R.Barron's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Barron Network Reviews: 84
7.8Avg. Review Rating

A+X #1

Nov 2, 2012

I loved just about everything in these two issues. I was really impressed by how the writers really walked over such a thin line of fun and seriousness so effortlessly. The actual concept for this book may seem simple but the actual execution was done so right that you can't help but be impressed. For me this series is an instant success and I will be collecting it going forward!

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 6, 2013

Brian Michael Bendis is a rock star and everything he touches is gold including Age of Ultron #1. At this point I would much rather tell you to stop reading this review and go pick up Age of Ultron now. I mean if this story becomes as legendary as I believe it will be then maybe Ultron will make it to the big screen someday.

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All-New X-Men #1

Nov 16, 2012

I really didnt like the fact everyone was crying because of Cyclops new views. If they have such a problem with him why dont they try to find him and talk to him? I mean I know it wont change his beliefs but its worth a try. I honestly cant understand how no one on the X-Men can see where Cyclops is coming from. All any of the X-Men have to do is look on the TV and see how Mutants are being treated to see why Scott is doing what he does.

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All-New X-Men #2

Nov 29, 2012

My only issue was that we didnt get to see what present day Cyclops is up too. I feel like after all Cyclops been up too he is the most interesting person in the Marvel Universe right now! So my hope is that he will be a part of every future issue!

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All-New X-Men #5

Jan 2, 2013

I really hated Beasts new mutation as if he didnt look weird enough. I also didnt like Jean Greys complete cockiness and her quick emergence into her telepathic abilities. I just do not understand how Jean was able to come into her own so quickly. I know she is an omega level mutant but come on just because you know about your future doesnt mean you can all of a sudden tap into abilities you didnt even know you had.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 6, 2013

The art was a bit off for me in this issue. Usually the art is top notch in this book but it took a noticeable step back in this issue. I really noticed on the last panel when Jean Grey looked physically distorted. Not sure why the art took such a step back but hopefully it gets back to par in the next issue.

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American Vampire #32

Nov 2, 2012

To say anything was bad here would clearly be nit picking but my only gripe is the fact how easily the VMS is being overrun. You would think they would have some sort of contingency plan for a coven attack?

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American Vampire #33

Nov 29, 2012

Maybe I am digging Scott Snyders writing to much but I feel like at this point he can do no wrong. Also who can really complain about Rafael Albuquerque beautiful panels?!?!

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Animal Man (2011) #0

Sep 6, 2012

If you are not reading Animal Man then I absolutely think you're missing out. I actually began reading Animal Man because of the DC reboot and I am completely thrilled I picked up this title. If you're looking for a jumping on point this issue as well as Animal Man #12 is a great place. Trust me you will not be disappointed once you start reading the adventures of Buddy Baker aka Animal Man!

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Animal Man (2011) #13

Oct 4, 2012

As much as you want to throw up looking at the Rot taking over people's body parts you can't help to be fascinated in how amazingly grotesque the rotted flesh looks. Without Steve Pugh's signature style I just do not think Animal Man would be as great as it is. If you're not a fan of Animal Man then I say to you stop being foolish and jump on this series. Animal Man #12 is a great jumping on point so this is the best time to pick up this series.

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Animal Man (2011) #17

Feb 6, 2013

I feel as if this series has dragged this story out way too much and I really hate the fact Maxine was captured. I feel like the Avatar of the red no matter how young should not have been so easily absorbed by the Rot.

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Animal Man (2011) #18

Mar 6, 2013

What happened at the end of the issue could have been totally avoided and now because of it were going to have to see Buddy fall down a dark hole. I was actually looking forward to a few issues of Buddy just acting again or being that fun loving super hero but now it doesnt seem like were going to see that side of Buddy anytime soon.

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Aquaman (2011) #13

Nov 2, 2012

I didnt like how half the issue was on the boring side of a climax. I know when an arc ends it has to be final but that doesnt mean a large portion of the issue has to be a snooze fest.

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Aquaman (2011) #15

Dec 27, 2012

Promising beginning to an epic Arc!

