Mythic #1
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Mythic #1

Writer: Phil Hester Artist: John McCrea Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: May 13, 2015 Cover Price: $1.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 10
7.1Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

Science is a lie, an opiate for the masses. The truth is, magic makes the world go 'round. And when magic breaks, MYTHIC fixes it. Apache shaman Waterson, Greek immortal Cassandra, and cell phone salesman Nate Jayadarma are the crack field team assigned with keeping the gears of the supernatural world turning, and more importantly, keeping you from ever knowing about it.

Join Eisner nominee PHIL HESTER (Green Arrow, The Coffin) and Eisner winner JOHN McCREA (Hitman, The Boys) on their latest expedition to the dark heart of weird comics.

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Cat McGlinn May 13, 2015

    I think Mythic #1 is the start of another great series for Image. It has everything you want in a comic; magic, mystery, humour and a cell phone repairman. If anything, Im going to read issue #2 purely to find out how one does have sex with a mountain. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Rhymes With Geek - Wesley Messer May 13, 2015

    I cannot recommend Mythic #1 enough. While some may find it is a little too jokey and not taking itself seriously enough, I love that. I see why this is priced at $1.99 as this is a tough sell comic and I say you shouldn't skip this book. It's different, a lot of fun, and embraces what it is. A comic that isn't afraid to have fun and let everyone have a good time with it. It may not be for everyone but everyone should at least try Mythic #1. A $1.99 entry into a comic that promises you'll have a great time and that rocks. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon May 11, 2015

    McCrea does a good job of keeping the artwork lively but not too busy. The panels rarely have more than a character or two at a time, and no one seems overly concerned with striking vogue poses or anything. It's about as realistic a vibe as one can get from a book where ""the sky and the mountains haven't f*cked lately". Likewise, Spicer's colors are spot on for a book like this; at the beginning everything seems to be coming through a sort of earth tone green filter only to later switch to a warmer and yellow saturation. It creates an ever-expanding world effect in my opinion, that invites readers to sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl May 15, 2015

    That's because there's a lot to like here. It feels very much like a first issue, and it has everything you would expect. That's not a bad thing, though. The characters, plot, and world are already interesting, and this issue has me excited for the next one–which is exactly what a first issue should do. And this one does it quite well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Latest Pull - Jess Bawgus May 13, 2015

    There's really no reason not to give this book a try. It's low price won't force you to pick between this and another new release, and it's art and premise are strong enough to hook your curiosity. Fans of Ellis, Ennis, and Mignola should really take the opportunity to flip through it at least once because I think it's rare that a book comes along that captures their spirit without slathering everything in curse words and murder. It's impossible to say if Mythic will achieve the same heights as other, similar series, but I'm willing to stay on the ride to find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comix I Read - Tyler Omichinski May 16, 2015

    I'm interested, but the premise may be a little too weird to be worth sticking with. So far, it seems like its pretty awesome. Its funny, ridiculous, and a little bit of the right kind of violence. The plot and art are both playing with different myths and ideas, and it'll be interesting to see where this ends up. In my view; its worth checking out and seeing if its worth sticking with, but if you aren't interested in this kind of thing maybe wait to see which direction the wind ends up going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Capeless Crusader - Jesse Quick-Rincon May 12, 2015

    Mythic speaks to a certain gut level lust for low brow humor, deliciously gross monsters, and just enough cosmic jargon to make you feel like you aren't a total idiot for loving it. In short, this is the perfect summer comic. Something to stow away with on a hot day and think about monsters, grossness, and what it looks like when a mountain has sex with the sky - because yeah, that's a thing that happens in the word of Mythic. And that's a world I want to read more of. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson May 14, 2015

    This arc Cloudbusting has captured my attention and I anticipate what will happen next with huge lizard beasts attacking from a realm beyond our knowledge. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - J.L. Caraballo May 13, 2015

    It's a fun book, and just profane enough, making the characters much more real without being depressingly gritty for the sake of being so. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - Harrison Rawdin May 14, 2015

    Mythic #1 is a good start to something that might have it within itself to become really interesting. There are some minor hiccups along the way but I'm more than comfortable scoring it well and giving it a recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett May 12, 2015

    The comic might not be completely original, but it's fun, and some times that's exactly what you need and want. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Mike Logsdon May 14, 2015

    The premise for Mythic involves a world where magic is real and science is just humanity's lame attempt at making sense of things. While writer Phil Hester certainly sticks with this grand premise, he subverts expectations, but not a good way. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards May 13, 2015

    Mythic #1 isn't necessarily bad, but it feels like there is lost potential in how little the first issue actually accomplishes. It gives the audience a nice idea of the premise of the series, but it lacks a lot in the story and character department. The writing isn't bad though and the artwork is pleasant, fitting the tone and feel of the comic well. Overall though, I can't really give this a strong recommendation with how little is actually going on. Keep an eye on this comic, but maybe wait a while until things get underway before diving in. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Downes Jun 3, 2015

    Mythic has promise, if it wrench the kinks out of its narrative structure. At the moment, its a sack of fragments. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GWW - Tyler Pollock May 14, 2015

    Overall, I would give this a trade wait, just to see how everything else plays out. This first issue also seems that this story will flow better in trade format. Check it out though, it's only two dollars this week and I will admit it is well worth the price. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Garcia May 18, 2015

    A fun spin on the current "Science is the new rock-n-roll" trend, but without doing much else, it's ultimately not that memorable. Read Full Review

  • 5.1
    BGCP - Fraser Wright Macdonald May 17, 2015

    A decent introduction to an interesting new world. With some fleshing-out it could really shine. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper May 18, 2015

    Unfortunately, "Mythic" #1 isn't original or well-executed enough to differentiate itself yet. If the series focuses more on its characters going forward, though, it could improve by leagues. There's plenty to mine here, so if the creative team adds a touch more style and heart, they'll have something really fun on their hands. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio May 14, 2015

    Sometimes, $1.99 comics are a bargain; other times, you get what you paid for. For Mythic #1 you get what you paid for. Read Full Review

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