun. Get on the ground floor.

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Team 7 #0

May 10, 2013

I fully admit, Im disappointed that I couldnt get into Team 7 #0. I wanted to like this book, Justin Jordan is a fine talent, I just feel hes mismatched for this series. Theres too much baggage that has to be dealt with. Would I give this another issue? Safe to say, I wont be giving Team 7 another go. Unless I hear more about this in the future, Im saying Team 7 isnt worth your time for the most part. Thats a shame, but sometimes a book bites off more than it can chew. This is one of those cases.

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Ten Grand #1

Jan 13, 2005

Ten Grand is the kind of comic I knew Straczynski could do, but had to see it for myself to truly believe. Im happy I gave Ten Grand a chance and for anyone else out there that might be skeptical, put that aside, this is a detective story that will surprise you as much as it did me. A well crafted first issue that deserves as many eyes as possible, Ten Grand #1 is already impressive. Just imagine how good Ten Grand will be by the time its done. A great new series that cant help but get stronger as it goes on.

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Thanos Rising #1

Mar 13, 2004

Thanos Rising is a cool idea in theory, that doesnt gel in the first issue. Simone Bianchis art is probably where my disconnect lies, though as the story goes on it could start to fit better. Jason Aaron is does a better job than I expected, but while its not bad it's not great either. If youre curious about Thanos as a teen, cautiously give it a look. If youre not interested at all, Thanos Rising wont change your mind.

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The Autumnlands #1

Nov 5, 2014

Tooth and Claw is a phenomenal piece of comic book storytelling. Busiek, Dewey, and Bellaire are at the top of their game to bring Tooth and Claw to life. It's got a fully realized world within one issue and that's a strong feat to behold. You're likely going to be hearing many raves about Tooth and Claw over the coming days and I'm glad to be part of that lovely group of people. Tooth and Claw is an excellent first issue and if you miss this then you're missing out. A fantastic new fantasy comic done by a team at the top of all of their games, Tooth and Claw is a must buy.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #12

May 10, 2013

Avenging Spider-Man has managed to have a solid run of stories as of late. The manic energy in just one issue makes me excited to see what Kevin Shinick has in store for the next. Having an artist like Aaron Kuder on this helps bring to life a script such as this one. Spider-Man and Deadpool are an entertaining team on paper to say the least and Shinick lives up to that and more. If youre looking for a book that you can just have a good time with, look no further than Avenging Spider-Man #12.

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The Blood Queen #1

Jun 11, 2014

Blood Queen is the kind of comic that leaves you empty by the end of the journey. I like fantasy, I see where Troy Brownfield is wanting to take this but it's so painfully generic. When I look back at this comic I won't look back in anger, I'll look back in boredom. The best and worst comics elicit some kind of reaction from their readers. You can be bad, good, or even middle of the road, but if you're boring, there's just no saving you. Blood Queen is not a comic I would recommend to anyone, there is much better fantasy out on the shelf. Skip this with my blessing. 4 out of 10

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The Bunker #1

Feb 13, 2014

Do I really have to say more than buy this comic, buy this comic now? I was an early adopter of Fialkov's Last of the Greats and I so wish I could have been aboard the bandwagon when The Bunker first began. One of my lasting memories of Comics Crux is my pal Chris raving about this series, now I understand why he loved it so. No joking here, The Bunker is making me rethink the way I look at comics. Anything ever getting a perfect score out of me is going to have a tougher go after my experience with The Bunker. Joshua Hale Fialkov and Joe Infurnari, you two outdid yourselves and I look forward to reading the second issue. For the rest of you, buy this book and you'll be impatiently waiting I like I am for the second issue. The Bunker, one of my favorite comic experiences of the year thus far.

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The Devilers #1

Jul 16, 2014

The Devilers is a comicI can easily recommend. I could see some people having issues with the way religion is handled here. That's not a problem with me at all as if you have an open mind, this is excellent work. I may have my issues with the art, but it is growing on me quickly. All of this turns into a book that shouldn't be missed. The Devilers is off to a great start and I can only imagine what other surprises are in store. All I can say from here is don't miss The Devilers #1, you will want this comic in your life.