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Aquaman (2011) #16

Jan 31, 2013

What I love about this issue is the fact that Aquaman is taking such a lead in the Justice League. Before this arc it felt like he was a part time member. I also enjoyed seeing Cyborg's character get fleshed out a bit which makes me think WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE HIS OWN BOOK. I mean come on VIBE just got his own book and Cyborg can't? Let me pull back a bit because I am jumping off a bit. I also enjoyed seeing the return of King Trench ( A term from the Fire & Water Podcast "their awesome). King Trench is the one Trench member with the massive scar on his shoulder. That guy is pissed and if any of his past transgressions are any indication I expect a full beat down dispensed to everyone.

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Avengers Arena #1

Dec 12, 2012

The flash forward kind of gives away who is going to survive the next 30 days which is a buzz kill for me. Another thought I had is who is honestly going to be X-23?? This looks like its going to be a fun book so not too much to rant about.

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Batman (2011) #0

Sep 12, 2012

This issue ranks high on my list for the latest DC 0 Issues for a couple of reasons. The writing from Scott Snyder was captivating and made me want to see more of Bruce talking to Alfred or Jim Gordon. I also feel like the backup issue alone makes this a worthy purchase. You will not get your socks blown off but its still a great read.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 10, 2012

The Art was also fantastic. Greg Capullo just doesnt disappoint and the flip cover was such a bonus I had to get two copies. The first time we actually see the Jokers face was completely worth the wait. The duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo is hands down my favorite because these guys continuously bring the heat! What I also love about these two are the way they always end an issue on a cliff hanger and Batman #13 is no exception. If you were wondering what my recommendation is for this issue, then I havent been doing a great job because this is a hands down must buymatter of fact buy 2 copies. Youre going to want to keep this one for the long box.

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Batman (2011) #14

Nov 14, 2012

Seriously??? Nothing Batman #14 is flawless and it is books like this that makes me go out every Wednesday to Midtown Comics!

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 12, 2012

Scott Snyder is a master story teller and I know that he will lead us to places we never thought he would go. It is just a matter of time we get there and the payoff will be big. Like most of Snyder & Capullos work this is another must buy! Trust me if you are loving this story arc youre going to want your hands all over this book

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 16, 2013

I generally felt like this story was good but I expect greatness. Scott Snyder has set himself for some lofty expectations from his fans and I just dont think he is keeping up with it. The dialogue was lengthy just like the previous issue and for me that makes for a boring story. I dont want to seem like I am bashing the book but I cant say with a good concise that this was a good issue.

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 13, 2013

Scott Snyder has written some amazing stories since he first hit the scene but nothing like this issue. I have to say Batman #17 is his best piece of work to date and nothing comes close. Batman# 17 is why I read and review comic books …this is a masterpiece that should be read by all

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Batman and Robin (2011) #0

Sep 12, 2012

This is the issue in Batman & Robin I have been waiting for. That being said I cannot say I am fully satisfied because of the lack of new material brought to the table. The real standout here is the Art because Gleason drew some straight up exciting action panels and you have to love them!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

The art wasn't anything spectacular except for the last panel in which Batman screams out Damien's name for fear he may lose his son. The emotions batman felt jumped right out the panel and into the audiences mind.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Mar 13, 2013

What made this issue so special was it was the embodiment of Batman mourning. No words were necessary for the audience to gauge his pain and the little words we did see came via a letter from Damian. The letter from Damian put my emotions completely over the top just like Batman because it's so unfair for a kid so young to have his life snuffed out like that.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Feb 27, 2013

As you can tell I am completely and utterly upset about this book. Damian in my eyes has grown to be my favorite Robin and now he is gone. The feeling of lost for one of your favorite characters has happened to most people but for me this one's extra sad and I feel like I lost a friend.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 27, 2013

The lack of emotions in this book seriously just killed it for me and the Art style is too much to deal with for another issue.

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Batwing #0

Sep 7, 2012

The Art team of Marcus To, Ryan Winn & Richard Zajac do a great job portraying the action panels throughout the issue. The panels that stand out the most for me are when David is a teen and he wants to fight anyone and everyone. The art team really portrays the anger on his face beautifully. I love it when the inkers & colorist put so much detail in facial work. This wasnt the best issue in the series but its the best in a while. I hope going forward Judd Winick brings this level of story on a more consistent basis!

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Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #1

Aug 23, 2012

This is a worthy buy for any watchmen fan. If you haven't read the watchmen then I think it's safe to say you should read that first before you dig your teeth in to this one.

