Jess Bawgus's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 6
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Avengers: Millennium #1

Apr 2, 2015

Jonathan Hickman's Avengers have their fans, and Bendis' run has its supporters, but this is the type of Avengers story made for me. Pure ridiculous premise " the next issue promises Hawkeye versus a T-goddamn-Rex " banter among characters, a full diverse cast, and my two favorite characters back with the spotlight and treatment they deserve. The biggest complaint I have is that this is a miniseries and once it's done, it's done, and it's the great unknown of Secret Wars.

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Mythic #1

May 13, 2015

There's really no reason not to give this book a try. It's low price won't force you to pick between this and another new release, and it's art and premise are strong enough to hook your curiosity. Fans of Ellis, Ennis, and Mignola should really take the opportunity to flip through it at least once because I think it's rare that a book comes along that captures their spirit without slathering everything in curse words and murder. It's impossible to say if Mythic will achieve the same heights as other, similar series, but I'm willing to stay on the ride to find out.

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Silk #2

Mar 20, 2015

Silk is shaping up to be a title I look forward to every month. I know many long-term Spider-Man fans who are hesitant to give the book a chance to avoid a "Mary Sue knock off," and while Thompson and Lee are invoking that Spider-Man spirit, it feels natural and organic. I cannot say enough good things about the art and the environment it invokes, and the subtle touches and humanity in the writing. The overarching plot is starting to make itself known and I know I want to be along for the ride.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #1

Oct 15, 2015

While Spider-Gwen has appeared on more merchandise than any other new character this year, her book is still finding its footing. Emotional flashbacks and intriguing supporting casts promise a great work, but it's going to depend on the payoff to turn Gwen from a flash-in-the-pan success into a long term success. If nothing else, the art and colors have earned it a fixed position on my pull list, and more than a few prints and fanart on my wall.

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Swords of Sorrow #1

May 10, 2015

Swords of Sorrow #1 is a strong opener for a fun event, and an interesting contrast to Secret Wars. Where Marvel has gone the route of grim, apocalyptic seriousness, Dynamite has a fun and goofy romp throughout their universes with their characters along for the ride. It's difficult to judge the story just yet, because so far it's all been set up and it could very well fall into the crossover trap of requiring you to buy tie-ins to understand the main story. Even if you feel uncomfortable buying a comic with such clear pin-up art on the cover, I'd encourage a flip through of the first issue and to see if you're surprised.

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The Witcher: Fox Children #1

Apr 2, 2015

Fox Children feels very much like one of Sapkowski's short stories – small, self-contained, yet a perfect slice of its overarching world and mythos. Artistic skill is all over the place, however, and there's one awful scene that makes the unfortunate mistake of opening the story, but the premise is incredibly solid for a horror miniseries. Also hey, it will tie you over until Wild Hunt comes out next month.

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