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The Dream Merchant #1

May 20, 2013

In all honesty I wasnt sure if I was going to like Dream Merchant going in, but it won me over by the end. Im sold on the second issue, this is a good concept that I can easily see going places. Novosadov was a new name to me but that work was so strong, from colors to the diversity in styles, that Dream Merchant truly came to life. Nathan Edmondson has a remarkable comic here, I encourage you to take a journey with Dream Merchant.

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The Field #1

Apr 1, 2014

The Field is the kind of comic that takes readers on a true ride in the first issue while giving little answers. The characters surrounding the unknown main character are compelling enough that it works. In a story where you know little else about the given situation at hand, you have to give readers a hook and Brisson and Roy deliver. To be blunt, this book just screams weird on so many levels and really shouldn't work as well as it does. Yet through sheer creativity and clever ideas, The Field succeeds and I say with all certainty to read this comic. Strange, weird, and wonderful, the mystery has only begun in The Field and I'm happy to be here at the beginning of the adventure.

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The Goon #42

Sep 26, 2012

With each issue I read of The Goon, I always wonder why I didnt start reading this series earlier. Great storytelling, hilarious dialogue, and each issue just keeps improving upon the other. Now that a potentially meaty plot is starting to set in place, I cant help but get that much more excited. If you arent reading The Goon right now, Id correct that immediately when The Goon #42 is released. Then go buy the other issues you missed. The Goon is a truly a comic worth every second of your time.

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The Kill Lock #5

Jun 9, 2020

Get this issue and the other four and then wait impatiently for the next issue. The way The Kill Lock #5 ends, youre going to be anxious for the story to continue. This is, overall, a beautiful comic that breaks your heart and leaves you wanting more.

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The Last Fall #1

Jul 15, 2014

The Last Fall was a comic just under my radar that left me pleasantly surprised. A solid sci-fi war story taking the best beats of military science fiction and Gears of War. A developing story in the making, imperfect but you will have a good time. The Last Fall is well worth checking out.

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 22, 2014

Best way to describe The Multiversity to you is that it is a comic that only Grant Morrison could do. Grant Morrison and the DC Multiverse go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. This one issue has me excited to see what Grant Morrison plans to do next with The Multiversity. You can already tell that this is going to be the ultimate DC Multiverse experience. I am happy to vibrate through to the next adventure in the amazing saga that will be The Multiversity. A great beginning to a story that no DC Comics fan or fan of great comics in general is going to want to miss.

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The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1

Mar 27, 2015

Ultra Comics ties into The Multiversity in a way unlike any other of the stories. Yes Ultra Comics does tie into The Multiversity in a seamless way that will shock anyone reading it. Even in the mild spoilers I put into this review, there's still so much more to discover. The Multiversity has been Grant Morrison cutting loose with some of the finest artistic minds imaginable. Ultra Comics continues that strength, it's an amazing ride and I can only imagine what The Multiversity #2 has in store for us. Ultra Comics is a wild adventure that I won't sure forget, just like the entire Multiversity experience in itself.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Dec 18, 2014

Yes I couldn't hide my love for The Multiversity: Thunderworld at all, this comic is my jam. Grant Morrison speaks to a love of The DC Multiverse like no other and Thunderworld continues that. That's The Multiversity: Thunderworld in a nutshell, an entire team of people involved in a comic that are having the best time and you're along for the ride. It's such a great ride to be on too. I found myself grinning ear to ear by the end of the issue. A great comic and I look forward to seeing what surprises lie next in Grant Morrison's Multiversity.

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The New 52: Futures End #1

May 8, 2014

Futures End is off to a better start than I expected. On occasion keeping your expectations low for a series can be good at times. Futures End does such a thing for me. Not perfect, far from that, but half of the book is solid so I can say give it a look. I'm game to at least try the next three issues and see where this goes. That will at least give me a loose view as to where the writing team will take this. I'm not sure how the duties are divvied up which is why I didn't mention specific writers for each one. So far though, this is not half bad. If by the end of the first month this starts trending higher for me, we could have a good weekly series here. Futures End, you're off on the right foot now let's see what the rest of the month holds.