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Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6

Jan 23, 2013

The only thing bad about this issue is the fact it is the last issue of an amazing story. I cant wait to pick this up in a trade and I would like to say congratulations to Darwyn Cooke for etching his own place within the Watchmen history books.

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Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1

Aug 15, 2012

I can't say that this is a must buy but for someone like me it was because I have been collecting all the other before the watchmen series. If you are enjoying the Before the Watchmen series as a whole then I would say pick this one up in your leisure otherwise pass.

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Blood For Stone #1

Sep 22, 2012

When I first started reading Blood For Stone it was hard for me to get into it because it was a bit out of my comfort range but after the fire few panels I really started to enjoy it. The two main reasons I enjoyed this series was the elaborate art and the roman soldiers. The solders stood out for me because Kenton Daniels portrayal felt as authentic as one can be in a comic book.

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Django Unchained #1

Dec 20, 2012

Django Unchained easily has crafted a nice little nook for itself on Vertigo's roster with this one issue alone. I never thought that a screenplay adaptation would grab my attention so much but Django has all the attributes I look for in a comic book. The writing was obviously amazing because it's straight from Tarantino himself and the Art wasn't lacking either. The artist on Django Unchained R.M. Guera really depicted the western feel in which Tarantino created for the movie. At no point did I ever feel that Guera was ever off and actually I felt as if I was getting an insider's look to DJango Unchained actual story board for the film.

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Earth 2 #6

Nov 8, 2012

Honestly what is the point of Terry Sloan character? He is just an annoying lunatic that urks the hell out of me. His solution to everything is to bomb it. I just dont understand why the government would work with a known terrorist? Another issue I have is the message for the next issue What happened to Mr. TerrificI dont know and I dont care! Sorry but not a fan of him and I would much rather see other characters introduced in Earth 2

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Earth 2 #8

Jan 9, 2013

I am a complete action junky so when it is done right nothing is ever wrong to me. To be honest I know this is a cop out but nothing was wrong with this issue and I have to give the credit to not only the art team but to James Robinson as well. While we are only 8 issues deep I can feel like were headed for yet another amazing arc. If James Robinson continues to bring the heat like this I wouldnt be surprised if Earth 2 starts to spill out to other books.

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Fables #120

Aug 24, 2012

The Cubs in Toyland story arc continues to be a remarkable story. Bill Willingham has got me hooked and I just can not wait for the next issue. As I said and will keep on reiterating the Art is top notch and should be seen by all!

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Fables #121

Sep 20, 2012

As usual the art team ( Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha , Lee Loughridge) does an amazing job capturing the characters emotions. When looking at Therese you could really see her pain on her face. Even with all the plentiful food around her she still seemed transformed and sad. Her expression never wavered no matter how much good she brought into the world. I also loved the vibrant colors used to depict the transition in Toyland from a void realm to a beautiful paradise.

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Fables #122

Oct 24, 2012

Fables is up to issue 122 for a reason and Bill Willingham reminds us why each month. Like all of the previous issues this one knocks it out of the park with its writing as well as stellar art.

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Fables #123

Nov 22, 2012

I could have passed on this issue and I just dont feel like the 2.99 is worth it

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Fables #125

Jan 23, 2013

The writing was up to par as usual and so was the art. I really loved the cover because it reminded me of the early days of Fables. The cover just felt so nostalgic. I also loved the borders used on each page because it gave the issue an extra accent.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

Simon Baz story is clearly setting up the Rise of the Third Army cross event. I have to say that I surprisingly liked this issue. For the longest time I felt that Green Lantern was terrible. Ever since the reboot I found it to be a bit boring but Simon Baz story has definitely peaked my interest! I still have a serious problem with the cover because there is no reason why he should have a gun in his hand. I also do not think he should have a tattoo because no devout Muslim would but I guess Simon is already on the bad side of Allah so what does it matter. This is a must read for every Green Lantern fan! The writing and art is top notch and I doubt you will be disappointed

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Green Lantern (2011) #15

Dec 19, 2012

I feel like the Sinestro an Hal Jordan dead zone story is going nowhere fast. At this point I still don't really get a sense of the danger there in. If Geoff John intentions are to make us believe Hal and Sinestro are not in danger he is doing a bang up job.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #14

Nov 22, 2012

I feel like this story has absolutely nothing to do with the Rise of the third army event. The only reason why this story even ties in is because of Ganthet and thats a stretch. The lack of the third army actually being in this book really puts a bad taste in my mouth. I would much rather these books not have the Third Army tag on it. Even though we have not seen the third army in this series yet I am sure they will show up eventually.

