Justice League Of America's Vibe #1
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Justice League Of America's Vibe #1

Writer: Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns Artist: Sean Parsons, Pete Woods Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 20, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 4
6.9Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

No, that's not a typo. Vibe stars in his own ongoing monthly title, starting with this debut issue cowritten by GEOFF JOHNS! One of the most unlikely members of the Justice League of America ever (okay, THE most unlikely) will soon discover he's one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. But how did Vibe get his abilities? What is the cost to them? And why does the JLA want him on the team so desperately? Plus: We've seen the Red Room and the Black Room, but what is...the Circus?

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Feb 21, 2013

    I never thought I'd say this, but Vibe #1 is darn near everything I ever wanted in a classic superhero origin. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Feb 20, 2013

    An unlikely hit, but critical book to read if you are a fan of the greater DC Universe, I strongly recommend giving this book a try. Ignore the naysayers and those that question Vibes place on the racks. This title promises to stand out in a good way if given the chance. But dont support it because Vibes Puerto Rican, or a new(-ish) character, or simply not-Batman. Well, you can if you want, but Id say, give Vibe a shot because its a damn good comic book, and the kind of character we dont see in comics as much as we say wed like to an actual good guy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 22, 2013

    A solid effort for a character who apparently has a lot to prove. It's as much as you can expect from any comic book debut: a likable hero, an interesting premise, some good action and drama, and strong art. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 20, 2013

    In another surprise, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA'S VIBE is a fun read. Vibe immediately seemed like an odd choice as part of the new JLA series as well as getting his own book. Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg do a great job introducing who Vibe is in the New 52 and we get a full origin on how he got his abilities. If you're looking for more diversity in your comics, there is that angle here but it doesn't have an overly forced feel, which is great. Pete Woods' art is a great fit for this title and he captures everything perfectly. It's hard to say what the next or future issues will be like. This was the set up issue and now that he'll be on the JLA, it's unclear whether he'll have solo adventures (and who he'd go up against) or if the stories will be more aligned with events from JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA.This book was a pleasant surprise. I'm really curious to see what happens next, especially after the huge cliffhanging scene on the last page. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 23, 2013

    Vibe looks to be off to a good start. The character seems cool, his powers are neat and the writers definitely seem to have a lot planned"though I'm pretty sure Vibe is getting an entirely new writer in only a few issues. So I don't really know if all this stuff about Gypsy and Darkseid's daughter is really going to be put to much use. Still, he seems like a cool character and he could be a compelling protagonist if handled correctly. Or maybe they'll just be as generic as possible and Vibe will never stand out. It's hard to say. But I'm willing to give him a chance. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Feb 20, 2013

    This is the classic young kid given powers and having to decide what he's going to do with them, and to how to even use them. It's a solid first issue, more than enough that I'll come back for the second. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 21, 2013

    Johns co-wrote this story with Andrew Kreisberg, and it's decent enough. Nothing patently offensive, although the names Armando and Francisco still seem a little like... I don't know... swashbuckling Antonio Banderas character names to me. That's just me, though. Otherwise, it's a bit by-the-numbers, but it's fine that way. The art from Pete Woods is solid as well. There's nothing particularly exciting about this book, besides maybe the fact that Waller has a zoo full of botched human experiments and/or people who refused to play ball (including a prior 'Vibe,' a Thunderer of Qward, Pariah, a familiar face in Gypsy and apparently Darkseid's daughter), but hey, it's Vibe. The fact that he has a book at all is remarkable. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Feb 22, 2013

    Vibe is great for any new reader. I honestly have never heard of the character before. And I happened to enjoy the book. It may not be the most perfect read around, but it's still a solid addition to fans of the DCU. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Feb 21, 2013

    Vibe comes off as a weak character. Its not his fault, though. Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg just havent given us a reason to care about him yet. The naysayers are claiming that this is just a greedy cash-in and so far, they havent really been proven wrong. Lets see where this series goes next month maybe a point to this series will become clearer. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 28, 2013