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The Other Dead #1

Sep 26, 2013

You know I've read my share of messy comics, The Other Dead was one that pushed me to the limit. I love a good ridiculous horror movie, I especially enjoy a good horror comedy, but this doesn't serve to be a good anything in either aspect. It's zombified animals that are happening here, but are you trying to be funny or serious? Either way this doesn't work. A good artist will only get you so far, and when I can only find anything to compliment on the art and coloring side, life is taking a weird turn for your comic. The Other Dead was a book that I was curious on, now that my curiosity has been satisfied I am good with never having to read this again. At least I gave it a shot, but sadly it was but a waste of my time. At least Zombified Bambi amused me, at least that will be my take away from The Other Dead.

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The Pound: Ghouls Night Out #1

Sep 19, 2012

The Pound: Ghouls Night Out #1 is a great first issue. I wasnt familiar with it going in and by the time I was done I wanted to know more. Some readers might feel theyre missing bits and pieces of story. Which I will give those readers that, yet I say hang in there. By the end of this issue youll be wanting the second. While I walked in mostly blind, Im glad I took a chance on the series. Youll be glad you did, by the time youre done with this comic, youll want to be caught by this pound.

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The Superannuated Man #1

Jun 3, 2014

Superannuated Man that needs to be experienced. Now I don't think this is going to be a comic that everyone will appreciate. I generally like McKeever's work and still took me time to figure out what he was saying here. I will say that if you're unsure, give this a fair chance.The Superannuated Man, Ted McKeever's strange, weird, and compelling comic that's well worth reading.

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The Surface #1

Mar 11, 2015

The Surface has it all for me and I'm only revealing so much as the pleasure of reading it should be savored. I hope allof you out there give this booka chance and take time to embrace the ride this comic will take you on. This is a comic that gave me wonder, joy, and made me excited to see what the future will hold for it. The Surface is going to be an amazing journey; onethat I plan to be on for the long haul.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 17, 2014

he Wicked + The Divine is a book that's cool for the school, knows it, and relishes in that fact. In a sense Gillen and McKelvie create this world that reacts to Gods as our pop icons and reveals how they'd really react. I can only imagine what's going to be revealed next. We know in a sense how they got here, now I can't wait to learn why they're here. The steps are being built before our our eyes, now we see what directions Gillen and McKelvie will take The Wicked + The Divine next. Do not hesitate, just grab this book off the shelf and prepare for the amazing experience to come.

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Three #1

Oct 10, 2013

Three from the first issue is Kieron Gillen fleshing out this dark and realistic take on Sparta and their culture. It's a well done piece of comic storytelling. Downright masterful, never could have imagined being this enthralled by Three, yet Gillen, Kelly, Bellaire, everyone involved in Three impressed me with their work. Do not miss it, you don't want to be the last person discovering Three on your block.

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Threshold #1

May 10, 2013

Threshold is a book that goes up and down in focus for the most part. The Hunted has potential and its almost hard to judge from one issue just where this will go. There is potential, I cant deny that at all, Ill have to check back in on this series to see where Giffen takes this one. Larfleezes story is a blast to read and if you like the character youll want to take a look at this for sure. Its a mixed bag but it is a mostly solid book, so I dont give Threshold my highest recommendation, more wait and see how it develops. In my case, I wasnt that impressed, but Im hopeful Giffen finds the right voice for the story. Well have to wait and see.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #1

May 12, 2012

Outside of Steve Dillons art, which is the best thing about Thunderbolts #1, I cannot recommend this comic. I know this will appeal to a segment of the audience; this has that detached kind of cool factor all over the title. There is nothing cool about this new incarnation of Thunderbolts. Its a soulless attempt at reinventing the team and Thunderbolts #1 is a massive misfire for Marvel NOW!

