Phantom Stranger #1

Writer: Dan DiDio Artist: Brent Anderson, Scott Hanna Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 10, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

An all-new series focusing on secrets of The New 52 you never imagined! The Phantom Stranger strikes a bargain with Lord Trigon that will have serious repercussions in the DC Universe! From afar, Pandora watches!

  • 9.0 - Scott West Oct 14, 2012

    When the FCBD New 52 special and 'Phantom Stranger' #0 revealed that the Stranger has a name and an origin in this universe, I wasn't sure I was going to dig it. However, the further along the story moves, I'm finding myself enthralled with the Strangers plight. DC has gone to lengths to let readers know who he really is while never once actually saying his name and I love that angle. But, the final few pages of this issue toss a twist into the Stranger's stories that I have never seen before. If you'd warned me that it was going to happen, I would've told you that it was a stupid idea but the shock of seeing it with no spoilers gave it a gravity that I absolutely love. Now to see if the writers can keep it going without losing the focus of the story. If they can, this title may jump to the #2 spot in my favorite “horror” titles of the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Oct 11, 2012

    Phantom Stranger is obviously a part of the mystical world DC is trying to build and thats not a bad thing. All of the rumors surrounding DC next big event point to magic so laying out the ground work with Phantom Stranger is right on the money. Phantom Stranger reads like a mystery doused in Magic. If you like mystery and magic then you found the latest book for your pull list. While I loved Dan Didios writing, I was also impressed by the art team of Brent Anderson, Phillip Tan and Ulises Arreola. When you have dark magic in a book powers must be embellished in dark tones yet bright accents and they nailed it! The art style was downright gorgeous. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 11, 2012

    Im far more intrigued by Phantom Stranger than I was after its initial offering, and with the promise of ties to Justice League, Pandora and the future Trinity War event, I feel Im definitely settling in for the long haul with this series. The potential repercussions for the Stranger, whether he rids himself of all thirty pieces of silver or not, have my mind reeling already. And with high profile victims such as the Spectre and Raven able to resurface in the DC Universe at any time, the time will come when this so-called sinner will have to answer for his betrayals all over again. Im ready when they are. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Oct 10, 2012

    PHANTOM STRANGER 1 was a ton of fun. I like the mixture of classic and modern comic book style here. This was one of the new wave books I was unsure about, especially since the zero issue was a bit down the middle for me, but I really think this series has legs. Dan Didio does a great job at keeping this issue new reader friendly because although this is Phantom Stranger's first appearance in the new 52 (I'm not counting zero issue for some reason), he's been around for decades. This book does what New 52 books should do, bring in new readers and introduce them to some great comics and characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Oct 14, 2012

    I'm not thrilled with this Phantom so far, but I'm hoping the tease of that final pair of pages leads to him quickly losing the power he must answer to. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Analog Addiction - Anant Sagar Oct 16, 2012

    Anyway, an interesting read nonetheless. Artwork a little on the darker side. A nice change from what I'm used to seeing. Apart from the Judas aspect I didn't mind it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Oct 11, 2012

    The Phantom Stranger can be an odd book to place. Its hard to say who one might recommend this to. The art isnt always the best that it could be, but this series does have some promise. The story is interesting enough to keep certain readers entertained and the art has a style that works with the plot. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Oct 13, 2012

    The Phantom Stranger #1 is  just an okay buy because of a terrible story that takes up a majority of the issue, despite some nice art and a mind blowing twist.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 10, 2012

    Two significant problems still plague the series, however. One is that DiDio's dialogue has a tendency to be overwrought and generally over-written. To paraphrase Futurama's Robot Devil, "I hate when comic characters say what they're feeling. That make me angry!" A little more subtlety and restraint would really go a long way here. The other problem is that the book lacks a true sense of purpose and identity. DiDio focuses a lot of attention on introducing another character and setting the stage for their future adventures -- adventures that likely won't have any relevance to this series. Between that and the constant hints directed towards Trinity War, this book often feels less like a real story and more like a means to various editorial ends. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Brandon Dingess Oct 18, 2012

    Even though I'm a little miffed at the New 52"s demystification of the character, "Phantom Stranger" #1 was an engaging read, even though the story is still trying to ease people into the title. I'm a fan of these magicky books and thus predisposed to enjoy it, so bear that in mind before you pick up a copy. If you're looking for a non-cape story to read, then this is worth picking up, but I'm not totally sold yet. I'll see how it goes over the next couple of issues before I decide to drop it or keep it, but it's a solid effort for an under served character and I hope the things I perceive as flaws in the book eventually lead to some great stories and revelations. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Oct 10, 2012

    Overall it was surprisingly good. Suprising when taken with the what last month had to offer. On it's own it was nothing really good nor was it terrible, no matter how many would want to say that it was either. It was down the road mediocre, but with a tangible sense of potential. In fact, new readers could be actually find it an enjoyable read. Given time maybe it could grow into something that even older readers might find good. Time will just have to tell, but I'll be keeping my eye on this series for improvements. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 15, 2012

    This Phantom Stranger is not a character I want to read about. In place of the mystery that once surrounded this character, there's history. Unfortunately, that history is simply not good and his telegraphed "purpose" makes him little more than an uninspired re-imagining of Deadman. What does interest me is the range of characters the Stranger is set to meet as he has already met Spectre and the character introduced in "Phantom Stranger" #1. Read Full Review

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