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I Love Trouble #1

Dec 6, 2012

Crazy, Sexy, Cool Issue that you don't want to miss.

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Invincible #95

Sep 27, 2012

Cory Walker does a great job taking over the art duties because I honestly couldn't tell Ryan Ottley didn't work on the entire book. I would love to see Cory bring in more of his own style but I can't knock him for not fixing something that isn't broken.

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Invincible #96

Oct 24, 2012

The Art was pretty much the style we are used to seeing in Invincible which isnt a bad thing. If its not broken why try to fix it. One thing I did notice about this issue was the subtle weight loss Atom Eve has had. I for one like her being plump but hey I am sure saving the world make you burn uber calories.

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Invincible #97

Nov 14, 2012

As much as I loved Bulletproofs panels I still felt they were way overdone. The violence depicted was so over the top it just didn't make sense. I was completely caught off guard which I bet most of you were as well. I also don't like the fact that Atom Eve has been getting skinnier again. I personally thought it was cool that she was more on the chunky side. Not all female super hero's have to be in shape!

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Invincible #98

Dec 5, 2012

I have nothing bad to say this week about Invincible because its finally bringing back the heat and I love it!

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Invincible #99

Jan 2, 2013

Another pet peeve of mine is the fact that Dinosaur is so close in power with Mark. I just dont think it makes any sense. Why would he be on an even keel let alone stronger then Mark? Shouldnt Mark be able to mop the floor with him?

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Invincible #100

Jan 30, 2013

I mean Ryan Ottley did and always does an amazing job on the Invincible panels. I mean when you see the first page / cover to this issue be prepared to be impressed. Ryan Ottley plays no games and when it comes to action and I feel like there is no one else you could possibly want working on Invincible.

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Invincible #101

Mar 21, 2013

Coming off the 100th issue you would expect a little bit of a drop off but this issue was borderline boring and that worries me. I want to say for a while now it seems like Kirkmans heart wasnt into this series because what was once greatness passes as mediocre. I can only hope that the series picks up a bit because as of right now its just meh

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 8, 2012

Honestly Iron Man #1 may have made a lot of sense for old readers but for a new reader like myself I was completely lost and annoyed. I feel really disappointed because I thought Marvel Now books were going to be accessible for new readers but the only one that has been so far is A + X.

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Justice League (2011) #0

Sep 20, 2012

The Art really stood out for me on this issue. It looked so slick and beautiful I couldnt help to stare. SHAZAM! is one of those books that colors need to pop and Brad Anderson did just that. Was the writing of the wall amazing no, but it still delivered the story we all have been waiting for. If you love SHAZAM! go out and buy this one.

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Justice League (2011) #12

Aug 30, 2012

Instead of the SHAZAM! Backup feature there is some sort of introduction to a new Justice League? Seriously didnt this current incarnation just happen and now your going to reboot Justice League after rebooting Justice League?! Come on try something new you may like it!

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Justice League (2011) #15

Dec 27, 2012

Nothing really stands out here and trully feels like a filler but that doesnt mean it sucked. I liked this issue because of the promise it brings for this series. I fully expect the next few months to be something epic

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Justice League (2011) #16

Jan 24, 2013

I am kind of tired of Shazam just being a backuphopefully he is a part of the team soon. Besides that I really love this arc and this issue was pretty Flawless

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Justice League Dark #18

Mar 27, 2013

I know there are some Justice League Dark haters out there but Im just not one of them and I believe this was probably the strongest issue in the series. I couldnt find anything wrong here but if you can let me know!

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Justice League of America (2013) #1

Feb 21, 2013

The weak cast as well as the boring story line was a big downer for me and made me want to drop the book as I read it. Also the reasoning for the team being formed was such a "wash and repeat" idea that I just wanted to yell!

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #1

Feb 21, 2013

Vibe will probably get cancelled in the next wave because like this issue the character lacks substance and even when he is emotional you dont feel it. Needless to say I think you guys can pass on this

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Masks #2

Dec 19, 2012

Because this story takes place when comic books lacked even more diversity then it does now I doubt we will ever see a minority mask. All of the minority characters are either side kicks or butlers which can feel a bit awkward but that's nothing to really fuss about.