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #1

May 10, 2013

The ending of Todd: The Ugliest Kid on Earth will stick with you, you wont forget just what happens to Todd at the end. Its funny and at the same time you cant help but fear what will happen to our paper bagged friend. At once disturbing, but at the same time compelling and oddly sweet, Todd: The Ugliest Kid on Earth is a comic that has to be seen and needs to be read. The final page of issue one tells me that this will be a story that will go in many directions. I wouldnt have it any other way, pick this up when it hits the shelf, you wont regret buying this one.

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Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #1

Jul 22, 2014

As I've been writing this review, it's taken all of my strength not to make this simple, “Buy this now!” and move on. There's only so many details to go into here as to how amazing this comic is. You could show this comic to someone who doesn't read comics, that loves both properties, and they would want more. In all honesty, you're likely going to wish this would have been an animated series back in the day. If ever there was a gateway tool to get people comics, Transformers vs. G.I. Joe is it. Buy this comic immediately,no matter how old you are, you're going to have a great time.

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Transformers: Windblade #1

Apr 15, 2014

Transformers: Windblade does a nice job at introducing the new status quo of sorts in the Universe. In turn we get a new Autobot in Windblade and Mairghread Scott and Sarah Stone work well in bringing this new character to us. It's just user friendly enough to say give this a chance. I'm far out of the Transformers Universe and I found enjoyment in this without knowing much about the current state of things. A likable new character for a new style Transformers Universe, keep an eye out for Transformers: Windblade, a comic good for new and old Transformers fans alike.

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Trees #1

May 27, 2014

Trees is a comic that needs to be experienced. Don't trade wait this, buy the first issue and experience a story unlike much else out there. A quiet alien invasion is a story you never see in comics or in any kind of media for that matter. Trees is different, Trees is unique, and Trees is a tale that only Warren Ellis could make work. Add this to your haul and watch a comic story that looks to be unforgettable, come to life before your eyes.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Jul 4, 2013

Will Trinity of Sin: Pandora get anyone hyped for Trinity War if they weren't already sold on the event, no, no it won't. Everything bad about an event series that could ever exist lies in Trinity of Sin: Pandora. The worst part being that this is also an ongoing series, this doesn't just compel me to avoid the event, it compels me to avoid the rest of the series proper. Pandora was once potentially compelling, now I could care less about her at all. Trinity War has been treated like an afterthought by DC Comics thanks to the push into Forever Evil, and Trinity of Sin: Pandora seems to feel and read the same way.

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Twilight Zone #1

Jan 5, 2014

The ultimate verdict for The Twilight Zone #1 is a good start with a great story but erratic art. The art is where The Twilight Zone takes a massive hit, because this is a quality story. If you're a fan of The Twilight Zone or just a fan of science fiction in general, you'll dig this. The art I think is going to be make or break for The Twilight Zone overall. That being said as the series goes on things could improve rapidly. I'm in for the long haul with this, the story is great and I'm looking forward to seeing where this is going to end up. The Twilight Zone, my issues with the art aside, is still well worth reading.

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Uncanny #1

Jun 28, 2013

Uncanny is a solid comic, mixing the elements of mystery and high stakes action swimmingly. It's a bit rough, you could see that Diggle could have used a bit more pages to flesh out more of the story. Uncanny screamed for a double sized story, because parts of this feel a bit rushed. That being said though, if Uncanny left me wanting more by the final page, that's not so bad either. I can ultimately recommend Uncanny just for the fact that this is one of the stronger Dynamite launches. This is a story with solid potential and a strong artist in Aaron Campbell. Uncanny #1 is well worth a look.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 10, 2012

Uncanny Avengers #1 is a comic that from the beginning had a lot to prove. As a first issue, Remender managed to bring a solid introduction to this team. Keeping the team small is the best decision he could have made. Its a good way to let the characters and story breathe and showcase their potential. This was a successful first issue of Uncanny Avengers; it had a strong story with a powerful ending. Im pleasantly surprised and I think that this marks a good beginning for Marvel NOW!