    Pete Woods's work here is almost unrecognizable from his art on Legion Lost and other recent projects, and the answer is clear. The pairing with inker Sean Parsons has made for a different visual result, understandably. It's a bit too loose at times, but ultimately, I found the art to be attractive. Their take on Parademons was novel while remaining appropriately monstrous and alien in appearance, and they definitely conveyed the title character's youth clearly. I thought the scope of the A.R.G.U.S. facility in Detroit was convincingly immense, and sure, it was over the top, but it hints at a larger plan for Vibe and a larger plot for this title. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Feb 24, 2013

    Minds are not exactly being blown yet. Immediately hired by A.R.G.U.S, the same secret branch of the US military that is putting the Justice League of America together, it is too early to tell whether the hero, or this book, can stand on its own two legs. Our prediction is a fifth (or is it sixth?) wave replacement for this title, but is worth a look as an a "bonus feature" to Justice League of America #1. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Feb 22, 2013

    And it stars Vibe. How weird is that? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Feb 22, 2013

    Vibe #1 ties in pretty closely with the brand new Justice League of America title (which Vibe will be showing up in) but you don't need to have read that to get on board here. I'm pretty impressed with Vibe #1. While this isn't the most inspired or stylish work I've seen from Pete Woods, he tells a good, clean, clear story, and Johns and Kreisberg have turned Vibe into, if not an essential character, certainly a viable one with loads of potential. Vibe is a title that just might grow the new DCU beyond the rather static, insular place it's felt like since the re-launch, and the idea that this might be the character that properly reintroduces the multiverse is intriguing. I'm as surprised as you are, but I'll be back for more! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 20, 2013

    This is a nice start to a new series, but an odd choice for an ongoing. I could see it as a miniseries or backup, and with an announcement about this series switching writers in the near future, I remain cautiously optimistic, like the citizens of Detroit. So long as "Justice League of America's Vibe" carries wide-eyed enthusiasm in the form of a hero from Detroit, I'll be checking in. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Crux - Wesley Messer May 10, 2013

    Justice League of Americas Vibe #1 is a good first start for the character. A good lead character will get you everywhere, this could be the trick in a longer journey to make Vibe a cool superhero. All the qualities that made him such a joke have been purged out of his system. Hopefully in the months to come the best bits of Vibe will shine through and make the series better in the process. I can easily tell you, give Justice League of Americas Vibe #1 a chance, its not perfect but I see potential here. Im not over the moon about the series just yet, but I could see it becoming a favorite in the New 52 down the road. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Feb 20, 2013

    Writers Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg have the unenviable task of making Vibe not only cool, but strong enough to carry his own book. Unfortunately, Vibe already feels too familiar. They took away the ethnic stereotypes that plagued the character before, but without an edge -- like the admittedly cheesy breakdancing -- what's left is a version of the character far less interesting than the one that came before. There are some nice personal touches with his brother and the city of Detroit, but Vibe still falls short of being truly engaging. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Feb 21, 2013

    So, Vibe's first issue is not bad, but its also nothing new either. The elements that are intriguing don't have much to do with the title character, which is a shame. However it is early days and if Johns and Kreisberg can fully utilise Vibe as DC's dimensional border cop then the title will have a unique angle, which it desperately needs. So far it feels more like a Justice League Of America tie-in mini series than an ongoing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Jason Motes Feb 24, 2013

    In all, the book works. It's entertaining and you can tell the creators are really handling this one with care. Unfortunately, maybe they need to loosen up a bit. But it was good! Nice artwork. Interesting characters. Decent story. I'll give this at least a few more issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Super Hero Hype - Spencer Perry Feb 20, 2013

    Vibe #1 isn't a mess like some debuts have been lately, but it's not that close to being a comic I would get excited for every month. The artwork is fine for what it is, but the story is boring and forced at times. It plants a lot of seeds for an awesome future, but I have my doubts I'll be sticking around to see it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Feb 21, 2013

    Vibe will probably get cancelled in the next wave because like this issue the character lacks substance and even when he is emotional you dont feel it. Needless to say I think you guys can pass on this Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Feb 25, 2013

    The art was the one thing I actually, genuinely enjoyed in this comic. Andrew Kreisberg has shown himself to have a nice grasp of visuals and what I like particularly is that he seems to have a better grasp of facial expression than some of his peers and while his layouts are not the greatest, the quality and consistency of his panels more than makes up for it. Read Full Review

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