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Nova (2013) #1

Feb 21, 2013

When I really like a story its hard for me to nitpick on it but for your benefit I will give it a try. Sams character at this point seems rather generic. I mean how many times do we hear about a teenager that gets bullied in school and has a tough home life become a hero? I dont think that kills Sams character but it does make him seem a little less cool.

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Nowhere Men #1

Nov 28, 2012

Mom always told me if you have nothing nice to say you shouldnt at all but I have to be honest I hated this book. I just felt like I was being thrown across a wall multiple times with all of the time jumps. I also felt like the plot was just severely weak and I felt like just putting the book down. As much as I love Image Comics I have to say I am officially taking this one off my pull list

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #1

Oct 11, 2012

Phantom Stranger is obviously a part of the mystical world DC is trying to build and thats not a bad thing. All of the rumors surrounding DC next big event point to magic so laying out the ground work with Phantom Stranger is right on the money. Phantom Stranger reads like a mystery doused in Magic. If you like mystery and magic then you found the latest book for your pull list. While I loved Dan Didios writing, I was also impressed by the art team of Brent Anderson, Phillip Tan and Ulises Arreola. When you have dark magic in a book powers must be embellished in dark tones yet bright accents and they nailed it! The art style was downright gorgeous.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #1

Oct 25, 2012

I am actually pretty excited about this series which is a pleasant surprise. From the opening panels I was drawn in from the writing to the art. The action is pumped up to level 10 just like I like it, so this is a perfect series for action junkies. The action panels between Spider-man and the Punisher felt right out of Metal Gear Solid when Solid Snake fights bosses (pretty epic)! I loved the fluid style used to depict Spider-man jumping from wall to wall while fighting the Punisher. I literally have not followed a Marvel books since Ultimate Spider-man so I am glad that I found a little corner where I can enjoy Marvel! If you're feeling a bit reserved about this book don't be because it's highly entertaining and worth the price.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #19

Apr 18, 2013

I feel like too often writers just decide to jump where ever they feel and sometimes it's detrimental to the story. I know James is a pretty good writer but I do not know how he will justify such a drastic change in Jason Todd. Only time will tell how this story plays out but for now I am not a fan.

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Saga #6

Aug 15, 2012

The art in this issue was spot on and I really do not expect anything less from Fiona Staples at this point. I really feel like she is hidden jewel when it comes to artist within the industry. Fiona Staples panels are so good you want to frame them. I have to recommend this issue for 2 reasons, 1 is for closure within the first arc and 2 for the epic drawing styles of Fiona Staples.

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Saga #8

Dec 19, 2012

As much as I love this story I can't completely ignore the actual world BKV has created. I mean how many books can you read in which a humanoid seahorse is an agent for a bounty hunter?! Usually that would seem a bit off but in Saga it just fits perfectly.Brian K. Vaughn's world would be nothing without Fiona Staples bringing it to life. Fiona is easily one of the best artist in comic books right now and Saga is out right beautiful. I feel like at this she can do no wrong and deserves to win some kind of award!

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Saga #9

Jan 16, 2013

While the art was amazing the story also held its own. In issue 8 of Saga we met Gwendolyn (Marko ex-fiance) and now she is working with the Will? Gwendolyn and The Will working together is all bad news for Marko and It is only a matter of time this group meets up. I personally can't wait to see how Alana reacts to Gwendolyn"I know it won't be pretty!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 9, 2013

What I REALLY HATED ABOUT THIS ISSUE is the fact that were only in issue 1 and Spoiler alert Peter Parker is right by Otto side as some sort of ghost claiming to return. Come on Dan Slott you made this huge story about Peter not being Spider-Man and in the first issue of Superior Spider-Man we see Peter. I feel like that is a total cop out and we shouldnt have seen peter till at least April. I mean I love Peter as much as the next guy but his appearance is here way too soon.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Feb 6, 2013

I really could do without the Peter Parker ghost whisperer thing. I find it really annoying and give me the sense that Superior Spider-Man wont probably last a year. I just really feel like it was way too soon to bring back Peter in the mix.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6

Mar 21, 2013

A friend of mine argued that Dan Slott maybe the best Spider-Man writer of the modern age and I dont know if I can argue that because he is taking this character to new heights. While people screamed and yelled at the end of ASM I think its fair to say he has made up for that and then some.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #7