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Uncanny Avengers Annual #1

May 1, 2014

I cannot believe I am in a world where I am slamming the Uncanny Avengers Annual this hard. I was looking forward to reading this, it has all the cool supernatural characters in the Marvel Universe interacting with the Uncanny Avengers, that's fun on the table! Instead it was all used as a commentary on criticism and television culture in the worst way possible. I am not a hater of Rick Remender, I've liked his Uncanny Avengers overall. While there will be those that adore this comic for how it operates and that's fine, it's just not a story I personally enjoy. There is no story, nothing happens and you pay $4.99 for it. In a world where there is much better reading, this is not a comic to waste your time on.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #1

May 10, 2013

I get the feeling that some fans might not enjoy Uncanny X-Force because it might be a bit too quirky for them. Stick with this one, this is a ride that youll want to be on from the beginning. I was sold on the title early on, just from the way Humphries was talking I could tell this was going to be fun. Its an exuberant ride in the darker edges of the Marvel Universe that you wont want to miss. Uncanny X-Force #1, because as Sam Humphries says, F Yeah Mohawk Storm.

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Unity #12

Nov 14, 2014

All around a good start to a new arc for Unity. There's a lot happening here and it is impressive that Kindt managed to make it look easy. If you've ever been curious at all about Unity, make this your starting point. Unity #12 is a great example of how to do a jumping on point issue. You won't be lost, you won't be confused, and it gives a great foundation for stories to come.

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Veil #1

Mar 4, 2014

I get the feeling that Veil is going to be a story that will catch everyone off guard by the end. The first issue gives just enough of a glimpse into the immense potential Veil has. Greg Rucka is subverting and blowing the lid off of stereotypes with every single page of Veil. Luckily Toni Fejzula's art was up to the task to bring a challenging story like Veil to life. To Greg Rucka fans like myself who have read a bit of everything he's done, Veil is going to get a fair shake. On the other side of the fence, fans of Rucka's superhero work may have a tougher time dealing with Veil, as not everything is spelled out and some comic fans aren't a patient lot. Highly recommend that everyone takes a good look at Veil. It feels newand we could use more of that in the comic book industry. Greg Rucka and Toni Fejzula, I await seeing what lies at the end of this wild ride known as Veil.

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Wasteland #40

May 10, 2013

Im impressed by how Antony Johnson handled the first part of this story arc. Shockingly enough, even in the issue itself, you wont feel too lost as a new reader. This is the kind of story that makes me want to go seek out the other trades and learn more of what I missed up to this point. Between a strong artist and an excellent start to a story arc, dont miss #40 of Wasteland, a great jumping on point.

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Wayward #1

Aug 26, 2014

Wayward #1 is a fun take on Japanese Mythology with a great female lead and infectious energy to spare.

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Weird Love #1

May 13, 2014

I found myself having more fun with this compilation than I imagined; on first glance I wasn't quite sure what to say. I appreciate old comics and seeing stories like this appear in print is always great to see.Weird Love won't be for everyone, some people out there aren't going to know what to make of this. Far and away Weird Love is worth reading, maybe not to everyone but the right audience will dig this collection of strange love stories.

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Witchblade (1995) #175

Jun 4, 2014

Witchblade #175 is well worth reading despite any issuesmentioned above. There are issues with this anniversary comicwithout a doubt, but still a funread. If you're curious about Witchblade, give this a chance. If you're notinto Witchblade, this may not change your mind. In the endWitchblade #175 could be better but there is enough here to have me wanting to read more. 8 out of 10

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Wolverine (2013) #1

May 10, 2013

Paul Cornell and Alan Davis are off to a mixed beginning on Wolverine #1. I like parts of where Cornell is going with this. In other matters though, Im left wondering where this will end up going. The lack of villain setup is off putting to me, I wish I had a little more of an inkling there, but thats okay, I am curious to know whos after Wolverine. Its not perfect, I would love it to be so considering whos on this title, but I am in for at least one more issue. Hopefully we get a clearer picture of the future of this story in round two.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #19

May 10, 2013

Its hard to hide that I loved this issue of Wolverine and the X-Men immensely. The selection of the new teacher for the school was a genuinely touching and hilarious moment. If youve been wanting to give this series a shot, make this the issue you select. You will not regret enrolling in the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Im looking forward to spending more time with Wolverine and the X-Men.

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WWE #1

Jan 18, 2017

Now it is time for the wrap-up to this WWE Comic adventure.Here's one thing to note, if you're not a WWE fan you may not get a lot out of this. That being said if you're curious about WWE and aspects of the product, I say give this a shot. If you're already a fan, I can recommend it fairly easily. It's not perfect, but for the most part, it is fun. It's one of the better WWE comics I have seen in a long time and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the months to come.

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X #0

Oct 13, 2004

While I overall loved what Swierczynski did with X in these stories, sometimes certain situations came this close to being overkill. Some of the situations felt off and their resolutions didnt entirely work for me. Atmosphere worked, but execution was sluggish on occasion. The ending is what sells X #0 and is what got me hyped up for #1 and wanting to see where this story goes. If youre curious about X, give #0 a shot if you missed the initial DHPs these were in. It's well worth your time.

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X-Men (2013) #1

May 30, 2013

If you miss X-Men #1 you are depriving yourself of one killer X-Book. I'm a huge fan of Uncanny X-Force, and this ranks right up there with that comic for me. Brian Wood and Olivier Coipel have brought to us a world that feels fresh and new while reinventing old concepts in exciting ways. X-Men #1 is a book that no X-Fan (or comic fan period) should leave off their list. A fine and well crafted read.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #1

May 10, 2013

There are many ideas flowing through X-Men Legacy that show the immense potential that lies within this comic. I'll keep an eye on this series, I generally like Spurriers work and would love to see where series ends up going. But Legion is hard to connect with as a character, Spurrier is going to have a tough haul on that front. Between an artist that doesnt fit the series and a direction that doesnt entirely work at this point, X-Men Legacy has a tough road ahead of it.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #25

May 21, 2014

If you're going to start reading X-O Manowar, #25 would be the way to begin. You get a great look into X-O Manowar in and out of the armor and even learn about Armor Hunters in the process. Venditti managed to create a compelling story and introduce the next big event all at the same time. Dare I forget, the backups are amazing, I loved Andy Runton's Owly story, and Justin Jordan and Rafer Roberts one page comic was a hoot; you will all have a blast with these. Happy Anniversary X-O Manowar, I'm excited to read Armor Hunters and to new readers, you're in for a treat.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #30

Nov 20, 2014

X-O Manowar #30 isn't without small issues but it is an entertaining read by the end. If you are the least bit curious about X-O Manowar, this is a great starting point. A potentially strong storyline lies within this issue and there's a final page that I won't dare spoil but the next year in Valiant is going to get mighty insane. Yes X-O Manowar is a big one and not just a jumping on point and the start of a new arc, but something bigger that's on the horizon. A solid issue and I look forward to reading more!

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Zaucer Of Zilk #1

May 10, 2013

Zaucer of Zilk turned out to be right up my alley. Brendan McCarthy and Al Ewing created a world thats this shy of being just a crazy comic for the sake of being crazy, but succeeds in being a clever tale. I hope this comic gets more attention, because McCarthys art deserves more notice, and this comic needs all the eyes it can get. This is the epitome of a pleasantly different comic. If youre looking for a truly unique comic reading experience, look no further than Zaucer of Zilk.

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Zero #1

Sep 25, 2013

That all being said, Zero #1 is a good first start to a series that has so much going for it, but still a bit rough around the edges. There's no doubt that Ales Kot and Michael Walsh work well together. The story itself is told effectively and gave a compelling first page that did have me curious enough to read on. Walsh is great with action scenes I have no doubt he'll get even better as the series goes on. Ales Kot does an amazing job of keeping the action going while it is going on, yet when it slows down it slows down cold. Imperfect, but I still say Zero #1 is well worth reading. Far from perfect, but Zero has a lot of potential which will have me coming back for more.

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