Apr 3, 2013

I am a huge fan of Superior Spider-Man and Dan Slott continues to bring the heat here in this issue. Besides my Peter Parker gripe this was another great issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #8

Apr 18, 2013

I dont like how the Avengers conflict was blown up as a major issue in Superior but that wasnt the case at all. It just felt like the Avengers conflict was a little blip in Ottos otherwise perfect life. Luckily for Peter the Avengers are not the only ones suspicious about Spideys new attitude.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #17

Feb 6, 2013

The art here was pretty good except for the way Animal Man was drawn. I dont know if its because I am use to Steve Pugh style or what but Animal Man looked off the entire issue. I know thats a minor issue but I just hated that.

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Talon #0

Sep 27, 2012

Great Writing, Nice Character work on Calvin Rose, Beautiful Art

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Talon #1

Oct 24, 2012

Its not every day a brand new character is introduced in the DCU and gets their own series and for Calvin it should be an uphill battle right? Wrong, I think right off the bat this series is a winner! James Tynion IV and Guillem March is one hell of a team already and were only on the first issue. Creative teams fall off all the time but I have an eerie feeling that these guys are for real and youre not going to want to miss out

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Talon #2

Nov 28, 2012

MY MAJOR concern about Talon is that the story may become stale. I mean how many times are we going to see Calvin find a new Talon and defeat them all while hearing there life story? I love action sequence as much as the next guy but I hope this series doesnt turn into wash and repeat. Another issue I had with Talon #2 was the drop off in the quality of Art. While reading I kept thinking this cant be the same artist but then I realized it wasnt. In Talon #1 we had Guillem March but in Talon #2 we have Juan Jose Rypneedless to say I want Guillem Back!

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Thanos Rising #1

Apr 4, 2013

I really love how Jason Aaron is taking his time to flesh out Thanos. From this first issue I am already getting a great sense of what makes this character tick and that has me thirsting for more. The story is truly compelling here and the art isn't anything to laugh at either. I have to say Marvel Now is doing an amazing job bringing in new readers and I for one think I just added yet another Marvel book to my pull list.

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The End is Totally Nigh #1

Sep 19, 2012

Series usually have one shot to grab their audience's attention and if you couldn't tell by now I am completely sold. I am usually not into supernatural horror books but the opening panel got me really intrigued and I want to see how Jane ends up there. My only gripe with the issue is all the other characters. They all felt just like extra #2 and I just couldn't gain a pulse on them. I am sure going forward we will learn more about Grace, The Priest and the Cowboy but for now they seemed just like extras.

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The Legend of Luther Strode #1

Dec 5, 2012

I feel like this is begging to be a trend because I honestly have nothing bad to say about Luther Strodeits honestly epic. One thing I would point out is that if you get queasy easily this isnt the book for you. Also if youre under the age of 13 stay away this isnt for you!!! Anyway this is going to be one hell of a ride!

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The Legend of Luther Strode #2

Jan 9, 2013

There were several panels with this issue in which Luther or Petra looked completely disproportionate. I dont know why but Petra arms were too small for her body or all of a sudden Luther looked tiny. I am not sure if that was done on purpose or not but it really messed with me.

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The Legend of Luther Strode #3

Feb 27, 2013

Justin Jordan is really making a name for himself with The Legend of Luther Strode and you have to be crazy to not read this book. Also check out Luthers new opponent JackI have an eerie feeling he is straight out of the history books

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Thief of Thieves #7

Aug 2, 2012

The art & writing is top notch and if you're looking for something to have you wanting for more Thief of Thieves is it. Were only 7 issues deep and the way this latest one ended it seems like were going to be here for a while. I highly recommend this issue and hope you're out there buying it today!

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Thief of Thieves #9

Oct 4, 2012

James Asmus did a great job building on what Nick Spencer had built and if his first & second issues are any indication of what we have to look forward too then count me in. James continues the cool/slick writing tradition we have all grown to love in issue 9. James is clearly building us up for an epic dilemma that Redmond will face. I can't wait to see how it plays out. Shawn Martinbrough continues to wow me in this series because I always feel like Thief of Thieves belongs on a movie story board. The writing and art go hand in hand and this new duo is doing it right. Going forward I would like to see direct interaction between Redmond and Augustus and also see how Augustus even got involved in the thief game

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